Yours Truly

By bigbrownbambieyess

509 56 617

about the author, aka @bigbrownbambieyes 🌕 More

one | basic info
two | basic info
q&a | anything
diary entry | dec. 31, 2023
diary entry | jan. 3rd, 2024
q&a | books, writing
diary entry | jan. 17th, 2024
songs i've been listening to
diary entry | feb. 12th, 2024
diary entry | mar. 21, 2024
diary entry | may. 10, 2024
diary entry | jun. 9, 2024

diary entry | may. 12, 2024

26 4 138
By bigbrownbambieyess

oh my god okay!!! so i told y'all about the get-together i was invited to, which happened yesterday, but i didn't have the time to update because i came home late, and today was very busy so i didn't get a lunch break. i am home early though, so i just wanted to talk about this because the candace situation was CRAZYYYYY!!!!

so we all carpooled with two (cars), that's something that our workplace encourages a lot, and since miles was the organizer, one group went with his car, and another group went with another coworker's car, whose name is fatima, which is pretty important because candance kind of had a little argument with her. anyways so-

it all happened randomly, miles asked me and a couple others to get into his car, because we were closer to it in the parking lot, and candace was a couple cars down with fatima, but then she suddenly, like, jogs over to us, and is like; "fatima's car is smaller, I'll get car sick. can i come with you guys?" (or at least something along the lines.)

so miles tells her that there isn't really a seat, and so candance insists on someone switching with her, but since most of them were already seated in miles' car, they're all just telling candace that it isn't that long of a drive, (it was literally like not even ten (10) minutes), and that she should sit in the front seat. and fatima even suggests rolling the windows down so she won't feel sick, and that's where it gets, like, really creepy...?

i think i need to give an explanation on the seat situation before going on so, miles' car has five (5) seats, three (3) in the back, and two (2) at the front -obviously-, fatima's car is the same, but it's just a smaller car. like the interior is slightly smaller.

now, three (3) of my co-workers are already seated in the back of miles' car. they're his friends and are kind of brawny so they didn't want me to get squished in the back, and were letting me sit in the passenger seat until candace stopped everyone.

anyways, over at fatima's car, two (2) people are sitting in the back, and one (1) is sitting in the passenger seat, they're waiting for candace to also get in the back seat.

okay, now let's continue.

i'm not getting in the car because candace is looking at me with, like, the nastiest look you can possibly imagine. it's like she's telling me to switch with her. anyways so, miles insists her getting in fatima's car, he says; "we'll be there in five (5) minutes, it'll be okay."

but candace tells him no, and she's just standing there with her arms crossed, while we wait for her to comply. because she doesn't, i just volunteer to switch with her, so she can sit in the passenger seat of miles' car, and i'll sit in the backseat of fatima's car, but because they were kind of starting to be annoyed by candace (i could sense they were, and i was too because there was no reason for that big of a fuss), they were all just telling candace to get in fatima's car. of course she just continues to be annoying so miles just ends up telling her to either get in the car or he'll just drive off without her, because she has no right to waste people's time.

i could tell candace was kind of hurt by that, (i get it to be honest, i wouldn't want to be scolded like that either), but then she just starts huffing and puffing and then is like; "at least let me sit in the passenger seat." so she makes the other person move to the back seat, and then she literally SLAMS the door shut. (i saw fatima rolling her eyes, and it made me want to laugh so hard lmaooo)

anyways so we start driving. miles is driving in front because he knows the way, and fatima is following after, and through the rearview mirror i can see into fatima's car, and it looks like they're having a heated conversation. candace looks like she's yelling at fatima, her hands are all up in her hair as if she's gone crazy. miles sees it too, and he's like; "what's her problem?"

him and his friends have this talk about how they've been thinking about how weird candace acts, and miles suddenly asks me something along the lines of; "doesn't she scare you?" he kind of laughs about it, but is serious at the same time.

so i ask him what he means, blah blah blah, and he tells me that this entire time he though candace and i were in a fight or something. he's literally like; "i feel like she hates you."

and because i was having the same thoughts i'm just talking about it the entire ride. (it took about fifteen (15) minutes to get there... traffic), i'm like; "i think that too, but i don't know why."

and then one of his friends, his name is josh, tells me that candace has been writing my name on her name tag, and emails...

we often wear name tags for meetings, and if we're doing a presentation, and the groups change every week, so candace and i almost never end up in the same meeting. but according to josh, in a meeting last week, candace did her presentation with my name on her name tag, and that the others had to correct her, and tell our manager that her name is actually candace. so apparently they had this whole talk in the meeting room, she got heated about it, and told them that it was accidental or whatever. anyways, it was a whole thing.

so i ask josh why he didn't tell me earlier, and he tells me that he forgot about it, but every time he saw candace in the halls, or at a desk, he thought she was me, and it just became weirder and weirder to him.

at this point, i'm like really relieved other people noticed it too, and it's making me feel less crazy. miles tells me he noticed it too, and he even said he started taking note of the things i'm wearing, just to see if candace would wear something similar the next day, and most days, she would.

obviously i was starting to get creeped out, so josh suggested that we should tell the others and collectively keep an eye on candace to see what else she does. anyways, we're at the location, so we park and when we get out of the car, we hear candace telling fatima off.

we gather around them, and she's all like; "who gave you a license? you drive crazy!" and blah blah blah, while fatima is just standing there like wtf.

all of us try to calm her down, but she's like breathing really quickly, and acting nauseous, so we get inside and immediately order her a glass of water. anyways, so she gets better, the waiter takes our orders, and after that fatima apologizes to candace for driving crazy (even though she really wasn't driving crazy at all), and so candace shrugs and is like; "it's fine."

also, when were being seated, candace took a whole lap around the table to sit next to me, even though she could've sat across me, or just at the other side of the table. so i'm sitting in between her and another coworker (named becky.)

and then also, while the waiter was taking our order, he looked at candace first, but candace told me to order instead, and after i did, she went ahead and ordered the exact same thing. since miles was sitting across me, him and i exchange a look of like she's doing it again... and josh, who's sitting next to miles, is like trying to hold in his laughter because he predicted that candace would want my exact order.

anyways, were eating our food, of course, candace reaches for her glass the same moment i do, and her napkin, and sometimes even her fork too. i was starting to get really creeped out, and the others around us started noticing it too, because i was trying to be quick with my movements to see if she would copy, and she did. at one point, i knocked over my fork, and immediately after, she did too. she was laughing about it like; "i'm so clumsy!"

so the entire time me and the others are exchanging looks, and the next day they tell me the had noticed too, but i'm going to talk about that later.

when we're done, we sit around for a little longer. and then candace randomly pulls out her phone, searches something on it, and then leans forward to show miles. mind you, she does this completely randomly, in the middle of our conversation. like, no calling miles' attention, nada, she just whips her phone out. so miles is like; "what?"

we stop talking, because it's just such a weird thing to do, and wait for candace to say what she has to say. she's smiling at him, and asks if he thinks it's cute. then she turns her phone to the rest of us, and it's a picture of an orange cat...

now, i need to explain this first. my parents have an orange cat named stuart, and he has one eye. (the other one was stitched after he was injured. yes he is the cutest fella on the planet.)

anyways, so when she turns the phone to me, i fucking freeze. it's a picture of a cat, slightly smaller than stuart, and also has ONE EYE??????

at first i thought it was stuart, but turns out it's her cat that she adopted a couple days ago. so, obviously none of them there know that my parents have an orange cat with one eye, so they don't know why i'm so weirded out by this, so i try to act normal.

miles is like; "yeah...? he's cute." and to keep the conversation going -otherwise it's too awkward-, he asks what the cat's name is.

take. a. wild. fucking. guess.

the minute she says her cat's name is stuart, i feel like boiling water is being poured down my head.

i'm like coughing back my water, looking at her all confused, and candace just looks at me and goes; "you don't like it?"

so because i don't want this to keep going i tell them that i have a headache and ask if we can leave. anyways, we get back outside.

and then the whole seat swapping argument happens all over again. this time, candace says that it's only fair she goes back in miles' car, since the ride in fatima's car didn't go so well.

since no one wanted to argue against her, josh just agrees to swap places and ride in fatima's car, so that candace can go come with us in miles' car. as we're going to the car, candace like jolts past me and reaches for the passenger seat door, and i'm like damn bitch okay.

lmaoooo, it just was goofy to me, so i just get in the backseat with miles' two other friends. miles is giving her the SIDE EYE when we're all in the car, he's like sighing loudly and stuff, but candace doesn't give a fuck, lol, she gets comfortable, and even pushes the seat back. i'm sitting right behind her, so she's basically crushing my knees in, so conan (who's another co-worker, sitting next to me), tells candace to push her seat back forward because i'm about to lose my legs. i'm like sitting there, trying not to cry because it lowkey hurt so bad.

candace is like; "oh sorry i forgot about her." to which i was like huhhhhhhh??????? internally, of course. i can hear the others sighing under their breaths.

(this is getting too long, but like, so much is happening, that i feel like i need to tell you everything lmaooo)

while we're driving back, candace asks if she can connect to the aux, miles just lets her because he doesn't really want to start an argument. (we're all just tiptoeing on eggshells around her because she flips out over the smallest things), she plays a random country song, and conan is like; "is this what you listen to?"

him and jason (miles' other friend) are laughing, because the song is lowkey ass. i'm trying to keep it down too, while miles just laughs about it.

so candace rips the aux out her phone, she's like, genuinely pissed, and turns around to shove the aux in my hand, being like; "let's hear you play something."

i wanted to punch her so hard because bitch????!!!! i didn't even say anything like...?

they were silent, because it was so confusing, and so miles told her to be a little calm, which candace literally ignored because she was too busy looking at me like she was going to kill me.

so miles is like; "yeah conni, play something."

and since my husband namjoonie boonie woonie pookie released his new masterpiece of a song, i thought i would just play 'come back to me' (stream!)

so i put it on, and we're having a good time, bopping our heads to it, except for miss candace.

miles seems to like it so he asks me about the song, who it is, which gets me excited because an opportunity to talk about namjoon??????? yes please!

i tell him he's a member of bts, blah blah blah, and he's impressed, so asks more. conan and jason join the conversation too, and the longer we talk, the more i hear candace huffing and puffing.

she gets visibly annoyed, and is like; "i didn't know you listened to kpop."

and so i explain to her that i don't actually listen to kpop, i just like bts, blah blah blah, so miles is like; "i didn't know bts made music like this, i might have to check them out."

which is when candace takes a long look at him. i can tell miles got uncomfortable, so he asked me if rm had other songs, and told me to play another one. i played him 'still life' (stream!) and he really liked that one, was complimenting it, the entire ride, and so we listened to it about three (3) more times, until we were back at our workplace's parking lot. candace probably hated it, because she looked annoyed, but she was also pretending to sing along to it... like, i don't know how to explain this, but she was acting like she knew the lyrics, and was trying to sing the korean parts with gibberish...

anyways, we get out of the car, miles and i are still having the mutual obsession of namjoon (lmaoo) while the others get out of the car, and we eventually do too. while we're all walking back inside, with everyone else in fatima's car too, me and miles walk kind of slower because i'm in the middle of converting him to an army, or at least a namjoon stan, and recommending songs, when candace slows down to our pace, and just like... tries to explain it to miles.

for example, i was like "still life is from his album 'indigo' and it's a really good album."

and candace just like... repeats it after me, but like, changes it a little. so she goes; "yeah, he has an album called indigo, it's really good."

and i'm like biiiitchhhh....??? i thought you didn't know bts.


so miles and i are kind of ignoring her, but she keeps on, like, repeating everything i say, and laughing when i laugh.

anyways, then when we're at the office, we gather our stuff, all of us walk back to the parking lot, and tell each other goodbye. most of us have cars, but candace and two others take the subway, so they always need to walk around the block with her, but this time candace didn't go...?

she waited in the parking lot until i got in my car and drove off. i have no idea why she waited, or maybe she waited for someone, and i don't know at what time she actually left.

anyways, so this morning right, we're all back at the office. i'm with a couple other girls, and we decide to go thank miles for inviting us yesterday. candace overheard, obviously, and just follows along.

when i'm nearing miles, she pushes me aside, and i bump my hip into the desk. (i literally have a bruise on my hip now.) she thanks miles, but the rest are telling her to be careful, and are asking if i'm okay, anyways, we all thank miles and get to work.

today both groups had to work together, so we were in the common office, and our desks were kind of scattered around randomly. i was sitting pretty close to miles, and candace. anyways, as we were taking a five (5) minute break, we were chatting about the day before, and since candace had left for the bathroom, i told the other ones about my parents' cat stuart, and they were freaked out. we all wondered where she got a cat that looked the same, with one eye. so, josh decided to make a groupchat with all of us except candace, so we could update each other on the things she was doing.

so, little explanation; my parents only use facebook, and that's where they post about stuart a lot, so maybe she stalked them. i also have a couple posts of stuart on my private account, so i don't think she saw it on there but it would be creepy.

anyways, candace comes back, she has her earphones in, and she's singing to something that i'm like trying to figure out, because the tune sounds familiar. and then she starts singing "fake love, fake love, fake love"

and i just- i fucking died there. like no fucking way.... anyways, she looks at me, takes off her earphones and is like, "do you guys listen to bts?"

miles and i give each other the most confused fucking, baffled, flabbergasted look ever. so he's like, "yeah, conni introduced us to them yesterday."

and then she goes -and i'm not kidding- "oh! i've been listening to them for years!"


i cannot make this shit up y'all.

i'm all wide-mouth, just confused out of my goddamn mind, while candace is asking me if i listened to their albums yet.

i ask her about the day before, and why she didn't tell me she knew them if she was army, and she just ignores my question...??

because i don't really want to talk to her weird ass any longer, i just remind everyone that the break is over, and all of us get back to work.

so, now that i'm home, and i've been writing this for the past hour, me and my co-workers have been laughing up a storm in the groupchat. they're being goofy about it, like; "conni watch out she's gonna get your ass!!!"

i can'ttttttt lmaooooo

anyways y'all, all i have to say is, we're keeping an eye on candace, and i'll update you when i can. oh, and another thing! stream come back to me<33

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