*Chapter 10: The Dark Lords Dark Task

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(This chapter has been reposted 1-10-2017 with some edits)

"Potter get up!" Draco nudged harry awake "come on potter get up or you'll be late for the meeting!" 

harry sat up still half asleep. "What meeting?" 

"Get a move on potter!" Draco snapped. 

"Ok? gee don't get your undies in a knot." harry put on his robe. "Where are we going Draco?" 

"Just come on!" Draco grabbed harry arm and they walked to the defense against the dark arts room where Professor Quirrell was there waiting for them. 

"Good morning you two." he said without using his signature stutter. I have a great job for you harry. You're going to help me find this great little thing that will help me come back to life.

"What sort of thing?" harry questions. 

"the sorcerer's stone. it can produce the elixir of life which I can use to bring myself back to life." The professor turned around. "I assume that you already know who I am?" the man spoke again. 

"Yes, I do, you're the dark lord... Voldemort." Harry was shocked that Voldemort could be in the school he thought the school was supposed to be able to block dark wizards and such. "What do you need me for sir?" harry said. 

"Dear boy, I merely need for you to fetch me the stone so that I may live. It lies in a chamber guarded by a vicious man eating three headed dog that can only be tamed with music. Inside the chamber are many magical barriers and traps put up by the infernal teachers at this ridiculous school." The dark one replied.

Harry and Draco faced each other harry knew the Draco must be mad that the dark lord had picked him and not Draco for the task since Draco's family served him loyally. 

"May Draco come with me? I may need some help?" harry asked. 

"Of course boy, take whomever you need. Just don't forget you're trying to find the stone for me and not to use it for yourself." 

With that they were dismissed. They ran back to the common room. Harry and Draco sat on their beds staring at each other.

"We go tonight then?" harry said after a while. 

"Yes potter, tonight we go to the third floor to try and get passed the three headed dog." 

"Three headed dog?" harry looked utterly astounded. 

"Yes potter, you did hear what Voldemort said didn't you? You didn't think it was going to be easy did you." Draco replies.

harry got up and started to pack his stuff in his trunk. Tomorrow the whole school would find out who would win the house cup in student points this year and everyone knew that Slytherin was ahead by almost a hundred points. 

Draco also packed his things. "Are you excited to be going home potter?" Draco sneered while folding up some of his robes and putting them in his trunk. 

"not really it will be hard to keep up a tough guy act once I get there. If they find out i'm only acting, they will most likely not let me come back to school next year."

Draco sat there for a minute then looked up. "We've always got tons of extra rooms at Malfoy manor potter, if you want to stay with me I shall set it up immediately."

Harry nodded it sounded like a lot of fun to live with the Malfoys, but what he was most excited for was to be treated like an equal. The malfoys had the same kind of meals every night that students at Hogwarts did, They had a big Mansion with so much space harry wondered how Draco could ever be bored with so much to do and see. Harry of course had only seen pictures and heard what Draco had said about it, but he thought it sounded like a great place. "that does sound a bit better than living with muggles who don't acknowledge me as a person."

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