Steve and Bucky's daughter y/n

By HoldenGrey0

66.3K 1K 330

Y/n is the 12 year old daughter to Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes. A child genius much like her uncle Tony sta... More

[1]"Goddamn it Y/N not again !!"
[2]"Who the HELL got blood on my new carpet?!?!"
[3]"When we first found out you had been created"
[4]"Have fun my little queen"
[5]"Im glad you like it kid, you deserve it"
[6]"Ok Stevie, we'll be waiting here"
[7]"Good boy"
[8]"Ready, set, kill!"
[9]"Its rogers-BARNES, thank you"
[10]"Hey buck! Catch!"
[11]"Watch the begonias!"
[12]"Captain america cant play frisbee!"
[13]"Always, Sergeant"
[14]"You want to know how he disappeared"
[15]"it's called lento placido"
[17]"i can do this until dinner"
[18]"y/n, please climb down from that bookcase"
[19]"is this common?"
[20]"I'm not getting involved"
[21]"goodnight guys"
[22]"oh stevie"
[23]"Do you think theres another spiderman in the world?"
[24]"boys you're going to hurt yourselves"
Turning point
[26]"happy birthday peter"
[27]"what kind of powers"
[28]"why are we smothering the children?"
[29]"she's never full"
[30]"I get them sometimes to"
[31]"you won't tell anyone?"
[32]"what if they don't stop?"
[33]"it's the school"
[35]"I dont know what's wrong"
[36]"Have a good day"
[37]"Are you ok?"
[38]"Whats happening?!"
[39]"Higher dose!"
[40]"It's interesting...."
[41]"Ok... no more"
[42]"Calm down babygirl"
Not all those who wander are lost
[44]"I thought they were gone?"
[45]"Do you know where you are?"
[46]"Do you remember?"
[47]"I have no idea"
[48]"That wasn't a dream"
[49]"what the hell?"
[51]"I'm so glad she's stubborn"
[END]"So, what's next year?"
*One-shot book*
Adjusting - 15 months
Genius? - 18 months
Zoo - 6 years old
2nd suspension - 7 years old
Joyride - 8 years old
cinema trip - 9 years old
Insomnia meetups - 10 years old

Attached - 7 years old

164 2 0
By HoldenGrey0

You won't let Steve put you down and he's been having to carry you everywhere, including into a shield meeting.

Word count: 2,400


"Come on y/n pleeease? I need to get changed, I'm still in my pyjamas!" Complained Steve trying to loosen your grip on his wrists.

Bucky just chuckled from his place on the bed, Watching Steve try and convince you to let him go, wearing only a plain white top and some boxers.

"Come on Buck, just try and help? My legs are getting cold".

Bucky tipped his head to the side and mumbled, "y/n, do you want a hug?"


"She said no, sorry Stevie".

Steve let out a huff and knew from the grin on the others face he wasn't sorry at all.

"Fine! But this is the last morning we're doing this", he sighed and held your hand as you both walked over to his wardrobe.

"You've said that everyday this week".

"Shut up buck".

Steve could still hear the other man giggling whilst he looked through his clothes, choosing some dark blue joggers and a nearly identical white T-shirt.

"Ok, let go of my hand so I can put these on", he said as you stared back, not moving.

He huffed and attempted to step into the joggers whilst still making contact with you.

He got one leg in and stepped to put the other in when it got caught on the waistband. That, coupled with the fact he was so off balance from leaning down to hold your hand, meant he tipped forward and fell to the floor. Very ungracefully.

Yet he still held on tight to your small hand.

All Steve could hear as he rolled onto his back was Buckys laughter echoing around the room.

He looked up and saw your slightly concerned face, your little eyebrows raised in questioning, but as soon as he smiled you broke out into a grin and flung yourself on top of him.

He grunted and pulled you close, ruffling his hands through your hair making you giggle.

"I want to join!", said Bucky who suddenly appeared above you both.

He held his arms out to dramatically fall on you both making you squeal with laughter and Steve to shout at him, laughing.

"Ah, no Buck! You're too heavy!"

Before either of you could move Bucky lay down, making sure his legs were either side so he didn't crush you.

"Arggggg", he made noises and pretended to squash you both whilst giving you kisses all over each side of your face.

You squealed, "no daddy stop! Daddy!" Before laughing so hard your face turned red and the laughter turned silent.

Bucky grinned at you and leant over to give Steve a kiss on the nose, before getting up.

After a moment Steve felt something tug on his joggers, which were still only half on.

"Buck, what are you doing?"

He looked back as if it was obvious. "Putting your clothes on so we can have breakfast, I'm hungry".

Steve rolled his eyes but he had to admit it was a lot easier with someone helping him.

He made breakfast with you on his back like it was completely normal before plating up the pancakes, eggs and bacon and sitting down.

He quickly realised using a knife and fork was impossible while holding your hand so he pulled you into his lap to get his hand back and you ate happily.

You scoffed all your food down in minutes, which was no surprise to Steve as he looked over to watch Bucky shove and entire pancake into his mouth.

The other man didn't know he was being watched until he looked over and froze, mouth still open.

"That's where she gets it from", said Steve, sounding jokingly disapproved.

Bucky just slowly pushed the rest in his mouth with a small smile when you pointed at him slightly aggressively.

"Excuse me Mr! Not too much food at once or you'll choke!"

Both men instantly pushed back chuckles, trying their hardest to not laugh as you sounded exactly like Steve.

"I'm sorry sweetheart", said Bucky, barely audible through his full mouth. "You are completely right".

"No talking with your mouth full!" You shouted back almost immediately.

This time, they couldn't hold in their laughs and Bucky almost spat out his pancake.

"Naughty chair!" You exclaimed, and pointed to the small plastic chair in the corner making Steve laugh even more.

"Ok, I think breakfast is over", he said, standing up with you. "How about daddy does his naughty chair time, and me and you find something for you to wear?" He winked at Bucky.

After your nod of approval you both left and went to your bedroom. Other than collecting clothes it hadn't been used in a good couple of weeks now, instead spending all your time with Steve.

"Joggers or leggings baby girl?"

"Leggings please".

"Ok, and which T-shirt?"

"The one with the cat please".

He held it up and you giggled. It had a picture of a cat displayed like a mugshot and said, 'Schrodingers cat, wanted dead and alive'.

"I don't get it", said Steve, staring happily at your smile.

"Daddy! Don't you remember? Schrodinger did a thought experiment with a cat in a box and a radioactive atom. He didn't know if the cat would be dead or alive so he said it was dead AND alive".

He looked confused as he started to get you dressed. "I have a feeling uncle Bruce got you this one then. But either way, wouldn't the cat be dead OR alive, We just don't know which one?".

You thought about it. "Uncle Bruce said it's not really about the cat but what it represents. That cat can be alive and dead, in two separate states, but that state is still valid. He said it's quantum superposition...". you paused for a second before saying, "but I don't really know what that means".

After pulling the shirt over your head, Steve clapped his hands together. "That sounds very interesting baby girl, but that's enough physics for me for one day. Would you like to go and see if Bruce is free and talk about it with him?"

"No thanks", you said simply and put your arms out to be picked up.

He smiled and lifted you up, kissing your cheek in the process.

When they entered the living room it looked as if Bucky was just finishing the washing up from breakfast and it also appeared you forgot about the whole naughty chair fiasco.

Steve sat down on the sofa with you in his lap and Bucky quickly joined, snuggling into Steve's side. The man was basically being smothered by you two but he didn't care.

He was almost drifting off when FRIDAY informed them of an unscheduled meeting.

Steve let out a smile whine of complaint as he was very tired and very very cozy and most definitely didn't want to move.

Bucky, who equally didn't want to move, lifted a hand lazily and started tousling at the blondes hair to wake him up a bit.

Steve was definitely more awake but he was also a lot comfier as Bucky played with his hair.

"Come on Stevie, we don't wanna be late. And we definitely don't wanna be later than Tony".

With a grumble, Steve knew Bucky was right so he sat up and stroked a hand over your cheek. "Baby girl can you wait here and watch tv whilst me and daddy go to a really quick meeting?"

You immediately shouted and threw your arms around his neck. "No, no daddy! Don't want you to go!" You were on the verge of tears and Steve felt awful so he asked the AI who would be at the meeting.

"Just the team, agent Coulson and agent Hill", he replied.

Steve turned you around to face him and wiped away the stray tear. "If you come to this meeting do you promise to be on best behaviour? No talking, complaining or distracting anyone else".

You nodded vigorously, "I promise".

And with that, the three of you were walking down to the meeting room.

They were thankful to see only agents Coulson and Hill and Wanda, Sam and Nat were there, or they would have been shouted at for being late.

"Still having attachment issues?" Asked Maria sympathetically. After getting a nod from both men she leant over and gently squeezed your arm.

With you on Steve's lap and Bucky sat in the chair next to him, everyone started having conversations that you drowned out as other people trickled in.

Clint walked past and ruffled your hair, breaking you out of your daydreaming to see Tony was the last person to arrive.

"Sorry about the emergency meeting everyone but this will replace the one scheduled for next week. It is a recovery mission located

at the Westmoore hotel. Cap, could you come up and explain what's going to happen, I know you've already started planning?"

Steve stood up quickly and tried to place you on his chair when you grabbed onto his neck and wouldn't let go. "It's ok y/n, I'm just going to the front of the room", he said gently, but you wouldn't budge.

He kept nearly tipping over because you were dragging him down by the neck. He tried to pry your arms away but you were hanging on with a lot of strength.

"Come on y/n, not in front of the team", Steve complained quietly.

And Bucky, who thought this was hilarious, put on his best mocking voice. "Stahp! You're embarrassing me in front of my friends", he teased Steve.

A few people including agent Coulson hid their laughs whilst agent Hill looked over in sympathy.

"You're no help Buck", he huffed in defeat, lifting you back up and walking to the front. "So, as Tony said, we will be infiltrating this hotel. The object we will be recovering is on the third floor of a seven floor building".

He quickly flipped you onto his back, like a piggy back, and started pointing to the screen.

"We suspect he will have people watching the front and back exits so just walking in won't be an option. Therefor, some of us think it would be better if we got to the roof. This will be either Nat or sam, and then Clint will plan the route through the air vents. And when it is complete, you will climb back up and one of us will collect you".

Everyone looked at it and nodded until a small, "that's stupid", could be heard from the front of the room.

Steve instantly knew it was you and was panic whispering. "Y/n, I said no disrupting! Don't say anything, please!"

You sassed back. "I'm just saying don't go from the roof. Use your equipment to get up to the third floor on the left side of the building so the tree covers you. This vent here leads straight to the room you want to get to and Nat will fit. It uses less people which means it has a lower possibility of things going wrong because there's less variables".

Everyone stared open mouthed and Steve just stood there with a blank face waiting for you to finish before saying. "You're not part of this, children can't help stop crime. Anyway, as i said, we will climb up to the third floor". You rolled your eyes and everyone laughed.

Nat raised her hand and asked, "doesn't the entry to that vent you pointed to have a fan? I wouldn't be able to get past that if its going too fast".

You nodded, "yea but Tony could easily stop it, he could probably just get FRIDAY to do it".

"I can", he said proudly. "But I'm more concerned about the other side of the vent. In the blueprints we assumed it would lead to the hallway and not the room".

You smiled, thoroughly enjoying all the questions to think about. "Yea you assumed that because that's how they're made now, however the last recorded evidence of any work at the hotel was in 2008 and they didn't change the policy on air vents until 2010 so unless its been done illegally, then the vent will lead straight to the room".

"She's right", shouted Clint.

After that you pretty much blocked everything else out, putting your cheek against Steve's back as he sorted out the boring details.

"Hey, y/n", you heard someone shout. Looking up, everyone seemed to be leaving except Tony. He sat at the table and Steve walked you both over.

"I was wondering if you could help me with the details of some other things".

"She's not helping with missions", Steve butted in but Tony shook his head.

"No, nothing to do with missions, it's just some logistics relating to shield. I need fresh eyes and everyone else there are idiots".

Steve rolled his eyes but looked up to you to see if you wanted to do it. He was surprised to see you thinking about it and completely shocked when you nodded.

He carefully placed you into Tony's lap and let you go for the first time in weeks before slowly leaving the room.

He didn't know what to do with himself and numbly walked to the living room, finding Bucky on the sofa who gave him a strange look. "Where's y/n?".

"She's with Tony", he mumbled and flopped himself practically on top of Buck.

He gently stroked through his blonde hair. "You finally have some space and you're using it to squash me?", he asked quietly.

Steve let out a small groan and moved his head to the others shoulder. "I feel lost".

"Awh Stevie", he squeezed him. "How about we go shopping, I'll get you those pencils you've been wanting, and we can go to your favourite cafe?"

Just less than two hours later they were back and going to check on you. You were laughing with Tony whilst papers covered the table.

Steve got his phone out and fiddled with the buttons. "Say cheese!"

You both smiled for the photo and Bucky came over and handed you something.

"A football! Thanks!" You said, jumping up into his arms. "Come on, lets go play with it!"

As you ran off Tony looked up to Steve and said, "damn, I was the favourite for a moment there", before they laughed and went to join you.

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