Wicked Games (Urban) Book 7 |...

By omgchele

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Follow the trials and tribulations of the new generation of troubled teens. Catch The Sideline Series in this... More

Wicked Games (Urban) Book 7
Copyright Notice
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 & Update
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
(REPOST) Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 & Update
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
So Far Gone
Chapter 41
I need help
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 8

17.3K 686 1.2K
By omgchele

After editing Nobody's Business, I FINALLY figured out how old Sincere and Effrin are and they aren't that old actually. Sincere had Victoria when she was 24, Effrin was 25. Since Victoria's 50 then that means they're 74 and 75. They're not as old as I thought they were.

***PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE purchase a copy of Nobody's Business on Amazon PLEASE. It's only $0.99. All you have to do is look up 'The Sideline Series' on Amazon and the book will come up.

Theodore III

*The previous night*

I managed to sneak out of the house, even though my nerves were eating me up inside. I climbed out of my bedroom window and I took Mama's car to go pick up Nicole. I couldn't get my car because my car was parked right in the front of the house and Mama would hear me starting it up, so I had to take Mama's. I just hope she doesn't find out because she's going to kill me for taking her car.

I pulled up in front of Nicole's trailer and blew the horn. I looked around, just scoping out the area. I wanted to spend time with Nicole but I hated coming over here. I wasn't scared or nothing but it just wasn't safe, especially since I pulled up in Mama's Camero. But it made it worse that I was riding around in this car and it was bright pink. It was embarrassing but it was my only mode of transportation right now.

Nicole stepped out of her home in this short, tight black dress that stopped right below her ass. I leaned to the side and got a good look at her ass as she pulled the door close. Shit, she looked good. I tore my eyes away from her when she turned around and started walking towards my car. I didn't need her thinking I was checking her out, nor did I need her thinking there was something more than the two of us being friends going on.

She pulled the door open and slid into the passenger's seat with a smile on her face. "Damn," she laughed. "I know we had your sisters' car on Friday but I didn't think your car was pink."

I smacked my lips as I pulled out of the trailer park. "It ain't mine. It's my Mama's."

"Oh, well she's got good taste. Was she the one after the game that was standing next to your fine ass Daddy?"

I hated how all of these bitches were always swooning over my Dad. He's old and married with children. Why would somebody want a man with all that baggage? "Yeah that was my Mama. Why?"

"She was a bitch. I don't even know why she had the nerve to say something to me, her and that old nigga and that other old bitch with the blonde hair. Who was they?"

I frowned. "My grandparents," I replied. "You need to chill out with the name calling. You don't even know them, especially my Mama. That's wack as hell for you to sit up here calling my Mama and my Grandma bitches."

She sighed. "I'm sorry Theodore, I didn't mean it like that."

"Well that's what it sounded like."

"Well I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that they were being rude to me after the game, that's all. You should have checked them for trying to call me out though. They were beyond rude."

"I can't check them," I replied.

If only she knew my Mama and Grandma. They'd beat the hell out of me for even thinking about checking them. I don't know if she runs things at her house, but in my parents' eyes, I'm a child and I have to listen to them and abide by their rules, even if they are wrong. They're my elders so I'm supposed to listen to them. That's why I know I'm going to be in big trouble if Mama catches me sneaking back in. She already told me she didn't want me talking to Nicole anymore, Grandma said this too, so I know they'll be upset.

She took a deep breath as she placed her hand on top of my arm. "Theodore, I'm gonna have to teach you a few things."

"Like?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

"How to be a man."

How's she going to teach me how to be a man when she has no home training her damn self? "How you gon' do that when I'm already a man?" I asked.

"You are a man," she smacked her lips. "I'm talking about having some confidence and learning how to stand up for yourself and what you believe in. You've got a problem doing that Theodore."

"Oh, really?"

"Mhmm. You need to stop being so nice and letting everybody run over you. You need to be more aggressive and assertive. I can teach you how to do that."

"So, basically you telling me I have no back bone?"

She shook her head. "No, not that. You just need to be more aggressive when it comes to certain situations, like with your Grandma and Mom. If you were more aggressive, you would have told them about what was going on with us and how they should respect what we've got going on. If you tell them that, then there won't be a need for them to disrespect me and try to control you."

"That's being mean," I replied.

"Oh, Theodore, you're so young and naive. It's called taking control of the situation not being mean. Don't worry baby. I'll teach you all you need to know about this game."

I nodded my head as I pulled up in front of my Dad's club. The shit was just beginning to get live but it wasn't enough people here just yet for me to be able to sneak in. Shit. I don't even know how I was going to sneak in without getting caught. I couldn't sneak past the bouncer, Lance, without him recognizing me and going through the back door was probably just as bad. My Dad's office was right next to the back door, so if he was here, I was definitely going to get caught.

I pulled away from the club and parked in the parking lot. I felt this rumbling in the pit of my stomach once I saw my Dad's car parked in his reserved spot near the back door. There's no way I could hide this bright ass pink car. He'll see it the minute he walks out since he got it for her birthday earlier this year. He's going to kick my ass.

Nicole ran her hand up my arm. "Why do you look so nervous baby?"

I shook my head and just pulled up in a parking spot. Shit. There's no point in being scared now. I've already got in trouble because of my grades, I've already sneaked out the house and I've already stole Mama's car. If Pops does catch me here, what more can he do to me that isn't already going to happen? I'm going to get my ass kicked, get my phone and stuff taken and be on punishment for a long time, so what more can they do to me? "I'm not nervous."

She smiled. "Good. Now, do you want your first step into becoming a new man?" I nodded my head. "Alright, the first step is to get out and open my door for me so I can get out. Then I want you to escort me into the club."

"I can do that," I replied.

She nodded her head and sat back against her seat, waiting on me to get out of the car. I pulled the keys out of the ignition and climbed out of the car before I pulled her door open. I grabbed her hand and helped her out of the car before closing the door behind her. She pulled her short dress done and checked her hair in the car windows. 

"Lesson number two, always compliment every girl you're with."

"Oh, uh you look beautiful."

She shook her head as she grabbed my hand and stated pulling me towards the entrance. "That's sweet and all Theodore but that's not what women want to hear. Tell me how sexy I am," she replied. She took her hand out of mine and placed my arm around her waist and rested my hand on her butt. "Now, that's where your hand should be at all times. No where else. Got it?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I got it."

I passed right by the people lined up trying to get inside of the club and straight up to Lance. I knew he would notice me but who gives a damn?

"What's up Little T?" he asked, giving me some dap before smirking. "Damn. And you bought my favorite customer. How you been Nicole?"

Nicole smiled. "I'm good big Daddy."

I scrunched up my face. "What's up Lance? My Dad around?"

"Yeah, Big T should be coming out any minute now. Said he's got some personal business to tend to at home," he nudged me. "You already know how him and your Moms is. He said he's got something big planned for her on Saturday but he won't tell nobody what it is. What'chu doing on Saturday?"

I scrunched up my face. "Saturday? What's Saturday?"

Nicole nudged me. "Valentine's Day, baby," she said as she smiled. "Anyways, we've got big plans for Saturday too. We're going to spend time all day Saturday then go out on a romantic date that evening to finish it off. My baby's going to pamper me and I'm going to do the same thing for him because he deserves it. We both deserve it."

Lance chuckled. "Well, all right then Little T. I see you out here doing big things with my favorite customer. What happened to that other little girl you was messing around with? What was her name, Tee or something like that?"

"Tee Tee. She's still my girlfriend bu--"

Lance held his hand up, stopping me. He smirked. "Say no more son. You don't even have to explain yourself, I completely understand homie. Make sure shit don't get too messy and you end up losing both chicks. Understand?"


"No buts, just listen to me kid. I played the same games when I was your age and I got caught a few times. Take advice from a pro at this. After getting caught too many times, I learned how to perfect my game but don't get too messy. Shit will get real bad real soon if the other chick finds out. I'm sure your girlfriend doesn't know about this, so I'mma just keep my mouth shut. Your secret is safe with me man."

"It's no secret," I replied, only making him smile widely.

"Damn, I ain't know you had it like that homie. I need to find out your secret," he said, obviously taking what I said completely the wrong way.

Nicole smiled. "It's no secret Lance. Theodore just knows how to keep his girls under control like a real man should. He's perfect."

"Well damn, Mr. Perfect, I'mma just let you and your girl in but I still need to learn what you're doing to pull off all these girls like this man."

I smiled. Maybe they were all just playing and joking around, so I decided to do the same thing too. "It's the special Reed charm nigga. You can't learn this man," I replied.

He chuckled as he pulled the rope up for us so we could walk inside of the club. There were a ton of people inside the club, a lot more people than I thought there would be. This was good though because this way, my Dad wouldn't notice me if he came out of his office. This was perfect, actually. I just hope Lance doesn't run his mouth about seeing me tonight though. I'd really be in trouble then.

Nicole grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bar. "What do you want to drink?" She asked, leaning up against the bar.

I raised en eyebrow. "How the help you gonna get us something to drink?"

"With this," she began. She pulled, what looked to be a fake a I.D., out of her purse and waved it around in my face, "We can get anything we want tonight as long as you're covering the tab. So, what do you want?"

"Gin and Tonic," I replied. I didn't know shit about alcohol but I knew my Dad drank Gin and Tonic, so I was gonna try it for the first time tonight. I just hope it's as good as he claims it is.

She smiled as she ordered our drinks, most likely flirting with the bartender. There was no doubt in my mind that the bartender was feeling her but she came with me tonight and she was gonna be leaving with me too. So I wasn't jealous about this little show she's putting on right now or that little show she put on for Lance. All of that was mine.

I sat down in one of the stools at the bar and watched as she placed on of her arms around my neck and eased herself down on to my lap. Sitting like this, I got the perfect view of her titties but I kept my eyes on our drinks that were being made.

"I know you wanna touch them," she began. "Lesson number two, what ever you want, you need to go for it and that means, if you want to touch my titties," she said as she grabbed a hold of my hand and placed it on her chest, "then grab away. I told you Theodore. I told you already that I'm yours, so whatever you want to do to me is all your decision. You're the man in this relationship, so whatever you say or do goes and I just have to listen."

I leaned over and spoke in her ear once the music started blasting through the speakers. "I'm not with that controlling shit Nicole."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Well, I like my men to be in control. It turns me on when they have authority, especially when they have control over me. Because, you know that's the whole point of a relationship, right?"


"To turn your partner on. The more you control me, the more I get turned on, the happier we'll be and the better our relationship will be. You get what I'm saying?" she asked.

I scrunched up my face as I grabbed my drink. I was hesitant about taking a sip of it. I knew some alcohol burned and I didn't want this to burn and it'll have me coughing everywhere. Then she'll think I'm some little ass baby that can't handle my alcohol. So, I just sat there with my drink in my hand and watched her as she took a sip of hers. "I think you and Lance got the wrong idea. You know I was playing around about that whole relationship thing, right? I'm still with Tee Tee. I only need one girl."

"You may need one girl but I know you want more than one."

Of course I want more than one girl. Who wouldn't want more than one girl? But shit, I can't have more than one girl. My Mama and my sisters would dog me out for being a man whore and I was raised better than that. I'm secure with Tee Tee right now. We're just going through a rough patch that I'm sure we'll bounce back from in the next couple of weeks. It ain't that big of a deal, but Nicole is something different. I'm sure this little fling we got going on will end within the next week or so. I know she only wants to sleep with me, and once she figures out I'm not trying to do that, she'll be out of here quick, fast and in a hurry.

I nodded my head, just agreeing with her to shut her up. I didn't want to argue about anything tonight. I just wanted to have a good time away from home, my parents and my girlfriends. I just needed some time to relax and get my mind off of things before I go back home and have to face the wrath of Mama. I grabbed my drink and looked inside of the glass. It didn't look like anything special so I put the cup up to my lips and was just about to take a sip when I felt a hand on my shoulder that didn't belong to Nicole.

"You better not take a sip of that lil man."

I sucked my teeth. Fuck. It was my Pops. I placed the glass back down on the bar before I turned around and looked at him. "What's up Mr. Reed? I was looking for you to discuss some business but I couldn't find you sir," I smiled but he didn't seem happy.

He mushed my hand. "What the fuck is you doing here and drinking? You're supposed to be at home with your Mama."

"I wasn't drinking."

"It sure looked like you was. Get the hell up." Before I could even try getting up, he grabbed a hold of the collar of my shirt and pulled me up out of my seat. Nicole quickly hopped off of me before she fell and stood up against the bar. Pops pulled me behind him before he looked Nicole up and down. "And who are you?"

Nicole smiled as she stuck a hand out towards my Dad. "Hi Mr. Reed. I'm Nicole, Theodore's fuck buddy for the moment but girlfriend in the future."

My jaw literally hit the floor when she said that. My Dad screwed up his face as he looked at me, shocked. "Well at the rate his ass is going, he's not gonna have nothing to be fucked with or sucked. It was nice meeting you but me and my son need to get home. I want you to have a nice night Nicole."

Nicole smirked. "You too Mr. Reed."

My Dad grabbed a hold of me and drug me out of his club and out to the parking lot. "Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!" He yelled, jumping around.

I scrunched up my face. "What?"

"How come you ain't tell me you was finally getting some p*ssy?"


"You been sleeping with that girl all this time and you ain't tell me? My son is finally becoming a man," he smiled as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. "She's bad man. She's really bad. Where'd you meet her at?"

"School but it's not even like that Dad."

"I'm so proud of you son. I really am. When did you finally get de-virgined?"

"I didn't," I replied.


"I don't know what she was talking about. We've never done anything with each other before," I lied. The last thing I need is for my Dad to find out Nicole gave me head. He wouldn't stop bringing it up and I know he'll run his mouth to Grandpa. They'll both constantly talk about it like it's the greatest accomplishment in the world. "She's just my friend but I think she wants to sleep with me. I'm just not feeling her that way though. I'm still with Tee Tee and we're waiting."

"Waiting 'til what? Until you're old?" He asked.

I smacked my lips. "Nah. We're just not having sex right now. It's nothing wrong with that. Is it?"

He shook his head. "Nah. I just wanted to know when you'd lose it. I lost mine around your age."

"To Mama?" I asked, but he shook his head again.

"Nope. I was about 15 when I lost it to this bad chick that looked exactly like Beyonce, I swear."

"I doubt it," I replied. "Did Mama lose hers when she was that young too?"

He smiled as we walked towards his car. "Well, your Mama was a different case. I've been tryna get with your Mama since the minute she came out of your Grandma. Your Mama's been my baby since we were little kids but she was ready for all of this," he pointed to his crotch, "when I was ready to give it to her so she waited. She lost it to me when she was 17."


"There's nothing wrong with being a virgin though. I think it's cool that you're a virgin actually. If I could go back in time and tell myself to wait on your Mom and only sleep with her, then I'd do it. I got a lot of regrets about some of the shit I did in high school. I know I fuck with you a lot about sleeping with girls, but if you're really not ready then don't do it. I don't want you living with regrets like I am and wishing you could go back and change some of the shit I did. So, I know I pressure you and shit but it's all fun and games," he smiled.


"And you'd tell me when you were ready, right?"

I nodded my head. "Yeah," I mumbled.

"Cool but you know you getting in trouble when you get back home, right?"

"For what? I didn't do nothing wrong."

"Yeah you did. You snuck out, picked up some little girl and then had the nerve to take her to my club when you knew full well I was up here then had the nerve to drive your Mama's car," he said, pointing to Mama's car that was sitting across the parking lot. "I'll drive you home and have Nathan drop it off tot he house tonight before your Mom realizes it's gone but you're getting in trouble with me, not your Mom. I got some maintenance work I need to be done in the bathrooms at the club."

I smacked my lips as I climbed up in his car. "You can't be serious right now."

"What? You don't think you should get in trouble?"

"Maybe a little trouble but I shouldn't have to clean the bathrooms. That's what janitors are for."

"Nah that's what kids are for."

He started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot at top speed. I guess I can't be upset that he caught me instead of Mama. Mama would have whooped my ass in front of Nicole and embarrassed me but at least Pops was cool about it. I'm just upset he's gonna have me up here cleaning the bathrooms like some fool.


I was upset Tee Tee wasn't gonna be at school today but at least I didn't have to sneak around and hide shit with Nicole. As soon as I walked up to my locker, I found Aubrey and Willie standing outside of it waiting on me.

"What's going on?" I asked as I walked up to them.

"I saw my baby this morning," Aubrey smiled.

Willie chuckled. "Yeah, Lindsey was looking too good this morning. Since when was your sister sleeping with asshole Mr. Curry?"

I scrunched up my face. "My sister ain't sleeping with Stephen."

I didn't know for sure what Lindsey and Mr. Curry were doing but I'm more than positive she's not sleeping with him, especially after what happened this weekend. I don't think she'll be doing much pertaining to sex right now. She needs more time to heal after what almost happened, so I think sex is the last thing that's on her mind. But I'm not even sure. I haven't talked to her since I left campus Sunday afternoon and she hasn't returned any of my calls or texts but Isaiah said she's fine and isn't depressed like we all thought she would be. 

"Then why was she up in his room this morning looking that good?" Willie asked.

"What was she doing up there?"

Aubrey shrugged his shoulders. "Ion know. We was just walking around this morning when we saw her going in there. It looked like she wanted something."

"Why you say that?"

"Because who just wants to talk to somebody when they're walking around in a sun dress? You know that's every man's weakness, so she came up here for a reason. I'm just tryna figure out the reason 'cause my baby shouldn't be talking to no other guys, especially Stephen. The only nigga she needs to be talking to is me and you need to tell her to stop playing around."

I waved Aubrey off. "She been told you she didn't want you."

"That don't mean nothing," Willie spoke up. "You gotta learn a few things with these bitches Theodore. It doesn't matter what they want. It's all up to the man to be making the decisions, so if he wants her than he has the right to get her. Just like if I have the right to get some box from one of these bitches then I got the right to get some box."

"Now I'm not saying all that," Aubrey laughed. "That's some crazy shit he's talking about and I'm not with that shit but Lindsey needs to stop playing these games. I know she wants me."

"Keep dreaming little nigga. Y'all think she's still up there?"

"Probably," Aubrey replied. "You tryna go up there?"

"Yeah and I'mma need y'all to come up there with me too 'cause I might need some help beating Stephen's ass," I said as I closed my locker and began walking upstairs to Mr. Curry's class. I don't know what the hell Lindsey was doing here but she better not be doing nothing to get Mr. Curry's attention. Going on a date with him was one thing, but coming up to the school to see him is something completely different.

I pulled the door to the stairwell open and skipped steps as I tried to make it up to Mr. Curry's class as quickly as I could. When I got up the steps, his door was closed but I could see him and Lindsey in there talking. Lindsey was sitting in his seat behind his desk while he sat on the edge of his desk next to her. Why the hell was Lindsey wearing this tight ass sun dress with her titties spilling out the top? It's not even sun dress season so she shouldn't be wearing this in the middle of February.

I stood near the window of the door but I wasn't in their view. They weren't have been able to see me or Willie and Aubrey from here, so we just watched. Lindsey pushed her hair over her shoulder, exposing her titties to Mr. Curry who was just trying to stop himself from drooling all over my sister. How's this nigga gonna get his freak on before school, in his classroom when everybody can see him and with my sister of all people?

"Damn, Lindsey got some big racks," Willie announced.

"Shut the fuck up and stop looking mother fucker," I glared at him.

"I was just sayin', damn. Why you acting so sensitive?"

"'Cause you talking about his sister dumb ass," Aubrey told him. "If you said some shit like that about my sister, I would have said the same thing to you ass hole."

Willie smacked his lips. "Damn. What is this, gang up on Willie day? On some real shit, y'all being some sensitive ass bitches today. I mean, we talk about bitches all the time so what's so different now just 'cause I said she got some big racks?"

I quickly turned around and shoved him. "'Cause that's my sister and I said not to look at her man!"

"I was just stating the obvious," he exclaimed, pushing me back. I pushed him back again, this time making him stumble back against Mr. Curry's door and fell on the ground. He tried getting up but I pushed him back down and stood over him. "Nigga chill and get up outta my face with this shit."

"I been told yo slick ass before to stop stating the obvious so just stop."

Willie chuckled as he pushed me back and climbed off of the floor. He threw his bag over his shoulder and started walking away from us but he turned back around and said something to me, "You better be glad I'm yo boy or I woulda fucked yo rich ass up."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Come fuck me up nigga. I don't give a damn about being your boy. If you got some more slick shit to say about my sister then you ain't no friend of mine. You can get to steppin' William."

He chuckled. "So, what? You get pissed off and start throwing around my government, Theodore Alvin Reed? You got two chipmunk ass names and got some slick shit to say about my name?"

"It's a family name," I replied. Why's he acting like I can help that I'm named after two chipmunks? "What kinda nickname is Willie? Theodore sounds better than Willie."

Aubrey stepped up and pushed the two of us away from each other. "Look, the both of y'all sound like dumb asses fighting about whose name sounds better when the both of y'all got fucked up names. Don't hate on each other about that, blame y'all's parents and make up. This is petty. Willie stop talking about my baby Lindsey and Theodore stop being so damn sensitive all the time. Now hug it out and let it go."

I folded my arms. "I'm not hugging him."

Aubrey smacked his lips. "C'mon man."

"I"m not hugging him either," Willie protested.

"Fine, be that way. Ion care no way," I shrugged my shoulders.

Willie chuckled as he looked me up and down. "Nigga, you swear you know what's going down all the time when you don't even know the full truth about half the shit that's going on around you. You act so oblivious and for a second, I felt bad for you, but now I don't even care about you and your feelings no more. You're gonna regret fucking with me one of these days Theodore and you ain't gonna like the shit I dig up on your ass."

I waved him off. "If you tryna square up then we can but I'm not gonna stand here and listen to you complain like some bitch. Throw yo hands nigga!" I exclaimed as I pushed him back.

He shoved me up against the door and held me down so I couldn't move away from him. "You don't want this man. I swear you don't want this. I'm not gon' fight you here 'cause I'm not tryna get suspended but you better watch your back in these streets."

I shook my head as a smirk appeared on my face. "If you really wanted to fight me, you wouldn't care about being suspended. You'd just beat my ass."

"Trust me I want to but the only thing stopping me from beating your ass is these security guards standing behind us. But just know I'mma have my Pops handle you."

I smirked as I pushed him back. "Ain't that nigga in jail?" I laughed but that only made him angry.

"Shut the fuck up!"

"What? Your Moms left y'all's crazy asses and your Pops is in jail. Didn't you say he was coming out in April or is that when you hope you can see your dead beat ass Dad again?"

I frowned. "You a bitch."

I smirked. "Yeah, you only saying that shit 'cause my Mama ain't walk out on me and my Pops ain't in jail either. My parents love me, unlike yours. What's it like to have parents that don't care about you?" I laughed.

"Keep laughing bitch ass nigga," he said as he grabbed his back off of the ground. "You don't want me telling you the shit I been up to lately. If I say what I really wanna say, yo ass gonna run out of here crying but I'll save you the embarrassment. I'mma be the one laughing when I tell you what I've been up to."

He pushed past me and walked off down the hallway, making sure he pushed his way through the crowd that had formed around us. Willie is just a little bitch that's in his feelings about his Pops being in jail. He's been acting like that since his Dad got locked up a couple months ago. It's not my fault his parents don't care about him, so I don't feel bad about saying that stuff about his parents. I was just telling the truth since he wanted to put on a performance for the crowd that was surrounding us. He was just eating up all the attention he was getting.

"That wasn't cool," Aubrey shook his head but I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Ion care." I turned back to Mr. Curry's door and saw Mr. Curry and Lindsey standing at the door staring back at me. Shit. I'm sure they heard all of that. 

Lindsey pulled the door open and pushed me out of the classroom and down the empty hallway. "What the hell are you doing?"

I folded my arms just like her. "What the hell are you doing here messing around with my teacher?"

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, don't act like you can't understand shit."

"The only reason I came up here was so that I could get the material so I could tutor you this week before your next quiz. That's why I came up here. I didn't come here to do anything with your teacher."

"Then why you got that tight ass dress on with your body hanging out?"

"Why is it any of your concern?" She asked. 

"'Cause you up here embarrassing me and shit."

Her eyes widened. "Are you serious right now? You're embarrassing yourself by acting like a bastard. I came up here because I don't want you getting embarrassed because you're about to fail the 11th grade. You should be embarrassed about that, not whether or not I'm up here. And you need to watch who you're talking to Theodore."

"I don't need to watch who I'm talking to. You need to stop talking to me like I'm your son. I'm your brother, so stop talking to me like I'm five years old and go talk to your son like that, who you don't even take care. I mean, seriously, when was the last time you came over to see him? Do you even know that he's got the flu or did you not care since he thinks Mama and Pops are his real parents because you're too weak to take care of your own child?"

I cocked my head tot he side and waited on her to say something but she didn't. She just stared back at me with her mouth wide open as tears dripped down her cheeks. I shook my head and walked away from her, completely over her and this conversation. Lindsey's always got some shit to say about me and what I'm doing but she needs to take a step back and look at herself. She can't even take care of her son because she's mentally unstable. She's too weak to even tell him that she's his mother. And I feel bad for Daniel. He has to walk around knowing his Mother is crazy. She can't even live on her own because she's crazy. It's not my fault Mama and Pops haven't locked her up or got her some help over the years, but she's not gonna talk to me like I'm the one with the problems. Her and Willie aren't going to make me look like a dumb ass.


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How was this chapter? How do you guys feel about Theodore? Will Willie say something about him and Tee Tee? What will Theodore say if he finds out? Do you think what Theodore said to Lindsey was wrong? Should Lindsey step up and take care of Daniel or do you think she's not emotionally stable to take care of him? How do you guys feel about Nicole? Do you guys think something will happen with her later on in the book? Why do Nicole and Tee Tee hate each other so much?

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