Chapter 16

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Sometimes, a little more time can mean different things.

For some, it means a few days.

While for others, it only means a few hours.

Many things can, and usually, happen slowly.

While others don't, and happen so fast.

In the case of Beomgyu and Kai... time worked universally extraordinarily.

Kai woke up extremely late that day, as in, smack at noon. The moment he saw those four numbers on his phone display, he jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to the kitchen.

Beomgyu was sitting in the living room, reading a book, but looked up from it when he saw the younger one.

"Afternoon," he smiled.

"Hey. Gosh why did I oversleep that late?"

"Lucky you, I woke up at 5."

"At 5?!"


"Oh... I'm sorry to hear that."

Beomgyu shrugged, and stood up from the couch. It gave Kai the opportunity to glance at what he was wearing: jeans, a white top, and a gray jacket on top of it.

A bit unusual compared to the past few days.

"Are you cold?" Kai asked.

"Not exactly. But it's not very warm outside either, at least, it's significantly colder than our typical 35°C temperature," Beomgyu responded.

"Oh. Should I wear something warm then?"

"You should eat something. I'll prepare you an omelet, how does that sound?"


Beomgyu walked to the kitchen to get the necessary ingredients for cooking an omelet, while Kai sat down at the counter to keep him company.

He propped his chin on his palm, deep in thought.

There was something burning at the tip of his tongue that he wanted to ask the older, even though he currently paid no mind to him, far too focused on preparing the younger his breakfast.

"Hyung," Kai said.

Beomgyu lifted his gaze.


"Do you wanna go swimming?"


"Mhm. I suggested it once, remember?"


The brunette placed a hand on the back of his neck from shyness.

"I uh... I don't have any swim trunks on me either... a-and I don't exactly want to swim naked."


Kai blushed darkly at that image the author won't specify, and Beomgyu awkwardly darted his eyes away, feeling his cheeks heat up.

He quickly busied himself with his omelet.

"But uh... I-I could just wear my clothes, I don't mind them sticking to me. What's a washing machine for after all?"

"Beomgyu, are you sure you're not forcing yourself just because I want to do it?" Kai questioned skeptically.

The brunette looked at him.

"What do you mean, what makes you think that?"

Kai stood up and came closer to him.

"If you're not comfortable with it just say so. It's completely fine; I was simply just suggesting something we could do together."

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