
By withnosuchgrace

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Meet Crystal Greene, a 16 year old who thought her biggest problem was getting through high school with good... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

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By withnosuchgrace

-: Chapter 12 :-

The news of the Blanchette robbery spread around quickly through the papers and around the town. The police were on a desperate search for the culprits - a.k.a. my friends and I.

The very thought had my stomach twist uncomfortably. I didn't know how Jaspar did it. Act so nonchalant when he was wanted for a crime. For multiple crimes, in fact.

What's worse is that this time there was footage. Although Sophia had the brilliant idea of destroying all the security cameras around the house before we left the house, we managed to miss one.

Thankfully, we were still wearing the ski masks so our identities weren't completely out in the open.

That didn't help with the nerves, though.

I had become so damn paranoid that I became startled at the slightest touch. People had started to try not to catch me off guard so as to avoid having me freak the hell out.

For the following month, I was constantly on my toes, waiting for the inevitable to happen. We were bound to get caught at one point, right?

Jaspar wasn't making it any easier, either. Oh no, since I was dating Seth, he made me pinky promise I wouldn't give in to the guilt and tell him. Yes, pinky promise. I swear that boy is all kinds of weird.

Not only was I drowning in guilt and paranoia, but I couldn't even talk to anyone about it! Sophia and Jaspar both refuse to talk about it at all costs and now I couldn't even breathe a word of it to my boyfriend.

And then there was the Emily problem. Since I can't tell Seth about being involved in the Blanchette robbery, I couldn't bring up the questions I had about her room being filled with pictures of him. Not without seeming that I stalked his ex.

I did try to bring up the topic of Emily and his breakup though, trying to see if he would hint at something, but all he would say about the topic was that the two of them were over for good this time and that he's pretty sure Emily was over him by now.

Of course, this didn't help my suspicion at all, so instead I found myself paying very close attention to their body language whenever they would talk, because, of course, they still kept in touch since their families were close and all that.

Let's just say that I am complete shit at reading people.

Still, I had a very uneasy feeling about Emily Blanchette.

"Crystal? Are you listening?" Seth's voice brought me back to what was happening around me.

I looked at him, his bright blue eyes twinkling with amusement. His smile was warm, his lips looking softer than rose petals. I wanted to kiss him senseless.

It had been around a month and a half since we started dating, and honestly, it was wonderful.

He treated me like a queen, often treating me to surprise dates and bought me gifts. A lot of gifts. Even though I denied most of them, it was the thought that counted.

"Yeah, of course I'm listening." I laughed.

Seth's brow raised in question as his warm smile transformed into a smirk. "Oh really? What did I say then?"

"Uh...something about the Winter Festival coming?" a blush crept across my cheeks as he laughed. He was right, I was not listening.

"You're half there. I just asked you if you wanted to go to the Winter Festival with me?"

Oh, right. "Yeah, it sounds like fun."

His bright smile that I adored returned to full-force. He always seemed ecstatic whenever he asked me out. "How does Saturday sound?"

"Don't you have to go to a family dinner on Saturday?" he told me about it just the other day. With Christmas approaching, the Clifford family was having this massive family dinner, inviting his uncles from Scotland and everything. The way Seth described them, it sounded wicked, but when I asked if I could tag along, he hastily explained that it was strictly family only.

He shook his head. "Parents decided to have it on Sunday, instead."

A smile spread across my red painted lips. "Saturday it is then." I leaned in and kissed him, softly.

He broke it before it got too heated. We were in the middle of a cafe anyways.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" he suddenly exclaimed, reaching into the pocket of his winter jacket and pulling out a small white box. He placed it gently in my hands, before urging me to open it.

I did as told and was surprised to see a necklace. It had an intricate white gold chain that was quite wide. Hanging in the center was a simple pendent in the shape of a northern star. It was covered in shimmering diamonds. Beside it, was a smaller star. There was a strip of dark blue ribbon inside the box and as I held it up, I saw a sentence written on it in silver.

Second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.

He remembered. I had told him once that one of my favourite movies as a child was Peter Pan. I hadn't even thought about it until today.

I didn't know what to do, other than gape at the necklace. I wasn't sure what to say. So of course, my mind went to the most idiotic question.

"What is this?" I wanted to slap myself for how stupid I sounded.

Seth didn't mind, though. He shrugged as if this necklace hadn't cost him hundreds of dollars. "Just think of it as an early Christmas present."

I frowned. "But Christmas is two weeks away. We aren't even on break yet."

He chuckled, like he often did whenever I asked one of my stupid questions. "I did say early didn't I?"

Another blush heated up my face. "Right," I said lamely.

"Here, let me put it on you." He got out of his seat and came up behind me. I gave him the necklace and he delicately placed it on my throat. His warm fingers clasped the necklace closed with ease and I was surprised that it was a choker necklace. I think that made me love it even more.

Seth's fingers began to trace patterns on mr bare skin, sending chills down my spine.

"Do you like it?" He asked in between the kisses he was leaving on my jaw, leaving me breathless.

"It's beautiful." I managed to whisper.

"Just like you." He whispered back.

Okay, his kisses were starting to affect me and we were in a very public place. I could feel my face beginning to redden as people started to turn and look at us.

"Seth," I whimpered. He was still peppering me with kisses.

"Hm?" He hummed, and it tickled.

"Can we go? People are starting to stare." He chuckled, which tickled even more.

He didn't have to be told twice.

After leaving money for our coffees and pastries on the table, he grabbed his jacket as I shrugged on mine. He quickly grabbed my hand as he we practically ran out of the cafe to his car so he could finish what we started.


Since the winter holidays were approaching, we students found ourselves head-first into the mid-year exams. This meant that everyone was pretty much stressed out to unbelievable levels.

I was surprised that Jaspar was one of those extremely stressed people. I thought he would be really carefree, like he was for about everything else. But Jas was by far the worst.

He was constantly studying and hated being interrupted when doing so. He was also very keen on having me tutor him for the first exam of the week, science. So much so, that I felt like I hardly had any time to study, myself.

"Jaspar," I sighed for the hundredth time that morning. "I think that's enough tutoring for today. I have to study for my French exam, too. It's right after the science one."

Jaspar ran his hands through his dark hair, messing it up even more. "O-okay. I think I've got it." He looked around at the pile of notes he was surrounded by.

"Good," I smiled, starting to pick up some of my notes.

"Do you think you could explain that energy thing time?"

I set down the pile of papers and looked over at my friend. "You're going to be fine, okay? The exam's in a few days and we've been studying non-stop for the past week. I think you've got this." I placed what I hoped was a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Jaspar flinched as if my touch shocked him. For some reason, he wouldn't look me in the eyes. Maybe it was nerves, but just to be safe, I quickly took my hand back.

"I think I'll go. Let you study for French and all." He clumsily got up, sending a few papers flying.

"Here," I gathered up all the papers into a thick pile. "You can use my notes."

He looked at me unsure as I tried to give him the pile. "What about you? Don't you need it?"

"Nah, I think by tutoring you for so long, most of it stuck in my head. I practically live and breathe science now." I laughed.

He chuckled at that, finally accepting the pile. At last, he met my eyes. His were grateful and sincere. "Thank you."

I shrugged it off. "It's really no problem. Science is something I'm actually decent in."

Jas turned serious. "No, really. Thank you for - for everything. Not just this tutoring shit. For everything I put you through."

His stare had become intense. The air was charged with something I couldn't quite put my finger on, but knew that I shouldn't be delving too much into.

After what felt like hours, I decided to oh-so-gracefully ruin the moment.

"I don't think I've ever heard Jaspar Daniels thank anyone. This must truly be a blessed day." This was a lie, of course, since I had heard Jas thank me and Soph plenty of times. He just didn't do it as often as anyone else would. It was that stupid stare of his that was making me all awkward.

But, my lameness seemed to do the trick because just like that, Jaspar went back to normal. Back to the Jaspar I knew.

"Way to kill a moment, Crys." he laughed, shaking his head which made me notice how long his hair had gotten. It had begun to fall into his eyes.

"You, my friend, need a haircut." I nagged him, although a smile played at my lips.

He rolled his eyes. "Okay, mom."

I grinned at him as he grinned right back. If anyone had decided to enter the room just then, they would've thought we were insane for just standing there, smiling at each other.

Thank God Katherine was back at Uni and Dad was at work.

There was just something about Jaspar's smiles though that were contagious. When he really meant them, they shined a thousand watts. Those smiles were the ones that made me feel all warm inside. They lit up my day.

Jaspar cleared his throat. "Well, I think I'm going to go. Thanks again for everything."

"You're very welcome." I walked him to the front door. "Do me a favour and get some rest , okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bye Crys."

He was already halfway down the driveway when I realized that he wasn't wearing his jacket.

I ran to grab it from the living room and proceeded to sprint after him, almost slipping on ice twice. "Jaspar you idiot! You forgot your jacket!" I yelled after him.

He stopped in his tracks, turning around to face me. "Right, I was wondering why I felt so cold. Thanks." I held the pile of papers and shoved them into his backpack while he shrugged his jacket on.

I frowned at how thin his jacket was when it was a good minus 20 degrees outside. I was already frozen here and I had only been out for a minute.

"Ever consider buying a thicker jacket?" I voiced my concerns. "You're going to freeze."

He leaned in close and said "You need to stop worrying about me, okay?" he then booped my nose. Actually booped my nose! Like I was a little kid or something!

I swatted him away from me. "I only worry because I care about you." I crossed my arms to hide the fact that I was shivering.

Jaspar was taken slightly aback by what I said. "You do?"

I rolled my eyes. "Of course I do! You're one of my closest friends, and I tend to care about my friends."

He seemed at a loss for words, which I must admit was a first.

"Right," He said after a bit. "You should go inside, you're turning into an icicle."

"I'll be like a literal crystal then, w-wouldn't I?" I attempted to joke.

"Oh my God." Jas covered his face with his hands as he tried to stifle his laughter. "That was horrible, I'm leaving." He turned around and began to walk away.

"Oh come on! It was great! Admit it, you love my jokes." I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever makes you sleep at night." he called back, just as a few snowflakes started to fall. I should really be getting back inside.

With one more glance at the tall boy walking away, I ran back inside to the warmth of my home.


The moment everyone had been dreading had come. Today marked the beginning of exam week.

Just by looking around school, one could practically taste the nerves.

I, of course, was definitely nervous for my two exams today: science and French. My nerves were nothing, however, compared to Jaspar.

He was on the verge of hyperventilating, his nonchalant image completely gone.

We were sitting at a table near Sophia's locker, getting some very last minute studying done. Well, at least we were trying to, but Jaspar was one of those people who shook their legs without realizing it.

This set Sophia off who, to be honest, looked like a train wreck. She told us that her baby brother, Jack, wouldn't stop crying all night and no matter how hard everyone had tried to get him to calm down, he wanted his mom who was passed out with a bottle of alcohol in her hands.

Sophia was on edge all morning and was ready to snap at any second. Unfortunately for Jaspar, she let out all her anger on him.

"Holy shit, will you stop shaking your goddamn leg!" she snapped. "Some of us are trying to study here!"

"Sorry," Jas mumbled, focusing hard on the clock on the wall opposite him. The look of complete fear told me that it was almost time for the exam.

"How much time have we got?" I asked him.

"Ten minutes." he bit his lip, anxiously.

I sighed. "I think we should get going." I packed up my books and left them in Sophia's locker. I could just pick them up later.

The walk to the exam room was excruciatingly long, but when we got there, the door was already open, students beginning to sit in their assigned seats.

Jaspar hesitated before entering.

"You have a phobia of tests." Sophia stated, her previous anger gone. She didn't say it to be mean, but simply to state a fact.

Jaspar swallowed and nodded.

She pulled him into a hug and although he squirmed at first, he gave in and squeezed her back with the same force she was. "You'll be fine. Just take deep breaths and focus."

"But what if I fail? I can't afford to -" Sophia placed a finger on his mouth to shut him up.

"You are not going to fail, understand?"

Jaspar only nodded, his eyes wide.

"Good." With that, Sophia entered the classroom, a confident look on her face.

I put a hand on Jaspar's shoulder, and watched him turn to look at me, still afraid.

"We've been studying for non-stop for the past week and half. You've got this." I leaned in and pecked his cheek. "I believe in you."

Jaspar turned scarlet, offered me a small smile, and then proceeded to enter the exam room.

I followed.


The rest of exam week passed by in a blur. I was so engrossed in all the things I had to know and memorize, that I hadn't thought of much else.

Our last exam was math, and once we were all out of the exam room, we cheered.

Now that the mid-year exams were over, winter break had finally come. Two and a half weeks of freedom!

Jaspar put his arm around both my and Sophia's shoulders as we made our way outside. "We've got to celebrate, guys. Getting through this week has to mean something, right?"

"I agree," Sophia nodded. "But where should we go?"

Just then I caught sight of Seth coming towards us. Well, actually he was blatantly ignoring my friends, his eyes only on me.

I removed Jaspar's arm from my shoulders and met my boyfriend halfway.

"Hey - " Seth didn't even hesitate to place his cold, but soft lips on mine. "What's up?" I said a little out of breath.

He chuckled. "I'm heading to Mariana's party tonight. Want to come with?"

I hesitated. Mariana was a senior. I wouldn't know anybody at this party. Besides, parties weren't really my thing. I would rather stay at home and watch Game of Thrones than get drunk with people I barely knew.

Seth, on the other hand, loved parties. I don't know why, but he did.

I made a mental note to ask him one day.

But for right now, I simply shook my head. "I'm going to pass. I think I'm just going to chill with Soph and Jas, if that's okay."

Seth nodded, as if he expected this answer. "Yeah sure. I'll call you." he kissed me before jogging back to his group of friends.

"Don't drink and drive!" I called after him. You could never be too safe.

"Where's he going?" Jaspar was suddenly beside me again.

"A party."

"Why didn't you go?"

I shrugged. "Not really my thing."

"Same here. Listen, Soph and I were thinking we could eat out at a sushi place, maybe? What do you think?"

The idea of the three of us being out in public made me uneasy. After all, people could still be looking for us for robbing Emily's house.

"Can we just chill at my place? We could order pizza and just chill out."

Jaspar looked at me with an unreadable expression. "If this is still about that Blanchette -" I hushed him before he could say robbery. He rolled his eyes. "fiasco, then you don't have to worry. We were wearing masks. They won't catch us."

I sighed, looking down. "I know. It's just, I don't feel very comfortable being so out in the public right now. I'll get over it soon enough, but right now - I can't."

This time, I knew that Jaspar was concerned. He wore the same face my dad would wear when he knew something was really bugging me, though I pretend it doesn't.

"If you're not comfortable, you don't have to explain yourself. I shouldn't have pushed you, I'm sorry." He was holding my gaze and I couldn't focus on much else. "I hope you have a lot of food at your place, because I'm starving."

Sophia pulled up in front of the school and the next thing I knew we were in my basement, two half-empty boxes of pizza in front of us, as we binge watched Game of Thrones.

Mostly because Sophia had never seen it and Jaspar and I felt like we needed to educate her.

We had just finished season one when I saw that Sophia had her can of cream soda in the air. "I'd like to make a toast."

Jas and I looked at each other, shrugged, and held our cans in the air too.

"To Jon Snow," she started, giggling. "For being a fine piece of ass."

"Amen sister." I laughed as I hit her can against mine and drank my grape soda.

Jaspar rolled his eyes but put his can in the air again. "I'd like to make a toast." He started, Sophia and my cans already in the air, waiting to hear what he had to say. "To Joffrey for being a little shit."

"I know!" Sophia yelled, sitting up properly. "I want to fucking kill him, holy shit." she clanked her can against Jaspar's lemon iced tea. I did the same.

my two friends turned to me, waiting for me to make a toast. I thought for a bit before I raised my purple can. "I'd like to make a toast." I watched as Jaspar and Sophia both put their cans in the air, ready. "To us. For being fucking nerds."

They burst into laughter as they hit their cans against mine. We chugged the rest of our drinks, laughter still in our mouths.

"I love us." Sophia sighed, content.

Me too, Soph. Me too.


This chapter actually has an alternate ending in my notebook but it was kinda long. I could always post it later on as a bonus content. 

So...yeah I've finished season one of Game of Thrones today and then this happened...yeah

I seriously love their friendship though, you have no idea. 

By the way, they're all introverts, in case you couldn't tell. That means that they don't like being surrounded by so many people for too long periods of time. It's not a bad thing, it's completely biological and natural. 

That's why Crystal doesn't like parties. She prefers to stay home and watch tv or something. 

Yes, that means Seth is an extrovert. 

Okay, I'll stop being a psychology teacher and get on with it

Song of the chapter: Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots 

(kinda obsessed with this song tbh)

Next chapter is the Winter Festival! Let's see how that turns out. 

Until next chapter!


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