Chapter 5

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Kai slept like a log the whole night.

Surprisingly enough, that's just how jet lag works for him: he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to prance around trying to tire himself out— no, he sleeps like the dead.

And the only thing that can wake him up?

His perfect nose twitched in his sleep when his senses caught a whiff of sizzling bacon and the buttery batter of pancakes. His eyelids flew open and Kai sat up, the smell of breakfast becoming stronger.

"That smells so good!!!"

Kai climbed out of bed and let out a woah as he stumbled a little.

"Whoops, forgot about that."

One more jet lag side effect that he has though? Stumbling around, discombobulated, because he had at least five hours added to his usual sleep schedule.

Once he collected himself, he stretched his limbs, scratched at an itch on his lower back, and walked towards the door.

He followed the scent of food down the stairs, and entered the kitchen.

Beomgyu was standing by the stove, and expertly flipped a pancake with his frying pan. Another smaller one was on a second hearth, which contained sizzling bacon.

"Good morning," Kai cheerfully greeted.

The brunette glanced up and met Kai's eyes. The ravenette could see that they were rimmed red a little and seemed a bit tired, but Beomgyu smiled in return.

"Morning, did you sleep well?"

"Like a log."

"Any trouble with jet lag?"

"No. I'm one of the lucky people who sleeps through," Kai responded, sitting down in a chair.

"Hmm. I'm like that too, except it's a natural habit, not jet lag."



Beomgyu nodded and then placed the pancakes on a nearby plate.

"I umm, I made pancakes. Americans like them, don't they?"

"Well, we do have an international house of pancakes as a restaurant chain, so I guess yes. I personally like them a lot."

"Okay, good. And bacon as well?"

Kai's lit up.

"Yes, bacon!"

"Great... looks like my research paid off."

"Research?" Kai asked with a tilted brow.

Beomgyu scratched the back of his nape, sheepish.

"Yeah... I thought you may like something that tastes like home? Ah, this is a little embarrassing—"

"No no no, it's not!" Kai frantically waved his hands, again. "I appreciate the thought, really! It's sweet of you."

"Okay... in that case..."

Beomgyu took the tongs and picked the bacon out of the pan, plating it next to the pancakes before bringing it to Kai.

"... enjoy your meal."

He said it with a soft smile that made Kai's heart flutter.

Gee Wilkins boy calm down.

"Thank you, I will."

Kai accepted the meal and grabbed the provided utensils, neatly laying the strip of bacon across the pancake, folding the sides of it over the meat. Beomgyu meanwhile sat down across from him, playing with his sleeves.

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