Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin

By littlejadelady

78.3K 1.9K 1.4K

what if harry potter had been sorted into slytherin? well i give you harry slytherin. sorted into slytherin a... More

Section 1 (New)
Section 2 (new)
Section 3 (new)
Section 4 (new)
Section 5 (new)
Section 6 (new)
Re-written chapters
*Chapter 1: The Sorting Hat
*Chapter 2:
*Chapter 3: Flying Practice
*Chapter 4: Halloween
*Chapter 5: Rules and Drools
*Chapter 7: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin
*Chapter 8: Slytherin vs Gryffindor
*Chapter 9: World Cup
*Chapter 10: The Dark Lords Dark Task
*Update 1-10-2017

*Chapter 6: Christmas

4.2K 136 107
By littlejadelady

(Reposted on 12-14-2016 with some edits.)

Harry woke up that morning to the sound of Draco calling. "Potter get up potter you'll miss the presents." 

Harry got dressed and ran down stairs. "I've got presents?" harry looked around the room packed with many gifts, but didn't expect that any would be for him. 

Crabbe and Goyle brought over a big gift with Harry's name on it and Draco smiled. "We all worked really hard to get this for you potter I hope you like it." Draco chuckles.

Harry opened it and was amazed. "This is awesome guy's thanks." Harry looked at the scale they had given. Scales are used to measure potion ingredients this would come in handy for brewing later in term. "I've gotten you guys something as well harry ran upstairs and garbed a box he had been hiding under the bed. "It took me awhile to get a hold of it but I think you'll like it." Harry handed the box to Draco. 

"What is this potter?" Draco looked at it curiously. 

"don't tell me you've never heard of video games Malfoy?" harry smiled "my cousin Dudley gets games all the time I've seen him play they look awesome." 

"You got us a muggle toy?" Draco looked at the box again slightly confused. 

"What is a Wii?" Crabbe looked at the box. 

"Here I'll show you it is fun I know you guys will like it." Harry took the box over to the flat screen TV and hooked up the Wii.

In the box the game that came with the system was super smash brother's brawl and the system had come with two remotes and nunchucks. After harry had set it up he turned it on. He handed the two remotes to Crabbe and Goyle who looked really confused. "You have to move the controller pointing it at the screen." Harry ran upstairs and grabbed two more controllers handing one to Draco. "You have to remember I had to make my own fun in the muggle world Draco."

After they did a lot of practice battles they went to the story mode. "I gotta hand it to you potter this isn't as bad as I thought." 

They played and played gradually they drew a crowd of onlookers who all stood around and watched them play. 

Faith came forward and tapped harry shoulder. "Can I have a turn?" Her eyes were lit up like the night sky how could harry refuse. 

He handed her his controller and showed her how to play. "Wizard folk don't have a lot of fun if you guys have never played video games before now." Harry said walking over to where the presents were stacked up.

Harry found a few more with his name on them and opened them up. "What is this?" from Dumbledore he put the cloak over himself. It was warm he liked it but when he looked down he realized his body was missing. "Invisibility cloak hum... awesome" his last gift was a sweater from faith's family. He wondered if they had written the wrong name on it but no one in her family was named close to harry potter so he shrugged it off and went back to the game.

Draco had handed off his controller to a second year and Crabbe and Goyle had given theirs to a few third years. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the Wii. A lot more than he had expected. He saw a wand raise at the Wii a fifth year thought the Wii was corrupting the young Slytherin students. 

"Hey don't do that." harry screamed and knocked the fifth year over. 

"What are you doing get of me!" the fifth year pushed harry off. 

"Sorry but it's a harmless muggle thing there is nothing wrong with it." Harry panted getting up and facing the fifth year. 

"Muggle thing? You brought muggle stuff into Hogwarts?" the fifth year looked at the Wii. "Clearly you must be brave to bring muggle things into school, or just very stupid... how do you use it?" 

harry explained again how to use the Wii. The fifth year studied the system and then came to the conclusion that the muggle toy was ok. "I want to play" he glared at the four who were playing. Faith handed him her controller and he took her place on the sofa.

Harry hadn't noticed Draco was behind him until the hand fell on his shoulder. "Good show potter, you're alright." Draco smiled then walked off to join the crowd of people that were watching the game. The fifth year had brought some more fifth years over to play and kicked the others off the game after an hour or so they got bored and let the rest of the students have a turn. 

Everything was going great until jean walked in and saw the Wii. "WHAT IS THAT!" she screamed and fell backwards onto the ground staring at it. 

"Calm down jean it's just a muggle thing potter got us for Christmas." Draco sneered at the not so perfect, perfect of Slytherin house. "The way you acted just now anyone would think you were scared?" Draco turned back to the game. 

"Muggle thing! You brought I muggle thing to Hogwarts!" Jean whines as a third year student helped her up. 

"It's really fun jean you should play it." The third year walked with jean over to the four students who were playing. 

A fourth year boy let her use his controller. 

harry decided it was ok to leave now and go do something else. He would have to remember to thank his cousin for the Wii. Dudley having heard that harry was into the worst kind of dark magic became afraid harry would hex him so when harry asked if Dudley would help get a Wii for his classmates, he ran to his mom and forced her to buy one so that he wouldn't get a nose to match the tail Hagrid had given him. Harry wrote a nice letter to his aunt, uncle, and cousin just as Draco had instructed him to.

"Dear aunt petunia and uncle Vernon,
When I lived with you and you didn't tell me about my parents and you were mean to me it made me angry. Now I have the power to destroy you with a simple flick of my wrist. So if you value your lives and having your son in one piece you'll be happy to continue helping me when I need things.
Love- harry potter
Ps. I'll be sending mail by owl because that's just how we wizard folk do."

Harry sent his owl to deliver the message. It had been Draco who said if harry wanted anything from his aunt and uncle he would have to get by force. And really harry liked scaring them with empty threats it felt good to be on the other end of the insults. Draco had also written a letter to his family.

"Dear dad,
Potter took a step in the right direction today I think he'd make a great Death Eater. He has been exceedingly mean to his aunt and uncle as I told him to because they treat him like dirt. Also he got us a Wii for Christmas. It'd pretty cool but we only have one game. The whole dorm was watching us play this morning I guess muggle folk really do know how to have fun. Not that they are good for much else.
Sincerely- your son Draco"

Harry went down stairs to the Slytherin table in the great hall. It was almost completely empty. "Everyone must still be playing the Wii." Harry thought then sat at the table and started pulling food toward him and putting it on his plate. 

Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle walked in and started eating as well. "I'm confused potter was that gift for the whole dorm or just for us?" Draco said still piling his plate full. 

"We can't keep it from everyone it was supposed to just be for us to play but if it makes everyone happy I won't argue." Harry said taking a big bite of turkey.

While they were eating they noticed that the other tables were half empty to. "Where is everyone Draco?" 

"It is Christmas potter they all went home for the holidays." Draco stood up and Crabbe and Goyle followed him, harry also followed because he had just finished his meal too. 

Back upstairs a small crowd was still watching the game but now they weren't playing story mode anymore they had switched to battle on multi player and begun a tournament. One of The people watching noticed Harry and Draco and said. "come on harry. come join in." 

Draco went up against a third year and won easily harry went up against the fifth year from earlier it wasn't easy but he managed to win by one life.

By the time it was the final round the only players left were harry and Draco. Harry picked link and Draco picked star fox mccloud. They fought on the DR. Mario stage, from the first game in the series. harry jumped into the middle and Draco jumped down after him. Harry did a backflip off the platform just as it started to fall and Draco fell down the hole. 

"That was a dirty trick potter." Draco said getting back on the stage harry saw a POW block and smashed it sending Draco flying through the air. Then a smash ball appeared, Draco tried to get it but missed and harry jumped off his head and grabbed it. 

"Your finished now Malfoy" harry activated his smash move and sent Draco flying off screen. 

"LINK WINS!" the game screen showed link at front and fox in the back clapping.

"Ok bed time potter." Draco said and waved the crowd away. 

"Aww come on Draco you didn't lose that badly." Harry said on their way up to the room. Draco sat in bed staring out at the lake water. harry sat on the floor in front of the window. 

"Harry you played good today, but tomorrow you will not win I swear it." Draco punched harry playfully on the shoulder. 

"So you liked it then Draco?" 

"Of course potter, why wouldn't I like it...? for a muggle thing it's pretty fun." Draco lay back on his bed and looked at the ceiling "you know potter I've been thinking... about how we saved that granger from the troll... do you think... that saving people is something we should keep doing? I mean like be heroes?" 

"Draco you can't be serious." Crabbe piped from his bed sitting up and staring at Draco. "You can't back out of being a Deatheater your father would kill you." 

"Your right we've been told we are to be Deatheaters ever since we could hold wands." Draco pulled his blanket up to his chin. "It's foolish to go against the dark lord I will never speak of it again." 

They laid down and pulled up their covers leaving harry alone by the window. "Heroes ha, I'm no hero, I might as well join the dark lord and have wizard kind and muggle kind groveling at my feet."

Harry dug in his truck and pulled out the invisibility cloak "it won't hurt to do a little late night reading." Harry thought to himself. "Let's find out what Voldemort did that was so bad. Besides killing my parents and forcing me into the home of my aunt and uncle who couldn't give two less craps about me." 

Harry left the dorms and the common room and ran down the hall to the library. In the restricted section harry searched for a book that would tell him about Voldemort. He had just picked a big book off the shelf and opened it when the janitor filch came in. 

filch scared harry and he dropped his lantern and ran out of the library as fast as he could running into Snape and Quirrell who were fighting in the hall. 

"you got to decide where your real loyalty lies." Snape said pinning Quirrell up against the wall, both of them breaking apart when filch came around the corner. 

"I found this in the restricted section... it's still hot... that means there's a student out of bed!

As soon as they had run off harry backup into the closest room and found a mirror. When he stood in front of it he saw himself with Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle. They were talking to a masked hooded figure then more hooded figures appeared through black smoke and the hooded man pulled out his wand. Pressing his wand into Harry's arm he could see a faint outline appear on his skin and as it got darker he saw that it was a tattoo of some sort. Then all the masked figures held out their arms. They all had the same tattoos. Harry didn't know what he was seeing weather it was the future or if it was what his heart desperately wanted either way he knew what he wanted now.

"A tattoo." Draco said when harry told him about what he had seen "you want a tattoo potter?" 

"Not just any tattoo I want the one the masked figures had." Harry explains.

Draco looked around then leaned closer to harry. "It's called a dark mark potter. That's the Deatheaters mark Voldemort only gives it to his followers." Draco pulled up his sleeve. "I don't have one yet but I'll get one when I'm older." Draco pointed at his wrist. "Snape has one I bet he'd show you if you asked potter." 

Harry got up and ran to Snape's office without saying anything else.

"Snape can I see you dark mark?" harry said after he found Snape alone in his office. 

"Dark mark? I assure you I have no idea what you're talking about potter." 

"Draco said you had one I want to see." 

"Draco said I had one did he... fine potter here come look then" Snape pulled up his robe sleeve and showed harry his mark. "That's it! That's the tattoo I saw myself getting in the mirror!" harry yelled pointing at it.

"mirror potter? You would happen to mean the mirror of erised?" Snape glared down at harry. "That mirror only shows what your heart truly desires? Do you want to be a Death eater potter?"

Harry thought for a moment. "What do Deatheaters do?" 

"They do whatever the dark lord commands them to do." 

"So you're a Death eater then Snape? Are you trying to get the stone that the three headed dog is guarding?" 

Snape's eyes got really big "how do you know about the stone." 

"I heard Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle talking about it. They said something about the dark lord needing the stone and that they may have to help him get it but since your one of his servants you must be getting it for him." Snape pushed Harry out of his office and slammed the door shut.

Harry went back to the dorm and was meet by Draco and Goyle. "Find out what you needed to know potter?" Draco said glaring at him. 

"Yes I did Malfoy." 

Draco turned to Goyle and nodded. "We have a little treat for you then potter." Crabbe jumped out and grabbed Harry's left arm Goyle ran forward and grabbed his right arm. The two dragged harry to the fireplace where Draco threw in some powder and turned the flame green. "Malfoy manor!" Draco screamed and jumped into the flame Crabbe and Goyle pushed harry in and he came out the other end right into Draco's arms. "Dad come here and see potter!" Draco let harry go and harry spun around. 

"What's the deal Malfoy?" 

"Surely you're alright Mr. Potter... how many times do I have to tell you Draco to play nicely with your classmates." Draco's father says.

"Potter wants to be a Death eater like us. Well like you rather since technically we aren't death eaters yet." Draco grabbed Harry's arm and pushed him toward his father.

"Young Mr. Potter is this some kind of joke Draco? Voldemort killed his parents? Why would he want to be a follower?" 

"I... I... I want to. Draco is my friend and friends stick together!" harry puffed out his chest. 

"Well Mr. Potter I'm sure you'll be welcome as one of us but for now tend to your studies. The dark lord doesn't need stupid Death Eaters that never passed school." The next thing harry knew they were back in the dorms. 

"And remember potter not a word!" Draco spat then ran upstairs Crabbe and Goyle right behind him.

Harry tucked himself in bed and looked out the window. A Death Eater he couldn't believe it he was actually going to be a Death Eater. The words of Draco's father still rang in his head 'Voldemort killed his parents why would he want to serve him?' harry drifted off to sleep just has the sun started to go down.

(You know what... don't ask i actually forget what i was thinking when i wrote this...)

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