I 💙 spectrum (Hazbin Hotel x...

By Puppet198463

164K 2.4K 3.7K

Autism is a complex neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication, social interaction, and behavior... More

Harem + More bio
Harem addition's
That's Entertainment
Harem addition. Again
Full harem
Radio Killed the Video Star
Scrambled Eggs
Dad beat dad
Welcome to Heaven
Hello Rosie!
The Show Must go on
Spin off?
Trivia + Future
Thank you
At all cost
For a moment
Sick leave
Season 2 leak
Steamboat Y/N
Clothes swap
A Y/N production
Quick question
Need this feeling
For Forever
Von Eldritch
Y/N's work
One we don't talk about
Shoutout page


2.4K 44 18
By Puppet198463

Takes place between Hello Rosie and The Show must go on!

In his room, Y/N sat deeply focused, his brow furrowed in concentration. The issue of managing his relationships felt like a puzzle with too many pieces, each shaped differently than he expected. He reached for his notebook, where he often sorted his thoughts more clearly through lists and diagrams.

He began to categorize his feelings and the expectations of each person in his life, sketching out simple flowcharts: arrows pointing from emotional needs to ways he might meet them, circles around names connected by lines of different thickness representing the strength and nature of each bond. His methodical approach helped him break down the complex social interactions into smaller, more manageable parts.

Y/N: If I spend more time with one, the others might feel left out.


Meanwhile, Angel Dust lounged at the bar, idly twirling a cocktail umbrella between his fingers while Husk expertly mixed drinks. Nearby, Niffty dashed around, her movements a blur as she energetically crushed bugs with a needle.

Angel Dust: You know, I'm a little worried about Y/N. He's been dating Velvette, Cherri Bomb, Charlie, and Vaggie for weeks now, and they're dragging him all over the the place. Seriously, they've been dragging poor Y/N all over the place. I mean, come on, Velvette's got him bouncing from one end of the city to the other, Cherri's got him wrapped around her finger at clubs, Charlie's got him on these romantic dates, and Vaggie's... well, Vaggie's got him doing who knows what, but you get the idea. I'm surprised Y/N hasn't gotten...what's the word for when autism get overwhelmed?

Husk: Sensory overload.

Just then, Velvette walked in.

Velvette strutted into the lobby, phone pressed to her ear as she announced her plans.

Velvette: Yeah, Vox, I'll call you back. I've got a date with Mr. Man of the Hour.

She chirped into the phone, barely pausing as she glanced around the lobby. Spotting Angel Dust and Husk at the bar, she gave them a quick wave before strutting over

Velvette: Hey? Angel. You or...whatever your name is, seen Y/N. We've got big plans tonight!

Angel Dust: You gonna start another prono with him in it?

Velvette: No. For fuck sake. You ever gonna let that go.

Angel Dust: No.

Velvette grumbled.

Velvette: For your information, I'm taking him out to dinner and then a movie.

Just then there was an explosion at the wall. Cherri Bomb walked in.

Husk: We have a door!

Niffty: My windows!!!

Cherri: And I have my bombs. So, where's the lucky guy?

Velvette: Who?

Cherri: Y/N. My boyfriend.

Velvette: What?! I was already going on a date with him.

Cherri: Well I asked him out last week.

Charlie and Vaggie descended the stairs. Charlie was dressed in a flowing dress, while Vaggie was dressed more casually.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, they exchanged glances with Velvette and Cherri, sensing the tension in the air. Vaggie's expression was guarded, while Charlie wore a gentle smile, attempting to diffuse the situation.

Charlie: Oh? Cherri. Velvette. What are you two doing here?

Velvette: Bomb bitch here seems to think she's got a date with Y/N tonight.

Cherri smirked, unperturbed by Velvette's demeanor.

Cherri: That's because I do.

Charlie: Wait? We had a date with him tonight.

Velvette, Cherri, Charlie, and Vaggie exchanged puzzled looks, each vying for clarity in the situation.

Vaggie: Who asked him out first?

Cherri: I asked him out last week.

Velvette: But I asked him out earlier today.

Charlie: Me and Vaggie asked him out three days ago.

Angel Dust: Looks like Y/N's got quite the lineup tonight.

Husk: It finally happened! The four of you have been dragging him around by his pants for months. It's no fucking surprise he finally got confused.

Velvette: Confused? How can he possibly confuse me with any of you?

Vaggie pulled out her spear.

Vaggie: What's that supposed to mean?

Velvette: How could he confuse me with a walking firework show, angst trap, and clown town?

Cherri and Vaggie looked insulted and Charlie was speechless.

Vaggie: At least I didn't use Y/N to make a porno!

Velvette: Why you little!

Angel Dust, Husk, and Niffty got behind the bar.

Before any fighting could happen, Y/N entered the room, his eyes widening as he took in the sight of Velvette, Cherri, Charlie, Vaggie, Niffty, Angel Dust, and Husk all gathered together.

Y/N: Oh...hello...

He glanced around the room, his gaze flitting from one person to the next as he struggled to comprehend the tense atmosphere.

Charlie stepped forward, a warm smile gracing her features as she approached Y/N.

Charlie: Hey Y/N.

She gently squeezed his hand in reassurance.

Y/N returned the smile, albeit hesitantly. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

Husk: So, Y/N, seems like your fan club all want to see you.

Y/N: Fan club?

Angel Dust chuckled, shooting Y/N a knowing grin.

Angel Dust: Yeah, buddy. When you were planning your latest date. There might have been a little...mishap.

Y/N's cheeks flushed pink at the attention, his gaze darting nervously around the room. He shifted uncomfortably, unsure of how to respond to the sudden influx of scrutiny.

Y/N: Oh no...

Cherri stepped forward, a mischievous glint in her eye as she regarded Y/N.

Cherri: So, Y/N, which one of us is lucky enough to have a date with you tonight?

Y/N's eyes widened in alarm, his mind spinning as he tried to process Cherri's question. He stammered for a moment, struggling to find the right words to articulate his thoughts.

Y/N: Um, well, I, uh... I didn't realize... I mean, I didn't know...I must have...uh...oh boy...

Charlie stepped in, sensing Y/N's discomfort. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile.

Charlie: It's okay, Y/N. We all just want to spend some time with you, that's all.

Y/N nodded, his expression softening as he looked at Charlie.

Y/N: Oh. Okay, yeah, that sounds... that sounds nice.

Y/N shifted uncomfortably under the scrutiny of the group, feeling a wave of anxiety wash over him. He hesitated for a moment, his mind racing as he tried to come up with an explanation that wouldn't make him feel even more self-conscious.

Y/N: I, uh... I actually made a small schedule for, um, dating...to help.

He trailed off, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he avoided making eye contact with anyone.

Charlie's eyes widened in surprise, and she exchanged a knowing glance with Vaggie.

Charlie: A schedule? What kind of schedule?

Y/N swallowed nervously, his heart pounding in his chest.

Y/N: It's just, uh... it's just something I thought might help me, you know, keep track of, um, dating. But, um, I don't really want to talk about it in front of, um, everyone...

Angel Dust: Ah, gotcha.

Cherri: No need to spill all the details if you're not comfortable with it.

Velvette: I'd personally like to see your schedule.

Y/N hesitated for a moment before reluctantly handing over the schedule to Velvette, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment as he did so. Velvette eagerly scanned the list, her eyes widening in surprise as she took in the details.

Charlie: Monday

Vaggie: Tuesday

Cherri: Thursday

Velvette: Friday

And the girls take turns on Saturday's.

Y/N: I'm still working on some parts. But I'm willing to change some parts of you want me too.

Velvette: Wow, Y/N. You really did plan this out, didn't you?

Y/N nodded nervously, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

Y/N: Yeah, um, I thought it might, um, help things go more, uh, smoothly...and avoid fighting.

Charlie glanced over Velvette's shoulder at the schedule, her expression thoughtful.

Charlie: It's actually pretty organized. I can see how this might make things easier for you, Y/N.

Y/N smiled and held Charlie's hand.

Cherri: So what are we gonna do tonight? You got four lucky ladies who all want to date you. And it's Saturday.

Y/N had to think about that for a minute.

Y/N: Hum...it's 6:30 now. I think I can date you all tonight.

Velvette: Yay!

Velvette jumped to Y/N, wrapped her legs around him and kissed him.

The spontaneous kiss from Velvette sparks a visible reaction among the other girls. Charlie tries to mask her surprise with a polite smile, though her eyes flicker briefly with disappointment. Vaggie's eyebrows raise, a clear sign of her surprise, and Cherri crosses her arms.

Velvette: Mind if we do something first, babe? I promise I'll be a good girl~.

Y/N: Uh,...sure.

Vaggie looked like she was about to stab Velvette. Cherri reached for a bomb.

Velvette: Looks like I'm first in line tonight, huh? Don't worry, girls, I'll make sure to leave some fun for the rest of you.

He then proceeded to go on a date with all his girlfriends.

From 6:35 to 8:00

Y/N and Velvette arrived at the fashion show just in time for the opening act, where models strutted down the runway in the latest designs. Velvette eagerly pointed out her favorite outfits, while Y/N admired the craftsmanship and creativity on display. After the show, they headed to the mall, where they browsed through various shops, trying on clothes and accessories.

Velvette dragged Y/N into a trendy boutique, where they spent some time picking out new outfits for each other to try on. Velvette ended up getting a pink jacket, and a form-fitting red dress with a plunging neckline, accentuating her curves.

They indulged in some sweet treats at the food court, enjoying ice cream sundaes while chatting about their day.

Velvette listened to him talking about Superman The Animated Series, Fox Studios, and Sony Pictures. He talked about his favorite ships in the DCAU such as Batman x Wonder Woman, Livewire x Parasite, Batgirl Nightwing, and Fire x Flash.

She then took him to a shop where Y/N got a couple DVDs. Classic Cartoon Favorites: Starring Mickey. Classic Cartoon Favorites: Starring Goofy.

From 8:00 to 9:30

Y/N and Cherri Bomb kicked off their date by exploring the city's graffiti-laden streets, armed with cans of spray paint.

Cherri helped Y/N use a spray can. They tagged abandoned buildings with colorful designs and left their mark on alleyway walls.

At one point, she and Y/N...made love.

Then after that, they began went to the top of a building and used some of Cherris bombs to start blowing things up. They even blew ups few signs advertising things from Valiantino, and Vox.

Cherri Bomb brought along a pair of noise-canceling headphones for Y/N to ensure he wouldn't get overwhelmed by the loud explosions. She also packed some sensory-friendly snacks and a stress ball to help him stay grounded during their explosive activities.

She even let him throw a few bombs.

During this, she also asked that he tell a few stories. She genuinely loved it when he got creative and told stories.

He told a story about the island of Sodor going into a Zombie Apocalypse. And he even made character cards.

He also retold Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were Rabbit, but with Jaws as the main antagonist.

Then he told a story about his characters, Mr Gaddie, Birdie, Gizmo, Snappy, and Ms Cook trying to get rid of a hornets nest.

Next they went an arcade. At the arcade, Y/N and Cherri Bomb tried out various games, from classic arcade cabinets to modern virtual reality experiences. They competed against each other in racing games, battled aliens in shooting games, and played a few classic pixel games.

Y/N managed to win Cherri some glow sticks and a plushie, and Cherri won him a Kraven the Hunter Figure.

From 9:30 to 11:30

Y/N went on a date with both Charlie and Vaggie.

They strolled along the wooden planks, taking in the sights and sounds of the carnival games, food stalls, and souvenir shops lining the promenade. They sampled cotton candy, played games of skill and chance, and laughed as they rode the Ferris wheel, enjoying the view of the twinkling lights along the shoreline.

They didn't really have dinner, but instead just had an appetizer from different places.

Y/N, Charlie, and Vaggie browsed through the colorful array of shops that lined the boardwalk. Charlie was drawn to a quaint boutique filled with handmade jewelry and trinkets, where she selected a delicate charm bracelet adorned with tiny seashells and starfish. Vaggie found a store that sold weapons and got herself a crossbow. They then took Y/N into a novelty shop filled with quirky gadgets and gizmos, where he couldn't resist buying a miniature model train set to add to his collection back at the hotel.

The trio approached the colorful carousel, its vibrant lights casting a magical glow against the twilight sky. Charlie's eyes lit up with excitement as she spotted the intricately carved wooden animals bobbing up and down on their golden poles.

Together, they climbed onto the carousel, each choosing their favorite animal to ride. Charlie mounted a graceful white horse adorned with shimmering jewels, her laughter ringing out as the carousel began to spin. Vaggie opted for a majestic lion with a mane of golden yarn, gripping the reins tightly as the carousel whirled around.

As for Y/N, he settled onto a majestic dragon with shimmering scales and fiery eyes, feeling a sense of exhilaration as he soared through the air. The carousel music played a merry tune.

After that, they went to another store where Charlie and Vaggie found a few bikinis that that were sure Y/N would like.

As they disappeared into the dressing rooms to try on their chosen bikinis, Y/N found himself feeling a bit flustered, unsure where to look. He shifted awkwardly from foot to foot, trying to maintain a respectful distance while also stealing curious glances at the swimsuit-clad mannequins on display.

He felt a little out of place. Like a sheep on an alligator farm.

Then Charlie and Vaggie emerged from the dressing rooms, and Y/N couldn't help but blush at the sight of them. Charlie twirled in front of the mirror, her eyes sparkling with delight as she admired herself in a floral-print bikini that complemented her radiant smile. Vaggie, meanwhile, struck a confident pose in a sleek black bikini.

Unable to tear his gaze away, Y/N found himself momentarily speechless, struck by how stunning they both looked. Charlie and Vaggie exchanged knowing glances, sharing a playful smirk as they noticed Y/N's reaction.

With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, Charlie sauntered over to Y/N, her hips swaying seductively as she teased.

Charlie: What do you think, Y/N? Do we get your seal of approval?

Y/N: Y-You both look amazing. Stunning, even.

Charlie beamed at the compliment, while Vaggie flashed him a grateful smile.

They then made their way down to the beach, the gentle sound of waves crashing against the shore greeted them, the salty sea breeze carrying with it a sense of tranquility and serenity. Y/N walked alongside Charlie and Vaggie, the soft sand shifting beneath their feet as they ventured closer to the water's edge.

As they reached the water's edge, Y/N kicked off his shoes and waded into the cool, refreshing surf, the gentle embrace of the ocean soothing his senses. Charlie and Vaggie followed suit.

Y/N sat down at the be g with the two. He laid his head on Charlie's shoulder. She smiled and both he and Vaggie kissed his cheek.

Y/N gradually felt himself drifting off into a peaceful slumber. Y/N surrendered to the embrace of sleep, his mind finally free from the worries and cares of the day.

With gentle care, Vaggie lifted Y/N into her arms, cradling him like a precious treasure as she and Charlie began their journey back to the hotel.

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