Dastardly Illusions- Frerard...

By frabjous_fangirl

1.6K 63 25

Gerard was just a sassy teenager too caught up in his narcissistic ways. Frank was just a wallflower. Or so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Regarding Chapter 6...
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Im sorry...

Chapter 2

149 6 3
By frabjous_fangirl

Gerard's P.O.V.

The sunlight cascades through my bedroom window causing me to squint as the light hits my eyes. After my eyes adjust to the light, they focus in a glare at my younger brother who had purposely opened the curtains to wake me up.

"What the fück, Mikey?"

"Sorry Gee, I had to wake you up somehow didn't I?" He is smiling in a way that showed me that he isn't apologetic at all.

"Oh fück off Mikey! Don't give me that shït!"

"Get up loser; your driving me to school."

I reluctantly pull myself out of the confines of my lovely, warm bed and into the slightly chilled air. My hair is an absolute mess; it sticks out sporadically in a fluff ball of vibrant red.

I love to be resplendent; it is the only thing that makes me confident with the way I look. Sure, people have complemented my 'hotness'- both boys and girls alike- but no one ever knew what my looks truly mean to me.

I am insecure. I throw on a plain black T-shirt, my varsity jacket and my dark blue denim jeans. I style my hair so that it doesn't look like I just had sex.

I quickly grab my bookbag and car keys not bothering to grab anything for breakfast because I'm fat enough as it is.

"Mikey, hurry up! We're leaving now."

"Just a second."

"One. Now stop jacking off and get your àss down here now." I smirk awaiting the response. He's gonna be so pissed.

"I'm not fücking jacking off. I'm fixing my hair."

He sounds so gay, which is ironic for a heterosexual such as himself. I'm as straight as a circle. I'm what they call demisexual. Which means I don't like someone romantically until I know them on a best friend level. I find people attractive by looks but I'm more attracted to their personalities.

He runs down the stairs glaring at me. I try to maintain the most innocent face I can manage.

"Its about time."

He huffs in response and storms outside hopping in the car. I get in the drivers seat and start the all too familiar route to school.

I park next to Lyn Z's red convertible. She and I had a fling last year. It didn't really work out. She's captain of the cheerleaders and I'm the eccentric quarterback; how much more cliché can you get. It was a platonic break up and we're still friends now.

Mikey and I part ways as soon as we enter the school to go to our respected friendship groups. He is a sophomore whereas I am a senior.

I am greeted by Jamia, another cheerleader. She has had a crush on me since middle school. I'll never go there though- she's not really my type; she gossips too much. I don't go for loquacious personalities, they annoy me. Besides, she is currently dating one of my best friends- Travis Barker.

He is oblivious to Jamia's crush on me and her relentless flirting. Travis is an awesome guy and a killer midfielder. If he wasn't so straight, I'd date him myself.

I am so lost in my thoughts I don't realise I have been staring at a short guy with black hair for about half a minute now. Luckily, he didn't realise I had been either.

The bell for first period rings and I rush to my locker down the hall to retrieve my AP Chemistry book.

I am a minute tardy which much to my annoyance, lands me in detention.

Not the best start to the day.


Hi author here!

As I stated in the previous chapter, please tell me if you see any spelling or grammatical mistakes so that I may correct them.

Remember, don't be afraid to vote or comment.

Thanks again for reading this.

So long and goodbye, until next time my fellow Killjoys...


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