Dark Soul πŸΎπŸ¦‡

By GothNebula

2.2K 139 41

Lila the evil woman that wanted Adrien to love him, he rejected her and she evilly put a curse on him to beco... More

Cursed For Eternity
Ancestor meets Descendant
Claw Noir meets Ladybug
Feeling Cursed
Spoiled Brat
Fun Fair
Adrien Agreste
Chloe's Cruelty
Abandon Theater
Notre Dame
Protecting His Princess
Getting Along
Beauty Divine
Anti-Protection Potion
Masquerade Dance
Claw vs Lila
Lila Defeated
Night Protector


50 4 2
By GothNebula

Adrien was in chemistry class in disguise, trying to come up with a way between witchcraft chemistry and Science chemistry to defeat that liar once and for all. Witches and wizards are still human beings, not non-human like gorgons, werewolves, or even himself as a vampire. But of course, some witches would make a bargain with the devil but at the cost of their own weakness is salt. He plucks out some vials to mix them. Even if defeating a witch, you gotta be a witch. In this case, a warlock to be exact since he's a male but he's never fond of doing dark magic like her. He's too pure-hearted. Lila could be another persona again since he already eliminated Sierra and the security cameras could've been passed by someone to give to the news crew. He noticed Marinette nearby trying to mix something but it exploded in her face comically.

"Yuck!" She wipes her goggles.

"Maybe 2 drops was better, not 3" Adrien chuckled softly before cleaning her up with his handkerchief.

"Right," Marinette replied deadpanned.

"No more accidents," Their science teacher said in a cranky voice.

"Okay. Looks like we need to work together" Marinette said.

"Agreed" Adrien said.

Eventually, it was a challenge for chemistry class until it was finally over.

"Well done, Aiden," Marinette said.

"Thanks, Marinette," Adrien said.

"You and Felix sure are something in the family," Marinette said.

"You could say that," Adrien said.

"I suppose being Parisian changed you than being British in London" Marinette guessed before heading to her locker.

"Yeah. It was quite boring in London anyway. Well, it's not like I hate London. Just wanted a fresh start here" Adrien said.

"And so do I since Chloe is not here to torture my soul again," Marinette said.

"Yep. And you really changed since she was expelled" Adrien said.

"Don't get used to it, emo boy" Marinette closed the locker.

"Right, free spirit that is," Adrien said.

"You are a mystery" Marinette heading outside.

"Mmhmm" Adrien smirked.

"You really never let your vulnerability get the better of you," Marinette said.

"Nope. Because it ain't over till it's over" Adrien said.

"I saw how pissed off you were the day you first came to school, I don't know how you are brave like that" Marinette came to her bakery.

"I've been through worse threats before. I just have to muster up courage" Adrien replied.

"Mmhmm. Well, it seems like no one has whooped your ass and lived to tell the tale" Marinette heads inside.

"Yeah, I'm a real ass-kicker," Adrien said.

"Heh, yes you are. Just like him too" Marinette said before showing him to her room upstairs.

"You mean Claw Noir?" Adrien asked.

"That wild cat is very hard to get his ass whooped" Marinette showed him her room.

"Wow, neat room" Adrien looks around, even though he has been there as Claw Noir.

"Goth style, yes. Some always think it's depressing" Marinette said.

"When it's style," Adrien said.

"But it's what makes me who I am today. No going back to being girly" Marinette said.

"I'm not forcing you to change," Adrien said.

"I never said that. I used to be joyful years ago but then Cerise came, twisted everything up to have everyone go against me and I lost sense of who I was. Even Chloe bullied me a lot. No one did anything and I gave up on my girly side and became this. Grief and anxiety made me forget what happiness feels like again" Marinette explained why she feels afraid to open up because her former self was scared.

"I understand," Adrien said.

"But sometimes black can be a depressing color. It's what made me like black and forget pink" Marinette said.

"Pink can always mean love and joy," Adrien said, knowing his color roses.

"Can't say the same about red" Marinette pointed out.

"Marinette, you're not alone anymore. The whole school sees you're innocent. As long as they have loyalty to you, they will learn that you're nothing like that selfish brat who thinks of her pride and reputation. I did see you care more about saving them from being manipulated by Cerise for too long before they would have self-loathed themselves" Adrien said.

"Yes. But for now, their naiveness is haunting them" Marinette said.

"Give them time to process themselves," Adrien said.

"Of course" Marinette sat down on her couch.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Marinette. Even you and me. Believe me, when Chloe picks on you like that, it's like she has no respect for your flaws. Flaws make us human. Without flaws, we are nothing" Adrien said.

"Since when did you get wise?" Marinette asked.

"Long time experience, that's all" Adrien replied.

"Heh, more like your maturity and morality grew up too fast for you at a young age" Marinette chuckled at how his mentality made him feel like he was a grown adult.

"Pretty much," Adrien said.

"You somehow are a bit like Felix. He was never fooled by Cerise nor did he like Chloe's foolishness. Sometimes he can be a little grumpy whenever girls think he's attractive. They all think he looks so much like his mother" Marinette said.

"He told me what I needed to know about Chloe and all troublesome people" Adrien sat next to her.

"Has anyone tormented you in London?" Marinette asked.

"Yeah, but I know I couldn't let him take advantage of my weakness," Adrien said.

"What did you do?" Marinette asked.

"Let's just say I told him to never be foolish again in front of me because it's pointless to manipulate my trust," Adrien said, half lying that he meant Lila.

"I see" Marinette replied and turned on her game console, "Ever played video games?"

"With Felix, yes," Adrien said.

"Good because this one's based on Ladybug," Marinette said.

It lasted an hour and Adrien did go easy on her to let her win. He admitted that she was good but hopefully by then, he'll visit her again as the cat again.

"Well played, Marinette," Adrien said.

"Thanks. But it's like you were going easy on me" Marinette said.

"Well, it's the first time for me," Adrien said.

"Heh, you're a weird boy but you are something, Aiden," Marinette said.

"Yeah, in my own special way," Adrien said.

"Mmhmm. I'll see you later. If another new bully makes a threat, don't try to get involved like that alley cat became overprotective of me the other day" Marinette said.

"Heh, you know cats are very protective. He chose you because he cares about your well-being the same way I do" Adrien smirked.

"Maybe even dark princesses like me need cats" Marinette teased.

"Well, good luck with that," Adrien said.


As night approached, Claw Noir took a stop by the cemetery, even if his father and mother are gone, they still lived in his heart. He placed a flower near their graves.

"I miss you, mother and father. If only we had known before she took that life away from all of us" Claw Noir said solemnly, "Well, you would have loved what I've inspired in Paris, the current hero swinging around"

"How thoughtful" Ladybug standing on the statue.

"AGH!! Jeez! Don't do that!" Claw Noir felt no heart attack but his reflex spooked him.

"Awww.....is the kitten a scaredy cat?" Ladybug taunted.

"No! And I'm just here to mourn my parents" Claw Noir said.

"I thought your grief was over by then. You will avenge them somehow" Ladybug jumps down.

"Yes, once Lila is done," Claw Noir said.

"Kitty, you're not the only one who lost families. One life ends, another begins. It's called the circle of life. Predators eat prey, prey eats plants. Balancing the life" Ladybug said.

"Yes, so I've heard," Claw Noir said.

"Yours is like cannibalism," Ladybug said.

"Not quite, Bugaboo" Claw Noir replied.

"Anyways, how's your mom and dad? You can't see ghosts, can you?" Ladybug asked.

"I saw them while being in the afterlife in Notre Dame" Claw Noir said.

"I suppose your grief made you cry to see them like this" Ladybug guessed, knowing that something mentioned a dead person triggers a living person's sadness.

"Yes, that I missed out on my father's life after I was turned and buried," Claw Noir said.

"Death can have definitions on how a person dies from natural causes. You didn't even see how he died. History can hold truths but also deceptions so future generations don't know the real truth of the past" Ladybug said.

"Hmm.....you do have a point. My father could've died for a reason than just old age or a broken heart. I don't want to believe he did the unthinkable" Claw Noir shuddered to think he killed himself out of grief just to be reunited with Emilie and Adrien in the afterlife. Suicide is a bad sin and suicide death won't help reunite with the dead ones in heaven.

He takes out the witchcraft book, hoping there's like a memory potion to go back in time to see the past.

"Anything?" Ladybug asked.

"One, but the problem is those who saw my father die are already dead. I'm the only one living but I have no memory of his death. The only one who saw my father long enough was Lila. It requires DNA heritage blood that is passed down to their children. If my mother's side of the family witnessed my father's death, the descendant must be Felix. He must be carrying his ancestor's blood" Claw Noir reads the ingredients that are required to brew the potion to create a flashback potion. The only problem is if his family did not see how his father died, only Lila would be the living witness but she's too cunning and has every weapon to weaken him.

"Better ask Felix for a strand of hair or nails," Ladybug said.

"Gross. I think blood is better. I watched his movies that tend to think DNA is in blood" Claw Noir said.

"DNA is everywhere on your body," Ladybug said.

"Yes, I know. But still disgusting. Blood doesn't bother me" Claw Noir said before placing more flowers to his deceased descendants, "You all heard my stories but hopefully someday you'll all be avenged for what Lila did to the family for over a century"

Ladybug walks up to him and places a hand on his shoulder, "Your moment will come, kitty. You can't rush fate" Ladybug said.

"But I won't do it alone, partner" Claw Noir said.

"Heh, you got courage like a lion. You still haven't found your soft paws yet" Ladybug said.

"No. Not yet through teeth and claws," Claw Noir said.

"You always like biting in the ass like a dog" Ladybug making fun of him.

"Will you stop saying I bite people's asses? Honestly, I don't always let curiosity kill me" Claw Noir rolled his eyes.

"Sorry Kitty" Ladybug replied.

"Anyways, if you see that bitch, let me know," Claw Noir said.

"Of course. You can count on me" Ladybug said.

"Good" They then fist-bumped.

"Even if she's anyone to either impersonate or blend in like an actress, she can't hide her scent from me," Claw Noir said before pole-vaulting away.

"Of course" Ladybug watched him leave.

As he came through the window and dropped his transformation, he remembered it was dinner time with the descendants. The reason he did not come for dinner every night was because he did not want to get his blood cravings the best of him to one day attack them. But since it's been a month right now, he assumes that he's starting to feel like himself and doesn't feel a frenzy to attack. He heads downstairs to join them. He loved the smell of food as he remembered with his parents.

"Welcome back, Adrien," Felix said.

"Thank you. Ah, stuffed turkey, mashed potatoes, corn on a cob, and croissants. Lovely" Adrien took his seat and noticed the wine bottle that he can't have since it's also holy, "Put something stronger. I never drink.....wine" He made a tease. He was then given some regular water to drink.

"I hope you are hungry, sweetie. Stuffed turkey is always the best family dinner tradition" Amelie said with kindness.

"Oh yeah. Been a while since I had one" Adrien said.

"Cheese! Finally!" Plagg digs in for cheddar cheese

"Even the kwami is invited" Felix chuckled.

"He always thinks with his stomach. I think with my fangs" Adrien said before having turkey cut meat.

"So, even if you're not entirely enrolled in school, you can see how much has changed," Felix said.

"Yep, the schools in the 1880s were different," Adrien said.

He was so hungry for real food since his undead stomach was finally allowing him to eat what he liked rather than just blood.

"Ah, finally eating like a human I see. That's great" Felix snickered at him for how much he missed eating food with his family.

"Yeah, it is" Adrien replied.

"The cafeteria food is not your favorite time to eat" Felix ate his meal.

"Nope, not the best" Adrien said.

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