Quick Transmigration: Seducin...

By nanahlolo

266K 8.8K 1.1K

Li Chang Bo ended up dying by a car crash on his way to meet a friend. He was a well known actor and has won... More

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Arc 3. 11

604 40 7
By nanahlolo

'Aish, I should have known something like this would happen. Even after their child was tortured and died, they didn't ask about him. So for them to write a lousy letter, there had to be something or someone who had disrupted the flow of this world. And who wouldn't be a better candidate than him?' Li Chang Bo thought as he watched the young man standing next to his parents.

The young man walked towards him, smiling innocently and extending his hand in a greeting. But they were both aware that this was a trap set by the young man to test if Consort Li was really the person the boy thought he was. Li Chang Bo accepted the greeting and looked directly into the young man's eyes without shrinking.

Then he let go of the hand and sneered, "My, what a peculiar way of greeting you have. If this consort may ask, who might you be?". 

The boy took a step back and answered Consort Li without bowing his head, "My name is Ji Cheng. I didn't think the consort would forget me after such a long time." Ji Cheng said smiling as if he didn't feel Li Chang Bo staring at him with daggers.

Li Chang Bo ignored his last sentence and turned his attention to his parents, who were watching their conversation in silence. From their behaviour, he had to assume that Ji Cheng, that bitch, however he had done it, had gained his parents' utmost trust, for them to write to their ungrateful son. 

"What kind of status do you have to talk to the consort of the Emperor of the Feng Dynasty like that?" Li Chang Bo asked without looking at Ji Cheng, whose mask cracked slightly at Li Chang Bo's lofty attitude.

"Your Highness, he is a special guest of our kingdom, this king hopes you will not take offence at his actions." King Li said, preventing Ji Cheng from answering.

"The maids will show Your Highness to your chamber and we hope that you will enjoy your stay here. Perhaps Your Highness will join us for tea tomorrow," the queen said with a smile on her face. If she thought she had hidden her wicked temper behind that smile, she could continue to fool herself. He wasn't going to stay here and look at that bitch's face.

"I'll be there. Lead the way."

After sending all the maids out of his chamber, Li Chang Bo dropped onto the bed and let out a loud breath. He closed his eyes and the room fell into silence for a minute before he began to throw a tantrum. Kicking his legs and arms around and rolling on the bed, Li Chang Bo tried to get rid of those unpleasant memories, but he just couldn't erase that bitch's face from his mind. The system came out of his space and sat down on the many cushions, watching Li Chang Bo make a fool of himself. He was also recording everything, as a means of gaining some benefits from the Lord God after giving him the many videos he had made. 

Li Chang Bo snapped around and glared at him. He grabbed 0125 by his body and hauled him across the room. Only the afterimage of the system could be seen before it disappeared from Li Chang Bo's sight.

"Hah, that hit the spot." He ran his hand through his hair after removing all the nerve-racking accessories.

[DIIIEEEEE!!!!!!] 0125 screamed as he flew towards Li Chang Bo at full speed with one foot outstretched, smashing into Li Chang Bo's face. To his dismay, this only made Li Chang Bo itch.

"Haha, weak!"

[I will report you to the system management for mistreating your system!Jjust you wait]. The system said while crying dramatically, feeling insulted.

"Then I will also report you to your system management for failing to ensure the physical and mental safety of your host. Come, let's go together." Li Chang Bo said, intending to enter the system space, but he was stopped by the frightened 0125.

[Hey hey hey, let's all calm down. It was just a one-time mistake and I wasn't really at fault. It was the main system that requested my presence.] 0125 said, putting all the blame on the main system, without any guilt.

"Fuck everything else. Why the FUCK! is this bitch here in this world. What is he doing here! Don't you think it's bad enough that he had his dirty hands in my death and now you send him here to me?"

0125 was taken aback by his sudden emotional outburst and knew they had hit a sore spot. He cursed the system management in his heart and flew to his host.

[Hey, I didn't know he was responsible for your accident. Had I known, I would have told the System Management not to let you go to a world where he would have been reincarnated. The system is forbidden to look into the memories of its hosts without their permission.]

"Oh." Li Chang Bo said, pouting in frustration. "What is his business with my parents anyway, and why do they trust him so much?"

[Wait..... Let me see if I can access his information. Wow host, I am in. ] The system showed Li Chang Bo the information it found on Ji Cheng. 

Li Chang Bo read through the information, but stopped at the cause of death, "Haha serves you right, scum. You died from choking on water, haha. Karma is a bitch. I wish you an even darker and more brutal death in this world and I swear I will do everything I can to make you suffer and grovel under me." His eyes flickered with a dark intent that the System had only ever seen in the Lord God.

After reading it, Li Chang Bo didn't know how to feel. He didn't know if he should be happy that the gods had helped him kill this scum in their world, or angry that this mother ****** had received a golden leg from them in this one. 

This golden leg was given to him the moment he opened his eyes in this world. It contained knowledge about some of the future events and natural disasters that would happen, and also numerous effective methods for solving these natural disasters. This was also the reason why Ji Cheng had gained the utmost trust of his family. Knowing some of the future events, he also knew that the King and Queen of the Li Kingdom would lose their lives in a heavy rainstorm due to their carriage rolling off the road and crashing down the mountain because the roads were too slippery. So Ji Cheng prevented their deaths by saving them just moments before their carriage plunged into nothingness. At first, the royal family of the Li Kingdom were sceptical about him, thinking that he was a spy sent by their enemy, because if he wasn't, they couldn't explain how he knew of their whereabouts, since the journey was a secret. Ji Chen argued that he could communicate with the gods and that it was they who had told him about their accident. He wasn't trusted at first, but after he predicted that a natural disaster would befall their kingdom and helped them through it as if it were nothing, everyone in the kingdom trusted him and called him 'Messenger of the Gods'. 

After that, you can imagine how prosperous his life was, filled with worship and gold.

 "I have this strange feeling in the back of my head. Don't tell me he's the new protagonist of this world?" Li Chang Bo asked, his eyes twitching, adding to his bad feelings about the whole situation. 

[Wow, the host is a genius. You are right, he is the newly elected protagonist of this world. And since he is the Protagonist Shou, if I may say so, the World Consciousness will do everything to pull him towards the Protagonist Gong, who, surprise, surprise, if you didn't know, is your husband. So that they can get together and finish the world line.] The system explained while eating chips. 

"Soooo......" Li Chang Bo didn't want to think about it anymore, it felt like his head would explode. 

[Soo..... No matter how you try to prevent it, at the end of the day, you and Ji Cheng will meet again in the Feng Dynasty. So I can only advise you to take matters into your own hands and return to the Feng Dynasty with him. So you would have some responsibility, or if I may put it crudely, some power to control him so that he doesn't harm your husband].

"And what if I don't?" 

[Then the world consciousness will cause one natural disaster after another in the Feng Dynasty, so that they will be forced to go to Ji Cheng themselves for help. But don't worry, we all know that the Lord God wouldn't even look at his crusty ass if both of them were the last people on this planet].

"I need to sleep over this. I think my blood pressure has gone up." He lay down on the bed, pulled the blanket over him and closed his eyes.


The next day, Li Chang Bo was escorted to the pavilion, where he and the Li royal family were to have a chat over tea. Awaiting him were the aforementioned people with an uninvited guest.

"Your Highness, I hope you slept well." King Li asked politely after bowing to Consort Li.

"Yes, it was comfortable." "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

The queen looked at him with a sour expression, not expecting him to come straight to the point. "I assume that is why you sent a letter to this consort, am I right?"

 King Li saw that his son wasn't going to talk around the matter, so he stated his business directly, as he himself didn't want to stay here any longer. "Then let me come to the point. I need Your Highness to take the 'Messenger of the Gods' back with you on your way to the Feng Dynasty."

Li Chang Bo's face hardened at this request. He was aware that this was the work of the World Consciousness, and that made him uncomfortable. "If this consort may ask, who is this 'messenger of the gods' you are talking about and why are they being addressed as such?" He asked.

The queen's maid poured some tea into their cups and they all took a sip. Li Chang Bo just picked it up, looked at it while swirling it around, and put it down again without taking a sip. The queen was offended by his impertinent behaviour. "You..." she wanted to express her disagreement with his mocking act towards her, but she was stopped by Ji Cheng. "Your Highness, that 'messenger of the gods' would be me. I-"

"No one has spoken to you, so why do you open your mouth without being told?" Li Chang Bo interrupted him with a raised eyebrow. Ji Chen bit the inside of his cheek to stop himself from saying something that would disrupt his plan. 

'Just you wait, Li Chang Bo. You took everything from me in the last world, and now I will pay you back. I will take everything you hold dear, starting with your parents and your kingdom.'

"Please do not take this to heart, Your Majesty. Ji Cheng is truly the 'Messenger of the Gods'. He has the ability to communicate with the gods. This ability of his has saved us from death countless times and from the downfall of this kingdom".

"The only thing that has saved your worthless life and the downfall of this useless country is the Emperor's mercy." Li Chang Bo said coldly. Now it was the king's turn, his face darkening with embarrassment and anger.

"You are right. It is all thanks to the emperor's generosity. What I really meant to say was that whenever a disaster was about to happen, Ji Chen would receive a message from the gods to prevent it. And some time ago, he had informed us of a catastrophe that would befall the Feng Empire in two months' time. So I had written a letter directly to you, asking for your audience to solve this matter.

"Solve this matter? You? With what position? Knowing you as I do, you would have used this catastrophe to your own advantage, to usurp the Emperor's throne. Tzzz. If you really wanted to help the Emperor, why didn't you write to him personally? Why do you need me here?"

King Li was struck with fear and shock when he heard his son's words. He immediately fell to his knees, taking his wife with him, and kowtowed to Consort Li. "This king would never dare to think of such a thing. Please spare us, Your Highness." There was no telling what Consort Li would tell the Emperor when he returned. If he told him about his suspicions against him and that he thought they were trying to usurp the throne, then forget about escaping from them, the whole kingdom would be whipped out in an instant.


"Consort Li, the carriage is ready. We are ready to leave," a guard told Consort Li as he sat in his chambers waiting for the carriage to be ready. When he arrived at the carriage he saw the king and queen and Ji Cheng waiting for him.

"We thank Your Highness for your audience and hope you have a safe and comfortable journey." Li Chang Bo just looked at him and walked past them into the carriage.

Outside, the king and queen continued to talk, expressing their concern for Ji Cheng. Ji Cheng grabbed the queen's hands, "Don't worry, Your Highness, Ji Cheng will take good care of himself. I will also keep an eye on the consort and take care of him, so Your Highness need not worry." His smile, as innocent and pure as white lilies, melted the old couple's hearts. 

The queen laughed mockingly, "What do I care about him? He is all grand and mighty now and can take care of himself. No need to worry about him. Just do what you want to do and worry about yourself." The king put his hand on Ji Cheng's shoulder and squeezed it, "You are always welcome in our kingdom."

Ji Cheng wanted to ride in the same carriage as Li Chang Bo. It was the most beautiful carriage he had ever seen, so luxurious. It screamed money. He felt it should be his, not Li Chang Bo's. Before he could enter the carriage, a guard stopped him. 

"You are not permitted to enter the consort's carriage." The guard, who was dressed differently to the other guards, stood in front of the consort's carriage with his sword sheathed in his right hand. 

"Well, I am accompanying the consort back to the Feng Empire, so of course it is necessary for me to ride in the same carriage as him." Ji Chen said and tried to enter the carriage again, but the guard stopped him with his sheathed sword. 

"By order of the emperor, no one is allowed to approach or enter the consort's carriage. This is a personal gift from the Emperor to the Consort, and only the two of them can set foot in this carriage."

The guard assigned to Consort Li by the Emperor said in a monotone voice.

'Hah, is this punk trying to show off infront of me?!' Ji Cheng turned around and walked towards another carriage pointed at by the guard. To his dismay it was just a standard carriage with nothing spectacular to it and he felt uncomfortable sitting in it.

Throughout the whole ride, he was ignored by Li Chang Bo and his servants. The only time they paid attention to him is when they gave him some food. Ji Cheng, who was already used to the attention of everyone around him, couldn't stand this kind of treatment. But he knew that if he were to harm Li Chang Bo, the guard who had stopped him just now would cut his throat without hesitation.




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