Smutty One-Shots

By happymonney

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This is a collection of Erotic short stories. Written for Smut lovers. If you are looking for short smutty re... More

In Heat (Werewolf Erotica)
In Heat Part-2 (Werewolf Erotica)
In Heat Part-3 (Werewolf Erotica)
Her Dom His Sub (BDSM, Husband X Wife)
Her Dom His Sub Part-2 (BDSM, Husband X Wife)
Bully (Male Bully x Female, Highschool Romance)
Bully Part-2 (Male Bully x Female, Highschool Romance)
Bully Part-3 (Male Bully x Female, Highschool Romance)
Sneaking Around (Step Sibling Erotica)
Beauty And The Beast (Escort x Client Erotica)
Beauty And The Beast Part-2 (Escort x Client Erotica)
Beauty And The Beast Part-3 (Escort x Client Erotica)
Him And I (Soldier x Wife Romance)
Him And I Part-2 (Soldier x Wife Romance)
Help Needed
My Boss' Slut (Best Friend's Father Erotica)
The Sacrifice (Maiden X Her Captor)
The Sacrifice Part-2 (Maiden X Her Captor)
The Sacrifice Part-3 (Maiden X Her Captor)
The Sacrifice Part-4 (Maiden X Her Captor)
The Sacrifice Part-5 (Maiden X Her Captor)
The Stall. (Age Gap Erotica, spicy content read at your own risk.)
The Stall Part-2 (Age Gap Erotica, and More!)
The Stall Part-3 (Age Gap Erotica, and Much Much More!)
The Stall Part-4 (Age Gap Erotica, Fuck Thy Neighbor.)
Her Confession (Forbidden Romance)
My Damsel Part-2(When a girl in distress meets her savior)
My Damsel Part-3(When a girl in distress fucks her savior)
Her Confession Part-2 (Forbidden Romance)Read at your own risk!
Her Confession Part-3 (Making Him Rock Hard & Needy)
Her Stalker (A New Stalker Erotica, With A Twist)
Her Stalker Part-2 (A New Stalker Erotica, With A Twist)
Him And I Part-3 (Soldier x Wife Romance)
After Him (A Widow's Second Chance At Life)
Her Stalker Part-3 (A New Stalker Erotica, With A Twist)
Her Stalker Part-4 (A New Stalker Erotica, With A Twist)
The Guy She Secretly Noticed (High School Romance, Turned Into More!)

My Damsel (When a girl in distress meets her savior)

18.5K 128 37
By happymonney

Hey! Guys if you want me to write stories on any particular trope please let me know in the comments and I will do that!

And if this story turns you on don't forget to vote and comment!


1. Virgin heroin, 2. Age gap, 3. Sweet confusion. 

His POV: 

What would you do if a girl showed up at your doorstep and begged you to take her?

The village I live in is a traditional community. Where women are commodities and only their wedded partner has a right over their bodies.

I never liked this tradition as I lived alone, after the passing of my parents when I was merely 17.

I did not like people much, so I built a new cottage for myself a little deep into the woods. Close enough to the village to go there once a week and get supplies. But far enough that no one would venture into my property.

I hunt for myself and even grow vegetables and fruits that I sell for other valuable things.

Last night as I was preparing my bed, I heard a loud knock on my door. When I opened it, I was expecting it to be a villager who wanted my help with something. I am good a fixing houses and roofs.

But instead, it was her. I had seen her a couple of times when I went into the village. Her family moved to our village a few years ago, so they were still new to our community.

She was always surrounded by kids, who were probably her younger siblings and she used to be busy doing chores and looking after them.

We had never spoken or even interacted in any way, but whenever I was in the village my eyes searched for her. And when I spotted her, I noticed her amber eyes back on me.

At 32 it's unorthodox of me to live alone without a wedded wife or kids. But I love my solitude. But when she showed up at my doorstep last night it was as if my world tilted on its axis.

Minutes later there was another knock this one louder and more forceful.

When I opened the door, a short fat man stood at my doorstep along with a few other men. They all had fire torches and arrows in their hands.

"Did you see a damsel running this way?"

"No, sir, I was sleeping as you can see." I pointed at my ruffled bed inside my cottage.

"Hmm, if you spot a brown-haired, olive-skinned girl running in the woods, catch her and get her to me I will pay you handsomely."

"Sure sir, will do that," I said and shut the door. The men retreated towards the village and I got back into my bed.

She popped her head out from under the blankets when she noticed me lying on the bed.

"Did they leave?"

"Yeah." I nodded and she got out of the bed.

Earlier when she arrived, she begged me to hide her and told me that she would explain later.

"What happened I asked sitting on my bed."

"The old man who had come to find me was supposed to marry me today. But I did not want to marry him so I ran away. He and my family are looking for me. My father promised me to him as he wanted his eldest daughter to wed and go soon.

I had no say in the matter, so I just ran away. I don't know what to do or what will happen to me if they find me. I'm so scared."

Tears rolled down her eyes and for the love of God, I had no idea why it made my gut twist. She was a girl from the village and I hated the village people most of them at least. But then why was this damsel affecting me?

"You can hide here if you want." Fuck where did that come from?

She looked up at me and that's when I noticed the torn dirty white dress. Looks like she had run a lot before finding my cottage.

"I don't want to be a burden on you. My ex-fiancé might hurt you if he finds I was hiding here."

"Your Fiancé won't be able to do shit to me," I said as I knew I could take down that clown even in my sleep.

"I don't want to be a burden on you." She said collected the remains of her skirt and walked towards the door. But before she could step out, I placed a firm hand on the door and shut it.

She gasped and moved back.

"Do you think it's a good idea to step out in the dark on the night? The animal will have you before your fiancé can." I stated the obvious. This girl was a dead meat out there. Hell, even I ventured into the forest with caution.

She nodded her head and moved inside my cottage. Her clothes were dirty and so was she.

"Umm... do you want to take a bath? Get into clean clothes and I will make something for you to eat."

She nodded once again and I took her to the extended bathroom I had in my cottage. There was no warm water, but I could at least offer her food and a bed to sleep in.

She disappeared into the bathroom and pulled the curtain, now it's just me who bathes in here so I never thought of installing a door. Plus, the curtain was just a long see-through cloth. Before that night I had never noticed that the silhouette of the person bathing could be seen so clearly through the curtain.

The poor girl obvious to all this removed her dress and then took off her underwear too. I like food just stood there staring at her naked body.

What the hell man, you are a gentleman don't be a pervert and get her good clothes and start cooking. I scolded myself and moved out of there. But still, my eyes wandered to the curtain, where I could see the curves of her waist and the rounds of her breasts.

"I have kept a towel and clothes on the bench beside the bathroom, take them when you are done," I announced to her and a dainty hand darted out of the curtains and grabbed the towel and the clothes.

The pants and tunic I gave her were my old clothes when I was just a lad. They would fit her perfectly.

When she stepped out, with her face clean and her hair wet, wearing my clothes, and smelling like me the feeling in my gut returned. For some reason, I did not want to see her hurt.

She looked at me and then the food I had put on the small fire stove.

Looks like she is hungry.

"Sit here and take this bowl, I'll bring the food."

It was nothing but some leftover rice, some bread, and porridge. She ate it like she was starving and it made me smile. Had she not eaten the whole week?

"Here have some" I offered her some water and she gulped it down instantly asking for more.

"What's your name?" waist was it me asking about here? Yes, I guess it was my voice.

She looked up from her bowl and with her mouth full said, Jenet. She said and I finally knew the name of the girl I had been eyeing for years.

"How old are you?"

"22," she said.

10 years younger than me. What the hell?

"Who are you?"

"Augustus," I said and she smiled repeating my name.

"Thank you, Augustus." She said with a smile and continued eating.

Why did I like her taking my name so much?

"Do you want more?" she nodded and I got her more food.

When she was done, I asked her to sleep on the bed.

"I will take the floor, you sleep."

"I can't kick you out of your bed, plus it's big enough for both of us." She said so innocently. Does she not know it's improper for an unwedded pair to sleep in the same bed? Not that anything would happen but still.

Again, God knows I felt compelled to listen to her. We lay there in silence my cottage's dark and soft breeze entered from the ajar window.

I thought she slept when she started talking again.

"What do you live so much deep into the woods?" She asked me as if it was the most mysterious thing ever.

I chucked and looked at her, she was looking at me with those big amber eyes of hers.

"I do not like the villagers." Simple truth.

"Neither do I. But I can't live in here all alone. People would think I am crazy."

"Do you think I'm crazy?"

"No, I don't, you are a man it's different." She stated simply and yes it was different for men, easier.

"You used to come into the village every week." She said, not so much a question just a statement.

"Yes, I used to," I stated.

"All the girls used to look at you." She whispered.

"Wait what?" I must have not noticed it as I used to look at only her.

"Yes, they said you are the man in the forest, and you are unwed." I chucked, as I never much looked at the girls or any women. Just her.

"Do you want to wed?"

"Probably not," I told her the truth.

"Don't you feel lonely alone here? Don't you want a wife?"

"I am contented alone; I do not need anyone to accompany me."

"Do you not want kids?" she asked. So curious about Be Ha. I smiled and fully turned towards her.

"Do you want kids?"

"Yeah someday." She said.

"But not with an old man, no." she was disgusted at the idea.

"So, you want them with whom?"

"Someone my age." I nodded. She wanted someone her age not some old fuck like me.

"Nut if I got back to the village, no man my age will wed me as I ran away from my own wedding. My fiancé will probably beat me and my dad will do nothing." She said with a heavy heart and once again my gut twisted for her.



"If I wed another man or if I am with the kid, no one will do anything to me. My fiancé will leave me alone. My father will throw me out and I will be on my own, happy as I always wanted to be."

"What do you mean?" now she had my full attention.

In a shy voice, she asked me the most difficult question of my life.

"Will you get me pregnant?" and when she realized what she had said she babbled.

"I...I mean you do not have to look after me or my kids, I know you don't like both so I will go as soon as I get with the child. Then I will never return to you. I will live a life at the edge of the village, with my baby. Not to be bothered by anyone. I will leave you alone. All you have to do is get me with a child. Can you do that?"

Was she out of her mind?

"You can't be serious, you should sleep now, it's late and tomorrow we will think a way out of it." I almost growled at her.

"No, but I am. This is my only way out. I will never tell anyone who the father is so no one will trouble you. I just don't want to marry the old man. Please help me." and with that, she placed a hand on my chest and looked at me with doe eyes.

"I know you don't want a wife or kids, but please for me, don't wed me just get me with child. I don't mind you taking me your way, just get me pregnant, and I'll leave."

"And what makes you think I'll let you go once you are with child?" I asked her angrily. Did this girl really think I would let my woman and my kid, live like destitute, at the edge of the village all alone like that?

What was she going to do to feed my kid and more importantly herself? No one would help her with childbirth and she would struggle. Did she not see that?

"What...what do you mean?" she asked a little scared.

"Yes, I do not want a woman or kids, but I am not a man who would let his woman or his kid live in a raggedy hut, with nothing to eat or drink. I can't live with the thought of a woman and a child out there who belong to me living like beggars. You do not know what you are asking for so sleep, now and we will think about it later."

I whispered yelled at her and she just stared at me with tears in her eyes. Fuck my gut it twisted again.

"No man will want me and you refuse to have me even when I am assuring you that the consequences of us coming together won't affect you. So, what am I supposed to do now?"

"You sleep now, that's what you do."

"Do you think I can sleep when my life is at stake?" she was sobbing and I was losing my mind.

"So, what do you suggest we do?" I asked her angrily. She was getting on my nerves now.

"Please take me," she whispered almost begging me to take her. The next thing I knew she had pulled off my tunic, exposing the little swells of her breasts to me. Fuck!

She undid my pants and pushed them down exposing a bald pussy.

"They made me take off my hair before the wedding." She said when she noticed me staring at her delicious-looking cunt. What the hell was she doing?

The next thing I know she is kneeling on the bed beside me fully exposed with her damp hair flowing over her shoulders. What a sight, Fuck!

I cursed internally and just stared at her.

"Do you even know how old I am?" this will definitely make her recoil and dress up faster than ever.


"I am 32."

"Just 10 years older that's ok, it means you had a woman before and know what to do. Cus I don't. I was just asked to take my clothes off and that my man would know what to do from then on."

How do I tell her that I had only two women before her? And it had been years since I had no one? And how do you say no to a seductress like that?

I knew she was uncomfortable on the bed just looking at me, she wanted me to take the lead and do something, but if I moved now, I'd take her too roughly as I was rock hard in my pans.

"Touch yourself," I said, wanting to see her please herself.

She touched her hair and her face. What the hell did she never touch herself?

"Not on the face, darling. Hold your breasts in your hand and squeeze them." I said and she held her small boobs in her dainty hands and squeezed. The moment she squeezed she moaned.

"Ahhhh...that hurts." She complained letting go of her tits.

I laughed, I had no idea why but I laughed, something I had not done in years. Her moan was like music to my ears.

"Darling if that's painful then I don't think I can get you with child." This sparked something in her eyes and she pressed her tits again, this time harder, and did not make a single sound. But the pain was evident on her face.

"Hold your nipples in between your fingers and tug," I ordered laying beside her with my hands folded under my head, enjoying the show.

She pulled and her face twisted in pain.

"Now, dip your hands at the apex of your things and caress yourself."

She did and instantly pulled her hands back.

"I am wet, this sometimes happens before the start of my cycle, I hope I did not stain your bed." She stared looking down and I chucked once again.

"I don't think you're wet, because of your monthly cycle, I think you're wet because you like what we are doing," I told her.

"But it hurts when you ask me to touch my boobs, it hurts."

"Do you want me to touch them?" she covered her chest and furiously shook her head.

" are supposed to get me with a child not touch me where no woman is supposed to be touched."

"Then how will I get you with child, without touching you?"

"I don't know you must know that."

"I do know that and I need to touch you to get my seed into you."

"Why can't I just take it with my own hands?"

I laughed, again and louder clutching my stomach.

"What's so funny."

"Do you know how kids are made?"

"God sends them?"

"Baby girl, you should sleep right now, we will continue making kids tomorrow, ok?"

"So, you will get me with a kid?" She seemed happy all of a sudden, the fact that she was naked in my bed all forgotten.

"Yes, I will." She threw her arms around me and her tits rubbed against my chest and I am sure my hard-on was brushing against her stomach. But she did not care.

"Thank you so much. I won't stay a single day after we are done and I am with child I assure you."

Now how do I tell this naïve girl that I had no plans of letting her go once she gets under me and her belly is swollen with my kid?

To be continued...

Hey! Guys if you want me to write stories on any particular trope please let me know in the comments and I will do that!

And if this story turns you on don't forget to vote and comment!

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