When love takes of over

By whydoyouwanttoknow

55.5K 353 295

A Danny O'Donoughue and jessie j fanfic, More

Why does love take over
part 2
part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Authors Note

Part 47

808 11 5
By whydoyouwanttoknow

Danny POV

I'm not going to lie I was scared, I led Jessie to Tom before me and Tinie, walked off to see if we could help that girl. I felt anxious leaving her at least she's with Tom...

"You ready for this?"

Tinie asks me quizzically

"Nope you??"

"No but someone's got to do something"

We stay silent until we eventually get to he darkened corner, we get there and I can just see figures and the white of the figures eyes. I can hear her, it sounds like she's crying but the music is to loud to tell.

"Err look I think you should let that girl go!"

Tinie looks confused but he stands by me, a figure starts to walk forward to look me in the eye.

(A/N I'm going to use text slang for these guys, I want you to pretend like they actually talk like that, there are some people who talk like this, I should know I'm friends with some people like this)

"U wot mate?"

"I said let the girl go!"

"Sure, if u make a agreement wiv me!"

"Depends what it is"

"Lets go outside bruv!"

I follow him outside, he lights up a fag, and hold the packet out to me, I shake my head and he exhales the smoke into my face.

"Didn't think you would obey the law and smoke outside.."

"One of my brothers got some sorta shit problem enir!"

I say before coughing, I forgot how vile smoking looks and smells.

"So this agreement?"

"Jessie Js your girl an't she?"

"Yeah why??"

As soon as he starts bringing my girl in to things I get extremely worried, he's not having her! He can think again if he thinks that I'm letting him go anywhere near her. She's MINE and only MINE!!!

"Maybe she can be a part of our little agreement.."

"She's MINE, you're not having her!!"

"Really, well tell u what then, how about we fight, out here right now!"

"Okay one on one, and no weapons just us!"


"If I win you let that girl go"

"And if I win, I don't have to let her go and I get to spend a night with your girlfriend!"

"What part of she's MINE didn't you understand?"

He smiles smugly at me, I put my phone down, I consider texting Jessie but I don't really want to worry her, he won't win I won't let him, Tinie comes out onto the balcony ,closely followed by the other boys, they keep the girl in their clutches. I'm taken by surprise when the guy runs at me, I fall down but I get back to my feet in no time! I run at him, I start punching him in the face.

The fight continues for another half a hour ish, we throw punches at each other, then I punch the guy again this time it's enough to knock him right out. His mates look shocked for a second before running at me, attacking me till I'm on the ground half conscious, I turn my head to look at Tinie, who I know had filmed the whole thing from the beginning just in case we needed it. He looks up before nodding and running away...

Jessie POV

I've been a nervous wreck since Danny followed that guy outside, so when I see Tinie running towards me I'm so frightened. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the door, I look back to see Tom and Will following, I get outside and its surprisingly windy, I watch as I approach Danny who's lying on the floor, I break away from Tinies grasp and start to run as fast as I can. Once I reach him, I kneel down, I reach out my trembling hand and stroke his cheek, his eyes flicker and they lock on to me.


He says so quietly that its almost inaudible

"Danny, hey"

He moves his hand, and I see a spot covered in blood, he's been stabbed??

"Will call a ambulance"

I whisper, Will leans in


"Call a ambulance!!"

I say loudly,he hears it that time and gets on the phone straight away, I keep my eyes on Danny, his head is resting in my lap so its not hard, I didn't notice that I was crying until, the tears started to land on his face, I wipe them away gently.

"They said that they will be here shortly, and if he's unconscious put him in the recovery position"

We work out that he in indeed unconscious, and we get him into the recovery position, I get put in charge of making sure he's breathing. Tom puts a handkerchief over the wound and applies pressure to it. Tinie goes downstairs to wait for the ambulance after showing us the video so we know exactly what happened.


"Yeah Tom??"

"Go and grab, my coat, your coat and Danny's coat!"

With that he runs off, He rushes back with he coats and Tulisa, Ellie, Daley and Ed following him, they come rushing towards us when they see the body lying on the floor. They kneel beside me and they help place the coats over him. Then it's just anxious wait till the ambulance arrives. Every now and then Tom asks if he's still breathing, and I'm glad to say he is. It starts to rain heavily, but no of us move we stay by him as it tips down. It seems like forever till the ambulance arrives, when it finally does we're all completely drenched, the paramedics help him on to a stretcher and tell us we've done great, me, Tom and Will all get into the ambulance, they give us blankets to keep us warm. I sit there with no emotion on my face. He gets taken straight to theatre while we are led to a room where we are told he will be brought. As soon as all the nurses leave, I break down the guys try to comfort me, but I become a emotional wreck, another nurse comes in, I try to contain it but she squats down in front of me and asks

"The police want to talk to you is that ok?"

I want to shake my head and say no but instead my head nods without me telling it to, she leads me to a smaller room, there is a police man and women sat there waiting.

(PM- policeman PW-policewomen)

"Hello, take a seat" PM

I stay silent and sit down.

"Now we understand that this is hard for you, but whatever you say is completely confidential and you don't have to worry about anyone saying anything, understood?" PW

I nod my head and they begin with their questions

"It's my fault...."

I mutter, they give me quizzical looks

"Why do you say that??"

"I was the one that said someone should help that girl, I didn't think he would get hurt..."

"But you didn't tell him to help her, you didn't aim it at him and you didn't think...."

I Cut her off

"Yeah I didn't think, I was thinking out loud"

I answer a few more questions till I can go then I slowly make my way back to Danny's room, when I get back I see a nurse she turns to me and tells me that, he's going to brought in here now, I nod, after about five minutes the doctor comes in with some nurses pulling a bed. The doctor takes me outside the room

"He is stable at this moment in time, we are going to keep him here till tomorrow night, is that okay?"

I nod

"Then is he able to come home?"

"He is able to go home as long as he is still stable by tomorrow night, he is a bit groggy and tired from the aesthetics but other then that he should be okay"

"Thank you, what about the wound?"

"Well for now that is taken care of, but you should change the bandages once a day, more if it get bloody or dirty, but once the wound has closed up you can leave it uncovered. Also he is only to take showers while the wound it open understand??"


With that the doctor walks away and I walk back into the room, I walk to Danny's bedside and stroke his hair/head, (hair sounds nicer)

"Jess what are you doing?"





"He does this to me, it's soothing"

I close my eyes, if I concentrate I might be able to feel that again. After about half a hour I stop stroking his hair and just sit there, he hasn't said anything yet or even moved and it's late now, I guess we are able to stay here, Tom and Will are staring into space sat on the little sofa, I sigh softly and stoke his hair again, until Will says

"Give it a rest Jess"

Tom glares at him, but I pretend not to notice, after another ten minutes I stop and sigh again, we are all silent until someone speaks up..

"Do it again..."

All of us look at each other then we turn to Danny.


"Do it again babe"

He mutters, I rush back over to him and I stroke his hair again, he mumbles appreciatively, when I eventually stop and he opens one eye. He looks surprised to see me, Tom and Will crowding round his bed

"How you feeling Danny?" T

"Not bad, thirsty though"

Will picks up his drink and holds the straw close to his mouth, he takes a sips then Will puts it back down, Danny closes his eyes again and Will and Tom return to the sofa and sit down, I go to sit back down but Danny squeezes my hand.

"Don't leave me..."

He whispers and he sounds like a frightened child. I squeeze his hand back and I pull a chair forward and I sit there I keep my hand in his just so he knows that I'm still here. Unsurprisingly I don't sleep unlike everyone else, around six in the morning I see Danny's eyes flicker, I watch him as he turns his head to look at me. I smile as I squeeze his hand, he squeezes mine back before smiling at me. For a while we just sit in silence before he whispers

"Thanks for staying with me..."

"No problem"

"Have you been asleep at all?"




"Have you babe?"


"That's not good for you Jess"

I look at the floor

"Why didn't you sleep babe?"





"You can tell me babe, I won't be angry"

"I was....."

"Was what babe?"






It comes out and it makes me sound like a child.

"Why were you scared beautiful?"

"I was scared that I wouldn't.... Um...see you again"

"Babe, I would never leave you, not like that, and if I could hug you right now I would give you a big cuddle"

I smile slightly, even when he's been stabbed, he's still acts like I'm the most important person in the world. Eventually I fall asleep the next time I wake up, Will is up talking to Danny and Tom has disappeared.

"There's my beautiful girl again"


I stretch, before his hand finds mine, I smile at him and he returns it. The nurse walks into the room, with Danny's breakfast on a tray.


"Here you go love, but before you eat that, I've got to change your bandages" N

Danny nods. I gulp before I speak up

"Sorry I know this will sound weird but can I watch, so I know what to do?"

"Ahh are you the girlfriend?" N


She nods as she helps Danny out of the bed, Tom re-enters the room and holds the door open for the nurse and Danny. I follow as she leads us into a little room, she helps him out of his hospital gown (never been in hospital don't know what they call them) and she pulls down his boxers, just enough to see the wound and cover his 'little friend' up. I become quite glad that she's quite old and not young and stunning because that would be extremely awkward for me. She beckons me forward, gives me some gloves (which I put on) and instructs me as I change his bandage.

"The knife just missed his large intestines so he's quite lucky" N

I nod as I peel back the bandage which is sticky with dry blood.

"Now get some antibiotic ointment, dab it onto some cotton wool then apply to and around the wound" N

"Is this going to hurt?" D

"It may sting a little..." N

I dab it onto the wound and all around it, while Danny winces in pain

"I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry"

Once that's down, I am told I have to gently wash around the wound to get rid of the dry blood, which may be of some discomfort if I leave it. Then I have to use some sorta cream to ease the pain. Then finally I have to do the bandage, I wrap it round the wound until it is secure and in place. Then the nurse tells me that I've done a good job, and helps Danny back into his hospital gown.

Once he's up and dressed I'm about to walk out of the room when he pulls my hand, he encloses me in his arms, I'm cautions of his wound, so I don't stay there for long, he however takes this the wrong way...

"Babe is something up?"


"So what have I done then?"

"No babe you haven't done anything"

"So why don't you want to cuddle?"

He sounds hurt and it breaks my heart to hear him like that.

"I'm just scared of hurting you, that's all"

"You won't"

He pulls me back to him, he nuzzles into the top of my head and taps the end of my nose with his fingers ,before we walk back to the room. He gets back into his bed. Then we have to leave.

"Danny, I've got to go okay?" J

"Babe stay with me!!" D

"I can't babe, we will be back later to pick you up and take you home" J

"Please I don't want you to leave!" D

"Danny I can't stay, I've got a photo shoot" J

"Oh so you love me so much that as soon as there's a photo shoot you rush off, no matter what's up with me!" D

"Danny, calm down I've got to go and you know that, we will all be back at seven to pick you up and take you home!" J

"What home, back to Dublin, or the hotel?" D

"The hotel why?" T

"The hotels not home Tom! D

"For now it is, I think he's overly tired and we should leave" T

Me and Will nod in agreement, I wave as we walk through the door.


Thank you for reading, okay so you might want to know why I wrote this chapter like this and why I decided that Danny would get stabbed, one because it was in my brainstorm and then it happened on eastenders so I thought it was a sign. Also a boy not far from where I live got stabbed the other day (I didn't know him) but it still happened don't worry the boy is fine. so I thought hmm that would be a good idea to try to add into the story. I hope you enjoyed this chapter it was difficult to write, because i didnt know what to do if someone gets stabbed and if my parents were to look through my internet history, there would be some questions to answer. If you have been affected by this (e.g. You've been/know someone who's been stabbed) then I'm here if you need to talk to anyone.

Thank you for reading

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