Harry Potter: Harry Slytherin

By littlejadelady

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what if harry potter had been sorted into slytherin? well i give you harry slytherin. sorted into slytherin a... More

Section 1 (New)
Section 2 (new)
Section 3 (new)
Section 4 (new)
Section 5 (new)
Section 6 (new)
Re-written chapters
*Chapter 1: The Sorting Hat
*Chapter 2:
*Chapter 4: Halloween
*Chapter 5: Rules and Drools
*Chapter 6: Christmas
*Chapter 7: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin
*Chapter 8: Slytherin vs Gryffindor
*Chapter 9: World Cup
*Chapter 10: The Dark Lords Dark Task
*Update 1-10-2017

*Chapter 3: Flying Practice

8K 199 153
By littlejadelady

(Edited: 11-25-2016)

"Hello class I'm madam hooch." 

Class echoes "good morning madam hooch." 

The women got to the end of the two lines of students in rows facing each other. "Welcome to your first flying lesson. Now! I want you all to put your right hand over your broom and say up." 

Harry put his hand over the broom and said up as directed and was the first to get his broom to come to him. 

"now that you have a hold of your broom I want you to grasp it firmly and hold tight... now when I say three I want you to kick off hoover for a moment and then lean forward and touch back down... ready one, two, three..... Longbottom get back down here at once!"

A boy had begun to float up Harry saw how terrified he was. It seemed as if the boy had no control of the broom he was on and suddenly went speeding through the air being jerked back and forth. Until finally he fell off near the side of the wall and got caught on a statue hanging out, then slipping and getting caught again on one of the torches, then finally his robe ripped and he fell splat on the ground. 

"Out of my way!" madam hooch called pushing through the students as they stared at the poor boy. "Oh... Oh dear you've broken your arm... I have to take this boy to the hospital wing... if I see one broom in the air. the one riding it will be expelled faster than you can say Quidditch." 

Harry saw Draco bend down to pick something up. "Maybe if the fatty had given this a squeeze he would have remember to fall on his big fat ass." Draco looked at potter. "Hop on your broom potter." He called and jumped on his. 

Harry floated up hoping that madam hooch wouldn't see him.

"Go long potter." Draco yelled and threw Neville's remembrall. Losing it was easy because of its color and the way it looked moving through the air. After Draco threw it he lost it almost instantly but harry was on it. 

He could see it clear as the nose on his face and when he caught it he was so happy he hadn't seen the professor watching him from the window. Harry sped back to his class mates with the ball in hand and waved as everyone crowded around him. Harry took the tiny ball to the Gryffindor students Hermione and Ronald. "Here give this back to that Longbottom he seems like he needs it." 

But before the two had time to reply McGonagall appeared "harry potter!" she yelled and came over to him grabbing his shoulder and pulling him inside. "Excuse me professor I'm sorry to interrupt you lesson but I need to burrow Elle Streator for just a moment." The old women waved the girl over.... Elle I know my place is not Slytherin but I thought you should know Mr. Potter here is quite the seeker! I just watched him catch a flying remembrall in front of my window." 

she looked at Elle. "You pulled me out of class for this? Women I decide who gets to be on the Slytherin team you butt your nose out of our business!" Elle dismissed McGonagall and looked potter over and over. "So you're a first year hm? well first years don't always make the cut.... We need a strong team to beat Gryffindor you will go with our head of house Snape and our perfect jean bloodhorn to make sure you're up to snuff. They'll come get you after Halloween when Quidditch season starts." Elle dismisses harry and goes back to class. 

"Ok I guess I'll go to potions now."

In potions class there is a lot of talking and harry can't find anywhere to sit. Then he sees a seat open next to the red headed boy from Gryffindor. Harry sits next to the boy and pulls out his stuff. 

"There will be no foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class.... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses... I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death..." Snape prattles on.

harry was listening so intently that he hadn't noticed Ron was moving away from him, even the girl next to him looked a bit shocked that a Slytherin was sitting right next to them. 

"Potter, our new celebrity... tell me boy whatever are you doing among the Gryffindors." he says motioning to Hermione and Ron. 

"I just needed a place to sit professor..." harry suddenly became aware that there was a big gap between him and the Gryffindor's he had sat next to. 

"Tomorrow there will be room for you with the rest of your house... Seeing as how you didn't interrupt class to find a seat and were willing to put up with these Gryffindor's ... 10 points I will award to Slytherin for you being so keen to learn Mr. Potter." The teacher went back to the front of the class and looked around "you will all do a report on the effects of the cure for common poisons... telling how to make the potion and what it's used for listing every detail you can... the house with the best reports will gain 50 points." Snape said dismissed his class for the lunch bell.

"Man I can't wait to get something to eat!" Goyle said as they walked down the hall towards the great hall. 

"Typical Goyle, I've known you since we were little you're always thinking with your stomach." Draco said looking at both Goyle then at Crabbe. When they got to the great hall they knew something was different then it had been that morning. They sat down and began to scoop food onto their plates when Longbottom came over. 

"You jinxed my broom Malfoy I saw it." Neville looked angry but also scared. his arm in a sling temporarily as it does take time for broken bones to heal even with magic.

"How dare you come over to our table and accuse us of such a thing without any proof!" Draco stood and pulled out his wand. "Now get out of here before I blast you into oblivion!" 

Neville's eyes got really big and he backed away. 

Then the two gryffindors harry had hoped to be friends with appeared behind him. "I know spells I can do most of them and I've read about jinxes and curses I saw you curse his broom. Just tell him you're sorry and we'll leave." Hermione stepped forward and put her wand to Draco's throat. 

"Filthy mudblood watch where you point that!" Draco pushes her arm away and raises his own again this time pointing at Hermione. "Potter you get the weasley." 

harry raised his wand and pointed it and Ron. Crabbe and Goyle stood on either side of Neville. 

Draco stared at Hermione for a few seconds before finally saying. "You're so lucky were at school..." putting his wand away and signaling for the others to do the same. "Get out of here." Glaring at them as they walked away Draco couldn't suppress the smile he let out when he watch Hermione walk. 

"Draco, you going to sit back down or you going to stare at harmonies butt all day?" harry said teasing him. 

"I was not staring!" Draco yelled louder than necessary drawing the attention for everyone who wasn't already staring at them from the fight. Draco sat down and started shoveling food into his mouth hoping no one would notice that he had blushed when Hermione turned around having heard harry say the Draco was looking at her butt. the truth was he had smirked because he enjoyed that he had won the disagreement not because of an interest in her what so ever.

After the food was eaten it was time for charms class "wingardium leviosa." The entire class was chanting and waving their wands, but not one person could seem to do the spell correctly. The only one not trying was miss perfect, granger, because she was too busy giving Ron advice. Harry overheard what Ron said. "You do it then if you're so clever go on..." harry watched as she flicked her wand gently and saw her feather start to float. Not wanting to let down Slytherin harry gave it another go, and following hermione's advice to Ron, was finally able to do the spell.

Back in the Slytherin common room that evening harry and Draco were chatting about the fight they'd had at lunch. "Well she had no right to just come waltzing up to us and accuse us of jinxing that Neville kid's broom." Harry said. this train of thought he's on right now leading him to believe that Slytherin was a good choice and that trying to be friends with gryffindor would be pointless. 

Harry looked at Goyle and Crabbe who had just stood up when another first year walked in because they were still on edge about the fight. "You guys always do everything together?" Harry questions.

The two looked at each other then back at harry. "We were raised together all we know how to do is all the same things." they both said at the same time then looked at each other again. 

"We've been friends for that longest time." Draco said "because our parents are all dea.... Oops almost said it out loud." Draco exchanged a glance with Crabbe and Goyle and they nodded. 

"We agree potter that you might as well know about... death eaters... seeing as how you'll be hanging out with us from now on. it's only a matter of time before the dark lord returns." Draco gazed at harry, and it scared harry almost to death but he stayed composed. 

"Dark lord? You mean voli..." Harry questions.

"Potter, we do not use his name so lightly." Draco interrupted "now let me finish. Death Eaters are the dark lord's followers. Me, Crabbe, and Goyle here have had our names on the list since we were born it's why we've spent so much time together. Deatheaters need to be strong potter and not fight among each other." Draco stood up and stretched "let's go to the dorm now it's about time for bed anyway."

The boys went upstairs to the dorm and sat on their beds. "I think I might feel up for one scary story tonight." Draco said looking at harry. "What about you potter?" 

harry thought for a moment "I guess one story couldn't hurt Malfoy." Draco began to start a story and had only got about 2 sentences in when harry looked out the window and saw movement. "Draco look! There is somebody out there." Harry called pointing. Draco looked out and saw it too. "Oh potter, it's just a mermaid probably. we are under water after all. do try to not be so easily distracted." Then Draco began his story again.

"It was a long time ago, back when the founders of this school founded the school. it's said that Salazar Slytherin the founder of Slytherin had a secret room under the castle where he kept a horrible monster. Dad told me in his years he searched and searched but could find no such place. It's said that when the true heir of Slytherin returns to the castle, that the heir alone will be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within the chamber. Father says the monster kills those who in Slytherin's view were unworthy to study magic." Draco finishes his story and leans against the back of his bed. "Mudbloods."

"That wasn't scary Malfoy." Harry said "I bet that's not even true." 

"Believe what you want potter your safe as long as your friends with us." Draco pushed his blanket to the foot of the bed and puts his pajamas on. Harry was starting to understand what it meant to be a Slytherin, but he wondered if Draco had always been so mean or if you were required to act like a douche in front of everyone. 

That night harry lay in bed looking at the ceiling and thinking about the gryffindor girl. She must hate his guts by now from that fight at lunch. He had really hoped that the two he had meet on the train, Ron and Hermione, would be his friends no matter what house he was in. Then rolled over after deciding Malfoy was right he didn't need friends like that he had Slytherin, and that's just how it was. Pulling the blanket up to his chin Harry's mind drifted to the dark lord, how he had killed his parents and tried to kill him too. If I'm to be a Death Eater how will I ever be able to forgive the dark lord for forcing me into a house where I was not wanted. harry decided he'd think about it in the morning and closed his eyes sleep soon followed.

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