*Chapter 8: Slytherin vs Gryffindor

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(This chapter was posted 1-10-2017 with some edits.)

Harry got up saw the time was past his normal wake up time, pulled on his robe, and ran down stairs. Classes today had been cancelled due to the Quidditch match so it was no surprise nobody had bothered to wake him up. He ran down to the great hall and over to Slytherin table. Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle were sitting with their backs against the wall, as always, so they could watch the Gryffindor table. Harry sat down next to Crabbe gasping for air "I haven't missed breakfast have I?" harry asked noticing that there was no food on the table. 

"No potter, Dumbledore wants to make an announcement first." Crabbe replies nodding towards the front of the room.

Harry looked up as the old man walked to the podium "Children today as you all know is the game of the Quidditch house cup, but what you didn't know is that there will be judges here from the world cup. To scout for talented young wizards, and also to invite the winning team to play against the Bulgarians and have a chance to win the world cup for hogwarts this year."

 there were many shocked and surprised reactions most coming from the Gryffindor table a few looked over at the Slytherin's only to be met with the sneers from the team members. 

"Now that I've said what needs to be said, let's eat." The food appears and everyone begins to eat as if they'd never see food again. 

Harry ate slowly while he let his thoughts race. "A talent scout, oh my, and a chance at the world cup. I wonder why they decided to come to Hogwarts and select students to play." he wonders, thinking too much about the news rather than the food.

"Potter stop mumbling and eat or you'll not be fit to win the house cup this afternoon." Draco had stopped eating to talk to harry then started cramming his face again.

"Slytherin takes the field! And what a day it is for a house cup match between Slytherin and GRYFFINDOR!" the announcer favored Gryffindor over all houses because she was a Gryffindor. Gryffindor also took the field and cheers erupted from everywhere as the game begins. 

Harry flew as high up as he could and looked down at the stadium. "Where is it? There it is! The snitch!" harry looked down at a tiny moving speck flying along the field. He also saw that the Gryffindor seeker was chasing after it. Harry flew down after it and almost ran into the Gryffindor beaters. "They must be twins they look exactly the same?" Regardless of the beaters harry chased the snitch. He looked up at the hoop at one point and saw that the keeper of the Gryffindor's team was blocking every shot. He saw one of the chasers take the bat from a beater and hit a bludger right at the keeper hitting him and knocking him off his broom.

Harry had almost caught up with the other team's seeker when a bludger came at him from behind. He ducked down just as it came for his head. It went forward and smashed into the other seeker busting his broom in half sending him to the ground. Harry was gaining on the snitch and he almost had it when the bludger came back and almost hit him again. He ducked under it and grabbed the snitch holding it up for the announcer to see. "Harry potter has caught the snitch! Slytherin wins!"

Again there was celebration in the Slytherin common room as harry held the house cup up for the entire room to see. Faith walked up to harry and hugged him. "Congratulations harry I just heard the great news. " she smiled. 

"What news... we won the house cup?" harry started to smile and now people were staring at harry to see how he would react to faith hugging him. 

"No silly, the scoot saw you perform today he wants Slytherin to face the Bulgarians for the world cup." She wrapped harry up in a bigger hug and the crowd of Slytherin began cheering again.

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