Skin and Bones | Alec Lightwo...

By mayoninaise

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An Alexander Gideon Lightwood Fanfiction. A Shadowhunters Alternate Universe. © 2024 by Niña Marabi. All Righ... More

Skin and Bones
Author's Note
The Kwons
Act I
Chapter 00
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 09
Chapter 10

Chapter 08

109 10 2
By mayoninaise

08| wildfire

"What happened?"

Magnus opened his doors, leading us inside his apartment as we dragged Luke inside.

"He was attacked!" Clary breathed out, struggling to keep ahold of Luke, "He needs a warlock."

Magnus meet my gaze as I trailed behind them, "He needs you, Magnus."

He nodded, rushing to the couch and arranging the pillows and sheets of blankets as we carefully lay Luke over it, "Put him here."

"Where are you?" Luke groaned, his face contorting in pain, "I can't find you."

Clary held back a sob, quietly shushing him but Luke seemed to be trapped in some sort of trance or more like a nightmare - he looked like he was in delirium, "Where are - Where are you? Where are you?"

"Jocelyn?" He panted, "Jocelyn!"

I stepped back, falling beside Magnus. My lips quivered, and I could hear my heart pounding in my ears because of anxiety. Clary kneeled beside him, holding his hand tight.

"No, Luke, it's Clary." She said, holding his hand against her cheek, "Can you hear me?"

"Clary, listen to me." He breathed out, "Listen - You have to listen to me. I have to tell you, just in case -"

"No, don't even say it, don't."

"No, listen to me." Luke shook his head, cutting Clary off, "No, you need to know! Listen-"

"Was he bitten by an alpha?" Magnus asked with a frown.

I nodded as my hand ran through my hair, tears prickling my eyes, "Yes."

Simon looked up to us, his brows furrowing at the long pause from Magnus, "Why?"

He sighed, and started counting, "Three, two, one -"

Luke let out a growl, his eyes flashing bright green.

I gasp, stumbling back along with Clary, "Oh my god."

Magnus rushed back into another room, holding a gold pot containing few pieces of bark, and kneeled beside Luke, "Hold him down," He instructed, "We don't have a lot of time."

He pushed a small piece of bark inside Luke's mouth as he yelled in pain, forcing him to chew on it, "It'll take a few moments to take effect."

"What's happening to him?" I asked.

"Random werewolf transformation," Magnus explained, "It's a side effect of the poison in the alpha bite."


'Where are you?'

I winced at the sound of my mother's voice, rubbing my throbbing temples. I licked my lower lip, glancing at Clary and Luke as I stood at far corner of Magnus' apartment.

"I'm at Magnus."

'And what are you doing in a warlock's place?' She asked, her tone rising. I could almost feel her heated glare, ready to strip me down.

"Luke needed help." I said, hoping that would somehow help in simmering down her anger. She knew Luke. She knew he was a close friend of dad's. She was his close friend too - I know it because I used to saw pictures of them along with Maryse. There was a brief pause, I had to pull back my phone to check if she had yet again hung up but the call was still on, "Mom?"

'You shouldn't be interfering with Downworlders, Amaris.'

"I know but -"

'You know but you don't think.' She snapped, 'But what should I have even expected from you? Get back to the Institute now.'

"Mom, please -" I heaved out a frustrated breath when she hung up the call without another word. I stared up at the ceiling, my head resting against the wall, willing my tears to not fall. The regret of suddenly coming here was eating me up - should've I gone back with Alec and Isabelle?

And Alec - my eyes shut tightly as I remember the slight disappointment in his eyes. I was so used to disappointing a lot of people - but never Alec. It was like all his opinions matters to me more than I like.

Affects me the most.

"Hey -" Simon's voice filled my ears, pulling me out of my depressive thoughts, "A-are you okay?"

I sighed, my brows furrowing as I tucked a piece hair behind my ear, "I am." I said and then looked up at him, noticing the wound on his forehead, "Are you?"

Simon blinked, "Uh, yeah." He frowned, shrugging as he stood beside me, "Well, no actually. I've been kidnapped for like twice now in the span of days. I mean could you believe?"

This made me smile a bit, "So, I've heard." I looked down to myself, grimacing when I noticed my arms and hands were coated with dried blood, "How's Clary?"

"A little occupied with Luke," He sighed, glancing at the two, "Luke was like a father she didn't have so I know how much he means to her, and-and I have a feeling that it goes the same for you."

I stared at him, "You should get your wounds clean." I said instead, shutting down and avoiding his question all together, and he nodded, seeming to get the hint that I wasn't in the mood to talk - let alone to someone I just met. Silence stretched between us, until Simon spoke again.

"I get a good vibe from this Magnus Bane guy." He gave me a small smile, "He seems like he knows what he's doing."

"That's because he does, Simon." I gave him a pointed look. I pursed my lips, guilt washing over me, "Sorry. I didn't mean to sound rude."

Simon nodded, "It's okay. I understand."

"The bark will stop the transformation for now," Magnus walked in, holding a few more bottles and other pots I couldn't recognize, "But Luke needs an antidote to stop the poison in his system. And I don't have all the ingredients here."

I followed him, "Just tell me what you need and how to get it."

"I'll go with you." Clary said.

Magnus paused and gave pointed look at Clary, "No, you stay here. Luke will need you if he wakes up."

"When he wakes up, Magnus." I gave him a look.

"I'll go with Amaris -" Simon started

"No," Jace abruptly walked in, his chest heaving deeply, "I'll go."

I looked at him startled. My brows furrowing in worry when I noticed blood in his face. Magnus walked towards him, looking more amused than worried.

"Jace," Magnus greeted, pointing at the blood dripping on his nose, "What happened to you?"

He grunted, crossing his arms in defense, "Luke's car may have found its way into a pole while I was stashing it." He said, and Clary sighed in disbelief to which he quickly defended himself, "I don't do mundane driving."

"Yeah, apparently." Simon agreed, holding out a tissue box towards him.

"You should've let me do it, instead." I said, pulling out more tissue and handing it to him, "I have license."

Jace brow raised, "Yeah. But you all left me so I guess I didn't have any choice."

I rolled my eyes before turning to Magnus, "What do you need for the antidote?"

"Phoenix eyes, moon salt and Idris fulgurite." Magnus listed, all the while running around the apartment.

Simon nodded, "One trip to the pharmacy, it'll take two seconds." He said, "Let's go, Amaris."

Jace held him back, meeting my gaze, "I know a guy. And, uh - we don't need him." He said, giving Simon a look.

"Too bad." Simon shot back, "You're getting me too. We'll be right back."

I sighed, pressing my fingers between my nose, "I have a growing headache and I swear if you two will keep bickering -"

"We won't." Simon stammered, pointing at Jace who immediately frowned, "Well, I don't know about Jace."

"I'm not here to babysit." I glared at them before starting towards the door.

"One more thing," Magnus stopped us, glancing at me, "I need Alexander."

I blinked, frowning, "What?"

Jace glanced at me, before turning back to Magnus, "Uh, why do you need Alec?"

Magnus smiled, "Virgin Shadowhunter energy."

"What about Amaris?" Jace wondered out loud.

Magnus just stared at him blankly, "I said Virgin Shadowhunter energy."

"What?" I asked, a bit defensively, when I noticed Jace staring at me with wide eyes. My cheeks heated up and I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. He was gaping like he couldn't believe at what he had just heard. I scowled at him, "You do it all the time."

Jace scoffed, shaking his head before clearing his throat awkwardly, "Um, yeah about Alec. Yeah, I can't -"

"Jace, just ask, please." Clary walked over to us, "You guys need to talk." Clary then turns to me, "You too, Amaris."

Magnus leaned on my ear, and whispered, "Trouble in paradise?"

"Something like that." I breathed out.

"Fine," Jace huffed, pulling Simon and I along. He paused, and gave Simon a warning a look, "Just don't speak to me."


'Amaris?' Isabelle questioned as soon as I answered her call, 'Where are you?'

I glanced at Jace, who was also over the phone - probably talking to Alec. Simon hung quietly beside me, as if he was taking it to heart to not speak to Jace while the three of us are out together.

"We are in the middle of something -" I said, "Magnus sent us out to retrieve some ingredients for Luke's antidote."

'But you have to get back here in the institute.' She say worriedly, 'Mom's breathing fire like every second, and dad made it clear that you and Jace should head back here with Clary immediately.'

"Robert's there too?" I asked. Isabelle snorted.

'When will you start calling them mom and dad too?' She wondered, 'But yes, he and Max arrived here earlier. Max set a fire in Mumbai Institute because he was hungry.'

I chuckled, "Tell him that the Nourishment Rune and Heat Rune are entirely two different things."

'That's what we said.' She muttered, 'Please come home soon.'

"We will." I said and hung up the call. I looked at Jace, who seemed to be in another a heated argument with Alec - again. His brows furrowed, staring hard at the ground beneath him.

"Look -" Jace huffed, "If you don't want to do it for me - think about Amaris. Do it for her. She's barely holding it together. She needs you, Alec."

I froze on my spot at the mention of my name.

"Alec, you're a man of honor, and the only person in the world I would trust with something like this. I'm counting on you to do the right thing." Jace said and finally hung up, heaving out a frustrated sigh before turning to us. Our eyes met.

"How much did you hear?" He asked. I pursed my lips, my annoyance suddenly grew for whatever reason.

"Enough." I told him honestly, "You can't keep using me against Alec to do your bidding."

Jace frowned more, "Why?"

"Because you just can't." I gave him a look, "Everytime, it would seem like he had no other choice when I'm involved."

"Well, you didn't gave him any either when you accepted the marriage with him, did you?" Jace shot back. Regret flashed in his eyes, "Amaris -"

Guilt pooled in my chest, making me nauseous.

I gave him a smile before starting to walk, "You two go ahead. I'll go get Alec."

"Hey," Jace quickly ran after me, gently grabbing my arm and turned me to face him, "Hey, Amaris, I-"

I frowned - and for a moment, I almost felt like my mother, always frowning. I slowly pried his hands off me, and stared at him blankly, "I'm fine, Jace. I'm used to it by now."


I licked my lower lip, my nerves spiking up as I watched Alec hit the punching bag with a bo staff repeatedly, his face twisted in complete anger and frustration. I carefully walked towards him, my hand gripping tightly against my gun holster strap as I removed it from me and placed it on the table at the side.


He tensed, but instead of stopping, he continued doing his routine.

"We need you." I told him, quietly enough for him to hear.

"Alec," I swallowed when he continued to ignore me, "I-I don't want to make you do this but -"

He gave me a look, "Then don't."

I sighed frustratedly, my fingers running through my hair as I stepped in between him and the punching bag. His eyes widened, quickly stopping himself midair before the bo staff completely hits me.

Alec's frown deepened. He held my arm, quickly pulling me away to the side, "That was dangerous, Amaris! I could've hit you!"

"You weren't talking to me!" I said in frustration, "Luke is dying and we need your help, Alec. Please."

He met my gaze, and I almost cowered at the intensity it held, "I don't understand you at all," He huffed out, anger and frustration laced in his features, "Jace and Clary has been nothing but rude to you, and yet here you are, getting yourself into whatever new trouble just to do their bidding."

"Jace is your parabatai, Alec."

"But you are my wife." He shot back, making my chest tighten in a warm feeling, my breath caught in my throat. He paused, seeming to collect his breath before staring me at the eye, "Look," His face softened, pulling me closer, "I trust you and your decisions. But the Clave is coming to bite us back in the ass for all these unsanctioned missions, Amaris. We have to stop meddling with whatever trouble Clary is getting herself into before it goes out of hand. I need you here, with me."

I held back his gaze, already loosing myself beneath his stare. Something bloomed in my chest as I watch him stare at me, his eyes quietly pleading - and just by looking at it, I was ready, and willing to do what he says.

"I-" I started, but got cut-off when Isabelle walked into the room, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

"Izzy, what happened?" I asked, worried for my parabatai, my attention completely on her. She shook her head.

"Alec," She started, "They're gonna send me to placate the Seelies."

At her words, Alec seemed to snapped out of his thoughts, his hand dropped to his sides, his brows furrowing as he stared at his sister.

"You're playing the diplomat?" He stared at her in disbelief, "Again? That's my job. That's what I'm supposed to be doing!"

"I know that!" Isabelle snapped, "But I'm the one with the ties to the Seelies."

Alec scoffed, shaking his head while walking towards the table, "Is that what you are calling it now?"

Isabelle glanced at me, before following her brother, "Alec, I'm on your side."

"Really?" Alec asked, sarcasm lacing his tone as he sauntered back to Isabelle, "I have followed every rule. I've given up everything!"

I slowly averted my gaze, guilt creeping up on me like a poison.

"We'll find a way out of this." Isabelle says. Alec scoffed again.

"Screw the rules." He breathed out, "Screw them. Screw all of this."

"Alec -" Isabelle called but he walked out. I gently rubbed her arm in comfort as her eyes started to tear up more.

"Don't worry, I'll talk to him." I assured her before following my husband. I sped up, trying to catch Alec at the hallway.

"Alec, wait -" I breathed out, cursing as I almost stumble behind him when he suddenly stopped.

He turned and face me, a sheer of determination crossing his eyes, "Let's go to Magnus."


"I'm running out of magic!"

Alec and I glanced at each other as we heard Magnus' voice, the entire lair was shaking, looking like it may collapse anytime. He held my hand tighter, pulling me quickly as we made it inside the room.

"Magnus!" I called worriedly. His eyes widened, drifting to Alec beside me.

"Help me." He panted weakly, reaching out for Alec, "I need your strength."

Alec hesitated, looking at me before nodding, and dropping beside him, taking Magnus' hand, "Take what you need."

I squeezed Alec's shoulder before rushing towards the other room to help Clary when I bumped into Jace and Simon, their eyes wide.

"Do you have it?"

Jace nodded, handing me a small bag, "Yeah."

We ran over to Clary, rushing to a black pot and tossed the ingredients inside. She quickly stirred the mixture, before pouring it into a small cup and handed it to me. I rushed over to where Luke was lying, and slowly poured it into his mouth. The antidote worked quickly, with Luke calming down and opened his eyes weakly.

Magnus breathed heavily, slumping down beside Alec. I sat beside him, leaving Clary to check on Luke.

"You okay?" I asked Magnus as he leaned on me.

He nodded, smiling weakly, "Yeah."



Alec turned at the sound of my voice, his hands occupied from picking up the books that fell over from the shelves. His brow slightly raised, as if waiting for whatever I had to say. I slowly approached him, bending down to pick up some of the books left. He sighed, following suit. We wordlessly placed the books back at their rightful place.

"Thank you." I mumbled quietly, breaking the heavy silence between us. I pursed my lips, glancing at him to weigh his mood and I could feel my heart almost jumping out to my throat when I noticed him already staring.

I licked my lower lip, and his gaze immediately fell down to it.

"Thank you for coming here." I told him again. He lifted his eyes back to mine.

"You don't have to thank me."

"No, if-if we didn't came here on time, if you didn't come here -" I shake my head, "You saved Luke's life."

"Amaris," He started, and I almost shiver at the sound of his voice, "Just to clear things out, I didn't come here for Luke. I came here for myself -"

"I know, but -"

"And I came here for you." He finished.

Silence fell between us, and our stares burning right into each other. The same warm feeling burned in my chest as he took a tentative step closer, my heart beating so loud I was scared he might hear it as he closes our distance.

"Alec -" I whispered when his hands gently cupped my face. He licked his lower lip, his hot breath fanning my face, our noses touching. My eyes drifted close, trying to steady my breath, our closeness was making me dizzy and... fuzzy.

"Can I?"

I opened my eyes to met his stare - his stares that was I sure could melt me any moment. I forced myself to swallow, my hands now covering his own.

"Can you what?" I breathed out. A small smile stretched on his lips.

"Kiss you."

My cheeks heated up and instead of answering him, I pushed myself up on my toes, my hands moved up to his chest and around his neck. I wordlessly pulled him closer to me, and sparks of electricity spread like wildfire through my skin and down to my bones when our lips met.

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