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By billieeyelash1864

61.6K 1.8K 1.7K

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Act I
I. Silence Speaks Louder Than Words
II. The Weight of Resentment
III. The Darwinian Playground
IV. The Battle for Existence
V. The Endless Journey
Act II
VI. The Silent Wounds
VII. The Agony of Unending Darkness
VIII. The Power of Belief
IX. The Thorny Path of Lies
X. The Bullet's Silent Message
XI. The Shadow of the Deadly Arrow
XII. The Promise of a New Foe
XIII. The Domino Effect
XIV. The Demon's Whisper
XV. The History of Betrayals
XVI. The Same Old Things
XVII. The Wall of Emotion
XVIII. The Ties that Bind
XIX. The Pages of Lost Innocence
XX. The Grim Reaper's Waltz
XXI. The Screams of the Dead
XXII. The Echoes of Heartache
XXIII. The Murmur of Silent Torment
XXIV. The Road Back to Each Other
XXV. The Losing Game of Love
XXVI. The Hollowed Memories
XXVII. The Symphony of Destruction
Act IV
XXVIII. The Fury within the Steel
XXIX. The Clash of Destinies
XXX. The Reign of Weaponry
XXXI. The Kindred Spirits
XXXII. The Quiet Calm Before the Storm
XXXIII. The Unending Farewells
XXXIV. The Mind's Battlefield
XXXV. The Peaceful Oases in the Chaos
XXXVI. The Shadows Cast by the Past
XXXVII. The Hand of Fate
XXVIII. The Reunion Amidst Chaos
Act V
XXXIX. The Long-Awaited Return
XL. The Uncertain Future of New Faces
XLI. The Ghost of a Present Past
XLII. The Destiny They Share
XLIII. The End of the Road
XLIV. The Highway to Hell
XLV. The Turning Point
XLVI. The Endless Tragic Demises
XLVII. The Brigde of an Endless Storm
XLVIII. The Dawn of Hope
XLIX. The Gates of Alexandria
L. The Melody in the Chaos
LI. The Midnight Sky
LII. The Scandal
Act VI
LIII. The Ying-Yang Effect
LIV. The Realm of Grief
LV. The Choreography of Death
LVI. The Way Life Goes
LVII. The Unquenchable Fire
LVIII. The Stranger Passing By
LIX. The Hilltop at the End of the Road
LX. The Sanctuary of Death
LXI. The Shadow Vs Death
LXII. The Saviours
LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning
LXIV. The Sanctuary vs Alexandria
LXV. The Truth Continues To Unveil
LXVI. The Descrution Within Oneself
LXVII. The Allience of Enemies
LXVIII. The Reminder
LXIX. The Betrayal of Friends
LXX. The Angel of Death
LXXI. The Death's Reapers
LXXII. The Beginning of a War
LXXIII. The Promise of Tomorrow
LXXIV. The Distance in his Fingertips
LXXV. The World Stops Turnin'
LXXVII. The Door Between Hell & Heaven
LXXVIII. The Unspoken Words
LXXIV. The Message
LXXV. The Fall of Neville
LXXVI. The Letter
Act IX(a)
LXXVII. The Hanging Tree
LXXVIII. The Bridge
LXXIX. The Judge

LXXVI. The Doom of Death

154 9 10
By billieeyelash1864

A solitary tear traces its path down her cheek, a silent testament to the pain that grips her soul. She tenderly wipes the beads of sweat from his forehead, her touch gentle yet desperate, a silent prayer for strength and solace.

Carl's voice breaks through the somber silence, his raspy words tinged with admiration. "You're the warrior Dad used to tell me stories about, aren't you?"

Madeleine nods, her throat tight as she feels her father's hand land on her shoulder. "Yeah... I think so," she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You keep fighting, okay?" Carl's words are a plea, his eyes flickering with a fierce determination that belies his fragile state.

Madeleine's heart constricts with anguish at the realization of what lies ahead, but she nods nonetheless, a silent vow etched in her soul.

His gaze shifts to Daryl, who stands stalwart against the wall. "Take care of them, Daryl," Carl urges, his voice a whisper carried on the wind.

Daryl's nod is resolute, his eyes softening with a rare tenderness as he meets Carl's gaze. "I will," he vows, his words a solemn promise that echoes in the hushed confines of the sewer, a pledge to honor Carl.

"Dad..." Carl's voice wavers, his gaze meeting Rick's teary eyes, and his heart clenches with unbearable pain as he watches his son's life slip away before his very eyes. "It's all right. It's gotta be," Carl continues, his words a brave facade masking the turmoil within. "I wasn't sure if you'd make it back before... But just in case, you know... I wanted to make sure I was able to say goodbye."

Rick's trembling hand reaches out to accept the letters from Carl, his breath catching in his throat as he sees Madeleine's name scrawled on the first one. Tears spill from Madeleine's eyes as she watches, her heart breaking at the sight of her dying brother and the fear of her sister's whereabouts weighing heavily on her mind.

As explosions and the sound of crumbling rocks echo in the distance, Rick's anguish is palpable as he shakes his head, tears streaming down his face in a torrent of raw emotion.

"No. It's them," Rick whispers hoarsely, his voice choked with grief. "It's them. They... They don't... It wasn't..."

Michonne's voice breaks as she cries out, her own pain mirroring Rick's. "Carl."

"No. I got bit," he corrects, his voice steady despite the gravity of his words. "I was bringing someone back. His name's Siddiq. We saw him at that gas station, before..." He shakes his head slowly, the reality of his fate sinking in. "It wasn't the Saviors. It just happened. I got bit."

Carl's coughing fits wrack his frame, and Madeleine wastes no time, shedding her jacket and draping it over him with gentle care. Her hand rests reassuringly on his shoulder, their eyes meeting in a silent exchange of understanding and sibling love.

"You don't have to do that anymore," Carl observes, a bittersweet smile gracing his lips as Madeleine runs her fingers through his hair.

"You'll always be my baby brother," she murmurs softly, her gaze lingering on him before she shifts her attention to her husband, a silent request in her eyes.

With a nod, Daryl hurries off to fetch a blanket and pillow, his movements swift and purposeful. As Daryl returns with the requested items, Michonne and Rick lend their support, helping Carl to his feet while Madeleine lays out the makeshift bed. Michonne wipes the sweat from Carl's forehead with gentle hands. With a grateful nod, Carl sinks onto the makeshift bed, exhaustion etched into every line of his face.

Michonne's smile is warm as she gazes down at the boy. "Is that better?"

Carl nods slowly. "Yeah... Thanks."

Siddiq approaches them with cautious steps, his nerves palpable as he holds out his bag to them. "I, um, I got these," he stammers with trembling hands, he retrieves the medications from the bag. "They're over-the-counter, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories," Siddiq continues, his words rushed and desperate. "They'll, um... They'll help a little with the fever. They did for my mom and dad. Please take them." Michonne's glare pierces through him, but Madeleine's focus remains unwavering, her attention solely on her brother. "Your son... he should have them," Siddiq insists, his voice cracking with emotion.

Rick exchanges a silent glance with Michonne before stepping forward, gratitude etched into his weary features as he approaches Siddiq. With a grateful nod, he accepts the medications from the young man, passing them to Madeleine who wastes no time as she gives him the medication.

Rick's gaze narrows as he regards the man who saved his son, a silent question hanging in the air. "You're a doctor?"

Siddiq nods, his response tinged with a hint of sorrow. "I was a resident... before."

Rick sighs heavily, the weight of the moment pressing down on him as Carl groans in pain, his hand tightly clasped in Madeleine's grip.

"Your name is Siddiq?"

"Yes," Siddiq nods.

Rick's eyes drift back to Carl, tears threatening to spill over as he grapples with the realization of what Siddiq's presence means. "Did you know he was a doctor? Is that why you brought him back?"

"Yeah, for Esperanza," Carl confirms, his gaze flickering between Madeleine, Michonne, and his father. "And he wasn't gonna make it alone. He needed us. That's why."

Rick's breath catches in his throat as the pieces fall into place, understanding dawning on him with a heavy sense of responsibility. "He was the one at the gas station," Rick murmurs as he recalls the encounter that brought Siddiq into their lives.

An explosion from above jolts them out of their reverie, the sound of rocks clattering echoing through the air. Rick stands protectively over his son, his instincts kicking into high gear as Madeleine swiftly retrieves water and offers it to Carl, whose coughing fit intensifies.

"Shh! Easy. You got it?" Madeleine's voice is calm and reassuring as she soothes him, gently guiding the water bottle to his lips. "Slowly, slowly," she murmurs, her eyes filled with concern as she watches him drink.

Michonne rises from her seat, her movements tense with frustration as Madeleine follows closely behind, leaving her father to comfort Carl.

"Make it stop. Make them stop," Michonne pleads, her eyes searching his for any sign of hope as she pushes Dwight against the wall.

Dwight shakes his head, his gaze shifting to Madeleine, who can feel the weight of his stare burning into her back. "I can't," he admits.

Michonne's frustration boils over, her hand connecting with Dwight's chest in a sharp slap of anger. The reality of Carl's impending death weighs heavily on them all, the sense of helplessness hanging thick in the air. "You can. You're one of them. They'll listen to you," she insists, her voice tinged with desperation.

Madeleine steps forward, her hand resting gently on Michonne's shoulder as she meets her friend's gaze. "He's one of mine, Mimi," she says softly, her voice carrying a note of resignation. "He can't stop them."

Rosita rises from her place to stand beside the two women, her gaze flickering to Dwight. "You said that Hilltop's safe, right?"

Dwight nods grimly, his expression tight with worry. "Yeah. Simon never went."

Madeleine's jaw tightens as she processes this information, her eyes meeting Rosita's with a steely determination. "We need to get everybody there," she declares, her voice firm despite the turmoil swirling within her.

"We can get Carl there," Rosita offers, a small but genuine smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she seeks to offer some semblance of hope to Madeleine. "We have to move."

Dwight shakes his head adamantly at the suggestion, his features etched with concern. "No, they think all of you got away in the woods. They're out there, looking."

Tara, seated nearby, adds her voice to the discussion, her tone measured but resolute. "They saw us go West, so we won't go West."

Dwight's opposition resurfaces, his brow furrowed with concern for the group's safety. "Your best chance is to stay here until they're gone," he insists, his voice tinged with urgency. "Adanna made it out of the Kingdom, which means they're safe, but we both know Sergio ain't easy to kill. When the news spreads..."

"We have to make it to Hilltop and we have to protect the Kingdom," Madeleine concludes, frustration evident in her tone as she runs a hand through her hair. "If they find us here, we're dead. Point E was for temporary protection; we need to move."

"They're almost done. They gotta be," Dwight persists, casting a knowing glance at Madeleine, but she shakes her head, adamant in her decision. "Death, please, trust me."

"It wasn't about destroying the place, was it? They don't have the ammo for that," Madeleine counters, her jaw set in determination as she squares off with Dwight, the other women standing behind her in silent support. "When they're done, we move."

With her mind clouded by worry for her sister and the unsettling thought of someone impersonating her over the radio, Madeleine strides purposefully back to her brother, taking a seat beside him on the bed. His eyelids begin to droop with fatigue. Michonne returns to their side, her gaze meeting Madeleine's with concern, while Daryl approaches with Judith nestled in his arms, silently listening in on the conversation.

Carl coughs weakly, his voice barely a whisper as he speaks. "You have to save her," he implores, his hand reaching out for Madeleine's, seeking solace in her touch.

She grips his hand tightly, her own eyes brimming with tears as she sits beside him, a silent pillar of support. "I'll protect both of 'em."

Rick settles on the other side of the bed, his expression grave as he listens to his children's words. "What do you mean?" he asks.

With a heavy heart, Madeleine turns towards her father, her voice trembling with emotion. "She's dying, dad. Esperanza's dying. She's got cancer... just like mom did," she reveals, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air.

Rick's heart clenches at the revelation, a deep pang of sorrow coursing through him as he struggles to come to terms with the harsh reality before him. The realisation that both of his children are dying hitting him like a freight train, a heavy burden that threatens to crush him under its weight.

Carl's gaze shifts to Michonne, who approaches him with a tender touch, her hand gently caressing his cheek in a gesture of comfort and love. Madeleine rises from the bed, her eyes still glistening with unshed tears, as Michonne takes her place at Carl's side, offering her unwavering support in his time of need.

As the radio static cuts through the air, Madeleine's brow furrows as she removes the radio from her waist, struggling to make out the garbled message on the other end. Determination sets her jaw as she strides purposefully across the sewer towards the exit.

Daryl watches silently as Madeleine moves away, a surge of concern coursing through him as he places Judith down by Rick's side before following after his wife.

"Repeat, I can't hear you!" Madeleine's voice crackles through the radio, frustration evident in every word as she tries to make sense of the fragmented transmission.

"Mads?" The voice filters through the crackling static of the radio, its softness a balm to Madeleine's frayed nerves as she clutches the device tighter in her trembling hands. "I-I thought you needed my help. I-I made it out, Alexandria is... they're all over. I-"

"Where are you?!" Madeleine's voice cuts through the static, urgency tinged with desperation as she strains to hear her sister's response.

"I'm in the woods hiding," Esperanza's voice comes through, thick with fear and uncertainty. "Mads, I'm scared."

"It's okay, you're gonna be okay," Madeleine reassures her. "Stay where you are, I'll come find you when I can. Adanna is in the woods, she might find you first, just stay hidden." She pauses, swallowing back the lump in her throat before adding, "Esperanza, I love you." But only static answers her desperate plea, leaving her heart pounding in her chest.

Daryl's hand comes to rest on Madeleine's shoulder, his touch a silent reassurance as she turns to face him, tears streaming down her cheeks unchecked. His heart aches at the sight of her pain, and he pulls her into his embrace without hesitation. Her body trembles against his chest as she sobs.

Surrounding them, the others watch in solemn silence, their own hearts heavy with empathy for the couple who have faced more than their fair share of trials and tribulations.

"Sounds like they're letting up," Rosita chimes in, causing the couple to reluctantly part ways.

Madeleine keeps her back turned to them, a silent shield against the prying eyes that threaten to expose her vulnerability. She refuses to let them see her tears, her resolve steeling her against the emotional turmoil raging within.

Daryl's gaze lingers on his wife's retreating form, a knot of worry tightening in his chest. "Maybe," he replies tersely, his hand tightening around the grip of his crossbow. "I'll go take a look."

Without a word, Madeleine retrieves the sword strapped to her back before she strides towards the entrance. She doesn't give anyone the chance to stop her, her determination driving her forward even as Daryl rushes to catch up.

"Mads. Madeleine," Daryl's voice calls out after her.

"No!" Madeleine snaps back, her tone sharp with frustration as she whirls around to face him. "Not now. Not now," she insists.

Madeleine ascends the stairs with Daryl close behind. With a slow, deliberate push, she nudges the crate aside, peering cautiously out into the desolate streets of Alexandria. The once vibrant community now lies in ruins, the aftermath of the Saviors' merciless rampage evident in the debris-strewn landscape and the occasional shuffling figures of the undead.

Surveying the scene before her, Madeleine's brow furrows in concentration as she scans for any sign of danger. Satisfied that they are alone for the moment, she clambers out of the opening and begins to move stealthily through the wreckage, her senses on high alert. Daryl trails behind her, his own expression grim as he watches her every move.

"Mads!" Daryl's voice breaks the silence, but she silences him with a sharp glance over her shoulder, her focus unwavering as she continues to assess their surroundings.

Another sound catches her attention—a faint crackle emanating from a discarded radio lying nearby. Madeleine approaches it cautiously, her hand reaching out to grasp the device.

"Sergio, how's the Kingdom? Sergio? Come through, son!" The voice on the radio is familiar, making Madeleine clench her ja2 in anger.

"It's not over until I'm done with you, Negan," Madeleine's voice cuts through the static, her tone dripping with defiance and determination. "You and whoever else is left at the end, I'll dig a grave for each one of you." With a final, resolute declaration, she hurls the radio to the ground, crushing it beneath her boot.

Turning to face Daryl, Madeleine's expression softens, a flicker of regret and guilt passing through her eyes. "I'm sorry. You don't deserve any of this," he murmurs.

"You'll always be in pain when you love," Madeleine states, her voice hollow and devoid of emotion. "It only ends when you're dead. We just gotta learn how to live with it." With a resigned shrug, she begins to move forward, her steps heavy.


Madeleine's footsteps echo softly through the dimly lit sewers, her mind consumed with thoughts of their next move as Daryl briefs the group on their plan to relocate to the Hilltop.

"The Saviors are gone. We can get everyone else to Hilltop," Madeleine announces, her voice carrying with a sense of urgency.

Michonne nods in agreement, her gaze thoughtful as she considers their options. "We can get Carl there. Daryl can get one of the cars," she suggests.

But Madeleine's attention is elsewhere, her eyes drawn to her brother. "No. Carl won't make..." she begins, "He can't leave here. I have to stay with him," she declares, her voice resolute as she meets Rick's gaze with a mixture of determination and vulnerability. "Daryl will make sure Judith is fine. He's looking after her."

Rick's eyes soften with understanding as he locks gazes with his eldest daughter, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. "So do I."

Michonne nods in solidarity. "We'll stay."

"And Esperanza... she's in the woods. She's safe," Madeleine adds, her voice catching slightly as a tear escapes her eye. "We'll meet her when... when we're done here." With a heavy heart, she moves to take a seat beside her brother.

Daryl approaches them, cradling Judith in his arms, his expression heavy with sorrow as Rick leans in to place a tender kiss on his youngest daughter's forehead. "I'll take care of her. I'll get her there. I'll keep her safe. I got this. I promise," he vows, his voice a solemn oath of protection.

Carl's voice breaks the silence, his tone tinged with sadness as he speaks from the bed. "Let me say goodbye," he requests, his eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Daryl nods solemnly, carrying Judith over to Carl. As Daryl settles the young girl on the bed, Madeleine gently wipes away a tear from her own eye as she brushes a few stray hairs away from Judith's face.

"You be good, okay?" Carl addresses Judith with a small smile, his voice wavering with emotion as he struggles to hold back his tears. "For Michonne. For Dad. For Mads. For Esperanza. You gotta honor him. Listen when he tells you stuff. You don't have to always," he adds, eliciting a genuine smile from Madeleine. "But trust Mads, her instincts are always right. But... sometimes, kids got to show their parents the way. Mads will take very good care of you, like she did with me." With a shaky hand, he reaches for the hat beside him and places it gently in Judith's lap. "This was Dad's before it was mine. Now it's yours. I don't know... Just... Just having it and... It always kept Dad with me. It made me feel as strong as him. It helped me. Maybe it'll help you, too."

Carl's gaze shifts to Madeleine, a flicker of gratitude and affection in his eyes as he takes a bracelet from his wrist and places it around hers which causes Madeleine's tears to flow freely down her cheeks.

"Before Mom died... she told me that I was gonna beat this world. I didn't. But you will. I know you will. Mads will make sure of it," Carl declares, his voice filled with a quiet resolve and unwavering faith in his sister's strength.

"Here we go," Daryl mutters softly as he gently lifts Judith from the bed, cradling her against his chest. His calloused hand strokes her back in soothing motions as he glances over at Carl. "These people. You saved them all. That's all you, man."

Carl's smile is bittersweet as Judith's cry pierces the air, prompting Daryl to pat her back gently as he offers a reassuring glance towards Madeleine.

"You can tell Mads now about the time you took me to ride on your bike," Carl remarks with a nostalgic chuckle, his eyes flickering between Daryl and Madeleine. "He knew you wouldn't let me." He turns back to Daryl. "Take care of her and of yourself. Thank you for everything, Daryl."

Daryl returns the sentiment with a small, genuine smile. "Thank you for saving me too," he replies, his voice soft but filled with sincerity.

As Daryl begins to walk away with Judith nestled in his arms, he pauses briefly to press a tender kiss to Madeleine's temple, his fingers lingering on the pendant around her neck before meeting her gaze. She offers him a small nod, before he walks away with the rest of the group.

Siddiq takes a seat on the edge of the bed. "You were helping me honor my mom," he murmurs.

Carl interrupts him. "Not just yours. Mine, too."

Siddiq returns the young boy's gaze with a thankful smile. "You brought me here. You gave me a chance. I know I can never repay you... but I can honor you by showing your people, your... your friends, your family that what you did wasn't for nothing." His voice falters momentarily as he looks at the dying boy who sacrificed himself for him. "That it mattered. That it... that it meant something. Because it did. So that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna honor you, Carl."

Carl's response is laced with sarcasm. "Congratulations. You're stuck with us," he quips, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

As Siddiq rises from the bed and joins the group, Michonne approaches Carl with a damp cloth, gently wiping away the sweat from his forehead. Madeleine remains by Carl's side, their hands intertwined and despite the heaviness of the moment, a faint smile graces Carl's lips.

"You okay?"

"I don't want you to be sad after this," The woman tightens her grip on his hands, her expression a mix of sorrow and determination as she looks away for a fleeting moment. "Or angry. You have to keep your promise to me. And... you're gonna have to be strong. For dad. For our siblings. For yourselves. Be happy. You too, Michonne."

Michonne nods, tears glistening in her eyes as she swallows the lump in her throat. "I will," she whispers, her voice trembling with emotion.

Madeleine exhales softly, her gaze lingering on her brother's face as she absorbs his words. "Yeah," she murmurs, her tone heavy with unspoken grief.

"Don't carry this. Not this part," Carl insists, shaking his head ever so slightly. "You're my best friend, Michonne."

Michonne smiles down at the boy, a bittersweet expression crossing her features. "You're mine, too. You're mine," she assures him, her voice cracking with emotion.

"I feel betrayed. I thought I was ya'll's best friend," Madeleine feigns offense, a playful glint in her eyes as she leans in closer to her brother, offering him the water bottle and he takes a few more sips, his eyes flickering with gratitude.

"Glenn..." Carl's voice trembles with emotion, invoking a sharp pang in Madeleine's heart as she recalls her departed best friend. Memories flood her mind, both painful and bittersweet, as she grapples with the weight of loss. "He would've been proud of you."

A sad smile tugs at Madeleine's lips as she gazes at her younger brother, a mixture of pride and sorrow swelling in her chest. Tenderly, she presses a kiss to his forehead, her touch a gentle reassurance amidst the darkness that surrounds them.

"I love you, and I love Esperanza. I wish she was here." A tear escapes his eye, trailing down his cheek, and Madeleine instinctively reaches out to wipe it away, her touch light and comforting.

"Me too. I love you," she murmurs.

Carl's gaze locks with hers, his eyes searching as if trying to etch her features into his memory. "Do what's right," he implores, his voice steady despite the tears that threaten to overwhelm him.

As the last flicker of light fades, Rick approaches them, his presence a steady anchor in the darkness. Madeleine leans down once more, pressing a tender kiss to her brother's forehead, her heart heavy with the weight of impending loss. The three of them exchange knowing looks, silent acknowledgment passing between them as they brace themselves for the inevitable.

Carl's time is running short.


They trudge through the desolate streets of Alexandria, their footsteps heavy with exhaustion and grief, carrying Carl's limp form on a makeshift stretcher fashioned from a tattered blanket. The fires rage around them, casting flickering shadows that dance across their strained faces, but they pay no heed to the chaos that surrounds them.

"We need to stop," Carl insists, his voice strained with pain as he struggles to endure the agony that courses through his battered body. He can see the toll it's taking on all of them, the weariness etched into their features. "Mads, please," he pleads.

"The house up ahead. We can make it," Madeleine reassures him, her voice tinged with desperation. "We'll make it, please," she implores, her voice cracking with emotion.

"It's okay. Just put me down here," he murmurs, his eyes barely open as he surrenders to the relentless ache that gnaws at his body. "It's okay."

Rick's jaw tightens with determination, "No. We'll make it."

"Please," Carl begs, his voice barely a whisper as he struggles to hold on to consciousness.


They make their way through the chaos, navigating the rubble and flames until they reach one of the few buildings left standing. With careful hands, they help Carl inside, laying him gently on the ground as Madeleine kneels beside him, her heart heavy with emotion. She wipes his fevered forehead, a tear slipping down her cheek as she offers him a trembling smile.

Drawing his flannel around her shoulders, Madeleine finds solace in its familiar scent, a bittersweet reminder of him she'll never let go. They clasp hands once more, seeking comfort in each other's touch as Michonne settles beside them, a silent pillar of support in the face of tragedy. Meanwhile, Rick stands back, his expression a mask of anguish as he struggles to come to terms with the reality unfolding before his eyes.

"Thanks... for..." Carl's voice is strained with pain, each word a laborious effort as he struggles to find the strength to speak. His breath comes in ragged gasps, the weight of his injuries pressing down on him like a leaden weight. "For getting me here," he manages to say.

Rick's throat tightens as he crouches down before his son, his own heart breaking with every labored breath Carl takes. "I'm... I'm sorry," he stammers. "I-I just... I didn't... I didn't want you out there. I-I..." His words falter, lost in the tumult of his grief as he struggles to find the right words to express the depth of his anguish and regret.

"No. No... for getting me here. For... For making it so I could be who... Who I wound up," Carl's voice trembles, his words punctuated by shallow breaths as tears stream down Rick's cheeks. Madeleine's heart aches as she witnesses her father's anguish, and she reaches out, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Back at the prison... when we got attacked... there was a kid, a little older than me. He had a gun. He was... He was starting to put it down, and I-I s..." Carl's voice wavers, his confession heavy with remorse. "I shot him. He was... He was giving it up, and I... I just... I shot him. I think about him. What I did to him and how... How easy it was to just... kill him."

Madeleine shakes her head at his words. "Carl, I know how it feels but... we had to do things we do and don't regret. That's the price we have to pay. That's when we realize it isn't that easy after all," she explains, her voice tinged with sadness, even as she struggles to feel any guilt about the lives she has taken.

"What happened... what you'd lost..." Rick's gaze lingers on his son's features, as if committing them to memory, a silent prayer to never forget. "All those things you had to... All those things you had to do... You... You... You... You were just... You were just a boy."

"And you saw it. What it did. How... How easy it got. That's why you changed... why you brought those people from Woodbury in..." Carl's voice wavers, his gaze flickering between Rick and Madeleine as they share a silent exchange, their expressions reflecting a mix of sorrow and understanding as they listen to the young boy's words. "You brought them in, and we all lived together. We were enemies. You put away your guns. You did it so I could change, so I could be who I am now. What you did then... How you... How you stopped fighting... it was right. It still is." His eyes bore into Madeleine's, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness. "It can be like that again. You can still be like that again."

Rick's expression darkens, his jaw clenched with unresolved anger and grief. "I can't be who I was. It's different now."

"You can't kill all of 'em, Dad. There's gotta be something after. For you... and for them. There's gotta be something after," Carl argues, his gaze shifting between his father and sister, while Michonne listens intently. "I know... you can't see it yet... how it could be. But I have..." He smiles, his voice tinged with hope as he paints a vivid picture of the future in their minds. "You have a beard. It's... It's bigger... and grayer... Michonne's happy... Judith is older, and she's listening to the songs that I used to before... Mads and Daryl rescued this girl, and they take care of her like it's their daughter. Esperanza's in love," he continues, his words weaving a tapestry of possibility and redemption.

Madeleine's gaze falls to the ground at Carl's words, her heart heavy with emotion as his vision of the future washes over her. Emotions surge within her, threatening to overwhelm her as she grapples with the weight of they'll never be able to have.

"Carl, it was all for you and Mads right from the start," Rick interjects and despite the tears in his eyes, a small smile graces the corner of his lips as he speaks. "Back in Atlanta, the farm... Everything I did, it was for you two. Then, at the prison, it was for you, Mads, and Judith. It still is for all of you and Esperanza now. It's gonna be. And nothing... Nothing is gonna change that."

Carl's breath comes out in a ragged sigh, each exhale a battle against the relentless pain coursing through his body. "I want this for you, Dad."

Rick swallows hard, the lump in his throat nearly choking him as he struggles to find the words to respond. "I'm gonna make it real, Carl," he finally says. "I promise. I'm gonna make it real."

Madeleine steps forward, her hand reaching out to gently caress her brother's cheek. "We both will," she declares, her voice steady despite the tears that threaten to spill from her eyes.

"Carl..." Rick's voice trails off into a whisper as he locks eyes with his son, the weight of his guilt and regret heavy in his gaze. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you. A father's job is to protect his son."

"Love," Carl corrects with a small, wistful smile. "It's just to love." His gaze shifts to his older sister, a flicker of concern and affection shining in his eyes. "Mads, promise me you won't ever go back to be the person you hated."

Tears glisten in Madeleine's eyes as she nods, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'll be the way you always remembered me when you were young," she whispers, Carl reaches up, his hand trembling slightly as he wipes away her tears, and she grasps his hand tightly. "When you were a baby," she adds, her voice barely above a whisper as she leans into his touch, cherishing this moment.

"I never blamed you for leaving all of those years," Carl's voice is steady as both siblings keep their eyes on one another. "I knew you'd come back, and you did. I waited at the door patiently for you, and I'll do it again. But this time, I won't be alone," As Carl's hand drops from hers, he stares at her with a loving look passing between them. "Listen, you're my sister," Carl's voice softens, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. "And I always loved you, and I always will love you, even in death. I want you to smile when you feel sad, and laugh when you feel like crying. I'll be there, laughing and smiling with you. Read my letter when you can. Tell Judith about me."

"I will," Madeleine nods.

"Esperanza was right about destiny," Carl speaks with a bittersweet smile, his gaze lingering on Madeleine's face. "You came back to me at the right time, and you never left my side until the end. You saved me."

Madeleine's hand rests gently over his heart. "No, you saved me," she insists.

"You were more like a mother than a sister sometimes," he teases lightly, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes as he lets out a chuckle. Madeleine's laughter rings out, mingling with the sound of her tears as they cascade down her cheeks. "I still loved you for it. I have to leave for a reason, but like Esperanza believed, I know it will be for a good reason. I'm not scared, Mads."

Madeleine nods, her heart swelling with pride as she wipes away her tears, her gaze locked on him. "I know," she whispers, a proud smile gracing her lips. "You've become a brave young man. I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of you," Carl declares firmly, his smile genuine as he meets Madeleine's gaze. "You'll be the last one standing. I love you."

With a sense of finality, Carl reaches for the gun, and Madeleine's gaze drifts away, her chest tight with a mixture of pride and sorrow. Michonne shakes her head in silent disbelief, while Rick places a comforting hand on his daughter's shoulders.

Rick shakes his head slowly. "No. No," he murmurs, his voice choked with emotion.

Michonne's sobs punctuate the air as she struggles to find the words through her tears. "Carl... It... It... It... It should be..."

"I know. I know," Carl interjects, his voice steady despite the weight of his impending end. "Somebody you love. When you can't do it yourself. But I still can. I grew up. I have to do this. Me. I love you."

A sense of solemn acceptance settles over the group as Madeleine reaches out, laying her gun down on the ground beside her brother.

Michonne manages a tearful smile through her grief. "I love you, too," she whispers.

Carl turns his gaze to his father, his eyes shining with love and determination. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you, Carl. I love you so much," Rick's voice breaks as tears stream down his face, his words barely above a whisper. "I'll make it real. We will. We will."

"I love you, Captain Mads," Carl smiles.

"I love you, Captain Carls," Madeleine replies, her voice barely above a whisper as she leans down to press one final kiss to her brother's forehead.

With a heavy heart, she stands up, the weight of their shared sorrow pressing down on her as she leads the way out of the house.

They step outside the house as they emerge into the cold light of dawn. Rick sinks down onto the porch, his shoulders shaking with silent sobs as the morning light filters through the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape. Michonne remains standing by the door, her gaze fixed on the horizon as tears flow down her eyes, her shoulders shaking in pain of their shared loss.

With an empty expression in Madeleine's eyes, she strides towards the back of the church where graves of their fallen lay. She walks over to the back of the graves and she grabs the shovel, her hands gripping it tightly. The gunshot echoes through the air, causing Madeleine to flinch but her gaze remains cold as she digs to ground, each stroke of the shovel a painful reminder of the loss they've suffered.

As the hole deepens, Madeleine's heart breaks with every clump of dirt she tosses aside. Her knees grow weak, unable to support the weight of her grief any longer, and she collapses to the ground, her sobs wracking her body as tears mingle with the dirt on her cheeks. She had thought she could protect them, keep them safe from harm, but now all she can do is mourn the loss of the one she held most dear.

Rick and Michonne join her at the graveside, their movements heavy with grief as they lower the body into the ground. Rick sinks to his knees beside his daughter, pulling her into his arms as she sobs uncontrollably. The sound tears at his soul, a raw and primal expression of pain that mirrors his own.


Hey, guys, if you want to stay in contact add up my Discord, I've posted it on my message board : )


I'll be posting messages when chapters are out and if there are any changes to the schedule, any new TikTok's edit, and it's an open space for you to share any books recommendations, recommendations to the book, edits you'd want to see on TikTok and if I figure out I'll upload the edits to the Discord ; )

For now the next update will be on the Sunday, 5th of May. After that, I'll be back to updating twice a week (I'll be posting the days on my Discord, and hopefully soon I'll be updating 3 times a week)

This chapter was honestly really sad to write, it just got me thinking back to the first few chapters and how Carl and Madeleine were back then compared to their last few moments together.

I can say that Carl's letter is going to be heartbreaking to read as I felt so sad I nearly cried when I wrote it out 😩

Thank you for reading ❤️

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