Big Little Brother

By SkyIer666

49.6K 3.8K 687

A big brother who doesn't tolerate nonsense behaviour how will he tolerate a spoiled brat teenage ... . . . A... More

Character Introduction
1. Sweet Banters
2. What's bothering??...
3. Falling down!!...
4. Who's fault??
5. Fight!!
6.Hurting each other!!
8. Let's Take A Break!!!
9. Mail!!...
10. One step towards truth!!...
11. Final verdict!!...
12. Misunderstanding!!...
13. Keep It Away From Me !!...
14. Tantrum and Scolding!!...
15. Sorry For!!
16. REBEL!!...
18. New bonds!!
19. Orchids
20. Years of Pain!!...
21. Little Brother!!...
22. Missing Aditya!!...
23. Truth behind marriage??...
24. Family ??...

17. Friends!!....

1.9K 200 81
By SkyIer666

Akshat felt Aditya hugging him from behind, he stiff on his place... But after some seconds relaxed a bit ...
Akshat hold Aditya's arm and turn behind, now facing him , while Aditya was still leaning on him ...

Akshat could see youngers face and how he is trying to control his tears not letting it fall...
Akshat gently pulled him more , hiding his face in his chest.... A tear roll down from Aditya's eyes... Following another tear....
Both were silent , none of them spoke a single word.... The warm embrace of elders is really soothing Aditya's pain...
But the silence got disturbed by the phone call...

Aditya quickly wiped his tears not looking at elder and cursing himself mentally to cry in front of him....
Akshat didn't asked or said him anything knowing that , Aditya doesn't like showing his vulnerable side to anyone...

Aditya looked for his phone but couldn't see it ... So Akshat gave him from the bedside table as it was on charging... He scolded Aditya 100 times mentally for not charging his phone as it was dead....
Thinking all of them are just same ....

While passing the phone to him he saw his father is calling him but is surprised to see that it is saved as Mr bhardwaj...He sigh knowing there is something really wrong with the boy, but does he have right to pry in younger's personal life Akshat thought...

Aditya took his phone and sigh deeply before picking his dad's call....
He placed on his ear but as soon as he did he move the phone away from his ear hearing a roaring voice of his dad ...

Vishal - Aditya bhardwaj where the hell were you ???... Tumhe andaza bhi hai kal raat se kitne calls kiye hai Maine tumhe??... And how the hell you end up in the garden??...

Listening to it Aditya looked at Akshat with a betrayal look... He didn't wanted his father to find out about his whereabouts...

Vishal - why didn't you return home at night wait kr rha tha mai tumhara kabse ... I even called you hundred times but , no you never took the pain to pick up your damn phone!!.....

Vishal is talking nonstop or can say scolding Aditya for his reckless behavior...
While Aditya wanted to ask him " how does it feel when you wait for someone and the person doesn't return back to you ??... How does it feel when your call gets ignore??"...

Aditya wanted his father to have taste of his own medicine... In his childhood , he always used to wait for his  dear Father patiently just to tell him about his whole day, to tell him about his bullies in school , who had made his school life hell, he waited for him to just request him take somewhere out on vacations....most of the time while waiting for his dad , he used to sleep in the living room couch itself...
But still there used to be no trace of him.... He used to call him just to ask him about his whereabouts or when he will come home just to get ignore from him or to be scolded saying 'he is Busy'...

He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't even notice when a tear roll down his cheek, but came back to his senses hearing his fathers loud voice calling him....

Vishal- Aditya are you even listening to me....

He flinched and took a deep breath...
He took deep breath before answering to him....

Aditya calmly - I'll come in a while...

Vishal bit furious- look at the time Aditya, today you will get your results, have you even checked the date and time ... I am getting call from your college that you have not collected your results and they are trying to reach to you but your call is not reachable....

Aditya's eyes widened and then he looked at the date in his phone and realization hit him hard , today his mid term results will be announced...
He cursed under his breath and gripped his hair out of frustration... its almost half hour late ...

Akshat who is there and had almost heard the conversation between the father and son, or more like only Vishal who is yelling as it was really too slow to not to be heard (sarcastic remark)...
He noticed Aditya's Change of expression from the start, how he was least bother about Vishal's yelling and then a tear which slide down his face....and his sudden frustration....

He understood the situation and took phone from his hand making Aditya glare at the elder which he ignored royally ....

Akshat - Mr bhardwaj don't worry, I'll take Aditya with me to college as I also have to collect  Abhishek's results as well...And I'll inform the professor, that he will be late...

Vishal - Thank you Akshat... If it wasn't for you , I don't know what would have happened to these boy....
Always creating trouble ....

Vishal mumbled last sentence but Akshat heard it and clenched his fist in anger....

Vishal - And also Thank you for yesterday , to bring him to your house and taking care of him ...

Akshat - I totally understand
Mr bhardwaj parenting isn't as easy as directing no worries , happy to fill in for the absentee dad's role.... you can keep playing hide and seek with your responsibilities....

He said and hanged up the call , leaving Vishal speechless and embarrassed.... while he looked at Aditya who has his mouth wide open gwaking at the elder with big doe eyes....
Akshat slightly chuckle seeing his reaction...By Now Akshat was sure,  after over hearing the conversation  that there realtion is distant ... He could see longing in Aditya's eyes for Vishal...The way he looked at his dad when Vishal was busy spending his quality time with Abhishek....he could see sadness in his eyes.....
And Akshat being straight forward couldn't resist himself to show Vishal his place ....
He doesn't mind age when person does wrong unless and until they are really forced into....

Akshat chuckled slightly saying- close your mouth Aditya... Nhi toh makhee chli jayegi...

Akshat teased him to which Aditya roll his eyes ..... but then Aditya glared at him flaring his nose making Akshat confused... He raise his one eyebrows in confusion...

Aditya blurted out with anxiety mixed in his voice- why did you inform Mr bh- dad that I am here.....

Aditya stop himself before creating blunder not knowing Aditya already know about the sour realtion they share.....

Akshat - I need to are with me , so Its my responsibility to ensure your safety and well being , and keeping him informed is part of that ....

Aditya's shoulders slumped in defeat, his frustration giving way .... He knew Akshat was right, even if it meant facing the consequences of his father's disapproval.....
Aditya sigh deeply , his chest tightened with each breath, his pulse racing as he struggled to keep his composure....
He could feel the tremors through his body, his hands quivering uncontrollably as he struggled to maintain his composure....

Akshat tried to approach him , but Aditya retreat himself back taking a deep breaths.... And pushing elders slightly away ....His inner turmoil is not letting him think straight... Firstly about the consequences after reaching home , and secondly today he will get his results which will add fuel to fire and will only create trouble for him...
All he need now is cigarette to calm down his nerve....

But Akshat's intense gaze and outstretched hand made him lean towards the elder , despite him being reluctant initially....

Akshat knows about Aditya's addiction towards cigarettes... And by seeing him these anxious he understood what's the matter with younger... He gently rubbed his back....

Akshat- Aditya, I know you're struggling right now, but cigarettes aren't the answer to it....

Akshat's voice is calm yet stern ...

Akshat- They might offer a temporary escape, but in the long run, they'll only make things worse for you ....

Aditya - But I need one now!!...

He yelled his voice has hint of  desperation ...

Akshat remain calm with Aditya's outburst understanding his situation...

Akshat - I know it feels like you need it, Aditya... but cigarettes aren't the solution...

he replied firmly , making Aditya roll his eyes back in frustration...

Akshat- Aditya follow my words and action okay ...

Akshat asked him to follow as Youngers breath was getting difficulty in breathing each passing seconds while Aditya's followed him....

Akshat- take a deep breath.....  and now breath out ...

Aditya started following elders action and gradually his breathing getting syn with Akshat , and with time clearing his foggy mind....he lean on the elder , hiding himself scared to face elder right now ...He doesn't want elder to hate him...... He doesn't want elder to distant himself just because of his bad habits....
He knows he isn't one of the typical good boy , but a boy whom no ones wants to befriend and have a company with .... He is scared that again he will be left to be all alone.....
Even denying in his mind to not share same space with elder , his heart still begs for him and his presence....
As he is the only person till now who has shown him that he cares for him... He really want to experience even it is just for once that how it feels to have someone by your side taking care , asking him if he is fine or not....
He know he is being selfish, and he has no right over the elder but deep down he really craves for elders attention...
He came out his own thoughts hearing Akshat gentle voice....

Akshat- you are strong and brave Aditya... You don't need all these things to overcome your anxiety....
It's okay not to be okay .... Everyone has that  point in life where nothing is right , or goes according to their plan but that doesn't mean you will choose harmful way to escape from it baccha .....

Aditya - But they are my only friends who help me to calm down... They keep me sane...

Aditya said in breaking voice , trying elder to make understand how important it is for him...
While Akshat heart ripped hearing his cracked voice and his desperation for cigarette's....

Akshat carseeing Aditya's hair and said - you know once there was a couple they were really in love with each other, more like the wife was head over heels for her husband....

Aditya detached from the hugg and looked at the elder blinking his eye's twice trying to figure out why suddenly elder was narrating him a story but nonetheless his all ears is to him listening carefully....

Akshat- That  husband even he was in love and used to keep her happy by giving her gifts and all those materialistic things , but he also used to hurt his wife sometimes with his words and sometime with his action....
But wife was so in love that she never mind those abuse towards herself.... And as time pass by husbands abuse stared increasing day by day .... But her love...

Aditya interrupted....

Aditya bit frustrated - Bullshit!!... how can she , she should just leave her husband , he isn't good for her  health... Temporary happiness doesn't mean that you will take all his shits ....
I mean seriously how can she be so dumb .....

Akshat smiled slightly ruffling Adi's hair and asked innocently -  exactly! ...she did left him... It was difficult for her in the starting to be without his husband but she did try for her physical and mental health....
And she did overcome her fear....

Aditya gave a tight lip smiled understanding what elder wants to say him...

Akshat- so here that husband is those cancerous stick...
Even after knowing that those sticks are cancerous you consume it just for your temporary happiness... Beta those are just quick fix but for long run they will just be harmful for your health.....

Aditya recollect his word's from few seconds ago and looked down biting his lips...
While Akshat made him face looking in his eyes....

Akshat- I know it is not easy , but you have to start from says that those harmful thing is your friend, then why don't you leave those friends and make new friends and I mean real friends...

Aditya - No one wants to be friends with me ...All hates me thinking I am a bad influence and they are not wrong though....

Aditya wishper if his ears were not at him he might have not heard him ....
Akshat forwarded him his hand and
Aditya looked at him puzzled....

Akshat- hello Aditya, my name is Akshat Oberoi will you like to be my new friend...

Aditya eyes widened, he is surprised by elders sudden words and action he is  still looking at him as if  he is joking...
While Akshat raised his eyebrows...

Aditya didn't move or said anything for few seconds... After coming out of his shock he said ....

Aditya - aap mere friend bnoge ??...

His asked innocently while Akshat's heart melt on his innocence... How much ever Aditya tries to behave arrogant or rude but in the end he is a child with heart of gold who have face cruelty of the world in small age only....

Akshat cupping his face - I would love to have friend like you Aditya... I know we didn't had a good start but atleast from now on we can start it on good note ... Don't you think so??...

Aditya - but aap toh mujhse kahi jyada bade ho ...

Akshat offended - what do you mean kahi jyada ??... Are you telling me I am old ... I am too young  kiddos...

Aditya chuckled - you and young ??... Look at your hairs almost turning white ... Half of them are already white... see you even have wrinkles under you eyes and why not itna gussa aur akaad dikhate ho sabko toh ofcourse juriyaan toh pdegi naa....

Akshat- accha baccho .... And what are you a small 5 year old kid ....

Aditya roll his eyes - I am not a kid Mr oldie .... I am the most handsome boy of my college ....

Akshat chuckled slightly - you and look like a sloth bear....chubby chubby and cute....

Akshat said while holding his cheek Just said to tease him.....
But Aditya widened his eyes and then his gaze went on the pillow, place on the bed just a few inch away from him , he grabbed it without giving a second thought , and hit the elder , taking elder aback by his sudden action....

Akshat eyes widened... but Aditya didn't stopped there and again strike the pillow but these rime Akshat brought his hand forward for self defense and in a second he also picked other pillow from rhe bed and these time he also hit him....
And in no tine both started having pillow fight... whole room is mess .... with Aditya's laughter and Akshat giggling ....

Akshat huffed and settled on the bed signalling Aditya to stop while Aditya Chuckled mocking...

Aditya - dekha kha tha na maine ki aap budhe hogye ....

While Akshat roll his eyes - haa beta , agar hum aur late hue na toh budhape ka toh pta nhi pr hum result lene jrur late pahuchenge....
Chal ready hoja ... We need to leave soon ....

Aditya's eye widen and looked at the clock , holding elders hand he started leaving the room making elder chuckle behind him....

Comment you favourite secen...

The story narrated by Akshat To withdraw cigarettes might seem lame.... But since Aditya is a kid so to explain him in simple words is more better than asking him directly to withdraw ...

Hope you like it ...

And guy's please do comment...
I do read all your comments.... I need to know about what you feel about the particular chapter or the scenes or dialogue you liked or not .. so from next time I can write according...

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