*Chapter 6: Christmas

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(Reposted on 12-14-2016 with some edits.)

Harry woke up that morning to the sound of Draco calling. "Potter get up potter you'll miss the presents." 

Harry got dressed and ran down stairs. "I've got presents?" harry looked around the room packed with many gifts, but didn't expect that any would be for him. 

Crabbe and Goyle brought over a big gift with Harry's name on it and Draco smiled. "We all worked really hard to get this for you potter I hope you like it." Draco chuckles.

Harry opened it and was amazed. "This is awesome guy's thanks." Harry looked at the scale they had given. Scales are used to measure potion ingredients this would come in handy for brewing later in term. "I've gotten you guys something as well harry ran upstairs and garbed a box he had been hiding under the bed. "It took me awhile to get a hold of it but I think you'll like it." Harry handed the box to Draco. 

"What is this potter?" Draco looked at it curiously. 

"don't tell me you've never heard of video games Malfoy?" harry smiled "my cousin Dudley gets games all the time I've seen him play they look awesome." 

"You got us a muggle toy?" Draco looked at the box again slightly confused. 

"What is a Wii?" Crabbe looked at the box. 

"Here I'll show you it is fun I know you guys will like it." Harry took the box over to the flat screen TV and hooked up the Wii.

In the box the game that came with the system was super smash brother's brawl and the system had come with two remotes and nunchucks. After harry had set it up he turned it on. He handed the two remotes to Crabbe and Goyle who looked really confused. "You have to move the controller pointing it at the screen." Harry ran upstairs and grabbed two more controllers handing one to Draco. "You have to remember I had to make my own fun in the muggle world Draco."

After they did a lot of practice battles they went to the story mode. "I gotta hand it to you potter this isn't as bad as I thought." 

They played and played gradually they drew a crowd of onlookers who all stood around and watched them play. 

Faith came forward and tapped harry shoulder. "Can I have a turn?" Her eyes were lit up like the night sky how could harry refuse. 

He handed her his controller and showed her how to play. "Wizard folk don't have a lot of fun if you guys have never played video games before now." Harry said walking over to where the presents were stacked up.

Harry found a few more with his name on them and opened them up. "What is this?" from Dumbledore he put the cloak over himself. It was warm he liked it but when he looked down he realized his body was missing. "Invisibility cloak hum... awesome" his last gift was a sweater from faith's family. He wondered if they had written the wrong name on it but no one in her family was named close to harry potter so he shrugged it off and went back to the game.

Draco had handed off his controller to a second year and Crabbe and Goyle had given theirs to a few third years. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the Wii. A lot more than he had expected. He saw a wand raise at the Wii a fifth year thought the Wii was corrupting the young Slytherin students. 

"Hey don't do that." harry screamed and knocked the fifth year over. 

"What are you doing get of me!" the fifth year pushed harry off. 

"Sorry but it's a harmless muggle thing there is nothing wrong with it." Harry panted getting up and facing the fifth year. 

"Muggle thing? You brought muggle stuff into Hogwarts?" the fifth year looked at the Wii. "Clearly you must be brave to bring muggle things into school, or just very stupid... how do you use it?" 

Harry Potter: Harry SlytherinNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ