Tales of a Wild Heart

By Rarabear561

46.6K 1.8K 406

"Violet? Whose that? She's not in this class, is she Maya?" a brunette questioned to her best friend, Maya "U... More

Introducing Ms. Violet Summers
Chapter One: Violet Meets Cowboy
Chapter Two: Violet Meets Communication
Chapter Three: Violet Meets Jealousy
Chapter Four: Violet Meets Art Exihibt
Chapter Five: Violet Meets Beauty Standards
Chapter Six: Violet Meets Bake Sale
Chapter Seven: Violet Meets Bully
Chapter Eight: Violet Meets School Election
Chapter Nine: Violet Meets the Holidays
Chapter Ten: Violet Meets Game Night
Chapter Eleven: Violet Meets Maya's Birthday
Chapter Twelve: Violet Meets Birthday Surprise
Chapter Thirteen: Violet Meets Chaperon
Chapter Fourteen: Violet Meets Operation: Angela
Chapter Fifteen: Violet Meets The One That Got Away
Chapter Sixteen: Goodbye California, Hello School
Chapter Seventeen: Violet Meets Relationship Standards
Chapter Eighteen: Violet Meets Zay Babineaux
Chapter Nineteen: Violet Meets Time Capsule
Chapter Twenty: Violet Meets College Party
New Cast Alert 🚨
Chapter Twenty One: Violet Meets Rules
Chapter Twenty Two: Violet Meets Fatherly Advice
Chapter Twenty Three: Violet Meets Yearbook
Social Media
Chapter Twenty Four: Violet Meets Semi-Formal
Chapter Twenty Six: Violet Meets Head Bitch In Charge
Chapter Twenty Seven: Violet Meets Bull Riding
Chapter Twenty Eight: Violet Meets Triangle
Chapter Twenty Nine: Violet Meets New Years Kiss
Chapter Thirty: Violet meets S.T.E.M

Chapter Twenty Five: Violet Meets Autism

867 51 9
By Rarabear561


Outfit of the Day

Violet groaned as she had to do the IQ and aptitude test that morning and she already knew that her intelligence was of superior value as she listened to Cory teach. "A) Every human being is a unique collection of atoms. B) Some of you in this room might be human beings. C) When you mess with atoms, or human beings, they blow up." Cory said as Farkle was just doing just that as he blew up "Belgium, 1831!" and Cory advised the students to duck down to avoid any collateral damage "Okay everyone, it's happening right now. Everyone under your desk, Farkle's gonna blow". Violet simply blinked as Farkle went on a rant about knowing everything but Belgium 1831 and watched as he passed out on his desk "That was very anticlimactic" she mumbled to herself as  Ms. Oben, the guidance counselor came walked into the classroom. "Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Matthews. I'm here to see Violet Summers and Farkle Minkus" she said making Farkle look to Violet in confusion as did the rest of the group and Violet shrugged as she walked to the guidance counselor as he did the same. Riley, Lucas and Maya walked to Ms. Oben "There are no secrets in our group" Riley said as Maya backed her up before the bell rung causing them to leave the room abruptly with no interest. Violet watched as Farkle went on another rant about being a genius with Ms. Oben agreeing "Your parents have given me permission to tell you that yes, you scored in the superior range".

Ms. Oben looked to Violet "Violet, you of course scored in the superior range" she told her and Violet nodded "Yeah I kind of figured". Farkle looked at Violet "You've also scored that high? Interesting, how high did you score?" he asked her in curiosity and she stared at him wondering if she should break his heart as she looked to their guidance counselor. "Farkle, we advise students to not share scores" Ms. Oben told him as Violet looked back to him "Eh what's the harm. You tell me yours first" she asked him and Farkle was more than willing to share "I got 145 ha" he told her with a satisfied smirk. Violet could see that he was very proud of his score but she knew that she would have to break his heart "145 that's all? Hate to break your heart bubs but my score is 160" she told him and Farkle looked at her in shock as did Cory, the latter knew she was a genius but not higher than Farkle. Farkle looked to Ms. Oben for clarification and she could only nod "It's true Farkle, Ms. Summers scored extremely high on the IQ and aptitude test. When someone scores this high like the both of you, the experts usually want to confirm the testing " she told him. "And then specialized schools with gifted programs like Einstein Academy might approach you" Cory added as Riley's voice emerged from the other side of the door "And Farkle says". Violet watched as their guidance counselor warns Farkle about treating his other friends lesser than him but he didn't seem to care as they were inferior to him.

Topanga's Bakery

Violet stared as Farkle proposed to not only Riley but to Maya as well and she couldn't help but to shake her head in disbelief as Smackle objects to the marriage. "You made it to the wedding, Smackle!" Riley said as she got up to hug Smackle who seemed uncomfortable with the whole idea of hugging which Violet understood very much so. She smiled as Smackle tried to flirt with Farkle's as she had opened her arms for a hug "What do you want me to do with that" Farkle said in confusion to her arms being opened. "We are both geniuses now" Smackle told him as Farkle nodded his head "So is Violet" he mentioned before he looked at Smackle "That makes us even more alike than we were. And as we both know" he started to say as Smackle finished his sentence dropping her arms "Like forces repel. Yes science says we may never be together". "Screw science" Violet told them as she genuinely shipped the two awkward geniuses together, "Science never makes a mistake" Farkle said making her roll her eyes at the nonsense. Violet zoned the rest of their conversation out as she didn't really seem to care about Einstein Academy nor was she interested in learning about it.

The next day


Outfit of the Day

Violet looked at the history board and saw that Farkle's name was added to the list of geniuses as Cory started his lesson, "Farkle what are you?" Farkle looked at him proudly "Genius. I'm on the board" he responded with a smile as Cory said "Wrong" before he moved onto Riley who said she was a bunny farmer. "All these things that you guys have been told you are this week? That's only a piece of what makes you an individual. This I.Q. test produces a number that puts you in a category. A label. Don't live under a label. It just gets in the way of who you are." Cory said to the class as he walked around his desk to lean on it as Lucas asked "But if you get something enough, don't you start believing it?" Violet understood what Cory was trying to say as no matter how much score, there's more to a person than what society seems to deem them to be as everyone has potential to prove themselves to be more than just a label. Her eyes drifted to the door as Ms. Oben once again emerges into their classroom "Mr. Matthews? If it's all right with you, I need a moment with Farkle and Violet" she said as Cory looked to both students "Okay. Farkle, Violet?" he said as Violet already knew what it was about as her and Farkle got tested further because of their high IQ and aptitude, unlike Farkle, Violet knew she had high functioning autism.

Matthews' Apartment

Violet was dragged by Lucas to the Matthews' apartment because Farkle wanted to give them his results as she sat next to Lucas to listen to Farkle. "So, they did more testing on me" he started to say as Riley smiled at him "How big a genius are you?" she teased him as she knew he was a very smart genius. Cory looked over to his daughter "Riley, they're considering some behavioral traits in Farkle that warrant a more specific kind of testing" he told her as Violet eyed the group for any type of reaction. "What? They just noticed Farkle's a little farkly?" Riley asked as Maya nodded "I could have told them that" she said as Farkle had a slightly grim look on his face, "They want to see if I have autism" he told them and Maya's response pissed Violet off "You don't" Maya retorted immediately. "Let's go tell them you don't" Riley stood up and argued as Farkle looked at them "I might have a type of autism called Asperger's Syndrome" he said and Maya once again said "You don't." Violet felt appreciative that Lucas was the only one who wasn't being rude about the possibility as he asked "What is it?" and Farkle explained "It's a disorder that affects a person's behavior." Riley looked at him "Farkle, when I said that you were a little farkly, what I meant was..." she started to say as Lucas finished "Yeah, that you behave just like a perfectly normal Farkle" and Maya nodded "You do."

Violet looked at them "You guys are being ridiculous" she said to them as Stuart, Farkle's father looked at the group "We'll get the results from today's interview, and we'll know." Farkle nodded his head basically accepting his fate "We know" he said as Maya disagreed "We don't know" and he immediately argued "Guys, I've passed every single test I've ever taken." Violet shook her head at him as even she knew just because you pass the test given, it didn't always lead to an exact outcome as she listened to his mother, Jennifer "He made us come right over. He didn't want to go home, he didn't want to do anything except be with you." Soon enough, Violet found herself in Riley's bedroom with Riley, Maya, Lucas and Farkle and she inwardly groaned as she didn't want to be apart of the process, she felt it in her gut that something was going to happen that would cause her to get mad and she didn't want to feel that way. Her eyes watched as Lucas looked up Asperger's "All right, this website lists symptoms of Asperger's. Uh, the first one they mention is social awkwardness" he told the group as Farkle checked it off his list and Riley looked at him "You don't do anything awkward." Farkle proceeded to prove her wrong as he got up and did his trademark "Hah!" and Maya immediately got defensive "Well, that's just something you do and you're gonna stop doing that. He's gonna stop doing that."

Violet felt her eye twitch as she continued to listen to Lucas name out the symptoms "Narrowed interests - Going on about a subject even if the people he's talking to don't have a shared interest" and Farkle once again checked it
"Farkle, we're interested in everything you're interested in" Riley argued. "Belgium, 1831!" Farkle exclaimed and Violet raised her hand immediately "A war broke out" she said making him look at her with interest but before he could say anything Maya cut him off "Stop doing that. He's gonna stop doing that." Violet felt her anger starting to take a turn for the worst "Would you stop it with that" she said to her and Maya looked at her confused "No he needs to stop doing what he does so that he can't have that" she stated. Farkle noticed the tension "Guys, whatever this is, I got it. And I need you to let that be okay" he tried to reason as Violet got up "If he has Asperger's then he has it, you're literally trying to change him because you're not okay with the thought of him having autism" she said to Maya.

Maya stood up as well "Because he doesn't have it he's normal. What's your problem? Why do you not see the issue" she said to her as she pushed Violet causing her to sit down. Violet felt her self control leaving her as she stood up and pushed Maya back "Having autism is normal, no matter the type and the sooner you realize it the better" she growled as she felt her hands shaking in anger. Maya wasn't backing down "Farkle doesn't have whatever it's called, you should care more about him not having it than the thought of him having it. Nobody has autism, autism is weird and strange" she said to her. Lucas tried to change direction of the conversation as he continued with the symptoms "Some people with Asperger's are uncomfortable being touched or receiving affection. They may struggle to fully understand emotion or love" and when he read it, his eyes flickered to Violet as Farkle said "Check, check, checky-check, check." Violet growled as she saw red and slapped Maya in the face hard "I have autism, you bitch! Next time think before you speak" she told her before she stormed out of Riley's room and out of the apartment. She was seething in anger as she clenched her fist "There is nothing wrong with being autistic, I just happened to get the luck of the draw" she muttered to herself, she needed to relieve herself from the anger in her.

Violet walked home and went straight to her garage where her punching bag stood and started screaming, kicking, and punching the bag. She didn't care about her clothing or her makeup, she just wanted to feel better as she aggressively punched the bag, imagining Maya's face "It's not that fucking hard to accept someone" she screamed as she felt bruises start to form. Her mind couldn't comprehend how people could be so inconsiderate as her anger only rose up as her vision went black and she continued to punch the bag not caring about the blood on her fists. Shawn came home and his body tensed up as he heard Eclipse barking and looked around for Violet knowing she should be home as he went for her room knocking before entering and when he didn't see her, he slightly panicked. "Gem?" he called out as he looked to Eclipse who motioned for the garage door as he carefully opened the door and immediately ran towards Violet pulling her back when he saw the blood on her hands "Gem? What's going on" he asked and Violet simply stared at her bloody hands. Shawn made her look at him as concern was written all over his face, her phone continuously buzzing caught his attention as he looked at it and read the messages from Lucas "Darling? You okay? I'm sorry about how Maya was treating you, I should've done something. I didn't know you were autistic".

"You told them?" Shawn questioned her as he carefully examined her hands as she looked at him and her body slowly began to realize what was happening as her hand shook at the sight of blood. "I hit Maya because she was talking crap about autism and how Farkle needed to change his life to not be seen as autistic. I got so angry" Violet explained as she looked at her badly bruised and bloody hands "I've never gone this far" she mumbled as Shawn simply took her into the house to treat her hands. She winced as he poured hydrogen peroxide on her hands before cleaning them and wrapping them in bandages, "I don't condone hitting Gem, even if she deserved it. You need to be more careful when you get angry" he told her as he placed a kiss on each hand. Violet nodded "I never lay my hands on anyone unless it's self defense, she pushed me first which resulted in me pushing her back and then she made a slick comment and I don't know what came over me but I slapped her hard. And I don't find myself wanting to or needing to apologize" she told him as she examined her hand.

Shawn wasn't sure what to say as he knew he would have to address Katy about the manner and he knew Violet needed to be disciplined in some form of way, but he didn't think he had the authority to do so. Violet checked her phone and saw the messages from Lucas sighing as he wanted her to meet them at Topanga's, but she didn't think it was necessary for her to be around Maya especially while her anger still lingered "I don't think it would be best for me to appear, I may actually send her to a hospital. Text me updates about what's going on with Farkle, tell him he has my full support." she texted him before she hugged Shawn and immediately as fast as her anger came it was gone. Shawn hugged her back and kissed her head "Let's order takeout and try and forget about this, yeah?" he suggested and she immediately agreed with a smile.

The next day, Violet walked into Cory's class with her hands still bandaged and she avoided all eye contact as she did so. She noticed that the group was talking outside of his class and didn't want to deal with them yet as she sat in her desk with Eclipse by her side. Her eyes met Cory's who seemed to be eyeing her hands before Farkle came into the class "Farkle time?" he asked Cory who immediately nodded "Absolutely" he told him causing Farkle to flip the sign on the teacher's desk from "Mr. Matthews" to "Farkle". "Asperger's syndrome is an autism spectrum disorder. A.S.D. This is a pretty complicated label, so I wanna explain it to you. People with A.S.D. can fall anywhere on a spectrum of different behaviors. They talked to me for a long time. And you know what? I don't have Asperger's. But they also said they don't know what to make of me. And I like that. So, what am I? I'm Farkle! Thank you" Farkle said to the class and most of the class seems relieved, except for Smackle who looks down at her desk with sadness. Violet noticed Smackle's expression and immediately caught on as she sent her a reassuring smile and Cory continued his lesson "We're all a unique collection of atoms, and there's only one of each of us. The only label you should wear is your name. Let your actions define you. Because there's another spectrum; how you live your life, what you do with whatever you're given. How you treat the other people around you. These are your actions. This is your name. That's who you are."

Farkle looked to the class smiling at his friends "Thanks for the way you treat me. And thanks for studying all of it" he said to them and Cory looked shocked "Whoa, whoa, whoa. You guys studied?" he questioned them. Lucas nodded his head "Hey, our friend was worried about something" he told him and Violet looked at him before her eyes looked over to Maya who seemed to have a black eye "So, we learned about it. If I knew it was studying, I wouldn't have done it" Maya said with a frown. Smackle raised her hand and Cory called onto her "Miss Smackle?" he said as she had a perplexed look on her face "I believed that Farkle would be better off attending Einstein Academy. Observing him in your inferior class was to be my proof" she explained and Maya rolled her eyes "Don't hold back, Smack. Just say what's on your mind" she said sarcastically. "Oh hush Hart, our class is very much inferior to that of Einstein Academy" Violet said to Maya making her flinch as Smackle continued her thoughts "My findings are contradictory to my hypothesis." Riley had a look of confusion as she looked to Smackle "Also, please talk down to us" she asked her and Smackle stood up from her desk "This class teaches lessons you cannot find in a textbook. There are friendships here that can't be created in a laboratory. Farkle, you are where you belong. I, on the other hand, should leave" she said as she left the room but not before taking one more look at Farkle.

Topanga's Bakery

Violet looked at Smackle as she walked over to her as Farkle said "These are my friends, Isadora. They like me for who I am. They make me feel like I could rule the world" and Smackle eyes gazed over everyone before she looked at Violet. "I've been meaning to talk to you but you left our class before I could" Violet told her making Smackle look at her in curiosity and the group did so as well "Yes Violet?" Smackle said to her. "You have Asperger's and I wanted to tell you that I too have autism it's not Asperger's but I want you to know that I understand how you feel about not fitting in with everyone" Violet said to her and Smackle seemed surprised "You have autism? It wouldn't seem that way by the way you act" she told her causing Violet to laugh "Well I've learned how to mask and fit in with society and I don't mind helping you out with that if you were to come to John Quincy Adams".  Smackle eyebrows raised in interest "What would be the other benefits?" she asked and Farkle was quick to answer "You would have good friends here" and she shook her head "But, I'm not good at that" she told him and Violet gently wrapped her arm around her shoulder "That's why you have us" she told her before removing her arm and Smackle looked at her not liking that she took her arm away.

Lucas puts his Junior Varsity jacket around Smackle, which she misinterprets as an act of affection "You just won't give up, will you?" she asked him and he chuckled shaking his head "Nope. Looks good on you, though, Smackle" he told her. Violet couldn't help but to agree "He's right Isadora, you look incredible" she told her causing Smackle to blush slightly as Riley looked around before clapping her hands "Okay. I have a question for everybody, and I want you guys to answer as honestly as you can. Who here is normal?" she asked to which nobody responded. "And who here wants to be?" Riley asked and Smackle raises her left hand before she looks at everybody around her nervously and puts it back down as Violet patted her head lightly "Good girl, nobody wants to be normal. Being unique is beautiful and the best way to be" she told her making her nod in understanding. Violet gently grabbed Smackle's hands causing her to look slightly uncomfortable but she knew to trust Violet, "I'm happy that you are going to be joining us Isa, you don't have to walk down this spectrum road alone. Now you got company" Violet told her with smile as she let her hands go. Lucas smiled at the interaction as he wrapped his arm around Violet's shoulder "I hope to learn more about your autism, I want to understand you more and I'm sorry I didn't realize soon" he told her and Violet simply smiled at him "Good to know, Wonder Boy" she told him and with that she felt better.

•chapter ended
Season 2 episode 15
"Girl Meets Farkle"

Disclaimer: I hope you guys enjoy! I've been meaning to post but I've kept getting busy. Um I know Violet didn't talk much this episode but I hope I did her justice with her getting angry scene with Maya. I didn't want her to get too mad so I kind of let her take her anger out on something else, I'll most likely write her a better angry scene soon enough. I love how this chapter went though, I do have a question though should I write the Rileytown episode or skip to the cheerleading episode? We're getting close to Texas and I'm so happy and excited about it but yeahhhh I hope you guys enjoy 😊

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