Snow Blossom - [BEOMKAI FF]

By btch_for_yeosang

2.4K 167 270

"You know," he began. He glanced in his direction. "What?" "You remind me of a snow blossom." "How so?" Kai... More

Part One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Part Two
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 20

63 6 14
By btch_for_yeosang

🎶: 'West Coast' by Lana Del Rey

The wheels of the bus rumbled beneath him, until they came to a sudden and abrupt stop.

"Next stop, Daily Honolulu Headquarters."

Kai furrowed his brows as he blinked his eyes open, realizing this was his stop. He instantly leapt out of his cushioned seat, sprinted towards the closing doors, and pressed the stop button to keep them open.

The bus driver gave him a look.

"It's your lucky day," he sarcastically remarked.

Kai bowed his head in embarrassment.

"My bad. I fell asleep."

"Aha. Enjoy your day."

The ravenette stepped off the bus, sunlight pouring onto his skin, kissing it, while the wheels hissing as the engine sprang back into motion.

"You too sir."

As the bus drove off, Kai took a moment to glance at his familiar surroundings, sighing as he took them back in.

A couple days have passed since his return from Indonesia, and this whole time... Kai felt odd.

Yes, this was his home country, his homeland, but...

Actually, not but, why?

Why did I think things would be... different?

Nothing was different at all. 

The houses, apartment complexes, local shops and major company buildings all stayed the exact same way they were beforehand, people were as busy as ever, and traffic was just as horrible as Kai remembered.

Yet so much had changed for him in the weeks he wasn't here, which made the twinge of unfamiliarity so strong.

Kai returned to his desk for the first time in weeks.

He had needed an extra week off to readjust to Hawaii, because for some reason, his Jet Lag tolerance went completely haywire, and his sleeping patterns had been extremely uneven (for reasons Lea and Bahiyyih couldn't figure out but Kai knew why, he just didn't say it out loud).

Thus, this is the first time in almost a month where he has gone to the office headquarters.

He settled down into his seat, sighing as he looked around.

"Same old, same old."

The computer was untouched, an army of pencils and pencil sharpeners were gathered in his collecting cup, and a stack of extra paper under his spare notebooks still sat in the corner.

Another defeated sigh left him.

Well, seeing as how Boss didn't call me into his office, everything got rejected. Great. Just gre—


The aforementioned quickly spun around in his swivel chair, almost jumping out of it and hitting the ceiling to properly greet him had he not made the hand gesture to stay seated.

"Oh, hello sir!"

"Welcome back, how was your trip to Indonesia?"

Being the polite man he was, Kai shook hands with his boss, Stanley Millers, CEO of the Daily Honolulu and a renowned editor.

"Wonderful sir," Kai replied with a professional smile.

Because it truly was.

"I can tell, you seem much more radiant compared to the weeks beforehand. It reflects in your work."

A look of suspense crossed Kai's face.

"My work?"

The middle aged man nodded with a smile.

"Indeed Kai. I was... greatly impressed by your work. You've worked under me for two years, and what you submitted to me last weekend... in all seriousness, this has been your best yet."

Kai's heart began to pound in his chest as it swelled with pride.

After arriving back home, he had spent the whole weekend turning all his written works into multiple PDF documents so he could email them all in.

Of course, it required a bit of effort, but it was effort and work Kai was willing to do, especially because his income quite literally depended on it.

"My best yet? You really think so?"

"I wouldn't be saying it otherwise."


He laughed awkwardly.


Mr Miller chuckled.

"It's alright. I especially loved the first few lines of your work about the dolphins: Their gleaming smooth skin sparkled in the sun. Little droplets of water covered their bodies. It appeared like they were coated with diamonds. This will be on the front page of tomorrow's edition."

That last statement made the ravenette's eyes shoot up in shock.

"O-On the front page?!"

"Mhm. I believe you deserve a little extra promotion for still dedicating your time into writing, even when on vacation. Which is why I came to tell you; all the work you submitted, which is quite bountiful, will be published in every release until possibly the end of November."

Kai was speechless.

Until the end of November.

That meant two full months of his works being published in the local newspapers.

It was just... unbelievable.

The him of a few weeks ago who was struggling to put words to pen and paper would not believe it even if the him of right now would've told him.

"Wow... thank you so much sir!"

"Of course."

Mr Miller extended his hand out to him, and Kai shook it in return.

"Keep up the good work."

In high spirits, and with a new sense of refreshment and relief settled into his bones, Kai leaned back in his chair about to scream from excitement.

Did that just happen?!?! I got promoted?!

He was.

I can't wait to tell Lea and Hiyyih about this!

Now that he won't have to worry too much for the next two months about his source of income, he won't have to stress about writing as much as he did a while back.

But it still is his profession, and he wanted to write something, which is why Kai grabbed the notebook off his desk to open it to a blank page, grabbing a pencil and placing it against his lips as he thought of what to write.

The problem... what does he write about now?

Kai sighed in frustration.

Not again... come on, think.

Feeling distracted by the electric lights around him and all the business wavering in the air, Kai leaned back in his chair, and tilted his head backwards as he closed his eyes.

And then, Kai could see him.

He could see Beomgyu on the swing by the beach, swaying back and forth in the gentle Indonesian wind.

His messy brown hair was ruffled by the tropical breeze, and a peaceful look was on his face as he moved forwards and backwards. And he was dressed in the same clothes as when they first kissed.

He could see Beomgyu running before him on the golden, grainy sand, his precious laughter filling the air and his ears like music. A sound that he prayed would never fade away.

He could see Beomgyu resting on his chest, sleeping like the pretty sleeper he was, fine eyelashes feathered over his cheekbones, hair falling perfectly over his face, lips a little pouty, his chest rising and falling with every breath he took.

He could see the older as he stood in the water, slowly spinning around in the cold, salty blue abyss, the small tidal waves crashing against his legs. Yet he paid no mind nor did he shriek in fear; instead, a wide and wonderful smile was etched across his face.

He could see Beomgyu's ethereal, beautiful face before him as he hovered above the older, the tall grass dancing in the wind as he looked at his features: round galaxy eyes, rose petal lips, and flushed cheeks as he gazed up at him in wonder.

And despite all the distance...

He could feel Beomgyu's smaller frame pressed against him as they embraced one another, his thin arms wrapped around his ribs as his hands rested on that dainty little waist.

He could feel Beomgyu's soft and plum lips that moved with ease against his thin ones, taking the lead yet still allowing him more dominance.

He could still recall the way his smooth, silky skin felt against his own as he held him close in their most intimate moments.

He already missed him, even though only a couple days had passed since he last saw the love of his life.

And as his eyes opened again, Kai knew.

What he would write about next.

He took a pen to hand, and began writing on the empty sheets of paper, immersing himself in his work.

"Kai... hey, earth to Kai, hello!"

The ravenette looked up half an hour later, and gasped.


He stood up from his desk and immediately hugged Alec, happy to see his best friend again.

Alec bumped his shoulder playfully as soon as they parted.

"It's good to have you back. I was starting to feel miserable here on my own; you have no idea how often Sawyer had to pour water over my face when I wasn't paying attention."

"He did not!" Kai laughed.

Alec rolled his eyes.

"You better believe it. I heard from Boss that your written work is being promoted on the front page. Congrats man!!"

"Thanks. It's unbelievable, right?"

"Yeah, especially when I think about the amount of nights you whined and complained and pulled your hair out about your writer's block."

Kai gave him a 'really' look.

"Thanks for the reminder."

"You're welcome. Say, where did you get all this motivation from? You're even writing right now; I almost thought you were under a spell."

"Well... you could say I kinda was..."


A long busy week came to an end.

Kai laid on a picnic blanket outside in their garden, eyes closed as he rested his head on his folded arms behind his neck, basking in the sunlight.

Lea was watching him from the kitchen while cutting some fruit, particularly at the way his lips curled up into a smile.

"I think somebody is in love," she whispered to her sister.

Bahiyyih, dressed in black shorts and a gray tank top, looked up from the lemonade she was preparing.


"Kai. Look at how in love he looks right now."

The ashy haired girl glanced past her sister's pointed knife to look at her brother. Lea was right.

He looked so in love.

How could they tell, besides the point they knew he was?

They watch plenty of romance movies, and Kai had that same look as all the male leads in their favorite films— a look of pure happiness. 

"You're so right. I wonder if everything worked out between him and Beomgyu; he hasn't said a word about him ever since he came back," Bahiyyih remarked.

Lea shrugged her shoulders.

"Let's wait and see. Maybe he's just waiting for the right time to tell us."


Lea placed the cut mango on a platter, and took it to hand as she walked out of the kitchen into the garden, Bahiyyih close on her heels.

The Huenings had a bit of a late summer tradition.

And that was having a picnic in their backyard with lots of lemonade, sandwiches and fruit, specifically mango, pineapple and kiwis, their favorites. 

It was something they did a lot as kids, and they just continued doing so as they reached adulthood.

Bahiyyih snapped her fingers over Kai's face.

"Yo bro, wake up; the lemonade will get too warm if you don't."

Kai sleepily blinked his eyes open, and looked at his sisters.

"Huh? Did I fall asleep?"

"Yes you did, dumbo."

The ravenette rolled his eyes and simply sat up, his sisters gathering around the plate of food, digging in.

Lea bit into the mango, and then sighed.

"Can't believe it's already September. I know the climate never changes here, but there's always a shift of atmosphere whenever summer rolls around, and when it ends."

"Yeah. I'm starting my next semester already, ugh," Bahiyyih frowned.

"You'll live," Kai remarked, nibbling on the kiwi.

"Wow, so supportive."

"It's my job."

"Speaking of job, congrats again Kai. I'm really happy for you," Lea smiled.

When Kai broke the news to his two sisters, Lea and Bahiyyih were overjoyed for him. They even called their parents, waking up their mom in the middle of the night and interrupted their dad's rather important meeting, but neither of the two could mind.

For they too were happy for their son for achieving something so great in his path of becoming a poetic writer, a dream coming true and fleshing into reality.

"It's all thanks to you both. If you wouldn't have pushed me to take a vacation when I was clearly burnt out, I would've never found new inspiration for my works."

Kai sighed and glanced up at the sun.

"And... I even found my muse for now."

Bahiyyih and Lea's eyes widened when they heard him say that, and exchanged looks to make sure that what they're thinking is exactly what they're thinking.

"Kai... are you and Beomgyu—" the youngest Huening began.


Two loud shrieks and squeals of joy escaped the girls' throat.




Bahiyyih flung her arms around her brother's neck, who patted her back in return as a hug, whereas Lea playfully punched his arm.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier; this is huge news!!" Lea exclaimed.

Kai shrugged.

"I guess I just... wasn't ready yet."

"Tell me, how was your first kiss?!" Bahiyyih asked.


There was no other word to describe it.

That moment, where it was just the two of them, kissing in the ocean right next to their own little Neverland, a place where not everybody could find them.

Yet Kai wasn't done dreaming.

"He's just so... beautiful. If you would've seen him that evening, with his hair dancing in the wind and his cheeks so rosy and flushed, and the way he looked at me with those eyes of his... I don't think I could've lasted another day without kissing him."

Lea and Bahiyyih glanced at each other.

This was... not the brother they knew.

He sounded so dreamy.

He felt so grown up, truly, deeply, indisputably in love with someone who loved him back with everything as well.

Or so it appeared.

"Wow Kai... we left you on your own and here you are, so changed."

Kai gave his little sister a look.

"Is that a bad thing?"

Lea raised her arms up as a shrug.

"Not really. But seriously, why didn't you tell us?!"

She wasn't wrong.

Kai didn't say a word about his newfound, now long distance relationship. To be fair though, Lea had been busy with her modeling contract, and Bahiyyih was barely at home, enjoying her summertime freedom before she had to go back to the hell hole called college.

"I don't know... maybe because talking about him... makes me miss him even more."


That was one thing they all forgot.

One that they are an ocean apart, and two that their time zones are half a day apart.

"I haven't been able to contact him since I came back, as I've been busy, and his phone has been off. So... in a way, I'm a bit worried about him," Kai said.

Is he okay? Is he sleeping well? Is he getting through the day without feeling...

Lea and Bahiyyih nodded in understanding.

"Well, Labor Day is coming up. Try to call him then," Bahiyyih suggested.

"I suppose."


Lea placed her hand on Kai's shoulder, making the younger look into her earnest eyes.

"I'm sure Beomgyu is just fine, and that he misses you too. And I'm 100% positive that he would love to hear from you soon."

A tiny smile formed on Kai's face.

"Yeah. You're right."

Maybe I'm just overthinking for nothing.


A/N: Nah Kai ur not :) welcome back Snow Blossom 🤍 updates may not be super frequent yet but I wanted to post this to let you know we're back. I hope you're ready cuz I am :) thanks for reading 🫶

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