Nanbaka x Male Reader

By DragonTrainer02

73.7K 2.7K 646

You were homeless on the streets with your twin brother Tb/n since you were sixteen and went through a lot of... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Goodbye to this book
A new book!

Chapter 47

450 21 2
By DragonTrainer02

(Manga spoilers)

Samon's pov;
"Alright, if you understand then hurry up and get ready. Kenshirou and Hajime will pin number 15 down. Samon and I will handle Enki and that woman. Come on, let's hurry." Kiji ordered.

"Kiji, I'll deal with Enki on my own. Don't interfere, you guys go move the inmates and guards inside the basement. I'm not so sure I can avoid causing damage when I'm right above them, after all. Also please take care of Inori. He's the one who brought things to this point. It's thanks to him that no one else was caught up in this.I don't want that to be in vain. It's the first time he's properly done his work, after all." I said.

"I got it. It's the first time you've relied on us, too. Just do as you can. Still, it's creepy for him to be so honest. I wonder what happened? That kid.. I'm worried about him." Kiji said.

"Both monkeys and people will learn." Kenshirou said.

"I can hear you, damnit!" I shouted.

"Samon," Kenshirou said.

I looked back at him."What?!".

"I too, do not believe that Enki is a murderer. Apparently his goal is to dispose of number 15 and my buildings, number 634. But I think he must have some reason for that. I couldn't stop him, nor could I find the truth. But when I heard your words just now, I thought you might be able to do it. If it's you, you can stop him this time" Kenshirou replied.

"Ha, ain't that obvious? Honestly, you're so meddlesome." I said, before I ran off after my brother.

Hajime's pov;
Looking at number 15, he looked like the way he did back at the news year tournament. Going over my plan in my head one more time, I walked over to 15 and stood in front of him. "Hey, what did you come here for? Are you thinking of running away again? Answer me." He didn't answer. "You should have gotten your chance. Or are you going to throw everything away again?" 15 lifted his right sword up, and I brought my fist back. I was going to punch him, but when he puts out his left hand in front of me with the handcuffs in his hand, I stopped myself. He changed his right arm back to normal and held it out in front as well with his other hand.

"I'm here because I want to be." He said.

I take the cuffs from him and put them on 15's wrist. "Good," I turn back to Enki and the woman.

"Sugoroku, you can still say that he's not dangerous, even after seeing that spectacle just now?" Enki questioned.

"Like I care" I said.

"He's a dangerous existence. That blood lust will not necessarily be directed just at us." Enki said.

"So you're saying you'll dispose of him because he's dangerous? It's almost like a hunt." I questioned.

"I can't leave him at large any longer." Enki asked.

"That's got nothing to do with me. Unlike you guys, I've got no pacifisticnotions. I'm just taking action for my own sake and in the first place, it seems like you guys are treating me like a nuisance, but to me, you guys are the biggest nuisance there is. I'll kill you. Thanks to you, I didn't have any fucking work. Just how the hell do you plan on paying me back, huh! On top of lack of sleep I ran out of stomach medicine, and my stomach feels like it's on the brink of exploding even now. In any case, get back in the basement. That woman over there will go to the main building for questioning, so stay there!" I said, but they ignored me and continued to do whatever they want to do. The woman leaves Enki's side and summons more of those damn dolls.

Samon's pov;
"Enki! Why... Why didn't you stop Noriko? Why?" I asked.

"Samon, if you're going to try and stop me, then come prepared to kill me. If you don't, you won't be able to save anyone." Enki said.

Hajime's pov;
"Tch, those surveillance dolls again huh." I said.

"Hajime.. You said you were just taking action for your own sake a second ago, right? In that case, I'll prove it for my own sake, too. I'll show proof with my own two hands." 15 said.

"With your own two hands? Are you saying you'll do it while handcuffed?" I asked.

"Too bad, but I already took those off a long time ago." He replied, while showing me his free hands.

"Couldn't you endure it for at least once?" I asked.

"Even though, I usually don't." He said.

"You're dead later." I said. The dolls that the woman summoned were getting closer. I calmly walked over and punched the dolls back in front of me then kicked the ones away from me on my left side. "What's with these guys? Their movements are slower than the ones in the basement".

"Whooooaaaahhh" I look up to 15 falling from the sky. "Hajime! Save me!" I didn't want to bother with it so I stepped to the side and let him hit the ground in pain.

"So sorry, my hearing's gotten bad lately." I mentioned.

He picked himself up from the ground. "Even though I told you to save me!".

"More importantly, why were you falling from up there?" I asked.

"I was hurled over here." He said.

"Huh?" He points up to two dolls flowing in the air above us. "Still hanging on, huh? Geez, what a pain in the-" I get cut off by someome using me as a stepping stone to destroy the dolls. It was 15 who used me as a stepping stone.

"How's that?!" He asked.

I went over to 15 and punched him on top of the head. "The hell do you think you're doing using a person as a stepping stone damn it!".

He rubbed his head in pain."Ow!".

"Even so, it's not like these guys are really aiming for us right now. It almost feels like they're carefully missing us. If that's the case, then are they a decoy?" I questioned to myself, before that woman surrounded me with that same technique she tried on me last time. "Again?!" I get out of most of the technique but it still had a hold of my arm and leg. "Not good".

In the corner of my eye 15 ran over, and cut the technique chains off of me. "I'll be in trouble if you get caught." He looks at the woman. "There's something I want to ask you. Why are you trying to kill me? Just what do you and Enki know about me? Am I an enemy to you guys? I'm sorry, but I don't know why you're targeting me.".

"Our goal is to defeat Elf." She answered.

"Why do you guys know about Elf? Just what is that guy? Does he have some kind of direct relation to me?!" He asked.

"Elf's true identity is you, yourself. Elf lives within you, that's why I must kill you before that evil takes complete control of you. Because you are an existence that is extremely close to Elf right now." She replied.

Jyugo's pov;
"Ha. So that's how it is. I think I kind of knew why I was scared of what I was. I hated myself time and time again until I came here. I thought I just kept causing things to happen, even though I couldn't do anything. I made excuses for how I didn't know anything about myself while being afraid of something I couldn't see. I didn't want to accept that I was a monster. I just hung my head and turned a blind eye while saying it was my fault. But I feel relieved now, I owe you my thanks." I said. "I saw it clearly.".

"Hey, what's the meaning of this?" Samon asked about the dolls, I destroyed.

"Number 15. Did you do this?" Hajime asked.

"Yeah, I did. In order to save them and make sure they didn't suffer through anymore hardships, I'll use anything I can. In order to move forward, I didn't care even If I had to use these. That's what I decided." I said.

"If you're telling the truth, then don't ever forget it. Listen, for human beings losing sight of oneself is the same as dying. Don't let anything mislead you. Always face yourself. Don't give them a chance to take advantage of you. Just do what you can. Though if there ever comes a time when you use those for no reason again, I'll have to kill you." Hajime said.

"That'll be your chance to do so, right? I'm fine now." I said.

~End of Flashback~

"Even if Elf is within me, even if I'm not human, even so I'm still me. I won't turn into Elf anymore." I said.

"Even if your heart is like that, you cannot defeat Elf with your power. As you are Elf, I must defeat you." She said.

"I get it, that guy is definitely dangerous. You sure are making alot of harsh threats towards me, huh. I don't know what he's like or what he's trying to do or anything. He's one ominous bastard. And I get that you're trying to defeat him. However I'm sorry but defeating that Elf bastard is my goal, too." I changed my arms back into my swords and pointed one of them at the woman.

Samon's pov;
"What's wrong? Why did you stop?" Enki asked. He hits me with a strong punch, that sent me flying back until my back crashed into the wall. I get myself out of the wall and landed on my feet.

"Why.... Why has Enki been trying to kill number 15 this whole time? Why... Tell me why, why are you the same as usual before me is the Enki that I know." I thought to myself, while bringing out pieces of my staff from my pocket and put them together and got ready. "Enki told me to come at him with the resolve to kill but this doesn't feel like we're out to kill each other. This feeling is like a contest, I've learned everything from here on." I use my ki on my staff that separated with chains in between just like Enki's staff. We stared at each other and fired our attack at the same time. "Ascertain your opponent. Don't lose sight of yourself. Not everything you see is necessarily real. See through it all. Exceed your limits." The words that my brother has told me before, is the reason I push myself so much. I made a huge ball of ki like my brother and fired. "I kept listening to these words, I watched my brother so that I could get closer to him.".

~Moments past~

"Saying something so brazen.Even though I said I wouldn't yield, I lost confidence in myself the second Enki wasn't around. I was the one who changed. I just got off the right track, and struggled to walk on my own." I stand up to my feet from the exhaustion. "It's stupid to be worried or whatever. Even though I already gave my answer a long time ago, I was uncharacteristically troubled. I mean Enki was-".

"Samon, you're three thousand years too early to be aiming for me." Enki said.

"Nothing's Changed" I smiled up at him. "What I can do as I am now, is see Enki. To that end, I'll accept it don't waver. Advance.".

Jyugo's pov;
"The hell is that?!" I asked about the huge attack that the woman just fired at me. I lifted my sword up and cut the attack in half before it could reach me. The woman quickly reacted by sending multiple attacks at me, I cut through every single one that got close to me. But for the last of them, I felt some pain in my arm, I tried backing away from the rest of them but a huge rock landed in front of me. Hajime came beside me and picked up the rock with one arm.

"What the hell are you assholes going on about on your own?" He asked, before putting the rock down on the side.

I put my swords away and climbed ontop of the rock and sat down to take a break. "Hey Hajime".


"That woman.. Seems kind of similar to how Musashi and I were during the tournament. Like she's gotten desperate about something. Something she was always scared of deep down, she sees everyone as an enemy. Like she's always struggling to take care of things on her own." I said.

"Honestly what the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

"Hmm... It's hard to put into words, but I kind of feel like I can sort of understand, so I want to try fighting her. Besides, I think there are probably somethings only we can understand. I'm sure normal people wouldn't be able to understand what she's so desperate about right now. That's exactly why I want to know. Since if there's someone here who could understand me even just a little, I should be able to change." I said.

"I understand your ambiguous motivation, but before that, how about doing something about how your stamina is worse than a bug's? It would be unbelievably lame if you got exhausted and died in the final match." He said.

"Then help me out, or actually just save me." I said.

"Why the hell do I have to take orders from you? Don't screw with me, damn it." He said.

"You're just gonna get caught by that woman again either way. I'm the only one who can oppose her." I said.

"You say that, who was it that almost died a while ago?" He asked.

Before I could even answer him, I see something coming towards us in the corner of my eye. Me and Hajime jumped away from the attack. I looked back at the woman, and she made some type of  summoning circle thing. I tried to go in for an attack but she puts her hands out in front of her and made a shield out of her weird powers to block my sword.

"Why do you know about Elf? Are you related to them too? Why do you know that, he's inside of me? Is that something only you know?" I questioned.

"It's because... this is all I have. I can see into your heart." She said. I got pushed back by the shield then heard her coughing.

I ran over to her. "Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I reached my hand out to her, and I see her eyes widen. She made a different type of power circle around herself.

Hajime stood besides me. "The hell have you done now?".

I look over my shoulder. "I didn't do anything".

I hear the woman coughing again. I looked back to her, and blood hits the ground. She puts her hand on the ground and shouted. "Come forth, ran!".
Hey everyone, I hope you guys like this chapter so far!

Thoughts so far?

I apologize if it isn't the greatest.

Who's enjoying the whole Enki situation from the manga?

Have a good day/night everyone!

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