I Found Home

By Mary444Jackson

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Hannah : you don't get to talk or even breathe next to that woman . Kane : She works with me , how am I ... H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Thank You Note

Chapter 17

422 22 14
By Mary444Jackson


I might pass out if I don't take a breath , but who cares ?

I don't want to stop , I don't want to pull away , I just want to stay like this , letting one kiss lead to the other . His hands are on my waist , his fingers digging into my skin through the fabric , my ankle is barely propping me up and it starts hurting like ... a lot .

It still isn't enough of a reason for me to pull away ...

Great , I don't have to pull away now anyway since he did .

« You're in pain . » He says breathless , his voice a little bit hoarse .

My eyes meet his as I am still holding on to him , our faces inches apart . « I'm fine . »

He stares down at me and chuckles , then cups my cheek softly . « You're a bad liar . » I glare at him but he grins wider . « Come take a seat . »

He pulls me by my hand , but we both come to a halt when we hear noises and footsteps outside . I freeze , my pain and delight and every emotion I felt before evaporating to thin air . I clutch his hand tighter , my chest heaving and my mind racing as he looks around . In a blink , he pulls me to a gap between a book shelf and the wall , my back presses against him while his presses against the wall . There isn't much space in here , so I can feel every inch of him behind me .

Someone walks in to the library , tapping a cane against the wooden floor and stomping in angrily , thankfully whoever that is didn't bother turning on the lights , otherwise me and Kane would be in a pretty big trouble .

Not that I am any safer now , just being near him is dangerous for me , and right now he is not just near , he is so close I could smell his strong fragrance and feel his heartbeats , which are matching the erratic rhythm of mine .

« How many times do I have to tell you ? Your presence is not welcomed here . » I startle when suddenly the man who walked in taps the cane strongly in the floor , Kane grabs my hand in his and I look up at him , even in the darkness I can see his gleaming eyes boring into mine .

The door closes and someone else walks inside , probably a woman judging by the heels sounds around .

« I'm here to see my brothers . » Yes it's a woman , her voice calm and quiet but sure .

« They are not your brothers . They are my sons , my precious sons . A bastard like you can't be their sister . »

The woman chuckles . « No need for insults , Lambert . I'm not here to argue about facts , I just want to warn you that if you don't inform them about my existence I will . »

My eyes widen when the woman mentions Iker's father .

They have a sister ?

One they don't know about !

For some reason I squeeze Kane's hand tighter , his thumb grazes my hand reassuringly but the new piece of information stroke me like a fierce thunder in a dark sky .

« Do you really think they'd care ? » Mr Lambert asks with apparent contempt in his voice .

« That's up to them . But at least they will know and get a chance to decide . » She walks away with her heels echoing over the empty library , with my shallow breaths I feel like the old man might hear me . But he just stands there since we didn't hear the sound of his cane and tired footsteps yet .

I don't know for how long me and Kane are going to stay pressed together , but I could feel his discomfort and ...

Oh God no !

I try to shift in my position to press my front against him instead of my back , since that seemed to get him ... hard .

Fucking hell ! How am I supposed to live with that now ?

« That doesn't change anything . » He hisses through gritted teeth .

It apparently does not , his length is now pressed against my stomach and the worse is that it makes me all hot and sweaty , but I have to convince myself otherwise until this situation is over . Finally Mr Lambert leaves , closing the door behind him .

I wait two seconds before darting out from between Kane and the bookshelf , wincing as my ankle hurts with each step before I lean into the canopy , taking in a deep inhale of breaths . He follows suit , staring at the door from where the old man disappeared .

He is probably still thinking about the conversation to which we eavesdropped just earlier . I am thinking about it too , because I am not sure how Iker would react to that .

Darkness is where dark truths rise , I just wish I wasn't here to hear it . I feel guilty for knowing such a secret and hiding it .

« This should not get out of here . »

I look at him and raise and eyebrow . « A lot of this happened here , you should be more specific . »

He stalks towards me and I can't help the blush creeping up my neck at the reminder of his erection pressed against me earlier . So I look away , like the coward I become in his presence . I take a seat on the canopy and glance my small boots .

Thankfully I didn't listen to Paget , a pair of leather boots wouldn't have been as invisible as these ones .

« All that happened here should stay here , especially ... Mr Lambert's conversation ... »

« You knew ? » I look up at him suspiciously . He is close with Ellie and if by some chance she's aware of this matter , she might have told him . But he shakes his head .

« This is news to me too ... but I mean it , you can't tell your boyfriend about this . »

I roll my eyes and look at my foot as I rub it . « Weird how you still have the audacity to state that he's my boyfriend a few minutes after making out with me . »

He raises his eyebrows and smirks , taking one more step near me . « Try all you can , nothing can make me feel guilty about it . »

I hold his gaze for a beat , then grab my boots to wear them . He kneels before me and takes them , my lips part in surprise and confusion .

« Allow me . »

I reach out for them . « I can manage . »

« Let me be a gentleman and do it . » I'm not sure if he glares at me or not , but a grin forces its way to the corner of my lips as I fold my arms and stare down at him .

« That's your way of seducing me ? »

He helps me wear my boots delicately , his hands occasionally grazing my bare legs , sending shivers down my spine . « Maybe . Is it working ? » He asks with the same tone he spoke in the day we first met in that coffee shop .

I shake my head and take the chance of him being busy with my feet and keep staring at him . « We just heard the craziest thing and that's what you're thinking of right now ? »

« You're a great distraction . »

I let out a loud laugh then clasp my hand over my mouth to stop it . His eyes meet mine , a warm smile on his face as he looks up at me . My exhale gets stuck in my throat as I suppress my breath , as if doing so can freeze time and by some miracle I will be able to stay in this moment forever .

Nothing makes me feel more cherished than his eyes do .

« He's not my boyfriend ... » I blurt out , foolishly and stupidly , dropping my hand down from my mouth.

A heavy exhale leaves him but he still looks at me skeptically . « You were holding his hand ... » A muscle tightens in his jaw , I reach my hand and run my fingers over it , softly and carefully .

« It was just to help me walk ... you see my ankle is still sprained ... » My voice is barely a whisper , but I know he heard me quite right .

« You could get a cane if it hurts that much . »

I smirk . « I think I already have , a Kane . »

We both laugh , he squeezes his eyes shut at the mention of his name , then our gazes meet again .

He was about to lean in to kiss me again when my phone rang .

Two options : Throw it against the wall or ... answer .

It's mom , I have taken long enough here .

I turn to him still holding my phone in my hand . « I need to go back out there . »

We stand up at the same time , I look up at him , not knowing what to do or say or how to act .

After this , I am not sure what we are anymore . But we are not just a teacher and student . There is more to that , and the more I felt its depths the more frightened I grow .

Those sensations are not usual for me , never have I ever been unable to do the right thing . Until I crossed path with this man , who I can't tell if he's a blessing or a curse to me yet .

« Hannah ... I know I might have been a little bit ... pushy . But ... »

Seeing him struggle to speak makes me want to laugh but I know it won't be appropriate so I stay quiet , plus he looks so adorable right now .

« Being near you , is unlike anything else I have experienced in my whole life . » I gasp sharply , my heart beats too fast and my legs are threatening to buckle on me . « I meant it when I said I can't stop , I don't want to . » He caresses my hair gently .

« We will have to be extremely careful . » I whisper .

« I know . » He replies immediately without even thinking .

« We can't get caught . »

« We won't . »

I bite my bottom lip still looking up at him , his gaze immediately shifts there . I release my lip and look down , thinking of this , of what I am about to embark in .

There will be no going back , we either float or drown .

It's selfish to accept this , it's selfish to accept it knowing all the risks but ... I just can't resist .

« Fine . That will be our dirty little secret I guess . » I say sarcastically , throwing my hands in the air .

He leans in capturing my mouth with his with a wide grin on his face .

« It's still clean . We haven't reached the dirty parts yet , not even close . »

I gape at him with wide eyes .

And the blush makes an appearance !

Thankfully it is not noticeable with the faint light here .

« I still can't believe I will have to deal with you for the rest of the year though . »

I walk past him and hear him chuckle lightly , it does things to me that laughter of his , things I didn't know were possible . I walk out but not before casting a glance at him , he was already watching me leave .

I stare at him for a beat longer before darting out of the library , feeling all giddy and ... happy ?

Although there is the Lamberts secret that isn't so secret anymore since Me and Kane found out about it, it is making me feel uncomfortable and very very guilty .

Still I wonder how Iker would take the news , finding out he has a sister he never knew about because his father kept shutting her down due to his hatred for her and his love for his sons .

Fatherhood is an overrated concept . Fathers are men . Men don't know how to love . I learnt that very long ago which is why I am not surprised Mr Lambert has a daughter he despises .

I look back at the door I came out from , Kane is still inside , probably waiting for a moment before walking out so that it won't look suspicious .

I sigh and remind myself that no matter what , I must not let my heart slip away from me , not to Kane or to any man .

There is attraction between us and we clearly like each other too much to deny it , although I am not sure what precisely me and him are now , I am sure of one thing .

It's all meant to become a memory at some point . Hopefully a good one .

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