I Found Home

By Mary444Jackson

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Hannah : you don't get to talk or even breathe next to that woman . Kane : She works with me , how am I ... H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

360 20 19
By Mary444Jackson


It's been three days since Hannah fell down the stairs and managed to confine me to pain and agony with her . Sometimes I felt like limping on my foot upon seeing her doing so , as if she and I could experience the same things together because our bodies are connected by some sort of invisible thread.

She hasn't left her room much , only because I insisted on it .

Her mother is too lenient with her , that's why Hannah lacks discipline . But I made sure she does as I said in order to avoid getting her foot worse . Thankfully Donna welcomed my help taking care of her little beast and I couldn't be more delighted to spend my time here doing something useful .

Or maybe I am just over the moon to be around Hannah .

I have no clue wether she recalls our small talk the night of her fall , but I guess not since she was under the effect of painkillers , and also because she didn't mention it at all and kept ignoring me but surprisingly complying to whatever I tell her .

I don't really care if she knows though , I have been sneaking to her room at night carefully to check up on her , otherwise I won't be able to rest assured .

I feel like babysitting her , Donna has been busy working a lot lately . Always on online meetings and rarely coming out , when she does it's to check on Hannah . Which is why I have been around her a lot . Beth is helping too , cooking her all kinds of soups and nutritive food to help Hannah heal faster .

Today she managed to go downstairs , with my help of course . Beth is busy with house duties and Donna is in her room again . So it's only me who could help her . Although it wasn't the best idea I had since it required some ... touching . The girl had to hold on to my arm and the railing for support obviously .

« I'm going to let go now , are you sure you can stand on your own ? »

She nods without looking at me and immediately lets go of my arm . I raise an eyebrow , she is not usually fond of me but now she is trying to ignore my entire existence . She steadies herself then takes a step and manages not to fall but winced a bit .

I never knew how much seeing her in pain pains me as well . But she walks towards the living room limping slowly on her foot , fisting her hands at her sides and never once glancing back at me . Beth meets her halfway to the living room and gasps in joy .

« My little dove ! You got better , but you are still eating the salmon soup I prepared for you . » The woman said as she rushed to her side to try and support her but Hannah kindly declined her help and kept marching towards the living room .

She settles down on the couch with a groan , I walk there as well and take a seat on the other end , far away from her . She turns on the TV and focuses on it instead . I hate this new treatment , no more fighting or arguing or challenging , as if she is trying to avoid any sort of interaction between us . If only I knew why !

I clear my throat and decide to break the silence . « You'll still need to see a doctor after the storm ends.»

She nods , her eyes focused on the TV showing some monkey eating from a car tire . The Hannah I am starting to know would have at least tried to defy me giving her instructions about what to do . Something changed , I just need to know what .

« Look away . » She grits through her teeth . Here she is , the girl who sat on my lap and managed to occupy my mind for longer than anyone had .

« What ? »

« Look . Away . » She says still flipping through the programs on TV , then her eyes meet mine in a deadly stare . « You're making me uncomfortable . » She turns her focus back to the screen in front of us.

I chuckle still looking at her , enjoying her irritation from my demeanor .

Staring at her isn't my choice anymore , it's a need . It's a natural instinct too . Whenever she's around my eyes keep drifting to her , memorizing her expressions and features , saving her image in my head to look back at it later . But she doesn't know how much she's permeated my life .

It's wrong and I really am aware it is , but it's hard to stick to morals when all I want to do whenever I see her is hide her from the world and keep her for myself .

« ... therefore it will be safe to go back to our regular lives starting from tomorrow ... »

My head snaps to the TV , the woman's words hit me hard .

We will go back to normal tomorrow since the snow storm will be over by then . I cast a quick glance at the girl beside me , but her expression is well guarded and concealed .

She's good at it , very good even , but I will become even better at reading her .

« Is this true ? Is the snow storm over ? » Donna appears next to me , her face tired and her eyes puffed, she looks between me and Hannah and we both nod at once .

Donna goes to Hannah's side . « If that's true then ... I will have to go to New York tomorrow , Hannah . »

Hannah's brows furrow as she looks up at her mother . My phone rings and I leave them alone to go talk to my uncle .

« You heard the news . » I say in a neutral tone answering the phone , although I should be happy to be finally able to leave .

« Everyone heard the news , it's a small town , Kane and you seem to forget that . »

How can I forget ? Tolom is the town of the rich , yes , but it is still one where every minor event reaches the ears in no time , no matter how false or true it is .

In winter , Tolom is quiet and serene , no visitors come around because of the bad weather in this time of the year , but in summer it flourishes , it gets full of people coming around for visiting the cheap miniature of Las Vegas . There are clubs and bars here and amazing hotels for that purpose and many festivals are held too . But it never managed to amaze me , which is why I avoid staying in town during summer .

« Of course , uncle . How are you doing ? You don't need anything , do you ? » I ask as though I could get him anything while I am stuck here .

« I'm fine , but you must not be delighted about being stuck in someone else's house . »

I shake my head and look back at the living room . I could see that Donna had settled down next to Hannah , talking about something that seemed pretty important .

« You heard about that too , apparently . But there is no need to worry anymore , tomorrow everything will be back to normal . »

« Indeed , come visit me as soon as you can , son . You're always welcome here . »

« I will . Take care . »

When I hang up , I start walking upstairs but Donna calls for me so I turn to face her .

« Thank you for being here for Hannah , Kane ... I am sorry I put that burden on you ... »

« No , I'm glad to be useful . »

She smiles tightly then looks away , rubbing her arm . « So I was ... thinking about Hannah's ... punishment ... »

I raise my eyebrows . I completely forgot about that part , principal Reid will be waiting for a decision once we go back to school . I really still don't know what to do about that , but I am certain I won't be giving her any suspension .

« I will come up with something that wouldn't affect her record . »

Donna's shoulders sag in relief , her eyes gleam with happiness . Sometimes I wonder how could such a soft human give birth to the little ball of fire sitting in the living room now , uncaring about this conversation .

« I don't know how to thank you anymore , Kane . »

I just nod and walk up the stairs .

I skip dinner and just stay in the room . I won't be eating much if Hannah is going to sit across from me yet choose to ignore me .

I would rather have her sarcasm and bold statements than her silence .

I just keep staring at the ceiling , sometimes looking out the window . It is not snowing that much anymore , soon it will stop but the weather will still be frozen and frosty . If only I had a book with me to keep me company . If only I could go out there and take my bag from the car .

If only I could get my mind to function properly and forget about her ...

Someone knocks on my door . I stand up and open it to find Hannah carrying a tray of food . To my surprise I just stand there staring at her .

« Beth insisted on sending you some food ... » Her voice is low and her eyes won't meet mine . Then suddenly she pushed the tray against my chest , a little too forcefully .

I let out a chuckle , taking the tray from her then look at her again . « Thank you for thinking of me . »

Her head snaps to mine . « I wasn't ... » She stops talking when I grin at her .

Torturing her might be my new favorite hobby .

« Anyway , I wanted to ... thank you ... for helping me during this few days ... »

Oh my , Hannah Floris thanking me ?

I must write that down as soon as possible to remember this moment .

« You're welcome , Hannah . »

She swallows hard then nods , however she doesn't leave .

Instead , she stands there staring up at me with those big brown eyes hidden behind a curtain of black lashes , she seems hesitant about saying something and I am too lost in her chocolate brown pools to care about anything else .

We stand there staring at one another for too long , until she inhales a deep breath and looks away .

« Good night , Mr Oliver . »

She limps away and I keep looking at her as she disappears inside her room , my jaw flexed and eyes narrowed .

I could give my life to hear her calling me by my first name again , but this time maybe in a softer tone .

But knowing Hannah , I realise this small thing might be just a fantasy I can't make real no matter what .


School didn't start until a day after the town was allowed to go back to usual . The roads still needed to be cleared from the snow , along with houses' roofs and some trees . I left Hannah's house yesterday , Donna was very grateful and kept thanking me for taking care of Hannah , while the later didn't leave her room or come to say anything to me .

Not that we won't meet at school but still ... I hoped that after her little gesture the night before something might have changed between us .

Today , once I came to school as I expected , principal Reid was awaiting me . I informed him of my decision regarding Hannah and it didn't please him very much since I didn't ask for her suspension as he had hoped , instead I demanded she helps correcting some papers with me on Saturday at school .

Usually Saturday is meant to be a weekend day but not for those who need discipline .

I sip from my warm coffee as I stare down at the school entrance , it is crowded and noisy as usual , car honks and girls' giggles fill the place . But I am only awaiting her arrival .

A car comes into view , then soon later I see James coming out of his seat , but he was a little too late since Hannah already opened her door and got out before he could manage to assist her . She is still injured , her ankle will need about two to three months to fully heal , but she is doing well coping with it. She carries her backpack as she smiles at James and limps towards the school amid everyone's stares at her , she is good at ignoring them though , I smile at that .

« Hannah ! »

Iker calls out for her and runs to her side , this managed to wipe away my smile . He seems worried as he holds her arm and helps her walk . She glares at him and pushes him away , probably refusing his help . But it still doesn't alleviate the anger rising within me right now at the scene before me .

It gets worse though .

The asshole lifts her up on his shoulder like a lightweight cat . I can see her eyes widen as she struggles against his hold and shouts something at him , but then amid her wave of rage , she lifts her head up and her eyes meet mine , her lips part and her struggle stops .

I squeeze the mug of coffee in my hand so tight I can feel it crack .

I wait for her to start kicking and fighting against the boy but she goes still , her eyes never leaving mine , an unreadable look on them as Iker carries her inside between cheers and laughters and gasps of the students around them .

I don't look way until she disappears inside the school , what did I expect anyway ?

The boy is her age , he obviously is into her and he cares about her enough to not bear seeing her limping and carrying her inside himself to spare her the trouble .

Way to make myself angrier .

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