By thebookwormzburrow

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For years, Gods have sent their magical gifted children to earth for fighting the evils which they cannot fig... More

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By thebookwormzburrow

The snake started to crawl towards us, we didn't waste any more time and ran towards the door! but before we can reach the door the door closed on it's own. "Shit! It won't open!" Vinnie groaned, I looked back..the snake was still advancing towards us rapidly. I looked towards the others "Guys! If we can't get out, we have to somehow protect ourselves from the snake!" "But how?" Shivangi asked, looking bewildered! I looked towards Aishik "Aishik, we have to hide behind those shelves and you have to create a illusion of us standing in the doorway!" Aishik stuttered "B-But I don't know how to control it! It will disappear once The snake attacks us!" "RIGHT NOW WE DON'T HAVE ANOTHER PLAN!" I almost screeched, Aishik quickly nodded and closed his eyes, his hands started glowing with a warm orangish glow and no sooner a illusion started to appear in front of us, the illusion looked so real that even I was stunned for a second until Vinnie tugged on my hand and we ran towards a bookshelf. I quickly ran and hid behind a bookshelf with Vinnie and Aindrik, while Aishik and the girls hid behind the bookshelf next to the portrait...the snake was now slowly circling our illusion, suddenly! it hissed violently and thrashed its tail at the illusion making it disappear into thin air Vinnie muttered "shit! It knows that we are hiding somewhere!" The Snake raised its hood again and started looking around the room as if It knew that where we were hiding I looked towards the others. I quickly ducked down and slowly crawled towards them using the shelves to hide myself from the snake, I suddenly halted for a second and looked was eerily quiet , the snake wasn't hissing anymore. I tried to raise my head and look over the shelves, my knees were bruised from crawling so fast..I winced at the pain but stood up.."ADITYA LOOK OUT!" Vinnie's scared voice caught my attention and my eyes bulged out as the huge bookshelf started to fall on me! I quickly shifted from my place as the bookshelf crashed on the floor with a loud noise. "HISSS!" the loud hiss was followed by the shelves tumbling over each other as the Snake's huge tail clashed on them. I scrambled on the floor trying to protect myself from the shelves, I quickly tried to run towards Vinnie! The Snake had already noticed me..It hissed in anger and started to follow me! Shit! I thought as I flinched and stumbled because of the pain in my knees. I almost forgot they were bruised, the Snake slowly slithered behind me...looking at me with his cruel red whole body was frozen as if someone pinned me to the ground. "FUCK YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!" A fat book was thrown out f nowhere which hit the snake square on it's face. It hissed in anger and started shaking its hood violently, Avantika quickly came beside me with a stack of books in her arms "Hurry up! Let's get out of here before it can cause more harm." She threw another book at it and we both ran towards Vinnie and Aindrik. Aindrik asked "What are we going to do? This fucking reptile is going to eat us alive!" Avantika sneered at him "YES Aindrik! We can see that, none of us are blind. Right now we need a plan to get out of this room." Vinnie said "I've tried to open the doors but they won't budge..and judging by the state of these bookshelves I don't think they can hide us any longer." Avantika said "We..We need magic! Yes! Ishika can freeze the snake and we can try to open the door." Avantika signaled at Ishika who was now crouched behind a shelf with Anaya, Shivangi and Aishik...Ishika nodded at her. She quickly came out from her hiding and curled her hands into a fist, Ishika took a deep breath and then she opened her palms! Her palms lit up with a crackling blue energy which also surrounded the Snake, freezing it complete ! Ishika shouted "Guys, I have no Idea how long my powers can hold it so whatever you have to do, DO QUICKLY!" Aindrik and Vinnie ran towards the massive door, Aindrik picked up a broken piece of wood and tried to wedge it in between the door. Meanwhile, Ishika was struggling to keep the snake was almost as if the Snake was pushing through her magic Ishika shouted again "Guys! I CAN--CAN'T DO IT.NOT ANYMOR-AHHH" Ishika screamed in pain as the Snake's large tail thrashed her hard throwing her back towards a wall! Ishika crashed on the wall and fell down groaning in pain. "Shit!" I muttered, I looked at Avantika "I'll handle here, You should go and check up on her." The Snake was now advancing towards Ishika in a first pace, Avantika quickly threw a book at it "Eat this fucker!" the book hit the snake in its eye making it hiss in anger, it looked at Avantika with it's red eyes and raised its spitted out a gooey black substance towards Avantika, she held up the book in front of her and the substance fell on the book. The book lit up with blazing flames surrounding it, I screamed in fear "AVANTIKA! THROW IT AWAY!" Avantika threw the book away but the fire had already caught on her clothes, she started to pat on her clothes in attempt to stop the fire from spreading..tears were spilling from her eyes. The Snake hissed at her and started to move towards her with its hood raised. Suddenly! something weird happened, Avantika's eyes changed from their usual hazel color to a blazing orange hue, the fire on her clothes started to swirl around her and her hands lit up with flames. We looked at Avantika with shock visible in our faces, She looked at the snake "Eat shit. mother fucker." She screamed and pointed her palms towards the snake! the fire shot out of her hands and hit the snake with so much force it fell on the ground and caught on fire slowly turning into nothing but ashes. We ran towards Avantika Aishik said "You might want to turn the fire off." Avantika looked at herself and chuckled, she closed her eyes and slowly the fire around her died down. "ahh!" Avantika hissed in pain as a sizzling sound was heard, she pulled up her sleeve. A trident had appeared on her wrist She looked at us "What does this mean? Who claimed me?" I shrugged at her as I had no idea, "UM guys.." Anaya's scared voice turned our heads towards he picture, a incense was lit near the picture and it was giving out a black smoke, the black smoke was slowly getting conjoined together and was taking the form of huge black snakes Aindrik muttered "FUCK.NO." I eyed the incense stick, I said "Guys! I have a plan..we need to distract the snakes so that one of us can reach that Incense stick and stop it from burning." Vinnie asked "Ok, and how should we do that?" I looked around the library, I picked up some wood blocks and books "pick up whatever you can and start throwing it at the snakes. Make them chase you, and..Aindrik." I turned towards Aindrik "You and Shivangi will go towards the incense and stop it from burning." Aindrik nodded, his jaw clenched. I threw a book at one of the snakes, it hissed and looked at me! It quickly started advancing towards me. I started running around the library as the snake started following me, meanwhile Vinnie was constantly attacking the snakes with books and wood blocks the snake was following him constantly! suddenly, Vinnie tripped on a fallen shelf and fell down on the ground! the books and the woods scattered on the ground, the snake was now behind Vinnie and hissing at him. Vinnie scrambled on the ground, he held the shelf and tried to lift himself when he felt that the shelf under him felt very light. Vinnie looked at his hands and was baffled, his hands were glowing ! Vinnie stood up and picked up the heavy shelf easily, he didn't waste any time and threw the shelf straight at the snake making it disappear into black smoke. Shivangi and Aindrik were dodging the snakes and was quickly running towards the incense stick, Shivangi said "Aindrik, we need to get there faster! the smoke is creating more snakes!" Aindrik gripped Shivangi's hand and started running, and suddenly! he was surrounded by electricity, Aindrik felt as if he was floating, his legs were working at a great speed. In a second, Aindrik and Shivangi were in front of incense stick Shivangi looked at him in shock "How did you do that?" Aindrik shrugged "I don't know..WATCH OUT!" Aindrik shouted as a snake lunged on Shivangi, Shivangi screamed in fear and closed her eyes and a vibrating blue aura shot out from her hand and hit the snake turning it into a ice statue! Shivangi opened her eyes and looked at it "The fuck.." She muttered, another snake advanced towards her She pointed her palms at it and a gust of wind went out from her blowing the snake away towards a wall, the snake hit the wall and turned into black smoke. Aindrik said " somehow you can channel ice and wind. Let's see if you can also create water." Aindrik signaled at the incense still burning, Shivangi closed her eyes and held her hands over the incense, slowly, a water formed around it drenching it completely and the fire died down. Aindrik did not wait there, he held Shivangi's hand and ran and in a second he joined the others. Anaya asked "now how are we going to open the door?" I groaned in irritation, I haven't thought about that "Ugh I just wish I can open that door with my fucking mind!" as soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a power rushing inside of me..I looked at my hands, my palms were glowing with a golden light Aishik said "Guys, look!" I looked at the door, the door was also glowing with a golden aura Avantika said "Aditya..I think..I think your powers are doing this. Try to open the door." I looked at the door and focused on it, I pointed my hands at the door and the aura round it pulsated. I thought about ripping the door off, and suddenly it started vibrating! the door slowly broke away from it's hinges creating cracks on the walls, I took a step back and the door ripped of it's place and fell in front of us. My powers died down and I gripped Vinnie's soldier, it felt as if the whole world was spinning and the last thing I heard was Vinnie calling out to me

I couldn't breathe. Everything around me felt wet and cold, I tried to hold on to something but there was nothing except bubbles floating around me. In front of me, a huge dark structure stood with a Spherical iron door closing it's entrance. I slowly threw my limbs around and tried to move towards the door, much as I tried to get closer to the door it seemed to be moving further away from me. I tried to reach the door but something slithered around my leg and yanked me back, I jerked back and looked at my leg only to find out a dark sludgy thing slowly wrapping around my leg like a snake! I tried to free my leg from it but the sludge created another tentacle which wrapped around my neck and constricted my breathing. I flailed around to get the sludge of me but it seemed as if the sludge was slowly covering my body. A chilly feeling surrounded me and I heard a whisper "All you can do is..try to escape. But you can't..You never will." I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out a faint sound was being heard "ad...ADi...ADITYA!"

My eyes shot opened and I scrambled around on the bed, my eyes revolved around the whole room. Vinnie and Abantika were sitting beside me, the others were standing in front of the bed and with them was standing the Master of Realms. He came towards me and slowly helped me to sit up He asked "How are you feeling, my child?" My throat was raspy "A bit groggy..but..what happened?" Vinnie said "You used your magic...and opened the door and then fainted." Master of Realms raised his eyebrow "His..magic?" "Not only mine." I shifted on the bed "But we all discovered our magic." Master of Realms looked shocked but a he also looked impressed "Well then that means you have also been claimed..Come forward everyone." Avantika, Vinnie , Aindrik and Shivangi went forward...the Master came closer to them. He looked at Avantika's trident tattoo on her wrist and his face filled with a smile "Well well! Avantika, you have been claimed by the mother goddess herself! Devi Durga is your gifted mother and Vinnie.." Vinnie was holding his shoulder and his face was filled with discomfort, Master pulled down his sleeve and his shoulder was revealed, on his shoulder a small black elephant's head was tattooed on his shoulder "The god of strength, lord Ganesha has claimed you my child." He went towards Shivangi, Shivangi huffed "It's on my neck somehow, it has like air, water and ice symbols just like my powers." Master of Realms gave her a small smile "Cool as the Ice, strong as the air and intelligent like the water. you symbolize knowledge Shivangi just like your gifted mother, Goddess Saraswati." Shivangi's eyes widened and she touched the tattoo on her neck. The Master Realms looked at Aindrik 'There wasn't any tattoo on me." Aindrik said with an annoyed expression, Master stared at him "Hm..well can you use your powers once." Aindrik rolled his eyes and then took a deep breath, electricity surrounded his body he started running and in a blink of my eye he was standing near the door. No sooner did he stop using his magic a shrill ringing noise pierced through the air making us all cover our ears! the ringing sound started to get closer and in a swift motion a regal looking silver skateboard appeared in the room flying in the air! the board was in the shape of a lightning bolt Aindrik came closer to it and touched the board, the board crackled with lightning at his touch. Master of Realms said "You have been claimed Aindrik, by the king of the gods himself! Lord Indra and this is a gift from him." Aindrik gave him a confused stare "A skateboard?" Master chuckled "Not just a 'skateboard' this is Airavat, named after Lord Indra's familiar. This board can travel with limitless speed..just like you! and it's also an strong weapon." Suddenly they all stared at me, I understood what they meant "Just like Aindrik, no tattoo appeared on my body and neither did I receive any kind of 'gifts'." Master said "Well show me your abilities first.." I looked around the room and noticed a water bottle kept on the table , I closed my eyes and pointed my hands towards palms started glowing with a yellow light and the bottle was now covered with the same pulsating energy! I raised my hand upwards and the bottle started lifting in the air! Master looked at it for while and said "Telekinesis, the ability to move things with one's will. Impressive." I looked at him and suddenly the middle of my forehead started stinging "AH!" I moaned in pain and rubbed my forehead, a collective gasp was heard in the room, I looked at them "What?" I asked, Ishika turned her phone towards me "You might want to see this." I stared at her black phone screen, my reflection was showing on it...on my forehead, a glowing third-eye outline had formed! I touched my forehead and asked "What does this mean?" I turned towards the master with a questioning look, Master's eyes were wide and he almost looked scared..."This..This is extraordinary! a miracle!" He came towards me and touched my forehead "This means..that you've been claimed by the creator of the gifteds himself, the destroyer himself! MAHADEV LORD SHIVA!" It was my turn to be surprised, fuck! Gifted child of Lord Shiva?! by judging master's reaction this seemed like a big deal I asked "Why are you so surprised then?" Master said "Well you see..Lord Shiva's gifted children are very rare. The first gifted, Rudranath, was a child of Lord Shiva and he was bestowed with great abilities! one of them being your magic. But..Lord Shiva's energy is strong, mere mortals cannot handle it and only chosen couples get that opportunity." I sighed "According to you, I'm a Legacy Child right? Does that mean that my father was also a child of Lord Shiva." Master slowly nodded, I let out a deep breath "Ok. I need some rest, I don't feel that good right if you can all just.." They all nodded and slowly went out of my room leaving me all alone with my thoughts. I huffed and laid back down, as soon as I closed my eyes a deep sleep took over me.

I slowly opened the door making sure nobody wakes up, the old door creaked a bit and I quickly slipped out of the dark room. I turned on my phone's flashlight and went towards the broken staircase, I carefully climbed up the steps as the railings were almost falling off and reached the fourth storey of the house. The long corridor was dark, my flashlight wasn't enough. I gripped the walls and slowly walked towards the library. The library's doors were still broken, Damn! I ripped them straight off the wall..I pointed my flashlight towards the door "What are you doing?" I almost screamed when I heard Vinnie's voice behind me, I turned around and pointed the flashlight on his face "What are you doing here?" I whisper -yelled Vinnie replied "Following you." he gave me a cocky smirk, I raised my eyebrows at him Vinnie huffed "Ok ok! Fine! I was bored and couldn't sleep. When I saw you sneaking out I followed you." he glanced towards the library "What are we doing here?" I looked at the library door "I couldn't sleep. I kept on thinking about the letters in that ivory box.." Vinnie asked "And why were you thinking about it?" I said "This room..I don't know why but I feel like this room has more secrets than those letters..remember those snakes? I don't think they just appeared out of nowhere..I feel like they were protecting someone..or something." Vinnie was listening to me with concentration when he suddenly said "OH MY GOD! Aditya, that incense stick was some kind of security system! when we touched the ivory box it might have lit up with magic!" now that he said it, it kind of made sense I said "Let's go inside and see what we find here." I pointed the flashlight towards the library and went inside the large room, at night the library almost looked scary. We slowly walked towards the portrait carefully dodging the broken wood pieces and the shelves that were fallen over, the portrait was still intact even after the events of this morning...Vinnie went forward and grabbed the Ivory box kept over the table under the portrait, I cleared away some of the woods from the floor and we sat down there. He opened the Ivory box, the box was filled with letters and dried rose petals..I took out one of the letters and read it out loud

Dear Mohini,

My love, these past few weeks have been absolute hell. The gurukul's men came over to my house and warned me to stay out of their divine matters and not to get involved with any of their students, but I have strictly told them..NO ONE! not even the gods will be able to stop me from marrying you and promising my love to you. If you receive this, please write back to me so I know that you're fine.

from, your Rana

"Sounds like the 'Gurukul' people were against love marriages or something." Vinnie said after listening to the letter, I scoffed "Or they were just pathetic bitches who didn't wanted two people to be happy." Vinnie smirked "Going soft for the Villain, are we?" I rolled my eyes "I'm not going soft for her, I just refuse to see everything from one point of view. These letters proves that both Mohini and Ranapratap were crazy in love with each other, how can she just turn evil in one snap? And why was the Gurukul trying to stop them from getting married?" Vinnie said "Maybe..because Mohini was a gifted and Ranapratap was a human." I nodded my head "I don't think that was the only reason, my mom is a human too and now I know that my father is a gifted..then how were they allowed to get married?" Vinnie shrugged and picked up another letter from the box, he started reading it

Dear Rana

I am sorry I couldn't write to you for a few days. The gurukul has been going crazy over something for a few days, but don't you worry..I'm ready for tonight. Rudram will help me to escape the gurukul and meet you, I can't believe that finally we are going to be husband and wife. That, finally we are going to seal our love and our fates forever. I love you so much Rana.

yours Mohini.

Vinnie chuckled "This feels like reading a cliche high school love story." I smiled a bit "I remember the times I used to write love letters for you." I immediately bit my tongue when I realized what I said, Vinnie looked towards me with wide eyes "What?" his voice dripping with disbelief, Shit! Ok , maybe I had[STILL DO] a tiny [HUGE] crush on my best friend, but can you blame me? We all had one once in our life. Even Ishika used to have a crush on him, I nervously chuckled "Heh! you know..I kind of had a silly crush on you." Vinnie asked me , his voice still dripping with shock "Why didn't you say anything?" I rolled my eyes "One, 'cause you're my best friend, and second, you are straight." Vinnie nervously rubbed the back of his neck and muttered "not completely straight.." I looked at him with wide eyes "Vinayak Banerjee, Don't say what I think you are going to say.." Vinnie huffed "I don't really know if I'm into guys..I mean..I've never tried anything with boys.." "Do you want to?" I blurted out before thinking [a fault of mine I've been working on but so far, there's no progress] Vinnie looked at me, then slowly came closer. My breath hitched, fuck! Is he going to do what I think he's going to do? My face was red by now and my heart was beating so loudly I'm sure anyone in my close proximity would be able to hear it, Vinnie's hand slowly cupped my chick, I can smell his minty breath fanning on my face..his lips were so red and kissable. He slowly brought my face closer to his and connected our lips, the kiss was soft at first..feathery...I slowly ran my hand through his hair and brought his face closer, like I couldn't get enough of him! he grabbed my hips and pulled me on his laps. I straddled him without pulling away from the kiss, Vinnie's tongue licked at my bottom lip asking for access, I moaned and he took the chance and pushed his tongue in my mind. He even tasted like fresh mints and basil, I kept on kissing him..both of us grabbing each other's necks , not letting each other go. My hand fell inside the box and my fingers touched something cold, my breath hitched. But this time it wasn't from the kiss, I pulled back from Vinnie! I could see him asking me something, concern spreading on his face but I couldn't hear him. All I could hear was loud, high pitched screams and voices. Loud fucking voices. I closed my eyes and that was my worst mistake, Images started to cloud through my mind, memories..that weren't mine started to float through my brain. I slowly felt myself getting lost in those memories and all turned dark.

HII LUVS!  back with chapter 6 and YES you get the first ship of this book. Now I know this wasn't as much as spicy as y'all wanted it to be but don't worry, they are gonna come soon *wink, wink* don't forget to vote and share and comment down below what you think about this chapter.


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