Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin

By littlejadelady

78.3K 1.9K 1.4K

what if harry potter had been sorted into slytherin? well i give you harry slytherin. sorted into slytherin a... More

Section 1 (New)
Section 2 (new)
Section 3 (new)
Section 4 (new)
Section 5 (new)
Section 6 (new)
Re-written chapters
*Chapter 1: The Sorting Hat
*Chapter 2:
*Chapter 3: Flying Practice
*Chapter 4: Halloween
*Chapter 5: Rules and Drools
*Chapter 6: Christmas
*Chapter 7: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin
*Chapter 8: Slytherin vs Gryffindor
*Chapter 10: The Dark Lords Dark Task
*Update 1-10-2017

*Chapter 9: World Cup

2.4K 86 13
By littlejadelady

(This chapter was re-posted on 1-10-2017 with some edits)

Harry stood with the rest of the Slytherin Quidditch team near their brooms. "Now everyone stay together when we get there we'll have a room to stay in to prepare, but we won't be spending the night so don't leave anything behind. If there are no questions then let's go." Jean shouted over the crowd and got on her broom. 

Everyone was off the ground in no time, jean lead the group of players over the lake and when the lake ended there was land as far as harry could see. Suddenly they came up on a tall building as if from nowhere, and behind it was a huge stadium. They landed in front and went inside. 

Once they got to their room harry dropped down on a bed and closed his eyes, Not to sleep but just to think. "What had happened last night?" he hadn't had time to ask Draco before he left because Draco had disappeared that morning harry hadn't seen him at all the following few days because Draco had to take three days off school to go talk to his father about something important. 'I heard Faith's voice she sounded angry and then really happy. Her and Draco had talked but what about?' suddenly something came back to him. He had met lord Voldemort in the forest and been branded a Death Eater. He looked at his arm but nothing was there. 'Weird... maybe I dreamed the whole thing up?'

A few moments later jean came in "get ready potter we have to be on the field in five minutes." Harry got his gear and quickly changed into it. This was indeed the big leagues harry wasn't sure he'd be able to do It but he had to try. He went out in the hall and met up with the other players getting ready to go out to the field.

Out at the field everyone could tell the whole team was nervous. The beaters were chatting nervously and the chasers looked scared out of their minds. The keeper (the team captain) was even a little worried they were quite a ways from the castle if they got injured they may have to stay here and wait for the injured to heal. Plus they were also just students going up against a team he'd never heard of from the adult sports teams. 

"And now the stadium would like to announce the opposing team. Slytherin of Hogwarts! Competing in place of the opposing team who sadly was unable to make it this year due to injury." The announcer called into his wand. The Slytherin's mounted their brooms and flew out onto the field. 

Harry was even more scared when he saw the other team's seeker. "Victor Krum!?" victor and harry took their places while they waited for the rest of their teams to fall in. Once in place the announcer let the balls go and the game started.

Harry saw the snitch before the game had even begun and was after it in seconds. 

It took Krum awhile to realize that harry had seen the snitch because he was busy gawking at some fans and was not paying attention. 

The Bulgarians got 30 points in the first minute and harry wondered if he would catch the snitch fast enough to win for his team. A bludger came flying right at him but stopped and went the other way when it got close. Harry wondered why it hadn't hit him but instead it went flying at Krum almost knocking him off his broom. Harry could almost reach the snitch now he was so close he looked up just in time to see one of the Slytherin beaters hit the bludger into one of the hoops "that gives us 30 now we are tied." Harry grabbed for the snitch just missing it, victor was gaining fast, harry had only one choice if he was going to win it for the team he needed to do something crazy. He stood up balancing carefully on his broom then jumps forward and reached for the snitch.

"Harry potter caught the snitch I can't believe it but the Slytherin of Hogwarts wins!" harry landed and let the snitch go so the game masters could put it away he walked with the rest of the team back to the rooms. Everyone of course was very excited that they won but they were trying to remain cool until they got back to the castle where they would no doubt be planning a celebration for their victory. After a while of resting they were on their brooms again flying back to school.

"Harry thank goodness you're ok we thought some horrible had happened to you." Faith's voice rang across the room. 

"Nope I'm fine why guys?" harry said. 

"Oh, so you remember what happened then?" Draco's voice sounded from the sofa, he had just arrived back from his time at home and had spent the last few hours fretting that harry might have been discovered while he was gone. "Let's go upstairs and talk about it." They went up to the dorm.

"You know what happened in the forest was no accident." Faith said staring at Draco. "Draco set it up so that Voldemort would be able to give you that horrible mark!" she continued to glare at Draco. 

"Faith you know better than any other that you never question him when he tells you to do something. Look potter I'm not proud of this but it needed to be done. he needed to know that you could be trusted so. that night you snuck out and went to the library I followed you and I jinxed the mirror into making you see that to warn you but also to make you want it. see the mark wouldn't be able to work if you didn't want it." Draco tried to explain and keep himself from looking at faith's blazing eyes. "So you see potter. you'd have had to do whatever he wanted. but the mark didn't stick because he didn't have enough time." Harry looked from Draco to faith then back again. 

"Good thing it didn't stick." harry said after a few minutes. 

"Yeah lucky you potter." Draco said lying back in bed. 

Faith slapped Draco across the face. "You're the lucky one! If you ever try to pull anything like this again! I'll... augh!" she huffed and stormed out of the room.

Draco puts his hand on his face where she had struck him. "Did you see that potter? She struck me!?" 

Harry shrugged and pulled on his pajamas, then lay back in bed thinking how lucky he was. Harry thought for a long time about it, until the sun went down and he looked out the window. The lake clear and gleaming in the light of the moon harry couldn't help but think of the Ravenclaw seeker sed. He knew they were from different houses but he kind of liked her much in the way that he liked faith except he thought of faith more like a friend.


"The boy must chose his own path Severus just as you choice to join us. My concern lies elsewhere. Should he decide to join the dark lord Severus I think your loyalties may change." Dumbledore said. "For now we will see what Mr. Potter dose." 

"But you promised you would keep him out of the clutches of the dark lord, after you failed to protect his parents. Your promises are all empty." Snape growls then flees the room. 

"Good night son of James and lily potter, perhaps McGonagall had been right all those years ago we should have raised harry instead of leaving you with your muggle family." Dumbledore turned and left the room.

(This last part still kinda makes sense, but actually what happened was i had originally wrote that harry keeps the mark and Severus was complaining because harry had a dark mark.)

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