Locks on our heart

By Angel_princess10

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note

Chapter 9

573 10 4
By Angel_princess10

The next morning

Courtney got up to get ready and of course she's an early bird so she got up at exactly 7:00 as she turned off her alarm and yawned and got out of bed as she was shaking Gwen to get up so they could go

"Gwen......time to get up." She said softly and shook her

"Mmm Courtney" She moans in her sleep.

"Gwen.....get up......I gotta make the bed too you know." She shook her harder.

Gwen was still asleep obviously dreaming of her. Courtney kisses her to see if that would wake her.

Gwen blushes as Courtney pulls away slowly
"Good morning."

Courtney blushed darkly back and smiled.

"Good morning sleepy head." She smirked and smiled as she went to go to the closet and get clothes for the day.

Gwen gets up and comes behind Courtney and gives her a hug.

Courtney smiled and gave her a pat on the head and a kiss

"Come on, we can do this later......go get ready." She blushed darkly at her.

Gwen nods and changes into her regular clothes. Courtney went to go change her clothes and do her daily routine and made the bed.

Gwen went outside to order room service but Layla already did. Gwen looked at Layla and helped her bring the food into the room. They brought it in and layla takes some of the food and just sit on the couch watching tv.

Gwen went into the kitchen part of the room to make food since she didn't want to be rude and take Layla's food.

"Aren't you gonna eat breakfast?" Layla asks her.

"Well......it's your food right? I don't wanna just be rude and take it......" Gwen said as her voice trailed off.

" ... You seriously think I would eat this whole buffet... I'M NOT THAT FAT" Layla snaps as her eyes teared.

She goes to her room and slam the door which made Hana and Courtney come out their rooms to see what's going on. Courtney came with her eyes widen

"Gwen what happen?!!" Courtney asked in shocked.

"Layla got breakfast but I didn't know it was for all of us and I thought it was just hers" she sighs.

"Awww......don't worry, it's okay, you didn't know....." Courtney said as she went to go give Gwen and hug and kiss on the cheek

"Does this feel better?" she kisses her on the cheek

"Yeah.......I wonder what's been up with layla, she's been a bit snappy now....." Hana said oogling over at the goth and prep.

Gwen blushed and smiled while hugging Courtney "Yes.....yes it does....." Gwen said still blushing.

"I would go talk to her but we have to pack our breakfast to go and leave right away... Hana you think you could handle Layla by yourself?" Courtney asks.

"Yeah. Of course. I'll take care of it....." Hana said a bit scared as she went to Laylas room.

Courtney went to go finish getting ready as she went to the room to take the keys and her purse and stuff and went to go wait by Gwen by the door.

Soon Gwen finished getting ready and went by Courtney. Courtney took the food and took Gwen's hand to hold before they left the door "Where do you wanna stop to eat this?" Courtney asked her.

"There is a cafe across the street from the spa."

"Okay...." She smiled and they took a cab to the cafe

They went and sat down to eat and a few minutes later they went to the spa.

"What do you wanna do first?" Courtney smiled still holding gwen's hand.

"Hmm... I guess massages." she smiled at me.

She smiled as she pulled Gwen over and they went into the massage room.

Meanwhile back at the hotel

Layla's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the floor crying.... Ugh I hate this freaking pregnancy so much
Soon I hear the door open and it's hana.

"Layla...... You okay?" Hana asked knocking on the door.

"No i just wanna stay in my room" I say.

"Cmon......tell Hana what's up......" Hana said knocking on the door

"Is it Gwen?"

"No... I don't wanna talk about it."

"But why do you hate Gwen? Do you think she's scary or something? Don't worry I won't tell....."

"I DON'T HATE GWEN!" I snapped.

Ugh I'm just completely irritated. I mean why do they think its about Gwen ... If someone pisses me off I will snap at them no matter who they freaking are.

"Gosh......it was just a question......" Hana said as she felt bad of what she said and felt a bit freaked out and left the room.

I go outside."Sorry ... It just bugs me that you and Courtney think it's because of Gwen... It's not but you guys keep asking over and over and I keep saying no."

"Well you seem to snap at her the most, so it looks like it, but seriously has Paris changed you or something?"

" i only snap at her when she angers me . She's always making comment about how much food i eat" I frown.

"Well im sure she didn't mean it the way you think......you should talk to her about that than cause she thinks you don't like her at all......." Hana said in a serious voice.

"I don't want to. Why do I have to be the one to talk her when I didn't do anything." I pout at Hana.

"Because she thinks you don't like her......" Hana frowned and crossed her arms.

"So?? It's not my fault" I said

"You snap at her and she tries to apologize and you just walk away! Don't you get it?! How would you feel if you were in her shoes trying to make up with someone!" Hana crossed her arms a bit pissed off.

"How would you feel if you were pregnant and people talk about you eating a lot." i glared.

"What are you talking about???" Hana's eyes widen at me.

"That I'm Preg- shit forget everything I just said..." I blushed.

Hana's eyes widen bigger. "Is that.......why......?" She asked me.

"I said forget it" i snap.

"Nu uh......you can snap at me all you want but I will get you to crack you open." Hana said smirking and crossed her arms.

"No you won't " i glare.

"Yes.......but I heard you loud and clear so.......I know why you're acting like this.....but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!" hana said hugging me tightly.

"Just Don't tell courtney...." I sighed.

"Hmmm.......okay then......well your secret safe with me......now......you wanna go shopping?" Hana smiled.

I nod whipping the tears from my eyes.
"Cmon.....it'll take your mind off it...." Hana said as she grabbed her things to take with her.

I took my stuff with me and they go to mall.

Hanas P.O.V.

Me and Layla went to go walk around the stores and then went to the mall where we bought clothes and stuff. I couldn't believe she was pregnant but I decided not to talk about it cause I knew she'd freaking snap at me.

We were looking around the mall and I sighed "I'm gonna miss being here....." I sighed.

"Me too" layla says as picks up cute outfits and goes tries them on. She stays in there for a while.

"Are you okay? You're taking a while in there....." I said.

"No because nothing cute fits me cause of this freaking pregnancy."Layla tears through the door

"We can go to a different store..." I suggest

She comes out dressed "no... Im tired of shopping . I can wait for you outside if you'd like..." She said sadly.

"No.......I don't wanna be rude and rub it in." I put some clothes in the basket for me to pay for and go back outside.

"Sorry i'm ruining everyones last few days in Paris ..." Layla said feeling bad.

"You are not." I frowned "It's not your fault...."

Layla just sighed and sat on the bench.

Courtney's Pov

I had so much fun with Gwen at the spa today. We did massages, had a mud bath, went in the Jacuzzi and now we were alone in the steam room together.

Gwen sat by me and she put her arm around me to kiss me on the lips passionately. I kissed back passionately. Her lips were so soft and just the taste of her lips was so good. I slightly moan her name as I deepened the kiss. Gwen smirked as she kissed down her neck and bit down and nibbling on the latinas mocha skin and rubbing her back. We heard footsteps coming down as we kept going and then the door opened and Gwen just put her around me and blushed.

"Uh ....time is up" the worker lady says awkwardly.

"Uhh yeah.....thank you." Gwen mumbled.

I guess she got a bit mad at the lady for ruining the moment as we were done and we used the coupon and Gwen paid for the rest.

"Let's go out to somewhere...." Gwen smiled at me and held my hand.

"Sure Sweetie which restaurant you wanna go to?" I ask as I rested my head on her shoulder. She blushed lightly.

"Hmmm......maybe that nice fancy place down the street for my Princess."
She smirked and laughed as she kissed me on the head. I blush as I give her a quick peck on the lip.

"I guess that's a yes." She smiled and we took a cab down to the place. When we got in we were seated at a very fancy setting when Gwen pulled out the chair for me and I blushed as she pushed it in.

"Thank you." I smiled at her

"You're welcome." She smiled back "What are you gonna get?" She smiled at me and looked at the menu.

"I'll get escargot." I smiled at her.
Her eyes widen

"You know what that is right?" She asked me laughing.

"Yea I just want to try it" I shrugged. "You sure?"

She chuckled at me "Would you like some beer or wine with it?"

She asked me with a smirk. "Wine please" I smiled.

Gwen went to order the food as we had small talk and than we started talking about how I was going back to Canada

"What's gonna happen......to us......you know when you go back?" She asked me sadly. "I dont know but ill miss you and you'll always be in my heart.......no matter what, your name will be carved into there....."

I held her hand and she smiled at me and kissed me hand.

"I'll really miss you......maybe when I go back to Canada I'll see you again."

She smiled at me holding my hand.

"I hope so.

"I blushed having a sad face. "Me too...."

She said as she teared a little. Did she love me that much? Later after we ate dinner Gwen paid(again) and we saw Hana and Layla laying on the couch bored and watching TV.
I looked at Gwen and looked like she felt awkward.

"You okay babe?" I asked her sweetly.

".... Are you sure layla doesn't hate me?" Gwen whispers.

"Of course sweetie. Don't worry about it. I'm sure Hana talked to her about it today."

" I'll just wait in your room...." She said sadly and walked away.

"Hmm......okay.....I'll be in a few, go get ready for bed." I said as she walked away as I asked Hana if we could have a Private talk.

They went into Hana's room

"Yeah what is it Courtney?" Hana asked me.

"How did your talk with Layla go?" I asked.

"Well......she doesn't hate Gwen." Hana smiled.

" Are you sure? She's making Gwen uncomfortable... and I want our few days together to be comfortable and sweet without her worrying..." I said in a serious voice.

"Yes.....I'm 100% sure Courtney tell Gwen don't worry about it and that she doesn't hate her." Hana smiled.

"Then why is she always acting so rude to gwen?"

"Ummm.......its her period." Hana said and chuckled

"She's been on her period for over a month ?" I asked her confused.

"I guess it's a long period......." Hana shrugged.

"I don't think a period could last that long and I haven't seen her buy any pads or tampons"I said trying to make a point and getting suspicious.

"Well......hmm.....i don't know. She's trying to act sassy? But I'm telling you she doesn't hate Gwen I promise." She said in a serious tone.

"Well could you tell her stop?" I asked her.

"......okay......yeah......sorry I'll tell her."

"Thank you." I smiled at her before leaving.

Gwen's P.O.V.

I finished taking a shower and changed into my usual number 6 pajama shirt and long black pajama pants as I laid down on Courtney's bed bored watching TV and making little doodles in my sketch book of me and Courtney.
I hear my phone go off and Brian was texting me.

Brian:How's layla doing?

Me:She's good......

Brian: i haven't talked to her since she ran out my house ):

Me:How come she ran out?

Brian: I don't know she asked me how i felt about coming back with her then i answered and she got upset and ran off

Me:Hmmm........I don't know.....that's weird "

Brian:I really need to talk to her....

Me:Well......I think she's mad at me......cause she seems snappy, so......I can't talk to her right now.

Brian:Gwen please just let her use your phone so I could talk to her

Me:Not right now.....you text her -.- she probably doesn't even wanna talk to me. Please don't make me. She's your girlfriend.

I was getting a bit pissed

Brian:She won't reply... Pretty please i would do the same for you.

Me: Brian.......I'm not going until Courtney comes back to tell me if she hates me.

Courtney's P.O.V.

I went to go talk to Layla and I knocked on her door

"Hello?" I asked as I knocked

"Come in" she said still laying on the bed

I walked in

".....hey....can we talk?"

"About what?"


"I talked about it with Hana already. I don't hate her."

"Then why are you so harsh with her?"

" I'm not .... I'm just really sensitive right now..."

"Is there something you wanna talk about?"

"No just forget it..."

"No.....tell me."

"No I'm fine but I don't hate Gwen"

"Do you have a problem with her?" I really wanted to know what was with her

"NO I keep saying no can you please stop repeatedly asking."

"Well then what's up...?"

"Nothing I'm fine!"

I frowned slightly. I need to find out. I will!



"....please tell me, come on I'm your friend."

"Some things are too personal ! Why can't you understand if I was ready to tell you I'll tell you."

"Well I don't think you would ever tell me."

"I will just now isn't the right time."


okay......if you're sure." I said getting up

She stays quiet as I left the room and rejoined my Gwen okay......if you're sure." I said getting up

I turned to her "Well.....she's not mad at you, I can say that..."

Gwen looked up from her phone "Then why is she acting that way...?"

"I have no idea.....but don't worry about it. Maybe it's just something she needs to get used to you know?" I kissed her on the head

"So should I talk to her or something....?"

"Well.....I think we should let it go for a while since she's probably irritated with us being so asky..."

"....Well can you let her know her boyfriend is missing her and he wants to talk her."

"I wonder if it has to do with her."

"What do you mean" Gwen asked

"Like......I mean they've been spending time together..... so I wonder if something happens."

"Well who knows babe maybe she'll tell you soon."

She kissed me gently on the lips "hopefully it's temporary but I promised brian I would tell her so I'll be back"

"Awwwh. Don't just yet." I giggled at her and smiled "Spend some time with me."

"I don't break promises babe but I promise I'll hurry back."She smirked as she pulled me close and whispered in my ear
"The more we get them out the hotel the more fun we can have"

I felt my face light up super red and smiled

"Okay I like that." I bite my lip and smiled back at her

She kissed me one more time before she left the room

Laylas P.O.V.

I was sitting and drawing like I always do when Gwen comes in the living room

"......hey........" She said a bit awkwardly

"Oh hi...." I said slightly quiet

".........look.......I really want to know.......why do you talk to me the way you do?"

" it's just something that I'm going through... It's not specifically you but some of the things you say I'm just ... Sensitive about..."

"......okay.....does it have to do with Brian? Cause he wants you to text him."

"Well I guess you can say that..." I said as I shifted. I felt so uncomfortable with the mention of his name... But it made me blush well "just know I don't hate you..."

".......okay......well good luck with whatever...... And text him."

"I will but... Sorry... I didn't mean to make you think I hate you...I'm just insecure with how much I eat right now and other things..."

"Its okay.....I understand. People can just be to critical to themselves sometimes.....but don't worry. You're not fat."

"Thanks so... we're good?"

"Yeah." Gwen smiled

I smiled back and went to Hana's room to borrow a curling iron

"Hey." She smiled at me

"Hey do you have a curling iron... I need to look presentable to see brian."

"You're gonna go see him now?" She asked as she went to go get it

"Yea I know it's late but... I feel horrible for avoiding and ignoring him..."

"Nah.....don't its better than never at all...." She said and gave me the curler


you go."

" I don't know how to even explain why I was avoiding me..." I said as I took it and curled my hair

"......just scared?"

"I don't know ... I don't think I should tell him that I'm you know..."

"Well....you're going to have to......he should know that's what happens after you do it.....its his baby and he has to know....I mean how would you feel if you were in his shoes? I'm sure he's very worried about you."

"Yea but I'm worried about him too I don't want him to worry about a child for about 5yrs that he won't be able to see or watch grow up. I want him to have his dream future without stressing or feeling bad. Besides ... He won't come back with me and I don't want to feel that type of rejection" I say quietly so no one else could here besides Hana

"...how could he....if he would leave you then he's a jerk. Guys are assholes in general. And if that happens, which I doubt it, we would help you. You really have to talk to him."

" I talked to him about coming back with
us and he was really more concerned about school. I don't want to feel that rejection again"

"Okay, well I'm sure if he found out it was a kid he'd be more concerned. Trust me on this."

"I-I don't know.. I'll think about it on the way ..." I said before I turned off the flat iron and put on my favorite lipstick and favorite sneaker shoes.

I packed my purse with stuff I might need like a tooth, my charger, money ect.

45 minutes later

I reached Brian's house and knocked on the door

He opened the door and smiled brightly when he saw me


"H-hi " stuttered nervously

"Come in." He said as he opened the door wider and shut it after I walked in

" I missed you... So much.."

"Same.....but you weren't answering."

" I was just trying to keep a distance cause... I... I knew I had to get used to you not being around.."

"Well.....can we make the most of it? Of us together?"

"You want me to stay here with for the remainder of time" I blushed

"Please will you?"

"Yes but... all my clothes is still at the hotel... Can we get them in the morning"

He smiles and nods

" okay so can I borrow a shirt to sleep in " I asked

"Sure." He smirked slightly at me

He gave me a tee that fits me as a dressed. I began to undress to change and I could feel his eyes pierced on me

His face was dark red as his eyes trailed up and down my body

I blushed as I put on his tee and sat on his lap

He smiled and kissed me gently on the head

"Brian... What do you see in our future"I asked softly

".......everything......just.....you......and us having a beautiful life."

" anything else you see in the picture like kids, pets.... Other things." I asked

"......well yeah of course."

Meanwhile Gwen's pov

I went back into the room with Courtney as I laid down next to her

"You back for good now?" She smiled at me brightly at me

"Yep and me and layla worked things out " I smiled

"That's great." She smiled warmly and then pulled me down onto the bed for her to cuddle in my arms"......I wish I could stay here forever."

"Why don't you...?" I chuckled

"I want to......but I have things to do back in Canada..."

"I know but its just been so amazing having you here......you're the best work of art I've ever seen in my life." I said chuckling

Her face turned a light red, it was absolutely adorable. Suddenly she kisses me with so much passion I can feel my heart beat speeding up

She smiled during the kiss and ran her fingers through my hair.

".....how do you think your future is gonna be?" Courtney asked looking in my eyes with mixed feelings

"As long as I have you and my art I think perfect " I smiled

Courtney stared into my dark eyes and smiled.

She then leaned in for a small yet meaningful kiss on the lips as she caressed my cheek

"I see us.....having the life of happiness we deserve together..."

"So that means you'll wait for me?" I asked

"Yes....." She smiled at me "I will wait for you, as long as it will take to see you again..."

I just kissed her and held her tight

Courtney smiled as we cuddled with each other and fell asleep.

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