The Rejected|BxB

By money_festing

34.8K 1.5K 239

Just when Mizuki thought he had found his one true mate, his entire world turned upside down. He went from t... More



223 19 6
By money_festing


Never in my life would I think I'd be trapped and had no one but Kian for company.

Now, maybe I did think about being trapped with Zephyr, Mylo, or even Rhys for that matter, but Kian?

I can't even say he was mean to me because he wasn't. We talked for what seemed like hours whenever I was awake, and then he would supply me with that yellow thing that he told me was a flower from a garden in the moon kingdom.

Time past, a lot of time actually from what Kian told me and the size of my belly, it has been about a month and a half since I've been here. I've slept for most of that time, too.

From what has been happening, they still haven't found the witch girl they've been searching for.

Either she was a very good hider or my mate and friends found her first but that was also very disappointing.

If they found her, they probably didn't even know I was gone or they didn't care enough to look for me.

“Does the others know I'm gone?” I asked Kian, drawing an X in the corner of the paper.

“I'm sure they do.” He said while drawing an O in the middle of my X’s and I sighed before drawing a next one at the top left corner.

“Then why haven't they come for me?” I asked,watching him draw his mark below my X.

“What makes you think that they are not trying?”

I shrugged and mindlessly placed my next X below his O, and he quickly placed his O in the middle of his other O's.

“What? No! I wasn't paying attention. That's cheating.” I complained, and he chuckled.

“It's not cheating if you're the one that's not paying attention. You've got to get your head in the game.” He said, tapping the pen against my forehead, and I blinked.

“I just can't stop thinking.”

“Well you're gonna have to from now on because they intend to speed up your pregnancy.” He voiced, and I looked at him confused as to what he was talking about.

“If they can't find her they think the only way to get Cassius is to let you have the pups then it would just be the two of you and it would be easier to find something to remove him.” He explained, and I still didn't get it.

“So what was the plan before this?” I asked slowly.

“Cassius is a very old and very powerful wolf. He has great abilities beyond your understanding and his. Elarian wants that power for herself, and that way, she will be the most powerful being.” He said I gasped.

“Elarian told me she wanted her son, and the only way to do that was to expand the world he created. The pups would be born with the abilities that my mate and I have, which could help her do that.”


“So now it's changed? Is this what they meant by, I have 4 different essences? Or was it auras? Cassius is her son?” I asked, leaning forward towards Kian, and he instinctively leaned back because of our close proximity.

“Yes, he's her son.” He said, using his index finger to push me back.

“So that means I'm going to have to wait. How does Cassius not know he's her son?” I asked, leaning forward again. It was a habit I have when I'm really excited. I tend to invade people's personal space.

“I don't know, ask him.” He said, pushing me back again.

I smiled and sat back down, flipping the paper. Over the past few weeks, Kian has treated me like a brother. I didn't have a brother, but this is what I imagined it would be like.

We played games and talked until it was time for him to take his leave.


I hummed, drawing the rows and columns on the paper for our next round of tic, tac, toe.

“I'm sorry,” he said after a long amount of silence. I didn't look up at him no matter how much it burned me to do so.

“What for?” I asked, drawing my X in the centre.

“For following them, going against Zephyr and putting you through all this.” He said, and I finally looked up at him.

“It isn't your fault that I am here.” I reassured him and gave him a small smile.

“But I am involved. I've been involved for so long, and there is no way I can turn back now.” He said, resting his pen down on the paper, and I sighed, dropping mine as well and sitting upright to face him.

“Kian, it is never too late for you to say you're done with this, I'm sure the others will understand and let you in. Sure, they won't trust you, and you can't blame them, but they will come around.”

“You don't understand what is happening, do you?”  He asked and I looked down at my lap, fiddling with the end of the shirt.

“I don't, because no one tells me.” I whispered under my breath.

“Mizuki, she doesn't want Cassius for a sweet reunion. She wants him dead. He's the only one who can stop her in her journey to conquer the worlds that have been created. Thanatos, Oridian, my world, and the moon kingdom will all be under her control, and slowly, she would reach earth. With wolves that serve her,  humans would perish, and everything would be hers.” He said, and I stared at him with wide eyes.

“She's not the loving person you wolves on earth make her out to be. She's a two-faced monster.” He finished my head hung low, trying to process the new information.

A two-faced monster.

Two faced.


No, that's not even a possibility. I've known Azura since birth; she could not have been Elarian. Nope, I refused to believe it.

“I chose to help Koa because I thought it was the right thing to do, and I want to help you. I want to help you get back to Oridian, where you'll be safe and sound.” He said, and I let out a breath.

“How will you do that?” I asked eagerly, and he opened his mouth to say something, but we were interrupted by Azura and two buff men behind her.

I shuffled to my feet quickly and backed up in the corner as Kian stood in front of me as a shield.

“How sweet, friendship has blossomed between you two.” Azura or Elarian, I should say, said in a sickeningly sweet voice that irked my spirit and made me glare at her.

“Kian I should've known you were compromised, silly me.” She said and gestured to one of the men behind her, who immediately stepped forward. Kian didn't move. He allowed the guard to take hold of him, and I watched in shock.

Why didn't he fight?

“Zuki, zuki, zuki. I told you the first time you've seen me that I have always been with you. It's sad that we must part ways after this.” She said, stepping forward with her hands behind her.

“What are you talking about?” I spat, keeping myself flushed against the wall.

“I want my son, no correction, I will be taking my son. I'll do you another favour and take the pups, too. They'll be useful in the future.” She said, and the other man stepped towards me, and I moved to the other side of the room.

“No, I will not let that happen.” I said, moving away from the man, backing up until I felt small hands grip my bicep. My head snapped back, and I was greeted with Azura's evil face.

“I'm not asking for your permission.” She said and pushed me forward," I stumbled. The big man grabbed me and held me as I kicked and wiggled, trying to get out of his grip.

“Bring him.” She commanded, and the guard walked over to her, and she teleported us out of the room into the next one that I was familiar with.

The same room that I was brought to whenever Kian and Morana took me, where I was strapped down for testing.

This time everything was different, there were two beds and a single chair in between the two beds.

“This might just be your final stop.” She said laughing hysterically. All laughter died down, and she snapped her fingers.

A woman with short bobbed hair appeared in the chair. She looked to be beaten and bruised from what I could see. She was in a short, torn dress that exposed the bruises and scars that littered her body. Some looked fresh, and the others looked very old.

The woman rotated her head, allowing some of her hair to move out of her face. There was a nasty scar around her neck, and it looked painful.

She opened her eyes, and my own were blown wide as I saw the woman's eyes. They were white, and no pupil could be seen, just pure white.

She was the witch.

“Imagine having kids. Ungrateful brats that have no respect for their mother.”

Elarian mumbled as she walked over to the woman and used her fingers to slide the woman's hair aside. From where I was, I saw the woman fuming at Elarian as she shook her head, trying to get her hands off her.

“I raised you. Yet you ran? How far did you think you'd go?” She laughed, pushing the woman's head to the side.

The metal door creaked open, and the man that escorted Kian out came in with a small body cradled in his arms. He walked over to the nearest bed and placed the person down.

I gasped when I saw that, the person was me?


I'm right here, so it couldn't have been me. So who was it?

A sinking feeling hit my gut full force as I looked at the sight in front of me. I felt nauseous.

This is bad. This is so bad.

“Your body suits Cassius more since you know the black hair, but this will have to do.” She said, looking at me, and I turned my face away.

“Put him on the bed and remove the amulet.” She instructed, and they did just that.

Tears streamed down my face as they strapped me to the bed, and I was consumed with my thoughts.

I was losing so much in such a short time. I was losing everything at this very moment. I might even die after this. I'll never see Zephyr again. Cassius was leaving me what was I supposed to do after this?

Mizuki, listen to me.”

Now is definitely not the time, Cassius. We are in deep shit and I don't know what to do. I am useless. You are useless just the same. Why should I listen to you.

I am not Cassius.”

What is that supposed to mean? unless you are someone more powerful than Elarian? No, thank you.

Mizuki! Listen to me.” The voice shouted, and I finally noticed that it was a female voice. my eyes immediately looked at the woman in the chair, and her white orbs were set on me.

I will perform this spell. The babies will be born, and Cassius will leave you. I am sorry. I have already informed your mate about what is happening. After they leave you in this room alone, Kian will be here to take you somewhere safe until you are well enough to fight.” She said, and I blinked away tears.

I don't understand.

I will perish after this, but you will put an end to this.” Her silky smooth voice said, and I closed my eyes. I'm still not understanding what she meant by all of this.

I can not stop her, I'm not strong enough to do that.

Yes you can. You've fought her before and was almost victorious. You just need time. You'll run and never look behind you until the time is right. Let her feel everything is going according to her plan.”

But Cassius.

Cassius will be fine. He'll be back to you before you know it, and so will your pups. Trust me.”

Now, why should I trust you? I am only meeting you now.

You have to trust me because we want the same things, and if not me, then who?”

She had a point.

What about Zephyr?

“I do not know, Eros and Zephyr are mated to you and Cassius. I don't know who he will follow, and no one can decide for him.” she said, and I nodded in understanding. As much as I would love for him to come with me, I wanted him to stay here and protect our family more. I promised that I would be the one to protect him this time around, and I was going to stand by it.

“Let's begin.” Elarian said, and I forced my eyes shut. This was going to be it, I guess.

Fret not little wolf, this is just the beginning of your journey.”

“Begin Esmarie, do what you have been trained to do since the day you were born.” Elarian said, and the woman-Esmarie stretched her hands out between both beds as her eyes slowly turned black. Just like how Mylo’s hand glowed when healing, hers released a soft glow that wrapped around me and Koa, emitting a warm feeling that coursed through my body.

Everything that I was feeling before left, and I felt as if I was floating, I felt lighter and slightly at peace. I slowly looked over to the other bed and Koa’s hair was changing, the white strands were now being stained with black, his skin was turning from pale and lifeless into a beautiful, healthy golden color.

When I first discovered Cassius, the feeling of completeness came over me, and now I felt halved. Part of me was slipping away, and It was a part of me that I felt bonded to emotionally and physically. The feeling continued until I felt nothing, I couldn’t feel him, and I couldn’t talk to him no matter how much I called out for him.

I turned to my side weakly, watching as he stirred awake, his eyes first landing on me, and my tears came even harder at the sight of tears in his eyes. I shakily reached my hand out towards him, and he did the same. Though no words were spoken between us, I know he knew who I was, and he knew what needed to happen in order for us to survive this.

“Sweet, have you guys had enough? Great, let's move on. Take him to his bedroom, feed him, and get him some clothes.” Elarian ordered, and my head snapped back to her then back at Cassius, who opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came.

The guard made his way over to Cassius and removed him from the bed. His hand slowly slipped from mine, and I tried to hold on to him as long as I possibly could, but before I knew it, he was gone.

“Next.” A female walked over to the side of the bed that I was on and hoisted the top part up then unlatched the buckles that held me captive before she started to remove my clothes.

As soon as her hands ventured where they weren’t supposed to, I tossed and turned to get away from her grabby hands.

“Zuki, you’ll forever be stubborn won’t you. Put him to sleep so we can begin.” She said, and Esmarie stretched her hands out to me, I shook my head, telling her no, practically pleading with her through my eyes. She has powers. Why couldn’t she stop this?

Why was she making all of this happen when she was a powerful being?

Go meet your mate.” I heard her whisper before I was consumed by a blinding white light.

When my eyes got used to the bright light, they landed on Zephyr, who stood on the far side of the room. We stared at each other for the first time in a month, and I was so close to breaking down right then and there.

He slowly opened his arms, and a smile came upon my lips before I ran into his arms, practically jumping on him, and he caught me, engulfing me in a tight bear hug. He nuzzled his nose into my neck, taking in my scent as I wrapped my arms around his neck, holding him for dear life.

I never wanted to let him go, I wanted to stay here with him, just him forever.

When he placed me back on my feet I still didn’t let him go, I kept my face buried in his chest, soaking in his scent because this was going to be the last time I would be near him again.

“It will be okay,” he said, stroking my hair.

“No it won’t but promise me something.” I said, looking up at him with my chin resting on his chest.

“We will still move after all of this. If I am not back you’ll take the pups and go, okay?” I asked, my voice cracking.

“We will go, you included.”

I smiled.

“Where are you right now?”  I asked him, and he sighed.

“I’m waiting for you.” he said, and I closed my eyes tightly before replying.

“Don’t. I want you to stay and protect Cassius and our family. I will go.” I said barely above a whisper, and he held me tightly.

“I will not let you go by yourself.” He stated as I pulled away from him.

“This is serious, I will go. You are needed here more than ever, and I can not allow you to come with me. Are you okay with leaving behind our children who were not even supposed to be born right now by themselves? I am begging you to stay.”

“I can not let you go by yourself.”

“I will not be gone for long.” I said frustradly.

“I just need you to take care of them and not worry about me for once in your life.” I said, running a hand down my face, and he said nothing.

I rubbed his arm soothingly looking at him, waiting for him to say something. When he finally looked at me, he gave me a sad smile that made me want to burst into tears. He brought me closer to him by the back of my head, pressing his lips to my forehead and then leaning his forehead against mine.

My eyes closed, and the tears I was trying so hard to hold back slipped out and streamed down my face, his hands came up to wipe them away, but they kept coming.

“I will visit you wherever you go and I’ll bring them with me, okay?” he said, his voice was faint, but I heard it. I nodded and opened my eyes to stare into his.

“So this is not goodbye?” I asked, trying to ease the atmosphere a little bit, but I guess he didn’t find it amusing.

“Who do you want to go with you, Rhys and Mylo or Aaron and the kids?” he asked, and I scrunched up my face.

“I am going to Kian.” I told him, and he gave me a look that screamed ‘and’.

“I can’t ask them to pack up their lives and come with me, Zephyr.”

“They have to because I said so, and you must be mad if you think that I am going to let you go with just Kian. I don’t trust a bone in him. So pick.” he said, and I sighed.

“I don’t want Aaron to struggle about with the kids, so I guess I’ll go with the other two”

“Wise choice.” he said, and I placed my hands on my hips, looking at him.

“You're only saying that because if Kian tries anything, Rhys can handle him, but I think you overestimate Rhys’s ability because he’s lazy.”

“Cyro isn’t though and he’s a very good friend of ours.” he said, and I guess by ours, he was referring to him and Eros.

Oh, Eros.

Unable to control myself, I got on the tip of my toes, wrapping my arms around his neck, connecting our lips into a sweet and sensual kiss, which he happily returned. The kiss didn’t turn into anything big. We just relished in the moment. We parted after a while, and he pulled me into a tighter hug than before.

I hugged him back, leaning my head against his shoulder, and whispered, “I love you, Zephyr.” Before closing my eyes.

When I opened my eyes, I was drenched in sweat and had a gut-wrenching pain in my lower half that had me curling up into a ball, clutching my stomach and silently howled in pain. The room was empty aside from Esmarie, who sat lifeless in the chair. I cried to myself at the thought of my pups entering the world, and I didn’t get to name them or hold them for that matter.

Not long after, I felt something being draped over my exposed shoulders, and I didn’t bother to look up.

“Come on.” Kian's gruff voice said as he helped me to get off the bed, but as soon as my feet touched the cold floor, my legs gave out, and I stumbled, falling into his arms.

“Okay.” he said, lifting me into his arms and teleporting us out of the room to the next one. My eyes threatened to shut as the pain I was feeling intensified.

“Put him down here.” I heard Mylo’s voice, and then I was being placed on something very soft.

My eyes were forced open one by one as Mylo hovered over me,  the brutal pain started to subside soon after, and I could finally breathe without feeling like my insides were crumbling. After the pain was no more, I sat up slowly, pulling the jacket over my shoulders, trying to shield my nakedness.

“Thank you.” I said, sending a smile to Mylo.

Kian helped me to my feet, and I held on to him for some extra support. Even though the pain was gone, I still felt drained beyond imagination.

“Where is Zephyr?” I asked, and Mylo looked up at his mate before looking at me and shrugged.

“He went to the moon kingdom.” Rhys said, and I looked over at him.

Okay, so he was probably with Cassius and the pups right now. That's good.

“Where are we going?” I asked again, and no one answered.

“If you all don’t know, then why are we going? Why not just stay on Oridian?”

“Because your majesty, if you haven’t noticed your hair is white and to put it simply so your small brain can comprehend you have your powers and those are the very things that Elarian wants.” he said, and I frowned, pulling my hair to see that it was indeed white.

“So, when she notices that her son no longer possesses the very thing that she is seeking, she'll hunt you like never before.” Kian finishes for him, and I stare off into the distance.

“So what happens to Cassius then?” I asked, but I was so afraid of hearing the answer to that.

“Well that’s why Zephyr is there. To get him out.” Mylo said I nodded.

“Right so, let's figure out where we are going.”

“Let’s go back to earth. To a pack.” I suggested, and Rhys frowned in distaste.

“Why would we do that?”

“To hide among wolves duh, packs are useful, you know, and if we find one, we won’t have to stay directly in the pack but near it. Elarian has no witch now to find us, so she's on her own. we just have to lay low, and a pack is perfect.” I explained, and Rhys sighed.

“What pack do you have in mind?” Kian asked, and I smiled.

“A pack that does not believe in Elarian whatsoever.” I said.

“Let's get moving then.” Rhys said, and I nodded. He grabbed a hold of Mylo’s hand, and Kian held out his hand to me, which I took, but the same pain shot through me again, and I doubled over.

“What is it?” Kian asked, and I shrugged. I still clutched his hand as the pain spread to my legs, and then I felt something warm running down my thighs. I hesitantly looked down and saw the droplets of crimson red blood on the floor.

“What's happening?” I asked in fright, taking a step back watching as the blood dripped with every step I took.

“I don’t know…” Mylo dragged, and I crouched down to the floor, wrapping my arms around my legs.

“Can you lay down, I want to check something.” He said, and I nodded slowly, doing exactly what he said.

When I was flat on my back, he held out both hands over my head and then closed his eyes, his hand emitting a soft glow as he slowly dragged it down my body. He did this until he reached the tip of my toes, I pulled myself up on my elbows as he sat down with his hands on his thighs.

“What?” I asked him, and he tilted his head.

“Spit it out.” I insisted, and he slowly dragged his gaze over to me.

“I think, and I might be wrong, but you’re having contractions. You’re having another well.” He said, scratching his head.


“We’ll figure this out later. We need to leave now.” Rhys said and started to pull Mylo up.

“He only has like an hour or two tops, so I don’t know how far we can go.” Mylo said, and Rhys pulled him.

“I-I don’t understand what's happening.” I said as Kian helped me up.

"We'll figure it out as we go."

✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧

This is a trial post. If I don't know where to go after this, I'll delete and rewrite

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