Chapter 8

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🎶: 'Do You Love Me?' by Taeyeon

Beomgyu didn't fall back asleep, and spent the rest of the night awake on his phone. To his great surprise, a door creaked open upstairs at 6:30, and he could hear Kai sigh as he presumably stretched his limbs.

I should probably prepare breakfast.

Making up his mind, Beomgyu sat up, rose to his feet and made his way towards the kitchen.

Hmm... what should I prepare?

His eyes fell on the fruit basket, which was almost empty, but still had enough for a nice fruit salad, perfect for breakfast.

He checked the refrigerator, and smiled when he found a jar of yogurt, which he could use to prepare some cereal, as he had run out of milk.

I should probably head into town to buy some groceries.

The brunette suddenly picked up footsteps descending down the stair steps, and his muscles tensed, feeling the pit of guilt rise in him again.

"Oh, you're awake," Kai remarked.

"Yeah... didn't sleep a wink last night."

That wasn't too far from the truth. Four hours of sleep is not exactly a full night's sleep.

"I'm sorry to hear. I thought about carrying you upstairs, but I didn't want to risk waking you up. You looked... really peaceful."

His words stirred something in Beomgyu's stomach.

But he didn't know what.

"I... I appreciate it."

Kai nodded with a small smile, and peeked over Beomgyu's shoulder to see what he was doing.


"Mhm, to go with some cornflakes. I ran out of milk, sorry."

"That's totally fine Hyung, I actually like eating cornflakes in yogurt."



"Huh... so do I."

Kai clapped his hands together in excitement.

"Finally, someone who gets me! Take that Hiyyih for saying I'm weird!"

Beomgyu chuckled quietly.

"You and your sisters really are close."

"We are."

Like I said yesterday.

And there it was again.

That awkward uncomfortable feeling that comes from an unresolved fight.

It was so prominent that Kai began scratching his nape and Beomgyu reverted his focus on stirring the yogurt.

Come on... don't leave a fight hanging like this. You know what happened last time—

Beomgyu brushed that thought off as much as he could, before he spilled it.

"I think we got off on the wrong foot."

Kai snapped out of his daydreaming.

"Excuse me?"

"What I meant was— I wanna... I'm sorry for screaming at you yesterday. I don't know what came over me that made me react the way I did, but I... I'm really sorry."


Kai was surprised.

Not at him apologizing, but at how... remorseful he sounded while doing so. Like it was his own fault for rightfully reacting to his invasiveness. 

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