Freelancers watch Red vs Blue

By flag384

139K 480 115


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter: Reader Contest Time!

Chapter 24

3K 13 4
By flag384

hey everyone, here you go! It's been awhile, happy 4th and all that jazz, but I think that you just want a story right? Eeyup, you do, I can't see it on your face but I've been in your position before. So, I won't make a huge long ass speach about why I didn't update, but hey!(hey hey, It's Faaat Albert!), because, why waste time? In fact why are you wasting your time now? Enjoy!


(Alaska, theatre room with Carolina)

I put on my helmet. "Hey-o, what's up?", I greeted, my voice being warped to sound like all of the fragments of Alpha along with mine. "Is this the owner of the Bipolar Bear?", asked the voice of the caller. Well, speak of the devil in heels and she shall appear. It was Lenard Church. "Yes", I answered, "Call me Owner. What can I do for you?"

"I'd like to make a reservation at your resturant with my daughter, Christina, a table for two."

"I can make that happen.", I said as I wrote an e-mail to North on a private server- love the genius that invented private servers! I just finished the e-mail to North as I heard from the Director, "So, is there a dress code? I just want to make sure because from what I remember she doesn't like to wear dresses... she's-"

"-A bit of a tomboy, right?", I interrupted. I could just feel him nodding in uneasiness. I reassured him with my next statement, "Don't worry, the place is completely casual friendly- in fact it's encouraged."

"I see. Well, thank you for giving me this rare chance, Owner." I smiled and thought, 'Oh, I'm more than happy to give you every chance you want to spend time with Carolina.' I said in a pleasant tone of voice, "It's no problem. I'm sure my staff will provide the best care possible. Have a good day." I hung up the call and looked over to Carolina. she still had a look of stupid shock on her face. I sighed and took my helmet off once more. This was going to be a long a hard talk... 'Bow chicka Bow wow', I thought after a moment, only to shake my head confusedly.

(Carolina, theatre room with Alaska)

'What the fuck?! only two- MAYBE three of us alive?!', were just two of the many questions that Carolina had being tossed in her head at the moment, at what seemed like a mile a minute. She was shocked stupid, and she didn't care whether it showed on her face or not. Carolina wanted- no, needed answers now. She couldn't hear what was being said on the call, mainly because she didn't care.

When he started writing an e-mail, her interest was piqued. Surprisingly enough, Christian could be really damn quiet when he wants to. He took off his helmet after being done with call, and said with certainty and finality, "I know you have an infinite amount of questions to fire away at me, but most can be answered by the DVDs. I know it's getting annoying to hear that- don't make that face", he said as he saw her death glare, "But, as much as you are getting so sick and tired of hearing it, I'm more so tired of saying it." She nodded, it would get annoying after the first few times. So she asked, "Who's the potential third member left alive?"

He looked up at the gray metal ceiling and said as if it was the weirdest thing he'd ever heard, "Agent Iowa."

"Her? Why would you say that?"

"Iowa's never mentioned in any of the DVDs, Carolina. So that makes her an immediate unknown. A variable that can't be left out of this equation because if Iowa's alive after what I know to happen then that also can fuck up the timeline... for the better."

Carolina nodded as she put on her helmet. She knew she could trust Alaska for information mainly because he already knew what was going on. It's nothing new to him.

"Agent Alaska, please report to Recovery One for AI Fragment Implantation.", announced F.L.I.S.S. over the intercom on the ship.

"What?", asked Carolina as she blinked behind her helmet. Alaska was putting his on as he said with resignation, "Apparently I've been matched with the AI. I won't be the only one though- but then, you guys already knew that." As he walked out of the room, Carolina shuddered. She didn't know why, but she had a feeling that after the DVDs were all watched, and the thing he wanted prevented, well, prevented- that she'd see him again. And when she did, he would not be 'happy'.

(Director, Recovery One)

Lenard Church wasn't a religious man. How could he be, being a scientist and a firm believer in the Theory of Evolution? Well, there are some things could make you pray to God that everything would be fine. This, Implanting an AI Fragment into one of his soldiers- someone he respected and considered his own son in all but blood, was definitely one of them. He looked to either side of him and saw the other Freelancers standing there, all doing the same thing as him- Hoping and praying that he would be alright after this.

'Omicron... Alpha's "Fear" part of himself. I hope to any divine being that Agent Alaska will be fine.', he thought worriedly. As the AI was implanted into his head, there was no scream, no crying. Alaska just gritted his teeth and balled his hands into fists. The Director of Project Freelancer could say that without a doubt that this was a successful implantation.

Alaska was guided to a bed in Recovery One, and he sat down on it as everyone rushed to the bed and asked the same question at the same time, "How do you feel?"

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