A King and His Queen (Tifa x...

By Megoz7

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It has been years since Y/n had last seen his childhood friends. Now as an adult, he returns to his homeland... More

Ch.1: Reunion
Ch.2: Errand Boys and Girl
Ch.3: The Jessie Job
Ch.4: Tunnels, Tunnels, and More Tunnels
Ch.5: Mako Reactor 5
Ch.6: The Flower Girl
Ch.7: Wall Market Pt.1
Ch.8: Wall Market Pt.2
Ch.9: Spooks and Sewers
Ch.10: All Comes Crashing
Ch.11: Survivors
Ch.12: Before the Rescue
Ch.13: Into the Building
Ch.14: Upper Crust
Ch.15: The Lab
Ch.16: Destiny's Crossroads
Ch.17: New Horizons
Ch.18: The Calm Before...
Ch.19: ...The Storm
Ch.20: Together
Ch.21: Union (Nearly)
Ch.22: Headaches and Heartaches
Ch.22: Trial of Titan
Ch.24: Bust-a-Base

Ch.23: Trial of Ramuh

315 12 4
By Megoz7

The party stood across from Ardyn, their guard heightened more than before. Y/n, however, was being supported by Cloud and Gladio. The fight against Titan had drained him and he was trying his best to stay conscious. Aerith glared daggers at Ardyn. She felt a strange sensation radiating from him. The same sensation she felt when confronting Sephiroth. Tifa was feeling uneasy as well. Her attention drifted from her weakened partner and the Imperial Chancellor who wore a smug grin.

"Oh, thank the gods I found you all." Ardyn said with a dramatic gasp. "And what will you do with us now?" Ignis questioned. "Why, grant you safe passage, just as I said." "Pretty generous offer, considering you played a part in our home being destroyed." Gladio remarked. "Nevertheless, aren't you glad I was there?"

Ardyn stepped away from the cargo hold they stood in as he entered the cockpit. "So what do we do after he drops us off?" Asked Gladio. "Go get the car." Y/n replied. "Can't leave her unattended for long." Added Ignis. "Then we call the others and meet up again." Finished Aerith.

"I wonder what he gains from helping us." Cloud thought aloud. "What do you mean?" Asked Aerith. "He is the Imperial Chancellor. And as Gladio said, he played a part in the Empire destroying Y/n's home. Why the hell did he help Y/n get in to the Disc of Cauthess and then get us out of the eruption?" "Beats me." Y/n shrugged.

Speaking of whom, Ardyn returned from the cockpit and Ignis quickly turned to him. "Chancellor. If you truly wish to aid us in our efforts, then I request you release us this instant." "This instant? It's a long way down. Perhaps the army could break your fall. Or perhaps you could simply sit back and enjoy the ride. You needn't worry. You're in good hands with me."

Several minutes later, the Magitek Engine's doors began to open. "Here's to hoping you find that car of yours." Y/n and the others hopped off of the Engine where they came to realize that they were at Wiz's Chocobo Post. The Engine began to depart. "Before I forget!" Ardyn shouted as he reached into his pocket. "A mutual acquaintance of ours wished for me to give this to you!" He released something. Y/n, Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith watched with astonishment as a black feather floated to the earth below. "It... It can't be." Tifa gasped. Cloud extended his hand as the feather fell onto his open palm. "Sephiroth." He spat, crushing the feather which caused it to disperse. "Why would he have that?" Aerith pondered. "Why's that feather got you all worked up?" Gladio asked. "Remember Sephiroth?" Y/n replied. "That feather comes from his wing. There's no reason why Ardyn would have it... unless the two are no in league." "SHIT!" Cloud cursed. "We must call the others and figure out what we must do." Said Ignis as he pulled out his phone.

"Prompto." "Hey Iggy, what's up?" Prompto answered with a nervous voice. "Long story. We need you and the others to come to Wiz's Chocobo Post." "It might take us a few days." Barret said. "What? Why?" "We might've come across trouble with the Empire which involved bullets and missiles." Prompto chuckled before letting out a loud gulp. "Are you kidding?" Ignis sighed as Y/n and Gladio shook their heads. "Alright, just get here as soon as you can." "Will do." "Guys we have to wait." Gladio said as he took a seat.

Y/n felt dizzy as he too took a seat. "How did it feel? Fighting a god?" Cloud asked. "Tough. Scary. He was trying to tell me something, but I couldn't understand." Aerith took a seat next to Y/n. "I was. He spoke to me." "He did? What did he say?" "He said that the gods aren't happy with how we defied fate. However, Bahamut is allowing us to continue, seeing as "Those we've met" are trying to change their's as well. They are allowing us to write our own fate seeing as their defiance altered ours." "Man. All this fate stuff is really confusing." Y/n sighed. "You can say that again."

Later that evening, the party took to bed at a nearby Safe Haven. Cloud couldn't sleep as his mind was occupied with thought about Sephiroth and his plans. Why did Ardyn have that feather? Were they working together as Y/n had said? "Couldn't sleep?" Y/n asked as he joined his friend beside the warm fire which was kept ignited underneath the Haven's protective barrier. "I can't stop thinking about it." Replied Cloud as his hand balled into a tight fist. "Have you heard his voice lately?" Cloud shook his head. "Not since... I attacked you and Tifa. I don't think it's the last time it'll happen. I just want to be myself... with my own memories." "You're a strong guy, Cloud. It won't change over night, but we'll find a way to help you." "I just hope I'm strong enough." Y/n placed a hand on Cloud's shoulder as they both looked into the fire. "You are." Cloud chuckled slightly as he turned to Y/n. "How does it feel? Fighting a god?" Y/n exhaled. "Exhausting." Cloud shook his head, earning a laugh from Y/n. "At least you kicked his ass." "Don't let him hear you say that."

A few days passed and ever since arriving at Wiz's, the weather has been less than favorable. Heavy storms have swept all throughout Lucis with roaring thunder surging throughout the sky. Prompto and the others had returned to the Chocobo ranch where they were caught up to speed. They were surprised at not only being informed that Titan was real, but that Y/n had to fight him. Yuffie was most shocked at this revelation as all throughout your young life, she always believed the gods were nothing more than fairy tales.

As the party eat their breakfast, Wiz had a radio on nearby which began to play an emergency broadcast. "High Commander Ravus Nox Fleuret issued the following statement regarding the Imperial blockades across the region." Reported the newscaster. "We believe the insurgents behind the Citadel attack have taken refuge in Duscae." Began Ravus. "The blockades shall help us root out the criminals. I realize the inconvenience imposed upon the citizenry, but we must each do our part for the good of all." "The High Commander also stressed the Imperial army would continue its recovery efforts in the Crown City."

"Wait a second." Yuffie realized what the newscaster had said. "Do people not think the Empire was behind the attack on the city?" "According to that news lady, no." Barret scoffed. "They're playing it smart." Nanaki began. "By telling people that a third party had attacked Insomnia, it keeps them calm and paints the Empire in good light." They all turned to Y/n who looked at his food, having lost his appetite. "Not like we can do anything right now."

The party remained silent for a moment until Prompto broke it. "I still can't believe it. I mean, shouldn't the car have turned up by now?" He asked impatiently. "We should wait until Cindy's done asking around the local garages before we despair." Ignis tried to calm the blonde down. "Let's not fool ourselves." Gladio sighed in defeat. "The Empire has it." "So in the meantime, we're all traveling by foot." Said Barret. "Yaayy." Yuffie sarcastically cheered.

"Y/n, isn't that Umbra?" Tifa asked as she pointed at the gray furred dog. "Yeah." Y/n rose to his feet. Umbra barked and began to run. "Come on!" Y/n waved to the party as they began to follow.

Umbra lead the party a way away from the post and in the blink of an eye, he was gone. "Where'd he go?" Aerith asked. "Whose that?" Nanaki questioned. All eyes turned to a beautiful woman who stood before them. Her eyes closed a tender smile on her face.

"Gentiana." Y/n smiled as he approached the woman and gave her a tight hug. "It has been too long, my King." She smiled, returning the embrace. Y/n pulled away. "How have you been?" "Good." She replied simply. "Oh, right. Um, Gentiana, you remember the guys." "It is a pleasure to see you again, milady." Ignis bowed. "We're honored have your company." Gladio added with a bow as well. "Yeah. What he said." Prompot stumbled as he too bowed. Gentiana smiled at the three. "Good to see that you all remain by the King's side." "Always." Ignis responded.

"Gentiana, these are my friends from Midgar. Cloud, Aerith, Barret, Yuffie, and Nanaki. Guys, this is Gentiana, a messenger of the gods and my guardian angel." The party bowed their heads, execpt for Cloud and Yuffie. "And finally, this is my girlfriend-" "Tifa Lockhart." Gentiana interupted as she approached the young woman. "You know my name?" "I have watched over you as I have Y/n. You've grown into a beautiful woman." Tifa blushed as a smile grew. "I am glad that you and Y/n are together. After all, his Highness always talked about the cute girl he had a crush on. Her beautiful red eyes and long soft hair." Tifa chuckled. "Did you really?" Y/n blushed with embarrassment. "Yeah."

Gentiana turned to Aerith. "You. You are a Cetra, correct?" "I am, ma'am." Aerith grew nervous. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you know?" "I can sense it in you. You have a much deeper and strong connection to this world and the lifestream. Also, I've heard your prayers and I've tried my best to relay them to the gods." Aerith smiled. "Thank you."

"What about me?" Barret asked. "Have you heard mine?" "Indeed I have, Barrer Wallace. You're a noble man for wanting to protect the world. For that, I am sure the gods will protect that which you love." Barret smiled. "Marlene."

"What about me, miss?" Nanaki stepped forward. "I've heard them as well, Nanaki. I'll see to it that the gods ensure that your home remains at peace." "Thank you."

Yuffie tried to avoid Gentiana's attention. Although her eyes were closed, Yuffie was sure that they had targeted her. "Yuffie Kisaragi." Yuffie yelped as she nervously stood straight. "I've yet to hear one from you." Gentiana offered a small smile. "Rest assured that the gods have your good will in mind." Yuffie nodded as a nervous sweat dropped from her brow. "Thank you!"

Gentiana then turned to Cloud. "You don't have much faith, do you, Cloud Strife?" "Why should I?" His response caught the party off guard. "You have not had the best of what life has to offer, but one day you will. That I promise you." Cloud's cold demeanor dropped for a moment as his face soften and he nodded.

"Gentiana, if you're here, then that must mean you have a message, right?" Y/n asked. Gentiana nodded. "Hear me, O King of the Stone. By the Stormsender's blessing will the path to the Stone be opened. The Oracle goes hence in her King's name." "Luna. Where is she?" "The eye of the storm. When the covenant is forged, the Oracle and ring will await her King at the Walls of Water. Stray not from the path."

With a gust of wind, Gentiana had disappeared. "Man." Yuffie scratched her head. "How did we go from fighting an evil corporation to dealing with gods?" As the party began to discuss, Umbra approached Y/n and barked. Y/n knelt down and took the notebook. He flipped open to the latest entry. 'My prayers are with you, Y/n.' Y/n smiled as he placed a hand on the message. He replied. 'I recieved the blessing. Thank you.' Y/n tied the notebook back onto Umbra's collar. "Let Luna know that I'm okay and she won't have to wait much longer. We'll meet again soon."

Y/n recalled a memory of a time they had spent together as children. "The Crystal was given to mankind, that we might know lasting prosperity." Luna told Y/n as he sat near the edge of the bed, swinging his feet. "If the Crystal belongs to everyone, how come only Lucis gets to use it?" Y/n asked. "The kings of Lucis do not simply use the Crystal. They also protect it." "Wait, so my dad's guarding it." "Yes." "I had no idea." "To crown the King of Light is the calling of the Crystal. And keeping the Crystal safe until that day falls to the line of Lucis." "And I'm the Chosen." "Only the True King, anointed by the Crystal, can purge our star of its scourge." Y/n pressed his hands together as a wave of uncertainty washed over him. "You really think I can do that?" "As Oracle, I will see to it." "Hmm?" "To aid the King is the Oracle's calling." Luna took Y/n's hand and held it tight. Y/n looked down their hands before looking back up at Luna. "I guess I can do it. I won't let you down." "I know you won't."

Y/n rose to his feet as Umbra took his leave. "Unto the King alone, this voice is heard." Gentiana's voice rang throughout Y/n's head. "To follow the words is to follow the chosen path. Bridging heaven and earth it strikes, the Storm's ephemeral yet eternal Light. To the Light must go the King."

"Guys look!" Prompto pointed to the sky as a purple lightning bolt continued to flash from the sky onto the earth. There was no bang or sound coming from it. It's where Y/n needed to go. "Come on guys." He said.

The party headed towards Wiz to rent Chocobo for their trip. Wiz handed each rider a whistle to summon their Chocobo when need be. "Lady Lunafreya has done well to keep the ring from falling into enemy hands." Said Ignis as they began to ride towards the lightning bolt. "All we need to do is head to Altissia." Added Prompto. "That entails passage aboard a ship. Caem may serve us now as it did them then." "The hidden harbor." Gladio mumbled. "It just might work. I'll have Iris set it up." Prompto turned to Y/n. "So in the meantime..." "We head into the Storm." "Another day. Another deity."

"What's that now?" Barret asked. "According to Lady Gentiana's message, this storm is caused by none other than Ramuh the Fulgurian." Answered Ignis. "It appears that he too has a quest for Y/n to undergo." "To have seen Titan in person must've been a wonder." Said Nanaki. "Now here we are on a quest for Ramuh." He began to chuckle. "This is so cool!" He exclaimed in a much higher pitch than his normal deep tone. The party all turned to Nanaki who cleared his throat. "Sorry." His voice went back to deep.

Riding their feathered friends towards the bolt, a platoon of Imperial soldiers appeared in their path. "We're taking them down, right?" Cloud asked as he gripped the handle of his sword. "You need to ask?" Y/n replied as he quickly threw the Sword of the Wise to warp strike an Axeman. Cloud lept off of his Chocobo and thrusted forward with his sword, taking down two riflemen. Gladio shielded Yuffie from bullet fire as she used her ninjutsu to clone her shuriken and take down half a dozen riflemen. Nanaki pounced onto an Axeman and bit into its neck before digging his claws deep onto its back. A Veles lept toward the party and began to fire missiles. Barret fired them as they launched into the air. Prompto fired a round from his gun into the Veles's leg joint which caused it to stumble. Aerith created a field of magic around the Veles and began to fire beams into the machine. Tifa jumped into the air as her hand began to glow. With one powerful punch, the machine exploded. Y/n turned to the explosion and watched in relief as Tifa stepped out while dusting herself off.

The party followed the bolt down towards a runestone. Y/n approached the stone and extended his hand. The stone began to release a purple and blue surge of electricity. Y/n's vision turned white as he began to recall a memory from his childhood. "Ah, the young prince is recovering well." Gentiana said as she approached Y/n who sat in a wheelchair. "Gentiana! It's nice to see you again." The messenger smiled. "You as well." Despite her eyes being closed, she had taken notice of the boom of Cosmology on Y/n's lap. "The young prince has read of our kind?" "Yeah... well I tried to. I only know what Luna told me." "Lady Lunafreya?" "Yeah, Lunarfrr... Luna." "It is heartening to see the future King and the Oracle enjoy such familiarity. The fate of the world may depend on it." Gentiana opened her eyes and revealed her brown glistening eyes.

"I remember... back in Tenebrae with Gentiana..." Y/n mumbled. The runestone before them had disappeared and the purple lightning bolt was now flashing at a different location. "The revelation of the Stormsender awaits the King." Gentiana's voice rang in Y/n's head. "Hurry hence to the eye of the Storm. Foreign hordes fear the True King's ascension. The fearful seek to seal the path of what must come." Y/n whinced as he shook his head. "Another headache?" Tifa asked with worry. "I hear her. Gentiana." "Divine voices in your head again?" Asked Gladio. "Hopefully it won't amount to the same headache it did with the Archaean." Commented Ignis. "Just let us know if you need to rest." Aerith assured. "Thank, but I should be good now." "The Oracle's call awakens the gods." Y/n heard Gentiana. "That their blessings find the King." Y/n shook his head again. "Did she say something?" Yuffie asked. "That Luna's awakening the Six." Tifa and Aerith gasped. "Think they'll help us against Sephiroth?" Cloud questioned. "I hope so." Y/n replied with uncertainty.

The party blew their whistles and mounted their Chocobos. Y/n was in his mind for a moment before deciding to tell the others why they were now beginning to deal with the gods. "Guys, there's something I want to tell you all." He said to Avalanche. His Crownsguard where already aware of what Y/n was about to admit. "The reason why Luna is awakening the Six is because it is my destiny as the Chosen King to rid the world of the Starscourge." "Chosen King? Starscourge?" Tifa repeated in confusion. "What do you mean Y/n?" Asked Aerith. "Legend says that one day the Chosen King will rise to purge our star of its scourge. The scourge is both a plague that lengthens the night, allowing for Daemons to roam freely around the world and sickens those with Daemonification. Only the Oracle can keep the Starscourge at bay, but it is the Chosen King's destiny to destroy it. Luna is awakening the Six in order to help me." "So you're a King of legend?" Yuffie asked. "That's so cool!" "It's certainly a daunting task that you've assigned, your Highness." Said Nanaki. "Figured I should tell you all and help you be aware of why we're doing this." "We appreciate it." Aerith replied. "It is both awesome and crazy to think that one of your friend's is a King destined to save the world." Y/n chuckled nervously. "Well I'm destined to stop the Starscourge... but as for Sephiroth..." They all remained silent upon hearing the name. Cloud felt himself grow angry just at hearing it. Tifa and Aerith became unsettled. "We'll find a way to stop him." Y/n announced. "We will."

"Let me ask y'all somethin.'" Barret said to Y/n and the Crownsguard. "Is Gentiana... human?" "Not quite." Began Ignis. "While not exactly gods, messengers are divine entities." "Just like the Oracle speaks to the gods for the people, the messengers speak to the people for the gods." Added Y/n. "And what did you mean when you said she was your guardian angel?" Asked Nanaki. "Oh. That's what I thought she was when I first met her and in a way, she still kinda is." "That's amazing." Said Aerith. "To have the gods be on your side." "I think I gotta earn their respect first before they are on our side."

The party arrived at the sight of the second runestone. "The covenant is forged, but the revelation awaits." Y/n heard Gentiana speak. "Make now for the Stormsender and let judgment be passed." "Y/n, you okay?" Prompto asked as his friend shook his head. "Yeah. Just Gentiana."

Y/n approached the runestone and extended his hand, and much like the first, began to released a surge of electricity. "O King." Began Gentiana. "Journey to Fociaugh, the eastern hollow. The seal has been lifted. Deep within the heart lies the runestone, the portal to power. No other can be allowed to find it." "The last one's in a cave." Y/n announced. "Let's hurry up and get this over with." Said Gladio. "Finally! Time to meet with the Stormsender!" Prompto exclaimed. "You'd better look your best." Ignis teased.

The group made their way across Duscae towards Fociaugh. "Y/n, we're you told all of this was waiting for you at some point?" Tifa asked. "Yeah. There wasn't any time wasted in letting me know all about this when I returned from Midgar." "What went through your mind then?" "To he honest, I didn't think much on it. I just wanted to make my dad and Luna proud." Yuffie steered her Chocobo closer to Y/n's. "You speak really fondly about this Luna. Was she ever your girlfriend?" Y/n blushed as his eyes widening. "N-No! We were just friends. Hehe." He chuckled nervously. Tifa, although she didn't admit it, did feel jealous of the way Y/n would speak about the Oracle with such fondness. "Besides, my heart already belonged to someone else." Y/n looked at Tifa who gave him a bright smile. "So cheesy!" Yuffie remarked as she playfully shoved Y/n, earning a laugh from the party.

As they got closer to the cavern entrance, a bolt of lightning struck the ground ahead of them. Prompto and Yuffie let out a yell, the latter of which almost fell from her Chocobo, but Y/n was able to catch her and lift her back up. "That one was pretty close." Gladio said as he tried to calm his steed. "Which means we must be as well." Ignis added.

"Here we are, Faciaugh Hallow!" Prompto announced as they entered the dark cavern. Y/n and the Crownsguard turned on their flashlights and began to lead the way. "What do you think we'll find in here?" Nanaki asked. "Don't know, but we better stay sharp." Answered Cloud. A loud rumble, followed by a flock of screeching bats flying overhead caused Prompto, Yuffie, Aerith, and Barret to let out a shout. "I've got a bad feeling about this place." Prompto shuddered. Gladio felt a tug on his jacket and turned to see that Yuffie had latched her hand tightly on it as her brown eyes scanned the cavern.

Nanaki's ears suddenly perked up as he lept on guard. "Above us!" He warned as a trio of Imps landed on the ground before them.

The trio began to fire purple lasers, but Y/n and Gladio were able to shield the others. Nanaki lept off of Y/n's shoulder and slashed one Imp across the chest. Cloud thrusted his sword forward and impaled the second. Tifa dashed towards the third and slammed it onto the ground with hammer kick. "Think there's more of them deeper inside?" Asked Aerith. "Most certainly." Replied Ignis.

Continuing down the path, more Imps appeared alongside three Thunder Bombs.

Ignis was quick to react as he struck two Imps with his daggers. Yuffie spun her shuriken in her palm, slicing another Imp. Prompto drew his Lionheart and fired a round into Thunder Bomb which caused it released a shock of electricity. Prompto was able to evade and Barret followed up by firing an overcharge to destroy it. Aerith charged a magical blast from her staff and fired at the second Bomb, destroying it. Y/n used the Blade of the Mystic to strike down two Imps as Cloud slashed two more. The third Bomb opened its mouth and released a cackling cloud of lightning which struck Nanaki and Barret. "I got ya!" Prompto shouted as he slid close the Daemon's mouth and fired a round which caused it to stumble. Tifa finished off the monster by striking it with a powerful punch. "Back to it." Said Gladio.

As they continued down the twisting turns of the Hallow, a loud screeching and hissing echoed throughout the cavern walls. "Do you guys hear that?" Yuffie asked with a shiver in her voice. "I do and I don't like it." Prompto replied. "Wait." Aerith stopped as she listen closely to the voice. "My baby." She said. "What?" Cloud turned to her. Before she could answer, Prompto and Yuffie let out a scream and they had suddenly disappeared. "Prompto!" "Yuffie!" Cried Y/n and Tifa. "What happened?" Ignis questioned. "Are you guys okay!?" Gladio asked as they managed to quickly find the pair who were at a lower ground then the others. "No, we're not okay!" Responded Prompto. "This place is literally the worst!" Added Yuffie. "Why did it have to be a snake!?" Prompto continued. "That this is dragging us all the way-AHHHH!" Prompto and Yuffie let out another scream as a swarm of Imps and Bombs appeared.

The party rushed down towards the pairs side and aided them. The Imps began to fire lasers all around, hoping to hit anything. Aerith dispersed the lasers with her magical blasts. Prompto fired his gun and took down two Imps, as well as Barret who took a pair down as well. Y/n bashed a Bomb towards Cloud with the Shield of the Just and the blonde followed up by impaling the spherical monster. Tifa kicked an Imp into the air as Yuffie lept into the air and slashed it with her shuriken. Ignis imapled an Imp with his dagger which Nanaki took it slashed another Imp as Ignis struck down a third. Gladio swung Hardedge which knocked back two Bombs. Aerith swung her staff and fired beams which pierced through the monsters. "Phew! Good work team!" Tifa exclaimed as high fives were shared all around. "Can we hurry this along!?" Prompto demanded.

"So what was it that you were talking about Aerith?" Gladio asked. "Hmm? Oh, right. The voice... it was calling for it's baby." "Voice?" Tifa pondered. "There wasn't a voice." "Did you guys not here it?" The party shook their head. Prompto then shivered. "She's here. I know it. Show yourself already!" "Cool it!" "Ow!" Gladio smacked Prompto on the back of his head.

"There's something watching us." Informed Nanaki. "It's her. I know it is." Prompto said with a nervous voice. The same screeching and hissing sound echoed throughout the hollow once more. "Watch out!" Cried Nanaki as a massive serpent like monster dropped from the ceiling, Naga.

"See!? I told you!" Cried Prompto as he hid behind Gladio while Yuffie hid behind Barret. "Do something Y/n!" "Don't ask me! Do it yourself!" Y/n replied with a shaken voice. Naga hissed at the party. Aerith took a step forward. "My baby... where." Aerith heard the pain in the snake's voice. "You're looking for you baby." Said Aerith. "We can't help you. I'm sorry." Naga hissed. "Yes you can. BY BECOMING MINE!"

Naga pounced at Aerith, but Cloud was able to push her out of the way. Naga's human like face crashed into the ground which caused the Hollow to shake. Naga burrowed underground, but quickly launched herself out, knocking Barret, Gladio, and Prompto into the air. Y/n conjured the Blade of the Mystic and launched three energy beams which blasted Naga. While damaging the massive snake, the King's attacks only served to infuriate her more she swung her tail and bashed Y/n and Ignis away. "Give me a boost, Cloud!" Tifa shouted as the blonde took his sword into his hands and winded it back. Tifa lept onto the blade and Cloud swung, boosting Tifa towards Naga as she kicked the serpent's face. Naga shrieked as her upper body flailed. She once again swung her tail, managing to hit Tifa's stomach and sendin her sliding across the ground. Yuffie and Nanaki charged Naga and tried to slash it's body, however the serpent brought down its massive fangs onto the pair, who managed to leap backwards. "Please! We don't want to hurt you!" Aerith pleaded only for Naga to shriek. "MY BABY!!!" She heard her wail. Naga lept towards Aerith, however Y/n and Cloud appeared before her used their blades to impale the monster's head. "Bring back... my baby..." Aeritg heard it's last words before it fell limp.

"What was she talking about?" Ignis asked in between his pants. "She kept asking about her baby." Replied Aerith. "But she wouldn't listen to reason." "Let's just find the last runestone and get outta here." Said Y/n as he helped Tifa. "You okay?" His girlfriend stretched her arms a bit. "Yeah. I'm okay."

Wandering a few feet deeper into the Hollow, they entered a clearing where the last runestone awaited. "Finally!" Exclaimed Yuffie in an exhausted sigh. Like the others before it, Y/n extended his hand onto the runestone, however the stone began to rumble and a bolt of lightning struck it. "Look!" Aerith exclaimed. All eyes turned to Y/n's eyes which began to glow purple.

Y/n caught a glimpse of Luna awakening Ramuh, but the vision was only for a second. The lightning subsided and Y/n turned to his friends with his glowing eyes. "Y/n?" Tifa tried to approach her boyfriend, however Ignis held her back. The glowing hue from Y/n's eyes faded as his normal e/c returned. The young King felt a surge of energy flowing within him. His body felt lighter and much more aware. He had received the Mark of the Fulgurian. "This is it. The power of the Storm." "Eh, I expected more fire and brimstone." Prompto commented with an unimpressed shrug. "Some gods are friendlier than others, I guess." Added Ignis. "Guess Titan had it out for you." Said Cloud. "Hope the rest of them don't." Y/n sighed. "Let's get outta here."

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