That Week

By TheBookQueen14

558 37 4

This was a death wish on his end because Y/N stopped and turned slowly toward Shigaraki, a glare on her face... More

Avengers . . . Panic!
We're In Trouble, Man
The Week Justice Hides
The one thing all villains fear: Shark Week
Pt. 2 Avengers . . . Panic!
Pt. 3 Avengers . . . Panic!
Pt. 2 We're In Trouble, Man
Pt. 2 Hero training never prepared us for this!!
Pt. 2 The Week Justice Hides
Pt. 3 We're In Trouble, Man

Hero training never prepared us for this!!

47 3 0
By TheBookQueen14

Soooo, how y'all doing? Me? Oh, I'm fine. Tired and in need of a soft pretzel but other than that, peachy!! (not trying to be sarcastic :P)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything


Y/N groaned as she sat down at her desk in Class 1-A. She laid her head down on the table, hoping to get some form of relief from the massive headache plague her.

Mina looked over at her. "Hey girl, you okay? You seem a little out of it."

Y/N twisted her head to look at the pink girl. "Nooo~ My insides hurt and I want chocolate so bad!"

Mina pursed her lips. "Ooh, is it that time?" Y/N groaned as another cramp hit her. "I'll take that as a yes."

Jiro had heard them talking and came over with a chocolate bar. "Here, it's getting close to mine too." 

Y/N lifted her head and took the chocolate bar, excitingly biting into it. "Mhm, thank Jiro. You're a life saver."

Jiro smiled at her. "No problem. But I want some from you when I'm on mine."

Y/N smirked. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't pamper you with my special chocolate."

Everyone knew Y/N made the best chocolate in the city. Even Sato, who was an amazing cook, couldn't figure out how she did it. He'd tried asking her before but all she said was 'it's a secret' with a teasing smile. 

"A pretty shitty one." Jiro replied with a smirk. 

Denki came up to them. "Oooh, Y/N, where'd you get the chocolate? Can I have a taste?" Without waiting for an answer, he started to reach for what was left of Y/N's chocolate bar. 

This made her get defensive, she bared her teeth and let out an equivalent to a hiss. Denki snapped his hand back fast.

"Whoa, what's gotten into you dude?" He asked. Kirishima came up behind him. 

"Yeah bro, don't you love to share? This isn't giving very manly vibes."

Y/N scowled at them. "Don't touch my chocolate." Her emotions were all over the place this week. Usually, she didn't have mood swings this bad, but then again, her cramps weren't this bad either. She really hoped it wouldn't be this way the next time. 

Uraraka came up, having Jiro told her what was going on. "Here. I got you a Kit Kat. I know how much you love those." Y/N stopped scowling, her mood switching instantly and scaring many of the boys who had gathered around. 

"Yo, Y/N! Why are you acting so weird?" Bakugou asked, sneering as usual. He may look like he didn't care, but on the inside, he was actually worried for Y/N. He cared for his friends, much as he hated to admit it. And if anyone asked, her would deny it immediately. 

Y/N swept her eyes to look at Bakugou. She chewed and swallowed the last of the chocolate bar. Being who she was and not liking to drag things out, she said, "I'm on my period. And my cramps, cravings, hormones, and headaches are really bad this time."

Todoroki, despite being clueless sometimes, softened with sympathy. He remembered helping Fuyumi with hers whenever their father was being an asshole about it. Or, well, more than usual.

The girls all looked at her with sympathy, all knowing what that felt like. "I can make some pads or tampons, which ever you prefer. Just tell me." Momo said, she was unanimously appointed the 'Mom' of the class.

Iida made a chopping motion with his hand. "Yes. If you feel unwell, I suggest you tell Mr. Aizawa." He, unlike most of the boys in the class, studied female anatomy that way he would be well prepared in the future. 

Y/N nodded but waved him off. "I will, but I'll be alright for today. I just hope it passes quickly."

"Wait, what does period mean? And why haven't I gotten it?" Denki asked. His brain just couldn't comprehend things. 

Mina laughed. "Denki, honey. Only girls get their periods."

Jiro smirked. "Yeah, it sucks. Hurts like hell, makes you moody, constantly hungry but nothing sounds good."

"Not to mention the bleeding." Hagakure said. 

Denki's eyes widen comically. "You're bleeding?! Why haven't you gone down to Recovery Girl yet?!" He tried to make Y/N stand up.

Tsu laughed, a long with the other girls and some of the guys, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You can't stop this kind of bleeding."

"You're so stupid, Duracell." Bakugou said, rolling his eyes. 

Todoroki looked at Y/N concerned. "Do you need medical attention?"

Y/N shook her head. "Nah, it'll pass eventually." She cracked a small smile.

Midoriya had been quietly muttering in the back. "So, Y/N, I have a question."

"Shut up you damn nerd! No one cares!" Bakugou yelled. 

This made Y/N mad, she yelled back at him. "Close you're pie hole, you firework stick!" Bakugou didn't know how to respond to this. Nor did anyone else. Y/N usual kept her cool. "What's your question, Midoriya?"

Midoriya was hugging his notebook close to his chest, eyes flicking back and forth between Bakugou and Y/N. Probably trying to decide which one was more dangerous at the moment. They finally settled on Y/N, as she was clearly the more unstable. "U-um, s-so, when you're on your period, does it affect you quirk at all?"

Y/N tilted her head. "Hmm, I don't know. Maybe?" Midoriya just nodded and went back to mumbling. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

Mineta waddled up. "Hey, Y/N! I'll help you in the bathroom!"

Y/N curled her lip in disgust while Sero got his arms ready. "Uh, guys? I don't remember the trash being hit with a quirk. Why's it talking?" 

Mina snorted and Momo and the other girls laughed. Well, all but Jiro, she just smirked. "Good one Y/N. Alright, Sero? You know what to do."

Sero nodded and walked closer to Mineta, who started stammering. "W-wait! No, I don't want to be in the ceiling again! There's scary stuff up there!"

"Too bad, should have thought of that before you opened you big mouth." Sero said, proceeding to tap him up. 

Bakugou grinned. "Heh, I nice one."

Mr. Aizawa decided that was the best moment to walk in. He looked at the class through tired eyes, sipping on a cup of what was undoubtedly coffee. "Problem children. Why is Mineta tapped to the rafters again?"

"He was being a creep again." Kirishima said. "So unmanly."

"Yeah, bro was offering to go into the girls bathroom with Y/N." Denki said, shaking his head and going to sit back at his seat, the others following. 

Mr. Aizawa turned to look tiredly at Y/N, who was feeling slightly irritated and showing it. "Hmm, Y/N, is it that week?" He asked kindly. 

Y/N nodded before wincing and laying her head down, hand on her lower stomach. 

"You can leave whenever you need to." Mr. Aizawa said before going and beginning class. 

Y/N ended up falling asleep. Someone put their coat over her after seeing her shiver slightly. Not going to name names, but . . . his spiky hair was a mask for his soft heart. 


Eeeee!!!! That one was so wholesome, I loved writing it! Made my heart melt. I would have loved to see an episode where Class 1-A help a girl(s) with theirs, it'd be so awesome!

'Till next time Y'all!

- BookQueen14

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