A King and His Queen (Tifa x...

Bởi Megoz7

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It has been years since Y/n had last seen his childhood friends. Now as an adult, he returns to his homeland... Xem Thêm

Ch.1: Reunion
Ch.2: Errand Boys and Girl
Ch.3: The Jessie Job
Ch.4: Tunnels, Tunnels, and More Tunnels
Ch.5: Mako Reactor 5
Ch.6: The Flower Girl
Ch.7: Wall Market Pt.1
Ch.8: Wall Market Pt.2
Ch.9: Spooks and Sewers
Ch.10: All Comes Crashing
Ch.11: Survivors
Ch.12: Before the Rescue
Ch.13: Into the Building
Ch.14: Upper Crust
Ch.15: The Lab
Ch.16: Destiny's Crossroads
Ch.17: New Horizons
Ch.18: The Calm Before...
Ch.19: ...The Storm
Ch.20: Together
Ch.21: Union (Nearly)
Ch.22: Headaches and Heartaches
Ch.23: Trial of Ramuh
Ch.24: Bust-a-Base

Ch.22: Trial of Titan

259 9 2
Bởi Megoz7

The sun was beginning to set, Y/n and Tifa stood up from the bench and made their way over to the Leville. Inside the lobby, Jared and Talcott stood talking to Iris and Yuffie before turning to the party that had all returned. "Prince Y/n! Welcome back!" Talcott greeted happily. "Your story came to a happy end." Ignis said, making the boy gleam with joy. "We owe you Talcott." Y/n added. "You're welcome." "Guess we should call it a night, right?" Prompto asked. The party agreed.

As Y/n made his way to the stairs, his head began to ache even more than usual. He groaned and within his mind's eye, he could see the brown eye of Titan before it flashed to the meteor and finished with Titan's standing beneath it. "Not again." Y/n groaned. Tifa and Gladio help Y/n remain on his feet. "What's wrong?" Iris asked with worry. "He'll be fine. Don't worry." Gladio said, trying not to worry Iris, Talcott, and Jared. "We oughta take a closer look to this so called Disc." "The viewpoint!" Prompot remarked. "We can check it out." "Perhaps we should hold it off until tomorrow." Nanaki suggested. "Cloud isn't in the best head space at the moment, and by looking on his majesty's, he's not doing too good either." "I agree." Added Aerith. "Maybe we should just rest up for the night and we can head to the viewpoint in the morning." "What do you think, Y/n?" Asked Ignis. Y/n whinced slightly as he rubbed his head. "Yeah. Think we should call it a night." "Then we all meet back here tomorrow."

Y/n and Tifa headed to their shared room. Barret, Nanaki, and Prompto shared one while Gladio and Ignis took another. Aerith's and Yuffie's room was occupied by Cloud, so Iris offered to share hers.

Y/n exhaled deeply as he laid back on the bed. Tifa sat on the edge and began to take off her boots and thigh high socks. "How are you feeling?" Tifa asked. Y/n placed a hand on his head and massaged it. "I feel dizzy. A bit nauseous." "Do wanna lay your head on my lap?" Y/n blushed. "W-What?" Tifa began to blush as well. "You don't have to if you don't want to. I just wanted to..." Y/n sat up and patted the space on the bed next to him. Tifa made her way over and rested her back on the head frame. Y/n slowly placed his head onto Tifa's warm lap and gave a relaxed sighed as he closed his eyes. Tifa smiled and began to run her hand across his smooth h/c hair. "How does that feel?" She asked. "It's nice." Y/n slowly opened his eyes and his blurred vision focused on Tifa's beautiful red eyes. Y/n couldn't help but smile. "What is it?" Y/n shook his head. "Nothing. Just... I'm glad that you're here with me. I... I don't know how I could've managed this without you." Tifa smiled. She began to lower her head and her lips met Y/n's. Their kiss was short, but sweet. Tifa opened her eyes and met Y/n's. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." She said soothingly. "I love you." Y/n said as he placed his hand on Tifa's cheek. She smiled, held his hand and responded. "I love you."

Cloud woke up early the next morning. With a soft groan, he rose to his feet and placed his sword onto the magnet on the back of his shirt. He exited the room and headed towards the lobby. Exiting the Leville, he made his way over to a nearby restaurant for breakfast. "Mind if I join you?" Asked Aerith as Cloud turned to her. "You sure that's a good idea?" Aerith tilted her head. "What do you mean?" Cloud looked at his hand which shook. He balled it into a fist. "I... I don't want to hurt any of you... especially not you." "Cloud..." "Lately, I feel like I'm not myself. I pisses me off that Sephiroth can just as easily trick me and I fall for it without a second thought. Yesterday, I heard him tell me that Tifa and Y/n were fakes... and you saw what happened. I think its the degredation that's affecting me." "You are stronger than Sephiroth, Cloud." The Ex-SOLDIER was taken aback by Aerith's words. "Even if you can't feel it or much less believe it... you are." Aerith took Cloud's hand and held it tight. "I believe in you." Cloud smiled.

Cloud and Aerith were soon joined by the others who wanted a hearty breakfast before heading to the viewpoint. They needed to be well prepared for what's to come. "So we head to the viewpoint to take a look at the Disc of Cauthess, what's the plan after?" Yuffie asked. "Not sure, really." Y/n replied. "Remind me, what is it that you see?" Asked Barret. "In my vision, I keep seeing Titan standing underneath the meteor." "Could it be that maybe Titan himself wants you to go there?" Nanaki suggested. "It could be a possibility." Ignis began. "It's not unheard of for one to receive such visions from the gods." "And with you being... you know... king of Lucis, it wouldn't be surprising that they want to speak to you directly." Added Aerith. Y/n picked at his eggs with a fork, having lost his appetite. "I just hope it's something good."

After finishing their breakfast, the party made their way over to the viewpoint. Upon arriving, they came across a strange man with red hair and wearing ragged black clothing; Ardyn Izunia.

"Greetings your majesty." The man greeted with a bow. "And you are?" Y/n questioned. The party became unsettled by the mysterious man. "Me? A man of no consequences. To you, a king, even less so." Y/n remained silent. Ardyn turned to towards the Disc of Cauthess. "Aren't nursery rhymes such curious things? Like this one: "From the deep, the Archaen calls. Yet on deaf ears, the god's tongue falls. The King made to kneel, in pain, he crawls." "So how do we keep him on his feet?" Asked Prompto. "You need only heed the call. Visit the Archaean and hear his plea. I can take you."

The party began to discuss while Ardyn hummed to himself. "We in?" Asked Gladio. "We can't trust this guy." Barret remarked. "We needn't trust him." Began Ignis. "But as it stands, we out number him." "If he tried anything, we can easily take him down." Cloud said. "Oh and do try and keep the party to a minimum." Said the mysterious man. "Could get dangerous." "He's trying to split us up." Yuffie gasped. "It's fine." Began Y/n. "Gladio, Iggy, are you guys in?" "Of course." "Yeah." "I'm coming with." Tifa announced. "As am I." Added Aerith. "Me too." Finished Cloud. "Then it's decided." Y/n turned to the others. "You guys hang back, is that cool with you?" "A little disappointed, I'll admit." Nanaki replied. "Not me!" Yuffie exclaimed. "We'll take on some contracts back here." Barret said. "See if we can't find any other royal tombs around." "Be safe on the road, Prompto." Ignis tossed the blonde the keys to their car. "You guys too." He replied.

Y/n, Tifa, Gladio, Ignis, Cloud, and Aerith approached red haired man as the others headed out. "I'm not one to stand on ceremony, but such an occasion calls for introduction. Please, call me Ardyn. Come with me to the car park. That's where I left my automobile. She's a dear old thing. Pales next to your Regalia, but she's never let me down." "How does he know that?" Tifa whispered to Aerith who shrugged. "So we take two vehicles, a convoy of sorts. Shall we?" The group stopped before the Regalia and a red vintage car. "Let us be off."

Ardyn entered his car while Y/n and the others entered theirs. "Just to be clear, this isn't a race, it is a chase." Ardyn warned from his car. "You're not to pass me. Lose sight of me, and you'll lose your way. And no tailgating. An accident would spoil the trip." "Alright, alright." Y/n sighed. "Let's hit the road." "As you wish. Drive safely now."

"I'd sooner not rely on him." Said Ignis. "He could be our only way into the Disc of Cauthess." Aerith remarked. "What's his Highness's opinion of this Ardyn?" Asked Gladio. "Don't really have one. He's nothing more than a creepy old dude to me." "He's hiding something." Commented Cloud.

"Y/n. How are the headaches?" Ignis asked. "Fine for now, but they come without warning." "Wouldn't wanna have one behind the wheel." Said Gladio. "Don't push yourself, okay." Tifa added. "I'll be fine."

They continued to follow Ardyn down towards a mountainous region. As the ride was silent, Y/n decided to turn on the radio. "Though I am still young, my blood is true." Said the voice of a young girl. "As my mother before me, I'll work to bring piece to one and all." "Is that... Luna?" Tifa asked Y/n. "That marked the ascension of the youngest Oracle in history." Announced the narrator. "Is it hard giving blessings?" Asked an interviewer. "It would be selfish of me to complain my burden, when so many suffer in wait. I hope they trust I will not rest until they all know solace." "The world watched on with worry and wonder as the young girl grew." Said the narrator. "I understand you have a message for us?" Asked the interviewer. "If you know of any who are bedridden, or unable to come to me, pray, send word, and I shall go to them." Replied the voice of a much older Luna. "I follow my calling. I will not halt my steps for anything else." The radio went silent once more. "She sounds... amazing." Tifa said. "The Oracle truly is a gift to us." Ignis remarked.

"Do you guys... do you guys think that maybe Luna can help with Cloud's condition?" Asked Aerith. "What now?" Pondered Gladio. Cloud told Ignis and Gladio about why he believes he attacked Y/n and Tifa and why he has sudden headaches. "It could be a possibility." Began Ignis. "The Oracle is a healer with abilities blessed from the the gods themselves." "Even if she could help Cloud, we don't even know where she is." Said Gladio. Cloud wasn't too optimistic. "Whose to say she even can help."

The road ahead was blocked by an Imperial blockade. "This better not be a setup." Y/n said as he pulled the Regalia up next to Ardyn's car. "Have I given you reason not to trust me?" "You're not very straightforward." Gladio replied. Ardyn simply chuckled.

"Hello! It's me! Be so kind as to open up!" Ardyn waved his hand. As if on command, the blockade's doors began to slide open. He turned to the party. "I may not look like much, but I do have some influence. Aren't you glad we came together? Your audience with divinity lies ahead." "Not coming in with us?" Asked Tifa. "I drop you at the Archaean's open door, and with that, bid you farewell."

Y/n drove passed the blockade and began to follow the rocky road ahead. "I've met some weirdos." Gladio sighed. "I hope we never meet that one again." Said Ignis. "Sure was cryptic about that nursery stuff." Aerith commented.

The road became to small for a vehicle, forcing them to continue on foot. The party entered a ruined area that looked similar in stricture to a royal tomb. "Is that what I think it is?" Tifa gasped. "Didn't expect to find a royal tomb here." Ignis remarked. "Would be a shame not to grab that power, eh, Highness?" Gladio questioned. "Course not." Y/n replied as he stepped beside the tomb and looked down at the greatsword.

"Blade of the Mystic." Tifa read the inscription. Y/n extended his hand over the blade and it began to levitate in an ethereal, crystalline light. The blade impaled Y/n's chest and burst.

The ground began to shake violently, causing the party to fall and stumble. "This one's huge!" Gladio warned. "GAH!" Y/n shouted in pain his head began to ring much more than before. The ground beneath them began to give way and collapse. Y/n was brought down and slid across the mountain side. He wasn't able to stop himself as he slipped off the mountain. "Y/n!" Gladio shouted as he caught Y/n's arm. "I gotcha!"

Y/n used his other hand to hold onto the ledge. "Come on! Pull yourself up!" Gladio pulled Y/n as he pulled himself up as well. The two panted as they stood on solid ground. The two heard rumbling nearby and Y/n's eyes widened. "Holy shit!"

Titan had erupted from the Earth below, holding the meteor on his hands and back.

"Damn. This is the Archaean?" Y/n gasped. "Seems we woke the big guy up." "He's trying to tell me something... but what?" Titan's booming voice echoed throughout the mountain. However he spoke in an language unknown to both Y/n and Gladio. "Y/n! You're okay!" Tifa shouted with relief. They looked down at the two from a higher level. "Thank heavens you're safe!" Added Ignis. "Is there a way back up!?" "No, but there's a path!" Replied Y/n. "Gonna see where it leads!" "You guys try and get down!" "Very well! We'll look for a way! Be careful!" "You too!"

Y/n and Gladio followed the path ahead which was completely scorched. Small embers danced around the terrain, making it hotter and hotter as they continued.

Aerith looked at Titan with the meteor in his hands. "This is... unbelievable." She said in disbelief. "This isn't a dream... right?" Tifa added. Aerith then grabbed her head and whinced pain. "You are a Cetra, are you not?" Questioned the voice of Titan. "I am. You know of us?" "Indeed I do. Never did I think I would see another." "I'm one of the last two remaining." "So I've been told. What brings you here?" "We're helping prince... uh... King Y/n answer your calling. If I may ask, what, exactly is he supposed to do?" "That is for him to know only. But if you wish to aid him, then better for him. As for you, we are aware of your defiance of fate." "Oh." "We are not happy about what you've done. What the King has done. However, HE has allowed the deviation to continue without our interference." "He?" "Bahamut. Those you've met have defied their fate and in turn, altered all of yours. This story is now written by your actions. Make them well." "Those we've met?"

"Aerith! Aerith!" Cloud cautiously shook Aerith awake. "What? What happened?" "You fainted." Said Tifa. "You were mumbling something about Bahamut and fate." "Oh. I didn't realize. Sorry for making you worry." "We should go find others." Said Ignis. "If the mountain continues to crumble, we'd do best not to be caught in it."

Y/n and Gladio continued down the fiery path. A flock of wyverns fled from the mountains. "They're on edge, let's not ruffle their feathers any more." Said Gladio. "Um, try shutting your beak." "Just offering sound advice." "Yeah, like a parrot in my ear." Gladio was sweating profusely. "Heat's making me woozy." Y/n wiped sweat from his brow. "How the hell does it get this hot? Feels like I'm about to combust."

The path ahead lead to a straight drop off the side of the mountain. "Damn." Y/n said as he looked down. "Over here." Gladio waved towards a small ledge they could creep through. "No room for error here." Gladio began to hug the side of the mountain as he took slow side steps. "No room to chill either. Make it quick." Y/n said as he followed. "Just want this to be over." A loud rumble erupted from the mountain as it quaked. "Temors! Hang on!" Gladio yelled as he used his hand to hold Y/n in place. Y/n then groaned. "Ugh. My head." "Again? Of the all times. Let's hurry the hell across." Y/n continued to groan as the ringing in his head continued as well. "Y/n, you doing alright?" The mountain rumbled once more. Gladio grunted. "What now?" A plateau ahead of them crumbled as the massive hand of Titan punched through. "Hey Titan!" Y/n shouted. "What's the big idea!?" "Save it! Get to solid ground first!" "Faster!" Y/n shouted in panic as he clutched his head. "Calm down. I'm going as fast as I can." Titan's hand kept coming up and down, as if the Archaean was trying to swipe at them. "Almost there!" Gladio informed. A rumble caused Y/n to lose his footing, however Gladio was able to catch him and swing him towards solid ground. Gladio jumped to Y/n's side just as the ledge crumbled. "If that's his welcome, hate to see how he treats his intruders." Gladio helped Y/n to his feet. "You wanna talk? So do I." The young King remarked sarcastically." "Glad the feelings mutual." Gladio responded with an eye roll. Let's move."

They followed the path ahead, sliding underneath a low hanging rocky ridge. "Ugh. I'm sick of this endless walking." Y/n groaned as he stumbled. Gladio suddenly grabbed Y/n by his collar. "And I'm sick of your endless whining!" He snapped. "Calm the hell down!" "Get off my back." "Are you a man of royal blood or aren't you?" "Of course of I am!" Y/n pushed Gladio off. "I couldn't forget if I tried! What about about it?!" "I ain't saying you've forgotten, but you gotta know something: you're not the only one who's having a tough time. We're all on edge. We Amicitia are the king's sworn shields. Guard the kings with our lives. That's the way it's always been. I've embraced my duty. And I take pride in it. When you can't focus, I focus for you. It's my job, so let me do it, alright?" Y/n nodded. "Alright."

Y/n followed Gladio as they continued forward. "Sorry, but I had to get it out. Come on." "Hey Gladio. Your dad... I'm grateful to him." "Just doin' his job." Y/n's phone began to ring. "Hmm? Isn't that your phone?" Y/n took it out and answered. "Ignis." "You're safe." Ignis's voice said, although it was difficult to understand due to the poor connection. "Listen, Imperial troops are near." An Imperial fleet quickly flew into view of the two. The call then cut off. "Damn it. Got cut off. And it looks like we're about to deal with Imperial company." "About to get even hotter in here."

Y/n and Gladio reached a point were soldiers and Axemen stood in position. Titan was in fill view of the scene and he began to speak in his language. Y/n conjured the Sword of the Wanderer. "Let's test these out. HAH!" Y/n roared as he split the sword in half, forming two small swords. He threw them forward and engaged the squad. Y/n quickly cut down two riflemen my slashing their chests. An Axemen tried to conjure Aero to send Y/n off the mountain, but before it could fire, Gladio cut the machine's arm off before slicing it in half with his Hardedge. Three riflemen began to open fire, but Y/n combined the two swords and used them to deflect the bullets. Gladio launched a Lightning spell that destroyed the machines. Two Axemen charged with their weapons. Y/n phased through the attack and drove the blade into its chest. Gladio shielded himself before upper slashing the Axemen and kicking it off the mountain.

"Hey! I'm here!" Y/n called to Titan. He began to speak to Y/n as the King's head began to ring once more. "What the hell is it you want? Quit screwing with my head!" Titan pulled his arm back before balling his hand into a fist. "Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Y/n's eyes widened as Titan punched the mountain, destroying the ground beneath Y/n, sending him falling. Y/n was able to catch himself by warping towards solid ground. Y/n was now able to take in the full view of Titan. The Archaean began to lift his massive foot. "Looks like I've got no choice."

Titan brought his foot down onto Y/n, however the King conjured the Blade of the Mystic and using his full strength, he was able to stop the appendage from crushing him. "GRRRRAAAAHHHH!!!" He roared, pushing the foot off. "Oh, man." Titan brought his foot down once more and Y/n was able to catch it again. "Y/n!" Gladio yelled as he dove to push Y/n away. "Are you alright?" "I owe you one." "This ain't gonna work. We gotta run."

Y/n and Gladio rushed up the mountain as Titan threw punch after punch at the pair. "Watch out!" Warned Gladio as Titan slammed his hand onto the ground beside them. "Don't stop! Run!" Titan began to slide his hand across the ground behind them, destroying the path. Y/n and Gladio dashed forward, not daring to look back. "I'll hold him, get clear!" Y/n slid underneath Gladio strike as he managed to hold back the massive palm. "Gladio!" "Hurry! I can't keep this up!" Y/n was hesitant, but he warped over towards another side of the mountain.

Titan drew his hand forward and swiped at Y/n who blocked his attack with the blade. "HAAAAHH!!" Y/n roared. Titan brought his hand down again, and once more was parried by Y/n's efforts. Deciding to take the offense, Y/n conjured the Sword of the Wise and warp striked Titan's incoming fist. The two collided, but Y/n was overpowered, sending him crashing back down to the mountain.

Y/n grabbed his shoulder as he stumbled to his feet. "I'm not gonna take any more of this crap!" Titan brought down his palm and Y/n used the Blade of the Mystic to slam it onto the ground. Y/n then began to attack the Titan's hand with a series of slashing. Titan brought his hand back and began to slide it across the ground to push Y/n off, however he managed to phased through the hand with perfect timing. Y/n held the blade forward and three beams of blue energy shot from the blade. The beams collided with Titan's face and exploded upon impact.

"It's Y/n!" Shouted Tifa as they arrived at the scene. "He's fighting Titan!" Cloud gasped. The four watched in awe as their friend and partner was locked in combat against one of the Six. Magitek Engines flew over head. "Guess we're gonna be fighting them!" Aerith pointed at a fleet of Imperial soldiers who arrived with canons. Gladio joined the four. "Are you alright, Gladio?" Ignis asked. "I'm good, but we gotta take these guys down. Can't let them interupted Y/n and Titan."

Cloud, Tifa, and Gladio charged the soldiers who fired canons onto the battlefield. Tifa lept onto Cloud's sword as the blonde launched Tifa into the air. The martial artist flew back down onto the Earth with a powerful dive kick, sending the soldiers flying the canons rolling. Two Axemen tried to attack Tifa, but Cloud impaled one as Gladio sliced another. Aerith used her staff to send beams of magic that pierced through the incoming riflemen. Ignis covered Aerith from the incoming Axemen who tried to attack the mage.

Titan slammed his fist back down onto Y/n, but this time he warped to a safe space and used the Swords of the Wanderer to continuously slash the arm. Titan lifted his hand tried to slam his foot. Y/n caught it with the Shield of the Just in one hand. He conjured the Sword of the Wise and imapled the foot. Y/n rolled away and used the Axe of the Conqueror to slam down his toe. The Archaean tried to crush Y/n again, but he managed to phase through and used the Scepter of the Pious, which took the form of the serrated greatsword. Y/n brought down the Scepter and revved the engine, making the blade slice Titan's rough flesh. Titan roared with fury as he threw a punch that landed, sending Y/n flying across the ground and into the side of the mountain.

Tifa kicked an Axeman's chest and followed up by uppercutting it's chin. Cloud slashed the chest of another and thrusted forward, imapling through a third. Gladio bashed a fourth and slammed his sword onto a fifth. Ignis threw his daggers into the faces of two incoming Axemen before using a Fire spell to incinerate two more. Aerith launched a powerful Lightning spell that burst through a squad of riflemen.

Y/n recovered just in time to parry another punch. Y/n launched energy beams from the Blade of the Mystic and used the third beam to warp into the air. "Getting sick and tired of your punches!" Y/n shouted as he casted a Blizzard spell that completely encased Titan's arm in ice. "IT'S OVER!!!" Y/n roared as he lifted the blade over his head and swiped down, shattering Titan's arm.

Titan dropped to his knees and held onto the ground with his stubbed arm. "Y/n! Are you okay?" Tifa asked as she rushed to his side, wrapping him in a tight hug. "Yeah." Y/n smiled as he returned the hug. "I'm glad you guys are too." Party was once again reunited. "Does this mean it's over?" Asked Gladio.

The mountain began to rumble even more violently than before. "What is he doing!?" Ignis questioned as they struggled to stay on their feet. "What's he saying?" Cloud asked Aerith. "He says: "You have proven yourself, young King. Go forth with my blessing so that fate could be written by your hands." "You could understand it?!" Y/n questioned.

Titan began to roar as a yellow light began to swirl around his body. The light circled around Y/n as well and he yelled as he received another vision. He could see Luna confronting Titan. "That was... Luna. You spoke with her?!" Y/n asked the Archaean. The yellow light engulfed Titan, as well as the meteor, and shone greatly throughout the mountain, creating an explosion that brought down the Imperial dreadnought and engines.

"Where did they go?" Tifa asked as the Titan and the meteor were no where in sight. The mountain began to quake as geysers of lava shot into the air from the ground below. "Doesn't get much worse than this!" Gladio grunted as he dodged a geyser. "Aerith!" "Huh?" Cloud pulled Aerith away from a geyser. "How do get out!?" Y/n asked.

A Magitek engine began to descend as the rear doors opened. "The Empire? Now?" Ignis said in frustration. "Fancy meeting you here!" Ardyn waved from inside the engine. "It occurs to me I never formaly introduced myself! Izunia... Ardyn Izunia!" "Imperial Chancellor Izunia!?" Ignis gasped. "At your service! And more importantly, to your aid! I guarantee your safe passage! Though you're always welcome to take your chances down there! Buried among the rubble, is it!?" "Dying here is not an option." Said Ignis to the party. "We have no choice, Y/n." Y/n hated the idea of going with Ardyn, but to ensure the safety of everyone, he agreed. "I know." Reluctantly, the party boarded the engine as it began to fly over the erupting mountain.

Y/n felt his body much stronger and aware. This new surge of energy made him feel as if he could move mountains. He had received the Mark of the Archaean.

Royal Arms Aquired:
The Sword of the Wise
The Axe of the Conqueror
The Shield of the Just
The Scepter of the Pious
The Swords of the Wanderer
The Blade of the Mystic

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