Love: Till the end. Kim Taehy...

By Misskkholic

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It's a romantic, love triangle college love story which started between three friends Taehyung, Si Jun and Ju... More

In the middle of night.
The international Playboy.
Remaining kiss?
Badboy or madboy?
And then I fell for him.
The Iceberg.
Half bone!
Our meeting.
Don't say bye.
Why is it so hard to understand?
Again a badboy.
Lovesick Girls
Low class girl.
Remaining kiss? part 2
Is this a dream?
Next morning
Playing hard to get
He likes me!
His proposal
A bad boy is not my type.
Never ever
The challenge
The shocking date.
Meeting him again.
Unexpected night
His teasing
Arranged marriage
Back to home
Unexpected friendship
Fake love
Fake date
Losing her
New announcement!
Engagement night
Love confessions
Happy Ending

The painful truth

169 18 4
By Misskkholic

Si Jun's POV:-

The next day at college, Taehyung approached me with concern evident in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, his voice filled with worry. "My mother told me everything that happened to you."

I nodded, offering him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine, Taehyung. You shouldn't worry about me."

He gently cupped my face in his hands, his touch warm and comforting. "I wish I was there to protect you. I'm your soon-to-be husband, but I couldn't do anything for you."

I felt a pang of guilt as his words washed over me. "It's okay, Taehyung," I reassured him, placing my hand over his. "You shouldn't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault."

He nodded, pulling me into a tight embrace. "Please, be safe for me," he whispered, his voice filled with emotion.

I hugged him back, feeling the weight of his worry and love. "I will," I promised, holding onto him tightly.

As Taehyung pulled back and planted a gentle kiss on my forehead, I watched him walk away, feeling a mix of emotions swirling inside me. But my attention was quickly drawn to Se Mi, who was staring at us from a distance. Furrowing my brows, I approached her as she made her way over to me.

"Why do you do this every time? Huh? Why?" Se Mi's voice was sharp, filled with accusation. Confused, I asked, "What did I do?"

Se Mi let out a bitter chuckle. "Oh, don't be a fool. You know what, Si Jun? I hate you. I just hate you." With those harsh words, she stormed away, leaving me standing there, bewildered and wondering why she harbored such animosity towards me when I barely knew her.

As I pondered over her words, a sense of unease settled in my chest, leaving me with more questions than answers.

With determination burning in my chest, I scoured every inch of the college until I stumbled upon Se Mi, her delicate figure twirling in a solitary dance amidst the vast emptiness of the auditorium. My heart clenched at the sight of her bleeding feet, a silent testament to her pain.

Approaching her with hesitant steps, I retrieved the first aid kit from the nursing room, my hands trembling slightly with unease. "Sit down," I commanded, my voice sharper than intended, fueled by the frustration of unanswered questions. Se Mi's defiant glare met mine as she stubbornly refused my aid.

Refusing to yield, I gently but firmly guided her to sit, ignoring her protests as I began the task of tending to her injuries. With each tender touch, a whirlwind of emotions surged within me - empathy for her suffering, frustration at her resistance, and a glimmer of hope for understanding.

As I carefully wrapped bandages around her wounded feet, the silence between us echoed with unspoken tension, mingling with the soft strains of the music still playing in the background. 

"Why do you hate me?" I ventured, the question heavy on my tongue as I gazed at Se Mi, searching for answers in the depths of her eyes.

Her response was laced with bitterness, each word dripping with disdain. "Because you always try to fake this nice person drama," she spat, her voice tinged with resentment.

"Drama? It's not drama," I protested, my voice rising with indignation. "I felt hurt seeing you like this. I wanted to ease your pain."

Se Mi's laughter cut through the tense air like a knife, a cruel reminder of the divide between us. "Oh, really? Then ease my heart's pain. Leave Taehyung," she demanded, her words sharp and piercing.

My heart sank at her words, the weight of her request heavy upon my shoulders. Yet, amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling within me, a spark of defiance flickered to life. "I can't do that," I whispered, my voice wavering but resolute. "He's going to be my husband soon.”

Se Mi chuckled, her laughter cutting through the tension like a bitter wind. "Look, now your nice person drama has ended. Huh!"

I clenched my jaw, struggling to contain the torrent of emotions raging within me. "Our parents arranged our marriage. I'm not supposed to leave him," I countered, my voice trembling with suppressed anger.

Se Mi's eyes blazed with fury as she fired back, her words like daggers aimed at my heart. "Will you not even leave him if you get to know that your so-called soon-to-become husband has slept with another girl and didn't even bother to tell it to you?"

My eyes widened in shock, the ground shifting beneath me as her words sank in. "What are you saying?" I whispered, my voice barely above a breath.

Se Mi's grip on her anger tightened as she gritted her teeth, the truth tumbling from her lips like poison. "He slept with me, and pretty sure that he never told it to you," she declared, her words like a cruel twist of fate.

My world shattered in an instant, the betrayal of Taehyung striking me like a physical blow. "You're lying," I protested weakly, my voice hollow with disbelief.

But Se Mi's laughter echoed in the hollow spaces of my shattered heart. "I'm not," she insisted, her words laden with scorn. "That's why I hate you. He slept with me when it's about marriage thing then he wants you, not me."

A cold realization settled over me like a suffocating blanket, the truth too painful to bear. My heart sank as the magnitude of Taehyung's betrayal washed over me, leaving me adrift in a sea of shattered dreams and broken promises.

As Se Mi's laughter faded into tears, I felt a twinge of sympathy for her. "I gave him my everything, but he chose you every time, not me," she confessed, her voice quivering with pain. My heart ached as I listened, unable to imagine the depth of her anguish. "What do you mean, every time?" I asked softly, my concern evident in my voice.

Through her tears, Se Mi unraveled the tangled threads of our past, revealing the intricate web of manipulation she had woven to win Taehyung's affection. Shock coursed through me as I learned the extent of her schemes. "You told Jungkook's dad about our love affair?" I repeated, struggling to comprehend the betrayal.

Se Mi nodded, her tears falling freely. "Yes, I did," she admitted, her words heavy with remorse. I couldn't help but feel a surge of conflicting emotions—empathy for Se Mi's pain, and anger at the deception.

Her words hit me like a punch to the gut, each revelation unraveling the fabric of my reality. "You know, when I found out that you loved Jungkook and not Taehyung, I felt happy. So happy," Se Mi confessed, her voice trembling with emotion. "I thought, finally, I have Taehyung. But then Jungkook left you and came to Busan. You had that accident and lost your memories. And once again, Taehyung and you got back together. Whose heart broke? Mine," she concluded, her sorrow palpable.

The mention of Jungkook's name sent a jolt of recognition through me. "Jungkook?" I whispered, barely able to comprehend the revelation. Se Mi's solemn nod confirmed my worst fears. "Yeah, you two were lovers in school."

The truth crashed over me like a tidal wave, shattering the illusions I had clung to. The realization that I had been in love with Jungkook before my accident left me reeling, my mind spinning with unanswered questions.

“That's why I hate you,” Se Mi said before walking away, leaving me alone there with the weight of her words and the turmoil of my own emotions.

As Se Mi's words sank in, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I couldn't believe that both Taehyung and Jungkook had betrayed me in such a way. They were the two people I trusted the most, and now it felt like I didn't know them at all.

"Neither Taehyung nor Jungkook loves me," I thought bitterly, feeling the weight of their deception crushing me. "They're both just liars."

The realization that Taehyung had slept with Se Mi and kept it from me, despite my direct questions, felt like a knife to the heart. It was a betrayal of trust that left me feeling wounded and betrayed.

And then there was Jungkook, the boy I had loved in school, who had left me and come to Busan, only to sleep with other girls. The thought of him with someone else tore at my soul, leaving me feeling hollow and deceived.

"He never had feelings for me," I whispered to myself, the words tasting bitter on my tongue. "If he did, he would never have done this."

As anger and hurt consumed me, my thoughts turned to Jungkook, once my love, now my betrayer. "I thought he loved me," I admitted to myself, my voice choked with emotion. "But I was wrong. It was all just a trap."

With each passing moment, my pain turned to resentment, my love turning to hatred. "I'll never believe Jungkook's words ever again," I vowed, my voice filled with determination. "He's a liar. A cheater. I hate him."

As the weight of my emotions threatened to overwhelm me, I felt a sense of clarity wash over me. From that moment on, I knew that I could never trust them again.


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See you soon. Till then bye.

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