Dark Soul 🐾🦇

By GothNebula

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Lila the evil woman that wanted Adrien to love him, he rejected her and she evilly put a curse on him to beco... More

Cursed For Eternity
Ancestor meets Descendant
Claw Noir meets Ladybug
Feeling Cursed
Spoiled Brat
Fun Fair
Adrien Agreste
Chloe's Cruelty
Abandon Theater
Notre Dame
Protecting His Princess
Beauty Divine
Anti-Protection Potion
Masquerade Dance
Claw vs Lila
Lila Defeated
Night Protector

Getting Along

56 5 1
By GothNebula

Claw Noir was crawling on all fours on the rooftops at night before jumping down to the bakery roof balcony to see his princess.

"Good evening, my princess. Count Noir has arrived" Claw Noir does his best Dracula accent.

"Ooh, what are you gonna do? Turn me into a vampire bride to be eternally yours?" Marinette teased him.

"Maybe if you asked for permission," Claw Noir said and sat down.

"Hmph. It was brave of you to expose Cerise. Everyone is destroying her on their social media for her deception. But now she's a fugitive and the FBI still haven't found her" Marinette hands him a glass of milk since it's always a cat's favorite drink in cartoons than in real life.

"Yes, but she's swearing revenge for being exposed," Claw Noir said.

"Do you ever get tired of kicking ass and making too many enemies for yourself?" Marinette rolled her eyes at how cocky he can be when he cares too much for her.

"Nope, I live to protect," Claw Noir said.

"You lived for eternity" Marinette scoffed.

"Come on, a cat with immortal nine lives, I live to tell the tale" Claw Noir smirked before taking a sip of milk.

"And to turn into a scary bat to give a fright," Marinette said.

"Yep. Weird I'm not called Bat Noir" Claw Noir replied.

"Because cats don't fly. They scratch and land on their feet" Marinette said.

"My dear princess, I'm more than just a cat and a vampire. For an untamed cat that I am" He made his sexy move to pull her close to him, "Cats are very protective"

"And your vampire side?" She asked before pushing him that she likes personal space.

"Well, they say vampires are bloodthirsty" Claw Noir replied.

"You love biting people's asses for blood" Marinette rolled her eyes.

"Necks actually" He corrects her.

"It's an expression, kitty" Marinette did not mean by physically.

"I know" Claw Noir replied.

"Really? Then why didn't you bite Chloe's neck if you hate her so much for tormenting me?" Marinette asked.

"I wanted to but I can't since at the time she was a politician's daughter," Claw Noir said.

"Kitty, Chloe is always a jealous person to see everyone being appreciated by friends and family. She doesn't feel anything like us. Ever since her mom left for New York for years and came back, Chloe tried way too hard to impress her mom but she is too heartless to ever call her by her right name like she doesn't care who she calls her. A mother like that would never forget their daughter's name. Others tried to reach out for her, hoping she could change for the better but she only cares about power rather than being like all the 'losers' who don't have any" Marinette explained why Chloe is like this.

"Seems like her mother made her a monster," Claw Noir said.

"Of course she did. But when she left Zoe years ago in New York, Zoe was nothing like her mother" Marinette said.

"Which is good because she chose to not be like her. Chloe chose to be like her mom so everyone could respect her. But obviously being selfish and heartless only proves there's nothing like about" Claw Noir held her close, "Which is why I care too much about you, princess. The day when Chloe tormented you, it made me feel like protecting you so you don't become driven with madness to think the world abandoned you"

"You were right about me, I let my insecurity get the best of me," Marinette said.

"You started to open up when I got in her way," Claw Noir said.

"Nearly opened up. But she could still be plotting her revenge, especially on you and Ladybug. Like I said, she's jealous of everything she doesn't have" Marinette said.

"Well, Chloe doesn't have brains," Claw Noir said.

"But Cerise does. If she's hiding as someone else, she will hunt you down" Marinette said before snatching the empty glass from him, "For example, she stole every glass of milk from you and left you an empty one. Like she'll give every glass of milk to Chloe if she completes her schemes"

"Then I get it back once I defeat that bitch. No one steals milk from this cat" Claw Noir said.

"I like your, fire Noir. You really are determined" Marinette said.

"Heh, I was always born to be determined, my princess. I hope someday you find your determination once I win the war from that ugly bitch" Claw Noir purred with a smirk.

"That is if you can win the war, I will someday. For now, you like hunting mice at night" Marinette scratched his chin.

"I always do" Claw Noir chuckled while she scratched, "You know I'm too adorable like a kitten"

"You really live into your namesake, both original and current," Marinette said.

"It's what makes me a legend" Claw Noir held her close, "You sure you don't fear me? It's very hard to scare you"

"I lost my sense of fear long ago," Marinette said.

"Everyone has fear, my dear. Like I'm afraid to get burned in sunlight" Claw Noir nibbled her neck with little bites, sensing how she's not afraid to get bitten.

"Kitty I....Ahhhhh" Marinette moaned at his bite.

He purred in delight by that moan, realizing that vampires are good at romance. Especially for males to make a female feel loved by the undead male.

"You see? I don't bite people's necks by addiction. My ability is very unpredictable when it comes to romance" Claw Noir left a hickey on her neck, feeling very territorial to make sure no man touches her.

"Was that really necessary?" Marinette rubs her neck.

"Would you rather have other men claim you to break your heart like Kim did to you?" Claw Noir asked.

"No. He may be sorry but I can't forgive that he was used as a pawn" Marinette said.

"Someday he'll learn to keep his pranks less harmful. Unlike him, I have morality. Now then, I must go. Don't be so hard on yourself again, Marinette. There's nothing wrong with what you are" Claw Noir said before morphing into a bat to leave.

"Oh, Kitty" She saw he left another rose.

The bat knew he had to find Lila's new identity but he can't get caught again. The last few times she almost tried to kill him. He morphed into a shadow mist to blend in the shadows to find her in the catacombs. He could tell she was scheming something.

"Don't fail me again, Chloe! Do you want to take your father out of power? Find that cat!" Lila yelled in the distance.

"He's like a ghost! An utterly ridiculous ghost!" Chloe complained.

"I don't care! He ruined my life and yours! FIND HIM!!" Lila shouted.

Claw Noir smirked that he knew her plan. Chloe is not so smart to be aware of anything or herself at all. He used his clairvoyance psychic vision to zoom through to observe her lair filled with wigs and contacts kept in plastic containers. Obviously very expensive to get when she makes a lot of lies.

"Clever girl," He thought.

His psychic vision zooms to a business card of Beauty Divine with her fake name Sierra Ricci. It was as if she was the head of the beauty business to design anti-aging cream, makeup, and most of the salon.

"So that's where she stores youth potion" He wondered.

If she's still her persona Sierra Ricci, then that's his lead to find her. He doesn't understand how she can be in places at once with all her fake personas that don't even exist.

"GET MOVING!!!" Lila yelled at Chloe to get out of here.

"Alright alright!" Chloe heads out.

Claw Noir knew he had to hypnotize Chloe to do something else but his power is temporary and it can't change Chloe to be something she's not.

So he grabbed onto her and pinned her, "Look deep into my eyes" He hypnotized her. Chloe stopped struggling as she fell into a trance.

"You are gonna make yourself look like a fool for Lila Rossi" Claw Noir commanded before leaving her to fail again to capture him. He snickered at how Lila would react.


The next day, Adrien was getting along with his descendants, even if the bodyguard couldn't speak at all. The dog, however, was getting too hyper around him due to being a happy dog in the family.

"Hehehehe..... good boy." Adrien chuckled after being licked.

"So, this Sierra Ricci, the head of Beauty Divine is her? Damn it she's really good at hiding in plain sight" Felix said.

"Yup, I checked and it's her all right. But it makes sense with her potions and stuff into like a beauty salon for women worldwide to look young" Adrien said.

"They use herbs and chemistry to create those stuff, not potions or magic," Felix said.

"I see" Adrien replied.

"So what are you gonna do? That headquarters is guarded and you'll get caught on security cameras" Felix said.

"I'll think of something with Ladybug" Adrien replied.

"Do you think it has a connection with why she stole your father's femur?" Felix asked.

"Maybe" Adrien shrugs.

"Mmhmm. Now let's get your human nature something to eat. You get very cranky whenever something gets you pissed off" Felix drags him to the kitchen.

"Of course," Adrien said.

"CHEESE!" Plagg flew to the fridge.

"Pizza wouldn't do since I have no idea what happens if you ingest garlic. Apples are still your favorite. It even matches your eyes" Felix hands him a green apple.

"Thanks" Adrien accepts it.

"Did you learn to brush your teeth this morning?" Felix said.

"Of course I did but I told you, I can't cast a reflection in the mirror" Adrien rolled his eyes before having the apple dry like a raisin.

"Okay then" Felix drank some juice.

"Anyways, my hypnosis on Chloe should last less than 24 hours to look foolish for Lila to fail to capture Claw Noir. She's gonna be pissed until Chloe goes completely insane to think Lila is utterly useless" Adrien said before going into the fridge for a snack.

"Excellent," Felix said.

Adrien grabs freshly frosted cupcakes from the fridge to eat. Only to see Plagg being a gluten pig for so much cheese in the fridge.

"Yummy cheddar," Plagg said.

Adrien rolled his eyes before closing the fridge, "Man, I miss having sweets. But still, the masquerade ball is just a few days away. I don't have a costume"

"Maybe we can come up with something," Felix said.

"I may know from my time but I never faced a new century one" Adrien said.

"Cuz, have you heard about prom?" Felix asked.

"No, I haven't" Adrien answered.

"Prom is like a hang-out party at school night. A dance" Felix said.

"Ah I see" Adrien replied.


In the meantime, Marinette opens up her casket which she stored some of the dresses she designed before she went goth. She couldn't care to feel her girly side anymore, especially since she lost her favorite color in pink, and switched to magenta instead. So she tried on the magneta dress and looked in the mirror. She grunts at how it needs a few black details on it.

"Time to improve to a new style," She said to herself.

"Meow, such beauty in that dress you'll wear" Claw Noir lounging on his stomach on her loft bed, boots crossed in the air and hands placed on his cheeks as his elbows dipped into the bed, looking like he's totally in love with her.

"Hello Count Noir" Marinette replied deadpanned.

"Still tough again? You're still a strong one" Claw Noir speed flashed up to her, "I see you designing a puuuuuuuurrrrrrrtty dress for the upcoming masquerade and yet no mask?"

"Why bother? I have nothing to hide my face from" Marinette said.

"I wear a mask so I don't make you and other girls faint at my real beauty. But you make me crazy about you, puuuuurrrrrrincess" Claw Noir licked her neck.

"That gave me an idea, a dark tiara," Marinette said.

"Me-wow. Clever. I can't wait to see how you would look. Maybe then, I can be your date. Meow" Claw Noir said.

"As if," Marinette said.

"Still not scared if I get too close to your lovely neck?" He chuckled.

"Hmm....you don't have the guts to turn me. For the past few weeks, you didn't. It's like you want me to be human" Marinette explained why she was not scared.

"I just don't want you to suffer by immortality, watching everyone and everything begone," Claw Noir said.

"That makes sense" Marinette added black lace details on the waist of the dress.

"But it's true. Like myself being the last of myself with one of my parents' side of the family, the other continues to go through generation cycles" Claw Noir explained, knowing he's the last of his father's side of the family.

"I understand," Marinette said.

"By the way, maybe add a sash to the dress. It's very lovely. And also think about the mask too" Claw Noir down a blow kiss before heading out the window.

Marinette thought for a moment then decided to make the mask feline-like. She didn't see another rose on her dress as he left.

"Why am I a sucker for cats?" She said while designing the mask.


Lila was furious with Chloe for why she wasted the day to find that cat. Chloe was only more interested in bullying Marinette than finding the cat, even if he did ruin her life but her passion is the bakery girl.

"You lost that cat?!" Lila yelled.

"You think it's my fault?! I barely remember a day!" Chloe yelled.

"He must have used some trick on you" Lila suspected.

"He's not easy to catch you fool! I don't have Sabrina to do it for me!" Chloe said.

"You're so useless! Do you want to make your daddy and half of a sister suffer?!" Lila manipulates her greed.

"If I had the power to do it," Chloe said.

"Then do it! I don't care how! That baker girl and that cat have gotten on my nerves one last time!" Lila yelled at her.

"Okay!" Chloe yelled back.

"Make sure you don't look straight in his eyes! Wear sunglasses next time!" Lila pushed her out of her lair, "Now get moving or you'll never get what you want! EVER!!"

Chloe groans in frustration.


Night approached and it was the last day of the fun fair until it's over tomorrow. Marinette thought of giving 'Aiden' a chance, just to get to know him. Adrien feels like she's deceiving her with his disguise the same way Lila did on people for years just to get more attention by lying. Unlike her, he was hiding his undead secret just to protect the people to not go insane to believe he was from the 19th century since all the people from the 19th century are dead.

"I never known much about funfairs in my life. The truth is, wealthy families are always....not much as a normal people to be just themselves" Adrien made an excuse since he had never been to funfairs.

"Jeez, you must be really isolated," Marinette said.

"Indeed, I was. Which is why I wanna start a new life than in....London" Adrien lied.

"I see" Marinette bought the lie.

"Felix told me all about what's been happening here at your school. So he convinced me to come to Paris and help" Adrien half-lied.

"Just like that cat that rose from the grave as a vampire," Marinette said.

"Heh....but he's just a cat person" Adrien pretends to not believe his alter ego is not a vampire.

"Whatever. But he did expose those two. But at the same time, I feel worried" Marinette came to a shooting range game.

"Don't worry, I'm here for you" Adrien said.

"Ever played this?" Marinette picks up the gun to play.

"Sort of" Adrien held the rifle up.

"It's not a real gun you know," Marinette said before shooting the targets.

Adrien was amazed at this. Eventually, it became a montage for the two to have fun, although Adrien did not want to go on fast rides since he didn't want his wig to fall off and just simply made a lie that his stomach couldn't handle it well. Adrien held her close on the merry-go-round since she didn't like anything corny or fancy stuff but just to have fun with him.

Next came a dance-off with the difficult Dance Revolution since the pads and pressing them right all at once were very hard for every person to challenge.

"Oh, boy. Kim is the world record in this" Marinette said.

"Hmm....a little payback won't hurt. I got this, princess" Adrien winked before coming to perform against him.

Marinette gasped softly by that nickname. Could the cat be him?

"Ah, hello pretty boy. Care to challenge a dance war?" Kim asked with a cocky attitude.

"Totally. That is if you have unlimited stamina" Adrien chuckled before getting on the dance mat controller.

The song played "Craizee Boi" by the Korean band Kpop.

As they began, it was a bit difficult for a beginner Adrien but it took him 15 seconds to adapt to this before keeping up with Kim in sync without making every error mistake whenever he hit the right notes of the game by dancing. At first, Kim thought he was lame at this but was quickly underestimated when Adrien was keeping up with him. As the music went faster, so did the symbols on the screen which Adrien and Kim followed. The former steps on the moon's crescent, then on the circle, then the star and the bolt. Marinette watched on in amazement at how good Adrien was. She can compare Claw Noir and him like they both have unlimited stamina, speed, and no sweat. She assumed it's him. But wasn't 100 percent for now. Kim was getting tired out but Adrien was not. He kept going until he reached his high score, Kim however lost track that he lost.

"The war has been cut off, Kim. Looks like I claim victory" Adrien tips his finger on his chest for Kim to collapse in exhaustion.

"Well done, Aiden," Marinette said.

"Merci. I kicked his ass" Adrien chuckled.

"Never seen someone so....skilled like you" Kim panted.

"I guess I was just lucky," Adrien said before leaving with Marinette.

"I'm very impressed, Aiden. You outdid yourself." Marinette said.

"I learned from the best" Adrien smirked.

"I see. From your cousin?" Marinette guessed.

"Yup. When he told me about you, I decided to do anything to protect anyone from misery. Believe me, I know what it's like to be miserable by someone who thinks everyone are losers and nobodies but I prove them wrong" Adrien explained.

"Good. You were the first who wasn't afraid of Chloe" Marinette said.

"She controls people in Paris but not people from outside of Paris. That is why I never let her boss my life like she thinks I'm a nobody" Adrien said.

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