He Lied | Harry Styles

By Young_Directioners

144K 2.8K 321

"When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not, it's just the beginning." We we... More

01. Merill
02. Merill
03. Merill
04. Merill
05. Ian
06. Harry
07. Harry
08. Merill
09. Ian
10. Merill
11. Ian
12. Ian
13. Merill
14. Merill
15. Merill
16. Ian
17. Ian
18. Merill
20. Liam
21. Harry
22. Merill
23. Merill
24. Ian
25. Harry
26. Ian
27. Harry
29. Merill
30. Merill
31. Harry
32. Harry
33. Merill
34. Merill
35. Merill
36. Edmund
38. Edmund
39. Harry
40. Merill
41. Ian
42. Merill
xliii. Her
xliv. Him
He Lied's Acknowledgements

28. Harry

2.2K 55 9
By Young_Directioners


      “Where’s Darcy?” Merill cried as soon as she saw us. “What happened?”
      We were in the hospital waiting outside the operating room.
      “She was accidentally bumped by a car,” I tried to explain softly, calming her down.
      I could see tears forming in her eyes as she queried, “What? Why?”
      “She tried to cross the road,” Ian continued.
      She rubbed her temple and kept on pacing back and forth, facing the glass window to the operating room.
      “Relax, Mims,” Selena comforted her by soothing her back. “Everything will be alright.”
      “This is your entire fault,” Merill pointed her index finger to Ian. “I shouldn’t have let you stay at home after the concert! I should’ve sent you out!”
      Ian looked at her and confronted, “I’m just doing this for Darcy’s sake. I didn’t want this to happened and don’t forget you’re the one who is pushing Darcy to hate you!”
      He let his tears fell and wiped it with the back of his hands. Merill shut her mouth, stopping herself from saying something that could hurt Ian and began to cry. Ian was so angry that he left.
      “Ian!” Selena called and ran after Ian.
      Now its me, Elisha and Merill left.
      I watched Merill cry in the hallway. Elisha walked over her and rubbed her back.
      “Want me to buy you some water?” Elisha asked her and she nodded.
      Elisha took her bag and left.
      Merill sat on a chair opposite from me. I look at her in her eyes but she’s avoiding my gaze.
      “Merill,” I started, still looking at her.
      “If you want to ask about—“
      I sat right next to her. “I’m not here to add stress. I’m here to help,”
      “Well, then thanks but I don’t need it,” she rolled her eyes.
      “C’mon, don’t be like that,” I said, letting out a deep sigh. "I didn’t do anything wrong."
      “Is that the disadvantage of being a famous person? Forgetting their faults?”
      “Why? What are my faults?”
      “A lot, Harry! A lot!” Now she’s actually yelling at me.
      “Okay, tell me,”
      “First of al, Harry Styles, for leaving me just like that. No explanations, you just left me right away because, second, you had an affair with Annika, and hell yeah, I thought it was cheating but you told everyone else that you are official. And third, the worst," she paused and looked at me intently, "you lied to me!"
      “I didn’t lie to you!” I disagreed.
      She chuckled. “A man promised a lady to be hers forever, then, a certain girl came. The man cheated, he made an affair with the girl without knowing the lady is dying in jealousy and insecurity. The girl died and the man came back to the lady.” she faced me confidently, “The lady said angrily ‘Oh, you still have the guts to face me’,” she moved closer. “‘what’s wrong?’ the man asked.” and closer as in inch apart.
      “Did the girl know why did the man cheated on her?” instead of moving back, I also moved closer to Merill. Our nose touched and our eyes were locked to each other.
      “Does the man know why the lady is angry at him?” she said moving back.
      She tried to stand and avoided my gaze but I grabbed her arm and pulled her back.
      “Why?” I asked, facing her.
      “Don’t be too excited, Styles. It was just a summary,” she answered, giving me an evil grin.
      She stood up and faced me again.
      I also stood up and gripped her arms tight, not letting her to escape. “Can you continue the story?” I asked, “The readers are asking for an update,” I added, smirking.
      “I need more votes,” she answered raising her left eye brow, looking confident. Huh.
      “Or you don’t know how to start. As what I have known, before a writer writes a story she must know how to start and end it, in order to start it she must know everything about it,” I said.
      She rolled her eyes, naïve as always.
     “How can you start a story if you don’t know the life of one of the importanf character, Hemsworth?” I questioned.
     She frowned.
     “Before you judge someone know his past!” I exclaimed.
     She smiled, “before you correct me, know me,”
      “I’ve known you, Mims. Just the last few days,” I winked and let her out from my grasp.
      “Good Afternoon, Doc,” I greeted as the doctor went out.
      “Good Afternoon, Mr. Styles! I didn’t know that you had a daughter,” he said, “Is this your wife?” he asked pointing Merill.
      “Excuse me, Doc. But I am the parent of the patient,” Merill interrupted
      I just chuckled and she gave me glare.
      “Hi, Mrs?” The doctor asked for her spouse last name.
      “Styles,” I answered confidently
      “Al—“The doctor agreed.
      “Just Ms. Hemsworth!” Merill interjected, glaring at me again. Which is cute. “I'm not married."
      “Oh, alright then. Ms. Hemsworth, what’s your blood type?” the doctor asked Merill.
      “Type A,” she answered.
      “Ms. Hemsworth, the patient receive deep cuts and she lose a lot of blood in the operation. In order for her to gain strength again she needs at least one or two parent or any other relatives to donate blood,” the doctor explained.
      “Can’t I?” Merill asked.
      “Her blood type is B. I’m sorry but you can’t donate. Remember, Ms. Hemsworth, only relatives,” the doctor said
      Merill let out a deep sigh. There ade no type B in their family.
      “Can a friend donate?” Merill asked confusedly.
      “Only relatives,” the doctor repeated.
      I let out a soft laugh.
      “Can you just help me?” she whispered to me.
      “I know that you’ll need me,” I said, smirking. “I’ll donate,” I stated to the doctor.
      “Mr. Styles, Is she your relative?” The doctor asked,
      “More than relative,” I winked, smiling.
      Merill groaned, obviously annoyed at me, "he's the father."



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