Empire: The Rise (Anakin x Re...

By renessainte

11.4K 859 615

(Anakin X Reader) (AU) When the Queen of a kingdom under threat runs out of options, she is forced to commit... More

The Queen of Coruscant
The City of Ra
The Force Within
The Imperial Wedding
The Train to Tatooine
The Tusken Raider
The Dathomirian Encounter
The Business Reunion
The Empire's Wildcard
The Acquisition of Cal Kestis
The Emperor's Training
The First Touch
The Energy Explained
The High Tides
The Battle of Kamino
The Battle Continued
The Start of The Affair
The Empress Prepares
The New Invention
The Twin Sun Festival Part I
The Twin Sun Festival Part II

The May 4th Special

314 20 9
By renessainte

A/N: this is a special chapter for May 4th (May the Fourth be with you!)
This is not a part of the current story; just a cutesy crossover event. Feel free to skip if you'd like. :)  New story chapter releasing either late tonight or tomorrow!


"Beep beep!"

An indignant little robot chittered loudly at the woman standing with her back to him.

"Oh!" She gasped lightly, turning to move out of his way. "My sincerest apologies. And you are?"

Kneeling to his level, she was able to read an ID tag as it flashed across a screen.


The droid bounced up and down on his tracks in response, as if to say, "and who are you?"

The woman laughed in response, tilting her head and revealing a playful glimmer in her eyes.

"It's nice to make your acquaintance. I'm Empress (Y/N) (L/N) of the Empire."

Immediately the droid let out a high pitched screech, spinning in circles away from her.

"No R2, not that Empire!" A masculine voice sounded from behind them.

Turning, (Y/N) came face to face with an old friend.

"General Kenobi!" She said gleefully. "I'm so glad you're here! I woke up in this strange place - people keep saying it's Coruscant, but it doesn't look anything like it. There's a temple, and skyscrapers, and flying things called transports! I must have drank an unusual mushroom tea..."

"Ah, yes, my lady. This is what we call a 'Cross World'. Things are... different here."

"Different how?"

"Well, for starters, the Empire and the Sith are one and the same."

"No!" She gasped, casting an apologetic glance at the astromech hiding behind Obi-Wan.

"The council is actually a group of people called Jedi. A faction with a strict moral code forbidding earthly attachments, created to deter the Sith and restore balance to the Force."

"So... like monks that can fight?" The Empress said quizzically.

"Something like that," Obi-Wan laughed in response.

"Is Master Yoda one?"

"One of the best!"

"And you are, also?"

"Of course," he said proudly.

"Shaak Ti?"


"Qui Gon?"

"Well that's... actually, let's not talk about it," Obi-Wan grimaced. "Moving on... there's something I have to tell you. It's about Anakin."

"My husband, Anakin?" She questioned.

"Boop BEEP!" R2 exclaimed, his domed head swiveling rapidly between (Y/N) and Obi-Wan.

"Now now, R2," the auburn-haired general patted him placatingly. "Yes, that Anakin. Well, our Anakin. A... version? Of Anakin? Anyways... in this world, he's currently a Sith Lord who goes by the name of Darth Vader."

"Darth Vader? Are you quite serious? What kind of ridiculous-"

A deep, mechanical breathing cut the Empress off mid-sentence. She froze, eyes widened in a "caught red-handed" stare.

"What's ridiculous? Go on," Vader breathed through a mechanized voice.

"Ani, my darling," she laughed nervously, turning stiffly to face him while Obi-Wan stifled laughter. "You look... ravishing... in that... suit?"

"Who are you supposed to be in this world?"

"Excuse me?" The Empress said, cocking an eyebrow.

"(Y/N) does not yet have a presence in this world," Obi-Wan interjected, explaining her sudden existence to Anakin.

The Empress, however, was almost offended by the question.

"What do you mean, who am I in this world? I'm still your wife."

"Apparently I've had multiple wives. You'll have to be more specific."

(Y/N) cast a disbelieving look in Obi-Wan's direction.

"Looking like that?" She muttered under her breath.

Obi-Wan snorted, earning a murderous look from his former apprentice.

"Don't get upset - this is a good thing," (Y/N) insisted playfully. "Now we can confirm I'll still want to be your wife when you're old, bald, and wrinkly. Come, let's go back to our 'Cross World'. Perhaps you can enjoy your hair and limbs for a little longer."

"You'll be lucky if I can say the same," he shot back, but began to walk by her side back down the corridor she came from. Despite their continued bickering, his gloved hands brushed gently against hers, sending small signals until she extended her fingers between his own. Satisfied with the result, her husband paced himself to be with her all the way down the hall.

Obi-Wan inclined his head in silent observation. It seemed that Anakin took a shine to (Y/N) no matter which world they were in. Even at his lowest, he seemed comforted by her presence.

As she and Vader continued walking, the Empress felt him squeeze her hand with increased apprehension.

"It's alright," she said gently. "Anakin or Vader - it makes no difference to me. I suppose I can't be mad that you turned, given I didn't exist here."

In response, he mumbled something incoherent.

"What was that?" She asked, tilting her head up to see him better.

Pausing, he turned to look at her.

"If you did, I wouldn't have turned."

(Y/N) said nothing in response, but her husband thought she looked particularly divine with the mild glow of the blush across her cheeks.

"Isn't that something, R2?" Obi-Wan asked softly, an exasperated smile on his face. R2 beeped in incredulous agreement.

Hearing the high-pitched beeps and whistles, (Y/N) turned briefly, waving her hand unoccupied by her husband.

"It was nice to meet you, R2! And you as well, alternative Obi-Wan!"

The Jedi raised a single hand in a friendly goodbye.

"Until the next chapter! May the Fourth be with you!"


And with that... have a wonderful Star Wars day!! See you tomorrow!


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