The Child of Silver

By Rubyrose645

258K 8.1K 2.8K

Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master using the four golden Elementa... More

Anirei Vevila
Day of the Departed Special


553 28 5
By Rubyrose645

The ninja started the attack, using their Spinjitzu they all stormed the Vermillion Warriors and knocked them down. Once they were down, the ninja cheered from their victory, but Anirei was still on guard with her weapon still gripped tightly in her hand.

"Okay, that was a lot easier than I thought." Cole said.

"Awesome work everyone." Lloyd praised while Kai rushed over to Sensei Wu.

"Now can you tell me what that marking means?" Kai asked his Sensei.

"Yes. You must know that... We have another concern."

"No. I do not like where this is headed." Jay said worriedly 

All of a sudden, the Vermillion snakes reassembled themselves again but in a different form this time. The snakes roared and hissed loudly as they converged with themselves and the armor the warriors were once wearing. Without a second thought, the ninja all rushed in to attack the Vermillion monster, but with each move they made, the monster countered with ease. 

Kai was thrown to the steps of the nearby bridge, and as he barely sat up on the bridge the monster threw Nya on top of him.

"Hey, Nya, do you remember our old babysitter, Mrs. Grumbmiller?" Kai asked with an idea in his head.

"The mean one with the mole on her..." Nya said.

"Yeah. Do you remember what we used to do when she made us go to bed early?"

"Of course." Nay smirked under her mask.

The monster swiped at the remaining ninja. Anirei jumped up on top of the monster and tried to severe the with her dual blades. Just as the blades were about to touch the monster, it reached up and grabbed her by the back before slamming her on the ground the wind being knocked right out of her.

"Rei!" Lloyd shouted and rushed to her side, but before he could help her, Nya shouted to get the monster's attention.

"Hey, you! It's not my bedtime." Nya shouted with a sword in her hand. She jumped onto Kai's back and lifted herself into the air, flipping over and landing on the other side of the monster right near the edge of the floating island.

"Because I've still got plenty of energy." Nya continued to taunt moving towards the edge of the island. 

Kai ran underneath the monster near its foot to make the monster trip and fall.

"But it's lights out for you." Nya finished and the monster fell over the edge of the island, plummeting to the cold hard ground several feet below.

"Oh, man! Whatever they paid Mrs. Grumbmiller wasn't nearly enough." Jay exclaimed.

"I'll say." Anirei agreed as she stood up with Lloyd.

"Come on!" Nya shouted, "We can use Destiny's Bounty to fly above all this and get a good view of the others' position." 

All of a sudden, rocks were launched into the air, aiming and hitting the flying ship before they could even try to get on it.

"Oh, no." Cole shouted pointing to the attacked ship as it began falling to the ground. Even more of the snake capsules landed on the island, forming more of the samurai.

"We have to go on the offensive. They're bringing everything up here." Lloyd said as he fought.

"Anyone have any ideas to stop them?" Anirei asked kicking one of the warriors down before slicing another warrior.

"We'll just have to go down there and take them out." Lloyd suggested.

"But how?" Jay asked.

"Like this." Lloyd summoned his energy dragon and took off into the air.

"Lloyd, I really don't think going down there's a good idea." Kai pointed out.

"Especially on a dragon." Zane added, "In the past, your fear has caused your dragon to vanish and--"

"That was a long time ago. I am now a master..." Lloyd insisted.

"In training, Lloyd!" Anirei said.

"And our temple is under attack, Rei! I don't have time for fear. I'll take care of the ones down below. You guys hold them off up here. And protect the Time Blade." Lloyd then rode down on his dragon to the ground to the rest of the Vermillion Warriors.

"Hmm. You do have to admire his unfounded moxie." Jay said nearly impressed by Lloyd's determination to fight.

"I'm a little nervous that his unfounded moxie will get him hurt one of these days." Anirei said worriedly before going back to the fight. As she was taking down more of the Vermillion warriors, Anirei sensed something happening in the sky. She looked up and saw several Vermillion Warriors flying through the air and heading straight for Lloyd.

"Elder Brothers, Elder Sister! I'm going to join Lloyd. Stay strong!" She shouted and took off with her own Elemental dragon, flying as fast as she could just as a Vermillion Warrior nearly struck Lloyd on his dragon. He screamed, his fear causing the dragon to disappear.

Thankfully, Anirei caught him before he could fall any further.

"Rei?!" Lloyd said in shock.

"Elder Brother Zane did warn you about using your Dragon, Lloyd." She stated.

"I was going to be fine, I'm a--"

"You can say that you're a master all you want, Lloyd. You're still in training!" Anirei shouted back and sighed in frustration at her boyfriend.

She was about to fly back up to the others with Lloyd, when even more of the flying Vermillion Warriors swarmed her dragon. Lloyd stood on the back of the dragon and fought them off as Anirei tried to fly while fighting off a few of the warriors. 

"Get off my dragon you snakes!" Anirei shouted punching one of the warriors, but it fought back, hitting straight at the head, causing her to lose focus on her dragon and making them all fall towards the ground.

"Rei!" Lloyd shouted, grabbing Anirei by the hand and pulling her into his body as they fell. He shut his eyes tightly, too scared to conjure his own dragon. His mind ran through any kind of idea that could help him and Anirei just as something grabbed them and saved them from hitting the ground.

Lloyd opened his eyes and both he and Anirei saw what caught them. He and Anirei were stunned to see the Samurai X suit with a person sitting inside, but Anirei couldn't feel Nya's elemental power from the suit. No, it had a different feeling to it. Almost multiple feelings within the pilot. The suit then landed on the island while Nya glared at the suit thief.

"Hey, you! Suit thief!" She screamed at the mysterious pilot as Lloyd and Anirei were safely let down.

"You owe me an explanation. I have a right to know who you are. Tell me." Nya demanded, but before she could storm the suit Jay pushed her back.

"I got this." Jay laughed nervously, "Who are you?" But the pilot said nothing to answer him, "Huh? How did that not work?"

"Well, Samurai whoever you are, thank you." Lloyd thanked and Anirei bowed.

"I hope that we can become comrades once again in the future." She smiled.

""Thank you"?" Nya said as the Samurai flew away, "Samurai Whoever-You-Are stole my suit."

"Yeah. And saved our lives." Lloyd said.

"I have a feeling that we'll be seeing the Samurai again soon." Anirei chuckled.

"Yeah, I get that. And we're all incredibly grateful." Nya continued, "Really. It's just... You stole my suit!"

The Samurai flew high in the air, but it didn't get far as the Vermillion Warriors shot at the Samurai, successfully taking them down and causing them to fall towards the ground. The Ninja screamed in horror as their new ally was quickly taken down, but they didn't have much time to dwell.

"Ninja." Sensei Wu called out. The ninja turned around and saw Sensei Wu holding the Time Blade while being cornered by a Vermillion Warrior. It knocked the Time Blade out of Wu's hand, but Cole rushed to the scene and took the Time Blade from the ground, using it to slow down the warrior before it could attack Sensei Wu.

"Look what I found." He said smiling underneath his mask. Zane rushed in and took out the Vermillion Warrior.

Sensei Wu started to fall and Kai rushed to catch him.

"Thank you, Kai." Sensei Wu groaned.

"You're welcome. Now please, Master, tell me about the marking. What does it mean?"

"Oh, yes, or course. Your father--"

"Time is up." Two voices shouted from air. The Hands of Time flew in the air staring down the ninja before they landed on the island.

"The Hands of Time. Get them!" Lloyd shouted.

The ninja rushed to the Hands of Time as one of them held the Time Blade that moves time forward.

"All we need are a few moments, brother."


The brothers joined hands and disappeared before the ninja could get close. They moved time forward on themselves and reappeared in front of Sensei Wu and Kai. They punched the Fire ninja and his master.

"Goodbye..." Acronix said raising the Time Blade high into the air.

"Master Wu!" Cole shouted and threw the Time Blade he carried to his Master. Wu easily caught the blade and used it to block Krux's attack.

"Lucky old man." He sneered, But your luck is finally about to run out."

But Sensei Wu's luck was not bled dry, as the old master used the Time Blade to slow Acronix down before knocking the Time Blade of Forwardness out of his hands. The blade hit the ground and slid along the dirt, but landed in front of Krux. Kai rushed to his master and helped him to his feet while Krux took the Time Blade in his hand.

"I am too weak to fight." Sensei Wu said handing Kai the Time Blade, "Restraint with this weapon, but careful, Kai."

Kai nodded and rushed to Krux to attack. At that moment, while Kai and Krux were fighting, the time bubble holding Acronix back burst, letting the younger brother free to attack once more. He seized the opportunity and raced to an abandoned sword, but just as he picked up the blade, his hand was trapped by a silver chain. He looked up and saw Anirei holding the other end of the chain which was connected to one of her twin swords. The other ninja quickly swarmed the younger twin brother.

"Hold it right there, Acronix!" Anirei said and pulled the man to the ground with her chain, "Time is up for you."

"Ha! You tell him, Rei!" Lloyd cheered as he and Jay stood in front of Acronix to fight.

"Well, look at this. A child pretending to be a hero alongside her pathetic excuse for a young Master." Acronix insulted.

"Underestimating my fighting skills is a mistake." Lloyd said.

"Says the boy who fell off his dragon and had to be saved by a little girl."

"How dare you insult my family?!" Anirei shouted and pulled Acronix further into the dirt ground. She stomped up to him and stood next to Lloyd, "Maybe a nice butt-kicking will teach you to bite your tongue."

Acronix was fascinated by the girl's determination, she seemed to have more guts than the others, so much so that it closely resembled someone he thought he could remember. He shook his head of the thought and used his sword to cut the chain, dodging Lloyd as he rushed him. Acronix swung his sword at the three ninja, trying to get a hit in but the team was too fast for him.

"Zane, Cole, Nya. Look out!" Lloyd shouted as even more of the Vermillion Warriors came onto the island, standing right behind them with their newly found wings.

Kai was pushed back by Krux, shouting in frustration from the clever Hand of Time.

"See you soon, boy." Krux said wanting to escape, but Kai wouldn't let him and stormed up to the man, the two Time Blades clashing with each other. They both pushed, but Krux forced Kai to move back and away from the Master, now fighting side-by-side with Jay, Lloyd and Anirei. However, the Silver Ninja felt her stomach jump and twist, the balance of time being forced off kilter again and again with strike.

Suddenly, Cole jumped into the air and landed with his weapon hitting the ground ferociously, causing the earth to shake and knock everyone off their feet. As they all stood up, Krux and Acronix took the chance and grabbed Lloyd by his feet, spinning him around to hit all of the ninja at once. As soon as they were down, they let Lloyd go, but the Master-in-training wasn't out of the fight just yet. He forced himself back to his feet, Kai running up to take the twin brothers from the back, but he was knocked down just as quickly as he got back up.

"Elder Brother Kai, hand it over!" Anirei shouted, not taking the time think about what happened the last time she held a Time Blade. 

Kai did as he was told and threw the Time Blade to Anirei. Her hand stung terribly when she caught the blade but she grit her teeth as she faced Krux. Both wielding their Time Blades, the two clashed, both of the blades hitting each other and creating a massive temporal wave of energy. It threw Anirei off-guard for a moment, but she stood her ground.

"Yield, girl." Krux demanded, "Ninjago shall be ours."

"I will never yield to the likes of you." Anirei said and continued to push against him. She spun Krux around with the momentum from the blade and sent him flying into his younger brother. Acronix lost grip of his Time Blade and Cole caught just in time before handing it over to Lloyd.

The ninja cheered from their victory and their acquirement of yet another Time Blade.

"Sorry, but it's gonna be pretty hard to control Ninjago when you have absolutely none of the Time Blades." Lloyd said.

The Ninja cheered so loudly, that they couldn't hear their Master warn them from the oncoming attack behind them. Without warning, the general of the Vermillion Warriors flew in from behind, grabbing both of the Time Blades and heading back to her masters.

"Oh, no." Jay said.

"Oh, yes." General Machia said and used the blue Time Blade to slow down time around the team, "As I promised, the Time Blades are yours to keep."

"Indeed." Acronix said, "And let's also take him." He pointed to Sensei Wu who weakly stood next to the blue time bubble.

"Brilliantly executed, Machia." Krux praised as the general took Sensei Wu while an airship hovered over them and lowered a ladder to receive them.

"Forward. We are wasting precious time."

They all climbed up the ladder, Sensei Wu having no choice but to go with them as he couldn't fight on his own.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Machia said and as they flew away the time bubble burst with Misako rushing out of the temple, only to see Wu being swept away.

"All that fighting... just so we could end up losing everything." Kai said sadly, "Master Wu, both Time Blades."

"The Destiny's Bounty. And our temple." Cole added.

"They beat us. They won." Jay said.

"Even Samurai X has been destroyed." Zane reminded.

"They didn't win." Lloyd said, pulling down his hood and frowning at his team, "We lost because we got overconfident."

"And once we've regrouped, they will pay for what they've done." Anirei added, kicking one of the helmets left behind by the Vermillion Warriors. Kai picked up the helmet and stared at the marking inside of it, instantly being hit with yet another vision... or better yet, another memory from his past.

"This... changes everything." He said.

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