I Found Home

By Mary444Jackson

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Hannah : you don't get to talk or even breathe next to that woman . Kane : She works with me , how am I ... H... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 8

380 17 14
By Mary444Jackson


Am I an idiot ?

Probably .

Do I have a problem ?

Definitely .

What's my problem ?


Truly and honestly I still can't figure out what the hell possessed me to say these things to Hannah that day . I'm truly grateful she didn't complain about it to anyone . Not even after the principal gave her detention for avoiding meeting him and called her mom to discuss her behavior . Which is really weird . I don't know why did she refrain from exposing me , but whatever the reason , it can't be more than pity for a foolish man like me .

She's rich , like all my students . They all see us as servants at their feet , maybe even her , only she is more tolerant of stupid mistakes than others .

Hannah kept attending my classes as if nothing happened , as if we didn't have that conversation at all , as if my words and my pathetic admission were barely a joke .

How I wish that was the case !

Otherwise I wouldn't have snapped at her for not focusing in class for a second . We're humans after all and I get that no matter how much we need to concentrate on certain things , we can't help letting our minds slipping away once in a while too . Hannah was fascinated by the snow falling down on our town . To her it might be fascinating , but to us the habitants , we know how cruel that sight can turn .

The thing that got me over the edge was no other than the way she was chewing on her pen , unaware of the affect that small gesture had on me . I kept glaring at her just to give the impression to the others that I am angry at her for not paying attention . But that wasn't the case . I was infuriated by how she could sit there , look so adorable and act nonchalant while my heart jumps at the mention of her name .

Which is why I had to get her out of my class at all costs , so I started acting like a jerk and looked for any reason to send her out of my class for the last few days , earning a glare or a confused look from her , depends on her mood . And since her mood is almost always grumpy , I mostly get a glare .

Today again, here we are in a new day . Hannah , being the stubborn girl she is , has started sitting front row , participating more often in class and never letting her mind focus on anything but the lessons . I will never admit it out loud , but having her this close makes me feel as though standing near a chimney.

The girl is trying to prove that she cares about the subject I teach . I figured much when I read her first essay . It was marvelous to say the least . Hers and Paget Baldwin's have impressed me a lot .

Quite a friend Hannah found for herself .

I won't mention Iker because he apparently is only friends with Paget but expecting more from Hannah . Just the way he scares away the other boys from around her , always trying to make her laugh , which he does a good job at , tells a lot about his true feelings for her . She seems more at ease around him and Paget , but only around them . Yes she is nice to all her classmates , but never really seems to like them , just puts up with them since they share a class together .

« Stealing is wrong but starving can be painful enough to push people to do anything they could to stop it . »

« Well , people who starve are those who can't get themselves to find a proper job to support themselves . »

I watch the back and forth between Hannah and Lily Madden . Both of them are one of my brilliant students , especially that Hannah is now trying her best to stay in my class despite all . Hannah looks back at the girl , glaring at her .

« Why is that , you think ? »

Lily shrugs , brushing her bangs behind her ears and twirling strands of her red hair in her finger . « Their laziness , probably . Or the lack of interest in putting an effort to earn ... »

« What if they were willing to put an effort but found no opportunity to prove themselves ? »

For some reason , the subject bothers Hannah a lot more than it should . It's almost as if she is taking it on a personal level .

The red haired girl gives me a strange look before averting her eyes back to Hannah .

« Still it isn't right ... »

« It isn't right to steal for appeasing your hunger or covering your shivering body after the society threw you to death and blamed you for it , is that right ? »

A very odd silence falls over the class . I watch the brunette offended student as she glares back at Lily , whose face has a red hue over her cheeks as everyone eyes her and Hannah . I clasp my hands together , adjusting my glasses together and shaking my head trying to avert their attention from this moment .

« I believe both sides have different ... »

« She hasn't answered my question , Mr Oliver . » Now she is taking it too far .

« That wasn't our subject in the first place , so I don't think she is forced ... »

« Well I believe ... »

« Interrupt me one more time and you're out . » I say with a calm edgy tone . She has surpassed her limits this time . I mean what is wrong with her suddenly ? She grits her teeth then looks down as she starts gathering her stuff .

« I thought we express ourselves here . I won't stay in a class where I am being shut down because I am speaking of an important cause . »

« Miss Floris ... » My voice raises for a pitch higher as I speak to her in a warning tone . But she doesn't look back as she heads towards the door , stomping out of the room leaving students around laughing and joking about it , making chaos out of all the situation .

If she thinks anyone is going to chase after her , she's wrong . Even with the discomfort in her face , Paget just stayed put with her lips pursed as her friend walked out of here like a blind angry bull .

We continue our class and once the bell rings , Paget Baldwin walks to my desk slowly and hesitantly . Unlike Hannah , Paget is quite ... feminine . I'm not being rude but it's the truth . Which makes my case worse since the girl literally puts no effort in her looks yet managed to make me feel all the wrong ways about her . There is something about her , something I couldn't get my hands on yet , probably because she is the most mysterious girl I have ever met .

« Mr Oliver , trust me she is just ... »

« It isn't your job to defend her , Miss Baldwin . » I say as I pretend to be busy with a book in my desk .

« No it isn't , but it's my duty as a friend . » She looks down then back at me . « Trust me , she is not a bad person . »

« Nobody said she is . » I look up at her .

Paget holds eye contact with me for a second before looking down again , arms crossed around her chest as she murmurs calmly . « Then why do you seem to hate her , Mr Oliver ? »

I try not to show any reaction as I remove my glasses and put them on the desk , leaning forward to speak . « Miss Baldwin , I get that you are worried about your friend , but it doesn't mean you can make assumptions about me based on nothing . »

« You always try to find a lame excuse to kick her out of class . » Paget says with a deep scowl as she looks up at me .

Was I that obvious with that though ? « I believe you have another class afterwards , you better hurry Miss Baldwin . »

I stand up and sign for the door . The girl nods and starts walking away with narrowed eyes and pursed lips, leaving me behind in a tornado of thoughts , slaughtering my mind with the intensity and gravity of my current position . If Paget noticed the tense situation between me and Hannah then who else did ? I sit back down rubbing my eyes together , trying to come up with a solution for all of this mess , that started out of nothing .

By the end of the last period , I walk out of my class and towards the parking lot , grabbing my bag and wearing my heavy fury coat to shield my body from the coldness of Tolom .

Before I reach the door leading down to the parking garage , a voice calling out for me startles me , I turn around and I am met by a pair of brown eyes , with wrinkles at the sides .

Hannah's mother , whom I only saw once at the Halloween party , walks towards me with a small smile , clutching a small bag while the sound of her heels echoes in the empty hallway around us .

When she reaches me , she extends a hand to me hesitantly .

« I hope you remember me , Mr Oliver . » She says as I shake her hand and nod .

I notice there is no ring in her finger , that and the lack of appearance of a man besides her or Hannah makes me wonder whether Hannah has a father or if she lost him long ago . I didn't think of it much to go look into her file but I might soon , that could be the reason why she looks so closed on herself .

« Mrs Floris . » I say with a forced smile .

She must be here for her daughter .

After Hannah left my class she went back home , which is something contradictory to the school's rules of discipline . The principal called me afterwards to discuss the matter , he himself seemed frustrated with Hannah . Although I was mad at her , I felt like I wanted to gut him out for speaking of her that way, as if she was a poisonous germ . He stated that he called her mother and that they will make a decision about Hannah's punishment based on my opinion . The principal wants her suspended for a week or so and I still have no idea if I want that . Not until I find out why she was so bothered and angry that she acted this way .

« Miss Floris , please . »

I nod .

So Hannah took her mother's last name since apparently Miss Floris isn't married . I doubt Hannah even knows who her father is if she was conceived out of marriage as I suspect .

« Pardon me for bothering you , but I am a mother and I am here for my daughter . »

« I figured . » I reply calmly . « Miss Floris has ... »

« I know my daughter is having issues adapting to this new environment . » She pauses after interrupting me . What's with that love of theirs for not allowing others to finish their sentences properly ? « And I know that she wasn't at her best behavior around you , Mr Oliver but I can assure you, Hannah is a very diligent girl . She takes her study more seriously than most of the kids her age , she just ... » The woman before me stops and sighs . « She has been through a lot . »

« It's life , Miss Floris . There isn't one of us that hasn't got his share of its callousness , yet we all cope with it . »

« I'm not saying her actions are right , all I am saying is that she deserves a chance to maybe make things right . »

I stare at her for a beat longer before finally speaking . « How ? »

She smiles , almost her daughter's same smile .

Scratch that , unfortunately Hannah's smile is too unique to have a duplicate .

« I would love to have you for dinner with us tonight , Mr Oliver . If you get to know my daughter well , perhaps you might start over on the right foot this time . »

I blink at her once before I open my mouth to speak . « I don't think ... I am sorry but I can't ... »

She is trying to make me see that Hannah is not the brat spoiled girl everyone thinks she is now , plus she too suspects I have set my eyes on her girl to make her year a living hell . I'm not that type of teachers who choose one particular student to torment just for fun , but unfortunately I am acting like one lately , especially with Hannah . I actually should accept the invitation , if only to erase any doubt she has about the matter , but I don't think being around Hannah now would be a good idea .

« Please . The principal is already eager for her suspension ... I don't want this to happen ... I don't want it to stain her good records and affect her future . Hannah was never suspended so please ... reconsider my offer ... »

I let out a heavy exhale . She sounds worried and desperate , her soft eyes nothing like the sharp ones of her daughter , her face looks tired and wrinkly , adding years to her actual age probably .

I have to stop comparing her to her daughter .

Hannah indeed has an amazing school record according to her other teachers . She is Miss Lang's favorite student , stating that Hannah would make an excellent doctor or physician one day . The girl is intelligent and serious , however she has a very bad temper . But then again she's still young and allowed to make foolish mistakes .

However I am not allowed to do so , yet here I am nodding as I follow after the short skinny woman towards her car , about to commit a very big and bad mistake yet can't do anything to stop it .

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