Baby Mama

By harlayor1

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A teenage mother loses contact with her baby's father and had to go through an heartbreaking experience on he... More



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By harlayor1

Osas concluded she was going to try Ifeyinwa's idea on Raphael, that's probably the only way for her to get her sanity back and move on from the shackles holding her down since she was fifteen

Her stupid obsession with Raphael has made her life miserable, it's not like she has not met finer men or guys that are well to do asides Timothy she has had one or two serious admirers but something in the back of her head has registered Raphael to be perfect and even though he has reduced his high standards by being a complete jerk

She still looks forward to seeing him, watching his beautiful dimples pop everytime he tried to talk or smile, it's like a crazy infatuation

And on the common grounds osas and Ifeyinwa started getting closer

Osas knew she couldn't compete with super model Wendy with her perfect hourglass body shape. Osas was short struggling between 5'2 inches and even though she wasn't fat or on the big side she  still has a tummy that pops out of every body con dress like an overfed pig

Wendy's fashion sense is impeccable, she has her unique style and wears designer brands

Trying to compete with Wendy is rather impossible so she wasn't even going to head in that direction at all she was going to try a completely different approach

During the week their paths barely crossed, until Saturday morning when he showed up to pick Ivie. He was wearing sportswear and it looked like he just came out of the gym looking dapper

He only said two words to her and didn't even bother coming inside the house. Osas understood that this was going to take time so she was determined to fly gradually

After he left with Ivie osas was getting ready to receive her own visitors she had invited Ifeyinwa and Joyce to her house. They have been bugging her nonstop about coming to her apartment

Ify was the first to arrive not long after Raphael drove off with Ivie. Osas was glad she didn't meet them

"You are early. Like a whole hour early"

"I hope you don't mind but my shift ended this morning and I just thought it was better to come here instead of heading back to the mainland"

"Then you should have called "

"So sorry babes" she reluctantly let her in

"Oh my days. Osas you live here all by yourself"
Ifeyinwa was in awe of the size of the apartment

"Girl! Who is your sugar daddy coz this is top notch. You live in an estate, gosh this is beyond amazing "
She pace back and forth

"How did you do it babes Abeg show me the way"

"It's just God" osas said casually

"Ohh! Then God better pick my call soon coz me too I want this kind of miracle but whatever you're doing keep it up coz it's working for you "

Osas scoffs
"Abi o, so what can I offer you. I have not even started cooking yet "

"Oh am not in a hurry, you can take your time"

Ifeyinwa spent the next ten minutes obsessing about the house and osas was already regretting why she invited her

Thankfully Joyce arrived

"Are you expecting someone"

"Yes Joyce!"

"Which Joyce...."

"Same Joyce nah" osas opened the door and Joyce walked in and her countenance changed when she saw Ifeyinwa spreading herself on the couch

"Hi ify! It's been a while "

"Indeed" Ifeyinwa rolled her eyes and osas could tell something was wrong

"Your house is very lovely osas"

"Thanks babe hope it wasn't too hard for you to locate"

"No it wasn't "

"Do you want something to drink. Food is on fire"

"Anything cold pls"
Osas went to the kitchen and returned back to awkward silence

"Guys! Cmon what's going on. What's with the negative vibes "

"You didn't tell me Joyce was coming "

"Well technically this is my house and I can invite anybody I want but I don't get the weird energy I thought you guys are friends"

"Friends don't lie to each other"

"When have I ever lied to you Ifeyinwa. Just because I didn't tell you I was moving out doesn't mean I was trying to hurt you"

"Do you know she has not for once invited us to her new apartment and we are supposed to be friends"

"Maybe I've been busy"

"Oh pls! Don't gimme that. You just got up and left like you were going for a mini vacation. You didn't even think we deserve an explanation from you. Is that how you treat your friends, after everything we've been through together you just abandon us like that"

"I moved on with my life. Sorry you feel left out but that was not intentional"

Osas stayed quiet through their back and front
They needed to hatch it out but they were already yelling at each other and osas had to intervene

"Okay Guys! Calm down we don't need this right now. I invited you here so we can catch up and share happy moments "

"Sorry Osas but am not going to pretend like all is well to someone who has little or no regard for me"

"You can stop playing the victim ify. It doesn't suit you,  even if I was going to take a roommate it won't be you"

"You are nothing but a sly Joyce. A pretender, people will think you're incapable of hurting a fly with your innocent face and your gentle voice. I just wish I had known sooner"
She started packing her things inside the bag

"Ifeyinwa where are you now going" osas asked

"Am sorry osas, I can't stay here. This girl is pissing me off "

"Let us resolve this whole matter once and for all"

"Do you think am envious of you." She turned back to Joyce
"Truly I feel stuck but you of all people know how hard I worked to be able to afford the life that I want but it is not forthcoming "

"Then don't give up, don't let all your hardwork be in vain or life your life in comparison with others. I know what I had to live through before I could get myself a place like this. It didn't come overnight and it is not always sugar daddy as you all presume "

"I didn't mean to be rude to you ify. I don't know why I felt you guys weren't truly happy for me like you were contented with the fact that three grown beautiful women are stuck in one tiny room for years. That mentality sickens me and that's why I drifted away"

"I understand "

"So food is almost ready so you guys better erase all that negativity before I come back"
Osas said to lift the mood

They enjoyed the meal together and although they were still a bit rusty but all the mood was lighter before Ifeyinwa said goodbye and left the apartment

Osas shook her head after escorting Ifeyinwa to the gate

"Now what in God's name was that about"

"Girls can be very petty. Like I don't get it, I moved out of the tiny room we shared and you people have started spreading my gossip making me look like a betrayal "

"But did you really not tell them you were moving out"

"Honestly I was going to but at that time I was not in speaking terms with Ejiro and Ifeyinwa was hardly ever around. So I was moving my things little by little and then I told you about how I was considering asking one of them to come stay with me but I was unable to decide and when I spoke to my mom about it, she was completely against it, she said I wanted to turn my future husband's house into an hostel and that I can't just pick one out of two people that will create problems for me. So while I was indecisive I just laid back.
Then we attended the child dedication of our mutual friend, we were sitting at the table and they won't even talk to me then she started sighting some rude remarks and saying to our other friends that am two faced and am a betrayal, I got so pissed that I left the event and I have avoided their wahala since then"

"Now that I think of it this is happening because of me"

"No! You had nothing to do with it, they are obviously bitching about my progress and they'll get over it. Am sure she can't wait to share this with Ejiro maybe she even sneak a picture or two to show her"

"Well that's their business "

"How are you two even friends. I thought you hated each other"

"Well she's not that bad"

"I didn't say that, enough about her. Madam why aren't you at work today"

"Omo I want to rest jare. Their wahala is too much all those small small girls will just be talking to someone anyone"

"Osas you are going there to learn so you can start your own business. you don't need to get yourself involved with anyone else Abeg. Avoid drama it can reflect badly on your own brand"

"Oh you think I don't know that. Trust me am not looking for any trouble infact am minding my business besides I have other important things to worry about "

"Exactly! Leave the bee in the beehive"
She looked around
"Haha where's Ivie? I haven't seen her all morning"

"Her dad came to pick her up"

"Ohh so you guys don't share the same dad"
Osas eyes rolled to the back of her head and burst into laughter


"Girlfriend I need to tell you something "


Osas sighed
"Ivie is not exactly my sister. No be my mama born am. She's mine actually, I am her biological mother. Yeah she's my daughter not my sister "

Joyce gasped

"Wait! What? For real"


"Ivie is this tall" she demonstrated

"I know it's amuses me everyday"

"You are her mother....Wow!  and who is the father"

"Take a wild guess "

"Oh my goodness! You sneaky little Weasel. Why didn't you tell me sooner"

"It's not something that I share at all. Infact Ejiro doesn't know none of mother's sisters know that I have a child. It' was a well hidden secret"

"Wow! That's so brave of you" she pat her hand
"So is that why you came to Lagos to find him"

"Yeah! "

"And it wasn't a jolly ride""

"Tell me about it" she scoffs

"Wow! So you are a mother of an almost teenager. Who would have thought, Damn! You pluck those fruits very early babes"

"Too early but I don't regret it. It gave my life meaning"

"Well am happy that you are happy and this means that there is light at the end of every dark tunnel"


"I've got great news too."


"My passport is ready and visa application is now in process"

"Oh wow! That's amazing. I'm happy for you by Gods grace it will be approved with ease "

"Amen. So I'm very pumped and I can't wait for the breath of fresh air"

"I'm so happy for you Joyce"

"Thanks babe I'm practically jumping the gun but am so excited and I can't hide it"

"I understand "

"So your baby daddy. What's the relationship between you like. Is he still interested "

"He never was. So am afraid I've been sailing that ship on my own for a very long time"

Joyce pouts

"Now that you have clarity on that, what are you going to do"

"What can I do, it's not like I can force him to love him"

"Yeah but you're still in love with him"

"Sadly so."

"Have you tried to see if there's anything there maybe an old flame that needs a spark "

"He is engaged to someone else "

"Ouch! That sucks"
"But hey! You are still very young and beautiful. You may have a grown kid but you are still very much in the market and you just need to put yourself out there. The right man for you might be lurking around the corners"


"Why do you sound so calm"

"Oh coz a girl's gat to do what a girl has to do"

"I'm not even going to ask, as long as you are not putting yourself in harms way then it's fine"

"Ohhh there's no harm intended"
Just a couple of sexual frustration exerted....
She said to herself

Raphael had the whole day planned to spend time with his daughter. He picked her up from the house by 9am and they went out for breakfast at a nice fancy restaurant and out of excitement he ordered so much they could barely finish it

Then they went to a gaming center and engaged in series of games mortal combat, fast cars, soccer and temple run. They had so much fun time fly quickly while they were at it

So when they finally retired from gaming they stopped quickly for some ice cream and on their way back to his apartment

"Did you have fun today" Raphael asked

"Yeah I had so much fun thank you"

"No! Thank you for coming with me. Let's make this our Saturday ritual unlimited fun and games"

"I like that, will it always be like this "

"This and so much more, you and me baby "

"Where were you when aunty osas had me"

"Uhhm! My family relocated to the United states and that was where I finished my studies. My parents came back to Nigeria two years ago, my brother Ricky followed shortly to pursue his music career while I was still running a program back abroad"

"Do you like it here"

"Well everyone I care about is here and you know what they say... home is where the heart is"

"You know my best-friend jojo and her family traveled to New Orleans and she won't stop talking about it, of course I've seen what it looks abroad from movies but I think it makes people really happy when they are there "

"Hmm! That's because it's a thrilling adventure Don't worry very soon I'm going to take you there so you can see for yourself "

She smiled broadly
"Is this what having a daddy means"

"No sweetie! Well not quite like that. " he cleared his throat
"Having a daddy means you have one more person that you can count on for anything, someone you can rely on, someone to take good care of you and put your needs first"

"Hmmm! Okay"

"So are you going to help me unwrap this cookies"

"Ohhh No way! Am too full"

"But I bought them all for you"

"Can I take some home"

"Sure! They are all yours"
"So have you made new friends in school"

"Not really "

"Why not"

"They are all acting snubbish and they call me the new girl and I don't like being the new girl"

"Well your name is not that hard to remember "

"They are doing it on purpose "

"Don't worry it will pass soon and you're going to find someone nice enough to be friends with coz you are an amazing person "

"Thank you"
"Can we stop at a place where I can buy a pair of sunglasses?"

"You want sunglasses"

"No! Not for me" she opens her purse and brings out 5000 note

"I saved up some money do you think it's enough to buy something nice for aunty I mean my mommy tomorrow is her birthday "

"You mean osas"

"Yeah tomorrow is September 24th, you don't know her birthday "

Raphael pressed his lips together

"Why don't you write out everything you wish to buy for your mom and I'll get it for you"

"No my grandma in Warri says a gift is suppose to come from you no matter how small, It shows that you are thinking of that person and you want to show them how much you love them"

"Okay so you want me to use your money "


"No problem we should be able to get something nice with 5k"

"It's a lot of money"

"Yes it is. How did you save up so much"

"All the money that people randomly give me to buy chocolate I keep them in my small purse and pile them together"

"Well that's very thoughtful "

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