Moonstone's Grace

By AbellonaTheWrathful

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On our normal world, we think of monsters as a myth, something that is imaginary, or simply is in our imagina... More

The early bird
Out of the nest
Flying into the frying pan


6 1 0
By AbellonaTheWrathful

Later throughout the day, during the warm autumn sunset...

A blonde student walked through the red and yellow trees as their leaves fell onto the forest ground.

"Where could he be," she wondered," he is never this late to anything."

As if on cue, a hooded man came forward as he removed his, well hood. His blue hair shimmered in the sunset as the blonde flushed upon seeing him. She soon quickly bowed to him.

"My Prince James," she stated," it's an honor to see you again. For what may you have come for?"

"My great servant Audrey," he stated as he rubbed her hair," how is SHE doing?"

"The younger sister of Princess Cereza," Audrey began," she is doing well, she has been promoted to second in command of her squad, or so I have heard."

"Good," James stated as he placed his hood back on," also, once this year has been completed, you will not come back here as a student. Do you understand?"

"Yes, my prince," Audrey stated as she seemed gloomy.

As he made his leave, a dark figure soon stated in Audrey's ear," I see you don't have his full attention. Let me fix that for you, my treat."

Before Audrey could turn around, the figure grabbed her mouth and her waist as both of its hands glowed an eerie purple.

The next day...

Rosemary tossed many cans into the air as Ontario fired upon them, the plasma spread out and missed most of the time. But only a few of the projectiles hit the cans.

"The gun in its faster form can't hit as accurately as most other guns, but it does have its fire rate to compensate," Rosemary stated as she walked up to him, she grabbed his hand and moved it further down to the gun's end.

"Your hands are too close to each other," she stated," you won't be able to keep your consistency if the recoil beats you."

"R-Right," Ontario muttered as Rosemary backed away.

"Do you have a fever," Rosemary asked," you are a bit red and sweating. It's not that hot outside right?"

"Easy for you to say," Ontario stated. While he was wearing thick metal-alloy armor, Rosemary was in a simple tank top and shorts, along with sandals on her feet.

"What are you staring at me for," Rosemary asked with some irritation," the decoys are over there. But, before you fire, switch the weapon to the precision form, and see how that works."

Ontario flipped a small switch as the barrel extended slightly forward as the electronic components shined brighter.

Rosemary lifted more cans and threw them up as Ontario fired away.

Once the cans landed, none of them had holes in them but just their corners melted.

"You need to work on your aim," Rosemary stated," but it seems that Abellona may not fit your style, at first."

"I see," Ontario stated as he grabbed the sword beside him," can you give me a dummy to use this on? Because if we spar, I'll die."

"I won't kill you," Rosemary stated," but I am out of your league, so I will be kind and set you up a dummy."

A human shaped figure made of pink gooey material appeared with blonde hair.

"Am I crazy or does that look like Maxwell," Ontario stated as he lifted his sword. He removed his necklace as his eyes changed once more to teal and wings came out of his back.

"This sword feels so much lighter now," he yelled as he ran forward. He slid under the doll and kicked it upwards.

"Good start," Rosemary stated," now follow it up!"

Ontario jumped as he kicked left, then right, and spun around as he swung twice. Then he flipped kicked the doll even higher.

"Excellent," Rosemary stated," now end it!"

Ontario flew up as his wings glowed and left some sort of trail of light dust. His speed increased greatly as he went above the doll and slammed the blade onto it. As the doll went down, he began punching it rapidly and right before it hit the ground, he slammed his feet onto it. The ground shook as it hit the ground and dust flew into the air.

Once the dust cleared, Rosemary walked towards the crater as she stated," hmm, I haven't seen you do that before. I see you have been trying out things behind my back."

"Well," Ontario stated," it helps me move much faster, but I feel like it kills my wings if I do it for too long. They do ache a bit right now, but I'm okay. So, how close am I to catching up with you?"

"You shouldn't worry about beating me," Rosemary laughed," the ratio is like robin trying to beat a dragon. Well, that is when I'm at my best."

"That's sad," Ontario replied depressed.

"Don't worry about beating Grimrose," a girl's voice said from behind as Ontario turned around. She had purple hair in a shag hairstyle, she was rather balanced in terms of body that made her look average.

"Who's she," Ontario asked as the girl was shocked by his reaction.

"That, the Omega squad leader," Rosemary replied," Legia Stardust, X- class and is currently number six of the strongest squad leaders stationed at Knightfall."

"I am number five, Grimrose," Legia replied," and even you know that. Either way, I saw your little act. And I must say that I'm rather impressed."

"Surely you weren't gone for nothing," Rosemary stated, ignoring Legia's compliment to Ontario," where's the new recruit?"

"Oh, that," she replied," come on out Sydney."

A girl came out of the trees as she had very short, hot pink hair and a slender body.

"I'm Sydney," she said shyly.

"So how many girls are meant to be in this squad," Ontario asked," this story may become a harem if the author doesn't watch it."

"I'm a boy," Sydney yelled as Ontario and Rosemary were shocked.

"He's some sort of shape shifter," Legia stated," he can change his flesh to almost any forms and property, but this is his natural state. And he is not lying when he says he's a guy, or are you?"

"Stop it," Sydney stated," I already proved to you I was a guy. And please tell me you won't make me do that again."

"You face was so perfect when I accidently walked in on you," Legia laughed out," but you sure did fool me at first too."

"Can drop it please," Sydney cried out," it's embarrassing."

Rosemary gained an evil smile as a truly cruel idea popped in.

'That face,' Ontario stated,' that is not good at all.'

Inside the room later...

"So, you really are a boy," Illena stated," and why do you smell like cupcakes?"

"How many times do I have to repeat myself," Sydney whined.

"As many times as people ask," Legia chuckled.

"So, who's she," Sydney stated as he looked at Sonata," she wasn't in the roster you showed me Legia."

"I am Sonata Joy," Sonata replied," it's nice to meet you. I asked for personal protection and one of your good members is doing so."

"Who," Sydney asked as Sonata went next to Ontario.

Back inside the squad room...

"Hey, this cake is pretty good," Ontario stated as he took another bite from a chocolate lava cake Rosemary baked.

"I'm glad you like it," Rosemary stated," aside from training, I do spend some time cooking and baking. Some may say it's my hobby."

"Hey Sonata," Legia whispered as she motioned for Sonata to come to her," it is me, or does Grimrose seem way too nice to him?"

"I have noticed that" Sonata stated," it seems very odd. She was very harsh to everyone else but him at first."

"Are you jealous is the question," Legia teased.

"I SAID THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN US," Sonata yelled as Ontario and Rosemary turned to stare at her. She hid behind Legia in embarrassment as Rosemary turned back to Ontario.

"I would like to come to this, Earth, one day," she stated," see how the humans in that world are compared to the ones here."

"Wait, there's humans here," Ontario asked.

"Yes, you have seen them in the cities," Rosemary rolled her eyes," Ms. Topaz herself is a human, even though humans are prohibited on such grounds. Nevertheless, I would like you to guide me there (Legia is about to faint). And on a final note, I have another gift on its way for you. It should be here soon."

"She.... She asked... she asked him on a date," Legia stated as she wobbled.

"Really," Sonata stated with confusion," doesn't seem like a date to me. Just more of curiosity of another place, I want to see that world too."

The door slammed open as Sydney pushed someone wrapped in bandages on a stretcher with wheels.

"Don't ask me how exactly it happened," Sydney stated as he put the stretcher in the corner," but wolf guy here tried to flirt with the girlfriend of a jock."

"So, he got what he deserves then," Rosemary asked as she continued eating.

"Every bone he has is broken I think, well hope he learns eventually," Sydney stated as he went over to his room.

"Illena has been waiting for the package for hours by the way," Rosemary sipped some chocolate milk.

"You rang," Illena giggled as she appeared behind Rosemary," it's here Rosey, come on!"

She ran off as a trail of fire was left behind, Rosemary nudged Ontario roughly to follow her.

As they went outside, they were greeted by Alexander carrying a very large box and placing it down effortlessly.

"Wo what is it," Ontario asked as Rosemary cut the nails off," is its new armor, weapons?"

"Something, maybe better," Rosemary stated as the box unfolded and there was a silver motorcycle. It looked like a blend of a chopper and a pro racing motorcycle as it had room for two on the seat.

"Oh," Ontario stated nervously," a motorcycle?"

"Yes indeed," Rosemary stated," I named it Gladius. I made a prototype for you since school regulations will restrict you from flying to most areas. So, this motorcycle will compensate."

"I don't know," he stated as Illena got on.

"Show your gratitude Bird Brain," Rosemary growled as she punched him on his head.

"Let's fire her up," Illena yelled as she started the engine. The roar it emitted scared off the nearby flocks of birds in the forest.

"Ooo what does this red button do," Illena stated as she pressed it.

"Wait, don't touch that," Rosemary yelled as the bike emitted loud mechanical whirring. The bike emitted blue flames from the exhausts as it tore through the dirt and blasted off into the forest at incredible speed.

"WEEEEEEEEEE," she yelled as she disappeared.

"What was that," Ontario asked.

"It's a feature besides the boosting compound I installed in it," Rosemary sighed," a highly volatile combustion enhancer that greatly increases the motorcycles speed and power."

"You want me to use that while I travel," Ontario stated with shock," I will die if I crash!"

"You have wings don't you," Rosemary stated," simply use them to keep yourself under control if you have to."

"WEEEE," Illena yelled as she passed by as a blur.

"Now that we have that out of the way," Rosemary stated," come back inside. I have another thing to discuss with everyone."

As they went back inside as Illena kept enjoying a gift that wasn't for her, Rosemary waited for everyone to sit down.

"Today we will go the Gharial mountains," she stated.

"Why the Gharial," Legia stated," there is nothing there but an icy wasteland. Are you perhaps going insane Grimrose?"

"Rumor has it that the Dragon of Chaos, Kaos, rests on that land," Rosemary stated.

"A dragon," Ontario stated," there are dragons here?"

"Not only that," Rosemary stated," the weapon guarded by him, known as the Siege Casing, is there."

"Kaos," Legia began," he's too dangerous, even for the X class, Grimrose. We have orders to never engage him."

"I know, but I also know that we can do it," Rosemary stated," with our abilities combined we can do it, I'm sure of it."

"But my singing doesn't affect dragons," Sonata stated," so I won't be able to do anything."

"Madam a dragon like that is too big for me to handle as well," Alexander stated.

"You can stay and guard the truck that we have, appropriated," Rosemary stated," mostly I have only four in mind when it comes to the assault."

"Come on, let's do it guys," Ontario stated," if she believes in us, then we can. Uh, right?"

"Uhh sure," Rosemary hesitated.

"We are going to die, aren't we," Ontario moaned in a depressed tone.

"Probably," Rosemary replied," well, let's get packing, it's going to be a long trip, somewhat."

"Alright then let's go going guys," Legia clapped as everyone went to their rooms.

As Ontario began to put in some spare clothes in a bag, Sonata asked," will you be okay there Mr. Ontario?"

"I'll be fine," Ontario replied nervously," I hope. Why are you so worried about me, mmm?"

"It's not really anything more than, that you are just my protector," Sonata stated nervously, she quickly went to pack her own stuff without saying another word.

"That was weird," Ontario mumbled as he put on a pair of shorts and a shirt. He soon put on the armor pieces on his legs and soon his upper body. He put on the armored boots as he grabbed his bags and helmet as he came out.

He was soon taken aback as he saw large a pile of strongboxes in the main room.

"Do we really need all these boxes," Sydney asked as he placed another box.

"Grimrose states we take as many supplies as possible," Legia replied," we are going to be seven people on this trip. Food will be a must on the way there and back."

"So isn't Maxwell coming with us," Sydney wondered as Maxwell slept in his bandages.

"He can take care of himself," Rosemary stated as she put the last box in the pile," well if he doesn't screw up at the current state, he's in."

"So what truck are taking this time," Ontario asked as he put his case on the pile.

"It's a large transport vehicle," Rosemary answered," as we need a lot of room for supplies and people."

"Madam the vehicle has arrived," Alexander told her as he came in again.

"Take the cargo will you," Rosemary ordered as Sonata came in and placed her stuff on the pile. Alexander dragged the cart outside as everyone followed along.

"Hope you learn your lesson," Rosemary stated evilly as she closed the door.

As they went outside, they were greeted by a massive, six-wheeled machine as it was much bigger than a semi.

"Wow it's so big," Sydney stated as Alexander loaded the boxes into the truck.

"I'm guessing I'm going to fly this whole trip," Ontario groaned," well, if Illena is driving then I don't mind."

"Correct, ding ding ding," Legia stated," Grimrose, what has our contestant won?"

"No time for jokes Legia," Rosemary stated as she got on," Alexander, when you are done, can you, you know?"

"Sure Madam," Alexander replied as he loaded the last box. He soon walked away and crouched down. The roar of the motorcycle came as it headed right towards him. Alexander stretched out and grabbed the handles as Illena flew out of the suddenly motionless bike. She tumbled a few meters away and lay in an inhuman position.

"Illena, come on," Rosemary stated," You're driving."

"I am," Illena asked with glee as she stood up with no injuries," yay road trip!"

She ran into the truck as Ontario removed his necklace once more. His wings sprouted out in the autumn sunlight as the rest boarded the machine.

"Oh, and one more thing bird brain," Rosemary scoffed as she gave him a long rope tied to the truck," tie this to yourself."

"What am I, a kite," Ontario asked.

"I said put it on," Rosemary growled as Ontario quickly tied it to himself," you will thank me for this, idiot."

She got onto the vehicle as Illena fired up the engines. "Let's see what this baby has for us," Illena smiled as Rosemary buckled in.

"Take us to Gharial mountains," Rosemary stated.

"Okey Dokey," Illena replied as she floored it. The vehicle kicked up grass and dirt underneath as it sped off.

"Oh boy," Ontario stated as he jumped up and spread his wings and took flight. The vehicle quickly accelerated past sixty miles an hour as Illena drove it in between the trees.

"Whoa," Ontario stated as he ducked a branch and landed on the truck. "How do you expect me to fly if I can't dodge the branches with this rope?"

"Then don't fly for now," Rosemary yelled," if you say one more stupid complaint, I swear I will break your wings and eat them with a side of buffalo sauce."

Ontario gulped as Legia stated," don't worry, she won't eat them. But she may only cut them off if you piss her off."

As Illena sped onto an open field after a while, Rosemary stated," you can now take flight bird brain."

"I can feel the wind calling me," Ontario stated as he spread his wings into the wind.

"Yeah yeah, just fly already," Rosemary groaned.

"Ontario don't worry about Rosey," Illena stated," Rosey didn't get much sleep last night as she was preparing your gift to come. She was mad that you didn't show her a thank you."

"Illena," Rosemary yelled nervously," please don't. I have a reputation to keep here."

As Ontario took flight, Legia asked with a sneer, "so Sonata, you haven't said anything since we left, is something, bothering you?"

"Not really," she stated as she looked at the floor," I mean, do we really have to go and fight one of the most dangerous creatures in all of Adelmoed, or even all of Alia itself?"

"Kaos is a creature of service," Rosemary stated," many have tried to tame him for their will in the past and have failed. Only one woman has tamed him. And if she could, I can as well."

"What woman," Sonata asked.

"The founder of Adelmoed," Alexander stated," the most powerful swordswoman yet. And her magic is second to none, legend says she utterly humiliated Kaos."

Rosemary suddenly cuts off the microphone communications, she soon opens the door separating the driver and passenger from the rest of the vehicle.

"That large and heavy blade Ontario carries," she began," its name, is Dagda. Father mentioned that it's the sword that the founder gave to her most trusted subject when she established her position over the chaotic land that is now Adelmoed."

"That same sword," Sonata asked," it looks rather heavy right? And what type of metal is it?"

"It has a metal coating," Rosemary stated," but the material under it is, I am not sure myself."

"Organic perhaps," Legia muttered as the ground of the plains began to rise and they soon entered a hills area as soft winds blew.

"I can barely make out some mountains," Ontario stated," is that where we are going? Hey guys, wait, is this thing on." He takes off the microphone and looks at it.

"It looks ok," he mumbled," are they muting me out?"

"So, what's the game plan Grimrose," Legia asked.

"The link with Kaos requires me to drink his blood, even if it's just a bit," she stated. "The Casing may be able to at least cut Kaos. So, we need to get Ontario around Kaos to reach it."

"We may need a distraction," Legia stated," this dragon isn't stupid right?"

"If the founder did it by herself," Rosemary stated," then we can too as a team. Remember that once the link has been formed, he can no longer hurt his master, that's the key."

"What about us," Sydney asked.

"Alexander will watch this vehicle with Sonata and Illena," Rosemary stated," Sydney, you can copy anyone's abilities when you turn into them right?"

"I can," he began," but it's only a tenth of their total capability. I can turn into inanimate objects or plants too."

"That gives me an idea," Rosemary sneered. The sky and grass soon went dark as the sun no longer was visible.

"Illena continue driving for the night, will you," Rosemary stated as she grabbed a blanket," there is a bathroom in the corner, use it to change into your pajamas. Illena will drive through the hills and mountains until we reach Gharial."

Rosemary took off her armor to have flower pedals and pink wool pajamas.

"So, you really are a Grimrose," Legia laughed as Rosemary turned away in embarrassment and anger.

"What about mister Ontario," Sonata stated as Sydney went into the restroom to change.

"Oh right," Rosemary stated as she turned on the communications," hey Bird Brain! Come down here to get some rest."

"Finally, I can hear you guys," Ontario replied," I can't see where I'm flying to. But hey this rope did help."

He pulls himself down the rope until he reaches the roof of the vehicle and goes through the trapdoor.

"Why couldn't I hear you guys," Ontario stated as he took off his earpiece," was there a secret talk that I wasn't supposed to hear?"

"No bird brain," Rosemary stated as she tossed him his bags," get ready to sleep for the night. You will wake up at dawn for reconnaissance."

Sydney came out of the restroom with a night gown on as everyone turned to stare at him.


"Hehe one more for the future blackmail," Legia laughed as she placed her camera away.

"What," Sydney blushed," a guy can't cross-dress if he wishes."

"Too be honest," Legia began," it suits you perfectly."

"Yeah, I thought you were a girl again," Ontario laughed as Sydney punched his chest plate.

"Ow ow ow," he grunted as he backed away to the far corner.

"Good night and may we soon reach the dragon," Rosemary stated as she covered herself up and placed a blindfold as she sat on the passenger seat.

"Since there aren't many beds, some of us will have to share, right old Sydney buddy," Legia stated as she went over and pulls Sydney close.

"Hey, just don't do anything funny, like last time," Sydney blushed.

"Sonata, since Alexander is too... big," Legia began," you get to sleep next to, you know."

"It's nothing like that," she yelled as Ontario laughed and laid the portable bed.

"Hey, keep it quiet, I'm trying to sleep," Rosemary growled as everyone except Sonata laughed.

The next morning...

"How did it ever get this cloudy," Ontario asked as he adjusted his helmet while in flight," and it's snowing too."

"We must be getting close," Rosemary stated," just a bit more to go."

"Does Kaos really live in such a dead place," Sonata stated as she looked outside the window.

"Yes," Rosemary stated," temperatures are too cold for a normal human to arrive here as hypothermia is quick."

"Wow it is getting colder," Ontario stated," I'm glad this armor has at least some cloth in it."

"Just a bit more," Rosemary repeated as Illena began to cross a rapid river.

"Why isn't the water frozen," Sydney asked.

"Well, when things don't make sense," Legia began," it's when you know you are out of your depth here."

"Stop right here," Rosemary ordered as Illena stopped the truck onto the shore." Ontario," she began," you can come down now."

There was no response as a huge chunk of ice fell on the truck.

Rosemary opened the hatch to see Ontario frozen within the block of ice.

"Do I have to do everything for him," she stated as she formed a large fire hammer and swung it down on him. The ice shattered to bits as Ontario flopped and shook.

"Man was it crazy cold up there," he stated as he trembled for warmth.

"Alright," Rosemary stated as she fizzed away her hammer and drew her standard weapons," for the three that are joining me, which are Legia, Sydney and Bird Brain, you will help me tame the dragon of chaos to my will. This dragon is one of the most powerful ones of the whole entire planet, one mistake and we all perish. I do not want any excuses nor complaints; follow my orders and we will succeed."

"I can complain if I want," Legia stated smugly.

"The rest will guard the truck until we come back," Rosemary stated as she gave Ontario his weapons. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes," all but Legia stated. Legia hopped off the truck and waited as the snow blew sharply on her body.

"Well let's hope we don't die," Sydney said nervously as he got off. He wore a woman's fur jacket with leather boots and slightly baggy pants.

"That's the spirit," Rosemary stated as she jumped down as well, Ontario followed her too.

"Good luck everyone," Illena yelled.

"Take care," Sonata stated," and please come back in one piece."

They waved goodbye as they proceeded forward through the snowstorm.

"So how big is this Kaos," Sydney asked nervously after a few minutes.

"He can crush your body with his toe," Rosemary stated as she didn't turn back, luckily the wind wasn't hitting against them in their path anymore. "We are close," Rosemary stated," do you feel that?"

"Yes," Legia stated," like a dark pressure right off in the distance. Even as it sleeps it's a threatening feeling."

"Yeah, I feel it as well," Ontario stated," so what's my role in this?"

"There is a cave that he guards," Rosemary stated," somewhere around where he sleeps, sneak in there while we distract him. Find the Siege Casing in there and use it. We will need its power to wound Kaos."

"What the hell are you guys talking about again," Sydney yelled as his voice echoed in the distance.

Soon a low rumbling came as the ground shook more violently.

"I can feel that" Sydney stated as he tried to keep his balance.

"Remember the plan everyone and go," Legia and Rosemary yelled at the same time.

A massive figure rose from the crater ahead as the snow fell off. The dragon was quite massive indeed as it roared, shaking the ground even further.

"Who dare disturb my rest," he roared as he looked at Rosemary, Legia, and Ontario. The dragon was dark gray with yellow markings on his body. He had large wings and four strong limbs.

He looked at Rosemary and for a moment he saw a woman with dark brown skin, wearing old fashioned armor with a large blade that was orange and white. The main quality that he saw was blazing crimson hair and green sleek eyes.

"Nova," he muttered but as he blinked, he saw Rosemary once more. He soon scowled as he opened his mouth and a ball of yellow light formed in it.

"Everyone move now," Rosemary yelled as she flew up," scatter!"

Ontario and Legia separated quickly as the dragon's sphere soon shot out as a beam. The ground shook as the beam evaporated the very ground it hit.

"No wonder it's a huge threat," Legia stated as she transformed," no mercy, not from me."

She traveled in a blur up to Kaos's jaw as she swung her foot and slammed it. Kaos's head moved a bit back and he quickly turned to look at her.

"Uh oh," she stated as Kaos swung his claw and hit, causing her to rocket off and crash into the snow and rock.

"Dam it," Rosemary stated as blue electricity charged up in her hand and she threw it at Kaos's mouth. The electricity stopped at his lips and faded away.

Kaos turned around as he was about to bite Rosemary, but soon a blue explosion threw him back as he regained his composure unharmed.

"And I thought it would at least give him a prick," She stated a bit nervously.

Ontario flew over Kaos and landed in front of his eyes.

"Yo," he said as his blade had wind going around it," that wasn't nice bro, not cool." Kaos's eyes began to glow as snowy and a bit dirty Legia grabbed Ontario and pulled him away. Beams came out as Legia put her palm to face Kaos. A dark red fog appeared close to his eyes as Legia clenched her hand and an explosion rocked Kaos backward, but no wound to the area.

"We need more power," Rosemary said with worry," he's getting fazed but not wounded." She summoned a large battle axe as she dived down and swung it, slamming it onto his head. A dent formed in his skin but no cut as Kaos swung his claw at her. Rosemary teleported away as Ontario swung his sword, throwing out sharp winds at him. Kaos fired from his mouth a quick small ball of black energy as Legia flew in front of him, taking the hit as both were sent to the ground.

'What are they trying to do,' Kaos thought,' they aren't after the Siege Casing, which winged boy is here and only his kind can use it.'

"Ow that hurt," Legia stood up as Ontario shifted and turned back to Sydney as he huffed.

"I can't do this anymore," he huffed," it's too much for me."

Kaos look confused,' wait, if that boy isn't that kind of monster, and only just a shifter, then... no!'

A few minutes earlier...

As Kaos rose up, Sydney shifted and turned into Ontario as the real one looked amazed.

"Wow you are just like me," he stated as he looked at Sydney.

"No time to talk," Rosemary said," sneak around him quickly. We will distract him for you, go now!"

Ontario dashed away as he hid behind the rocks, as the fight went on, he quietly moved on as he looked for a cave. But as the ground shook, he fell through a small hole and into a tunnel.

After he tumbled in, he got back up as the tunnel was barely visible, even for his sight. He looked around as he turned the flashlight on his gun and soon noticed a small golden box.

"Is that it," he muttered as he grabbed it and picked it up and looked all over it.

"How do I get this to work, ow," he snapped as a needle came out of the box and pricked his finger. It came back in as the box began to glow and he saw himself in a white room.

"Where am I," he stated as he flew around, he kept flying, but soon saw no end to the room.

"Wake up Ontario," he pinched himself," this is just the poison that box gave you, maybe."

"The Siege Casing has no toxin," a voice came from nowhere," you remind me of someone, someone I lost, but he's gone now. But no matter, you seek the power of the relic, just like I have."

"You have used it before," Ontario asked as he turned around.

"Yes," the voice replied as he could see the white silhouette of a woman, but he couldn't make it out.

"The relic provides increased power and potential for weapons of war," the figure stated," it doesn't work on its own. The relic has set forms of specific powers and they come in groups as stages. Sorry to disappoint, but your soul can't go past stage one for now."

"Such a bummer," Ontario stated," what are these forms?"

"The first is the elements, Sky Strider for wind, Interceptor for thermal, Medusa for water, and Earth Plate for protection and Earth. You can modify your own styles, but it won't be as powerful as the ones it can do naturally."

"So, when can I use it," Ontario stated.

The figure smiled as it stated," now."

Ontario blinked as he saw himself back in the cave.

"What was that," he stated," such a vague description and moments."

"Look down," he faintly heard the voice say as he quickly did. The box melted into pieces as it began to spread on his battle armor.

"What," he stated in shock," what happening, get it off!"

"Do not resist," the voice stated," it's going to be quick, and my consciousness will fade away." The pieces spread onto his gun and sword as it quickly covered every inch of his armor and flashed a bright white light. In a few seconds the pieces were gone as his normal armor remained.

"Well," he stated as looked at himself," that was very anti climatic. But I wonder, I want to say it in a catchy mode. Hmmmm..." the ground shook once more as he brainstormed.

"What the hell is taking you so long," Rosemary's voice came in as she drew her sword," we are barely avoiding his attacks and you are just goofing off?!"

"Sorry, sorry," Ontario stated as he sighed," here goes nothing, initiate Sky Strider! (nothing happens) I guess that was too edgy?"

The armor began to shift as it gained little spikes in the shape of wings on the back of Ontario's arms and legs and two little wings on his helmet. He gained a glass shield over his eyes as the armor became thinner. His sword gained an empty space at the start of the blade.

"Wow I feel so light," he said, as he took a step, almost fell forward. It's almost as if gravity was reduced for him immensely.

"I'm so light," he said excitedly," here I come Rosemary!"

"About time," she stated as Kaos fired off orbs that chased Legia around.

"Ultimate spell number 6," she stated as she curled up into a ball, a purple and red aura was being emitted as she stated," Wrath of Titania!" She quickly spread out her arms and legs as six small red violet meteors like magic came out and quickly flew into Kaos's back, making him lose his balance.

"You little bugs are so persistent," he growled as spots of yellow lights appeared all over his body.

"Everyone takes cover," Rosemary yelled as beams shot out of the holes and went everywhere, vaporizing the rock and snow around.

"Yikes, what was that," Ontario gasped as he ducked under the beam.

"That should do it," Kaos sighed as the beams lowered down.

"Not today," Rosemary stated as she had some painful burns on her arm, much to Kaos's shock. She had a white wispy aura that soon disappeared.

"How dare you," he began," a little bug, mock my master! "As he dived his head to eat her, Ontario rapidly came in and kicked his head, knocking him off onto his side in some pain.

"Wait," Ontario said in confusion as he looked at himself," I could barely see myself do that."

"Not surprised that you did get the Siege Casing to activate," Rosemary stated as she held her arm. She soon thought,' I couldn't even see him hit Kaos, and yet he knocked him down.'

"Remember to wound him before he makes this whole mountain area a better wasteland than it already is," Rosemary ordered as she began to heal her arm.

"One wound then," Ontario stated as Legia dropped beside him with some cuts and scrapes.

"I'll help," Legia stated," this time I won't hold back. Sydney is heading back so he won't be caught in the crossfire now. At least the chaos of the beams gave him an opening."

"Good," Rosemary stated, "let's do this, together!"

"Yeah," Ontario yelled as he soared up in a blur.

"You don't order me," Legia scoffed as she took off," but you are right Grimrose!"

As Kaos got back up in fury, Legia soon kicked his jaw and began to rapidly kick his large head. Ontario flew behind him, noticing Kaos was about to swing his claw. Ontario went in as he could barely keep his eyes open, even with the glass over his face. He slammed his blade on Kaos's armpit, forcing the claw to just miss Legia. As he flew under Kaos, he noticed a yellow spot glow as it fired a large ball in Ontario's path.

"Uhh, let's try, Holy Armaments," Ontario said as his wings dimmed, and he took the orb head on. But as the armor took the heat, the orb began to shrink as Ontario's wings glowed brighter and brighter. He felt the rush of power as he flew up and his blade glowing yellow.

Legia slammed Kaos's head down as she began to form a dark red ball in between her hands. Rosemary grunted as a small ball of white ball concentrated magic formed on the tip of her blade.

"On my mark," Rosemary yelled as she charged in," now!"

"Right," Legia stated as she fired off the darkness.

"Together," Ontario agreed as they all hit the top of Kaos's head. But the impact was great enough to knock all three warriors off into the snow. As the smoke cleared, Kaos had a small gash on his head as literally steam came out from his nose. Rosemary stood up as she had some yellow liquid on her blade.

"Both of you," she stated as she stepped forward," stay behind me." As Kaos began to charge a large amount of yellow light in his mouth, Rosemary drew a distinct circle in the rock and placed some of the liquid on her tongue and gulped it down.

"You infuriated me for the last time," Kaos roared," die!"

He fired off an even bigger beam as Rosemary stabbed the sword down. A thorn-like pattern appeared over her body as the beam hit her head on.

"Rosemary," Ontario muttered as he shielded his eyes from the light.

As the beam stopped, Ontario looked back up to see Rosemary unscathed as the yellow thorn like pattern glowed around her body and faded.

"No," Kaos stated as he remembered Nova doing the same ritual, and how that was the way for her to become his master.

"Kaos," Rosemary stated as she raised her hand and it glowed," stand down now."

The dragon lowered his guard as he stated," you are the second person to beat me. I told Nova to never tell anyone how she tamed me, yet with just a few drops of my blood?"

"In a sense," Rosemary stated," hope you don't mind Bird Brain taking the Siege as well."

Ontario began whizz around in blurs as the dragon scoffed," well, I didn't need that thing anyway. He looks worthy enough, he can have it. But make sure he doesn't fall for the temptations from darkness, his soul is more exposed using that, relic."

"Hey Rosemary," Ontario yelled," look at this! Earth-plate go!" He made some weird noises (he attempted to make a Transformer's changing sound) as his armor lost the wing spokes and became thicker, bulkier as he landed on the ground creating a small crater.

"This feels heavy," he stated as he struggled to fly up."

"So that's the whole battle," Legia stated as she brushed herself off and changed back to normal.

"Remember little Moonstone," Kaos stated," even Nova struggled to keep me summoned when she needed me."

"I got it," Rosemary stated.

"Who is Nova," Ontario stated," you guys have been saying her name for a bit."

"Nova Moonstone," Rosemary began," the very first one, the founder of this country. She was Kaos's first master, and I believe none of her descendants has ever surpassed her."

"Wow she sounds very powerful," Ontario stated as his armor turned back to normal as he wobbled and fell.

"It's too soon for him to be using the relic this much," Kaos said," and nevertheless, whenever you need me, little master, call me forth."

"Right," Rosemary stated as she picked Ontario up and placed him on her shoulder," well Legia, do you think he's ready for that?"

"I say he needs a bit more training," she replied as she winked," but maybe he can earn your rank as well."

"I myself am not content with stagnation," Rosemary retorted," but we will see."

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