A part of me, a part of you (...

By ImYangLetsFight

996 56 2

Y/n Maizono, along with his sister Sayaka, were chosen to become part of the prestigious Hopes Peak Academy... More

Faded memories, Familiar feelings
A strange feeling
Coffee stains darker than tea
Confirmations of the worst
A trial to remember
Forgotten Youth
Pushing through
Why does everyone save me
Game, set, match
Bro's before Cheerihoes
The hanging of a lost boy
A tough truth to spread
Rank A for Adaptability
Ishida chronicle
Chill Your Chihirios
Friends Make Bad Choices
For The Love of a Digital Sorta-Girl
Popeye the Traitor Man
I wish I Could See You For The First Time Again
Groundhog Day
All Nighters and Fever Dreams

Trust is a two way street

24 3 0
By ImYangLetsFight

When Maizono exited his room at the unholy hour of 6:30, he immediately saw a familiar face.

Kirigiri was stood leant against the wall just by his door, lilac eyes moving to look at the surprised boy with slight amusement.
"Good morning."

Maizono smiled at her, shutting the door behind him as he stood just in front of her.
"Waiting for me, were you?"

"Yes, I figured I'd supervise these chats you and Monokuma have behind my back."

Maizono chuckled, the slightest blush appearing.
"Well, you're more than welcome. I actually have a question, do you maybe want to investigate with the others today? I was thinking about what Naegi said last night, and maybe he would feel less discluded."

Kirigiri hummed, thinking it over as she pushed off the wall and began leading them to the bathhouse. They had more to talk about from last night, but knew they couldn't while under surveillance.

"Okay, I think that's reasonable. But to what degree do we inform him? There's things I don't even tell you." Kirigiri walked past the divider now, going to sit on the bench. Maizono - ever awkward - decided to jump the divider instead, landing shakily but finding it amusing.

"I don't know. I think he's okay with secrets, he just wants our trust since he gave us his. What you tell him is your prerogative, I told him some things last night you may want to hear though. Originally, my plan was to tell you first - but due to recent issues, Celestia and Naegi seem to have stolen the information beforehand."

Maizono had sat opposite Kirigiri now, his knee bent with his right foot beside her. Similarly, Kirigiri had taken up pretty much the same position, only her hands folded on her lap to hold down her skirt.

"Is this about everyone's memories?" The girl asked, meeting his eyes.

Maizono gave her a smile as he nodded.
"Yeah. So, remember how Monokuma woke me up the other day about my meds? To wake me up, he told me you had died. So naturally I was a little pissed, and decided to test the water. I told him I was starting to remember who the mastermind was, I believe my words were something like 'before the voice changer, you used to mimic that voice behind a teddy' or something or other. Anyway, he got super weird after. Told me it was in my best interest to keep my mouth shut."

Kirigiri hummed.
"So, let me get this straight. You indirectly proved we know who the mastermind is, by being petty."

That caused the PI to snort, snapping a finger into guns with a smile.

"But why nineteen?" Kirigiri asked.

"Well, for me it would be twenty. My birthday is July 7th. If we started this around the begining of an actual school year, then at most I'm twenty but I'm atleast nineteen."
Maizono reasoned.

"What makes you think that?"

Maizono had an arm crossed over his chest now, an elbow propped up on it as his hand tapped his chin.
"Well, remember that photo we found? It was unmistakably taken in this school. In fact, it was taken in class 2b. So it makes sense that we spent a year at hopes peak at the very least before the 'serious issues' occurred."

Kirigiri hummed, brain piecing it instantly.
"Right, so that letter in the library was real? But why would it be planted?"

"To piss you off." Maizono stated, meeting shocked purple eyes.

"..What are you inferring.."

"I remembered why your name was familiar to me. You're not the first Kirigiri I've met, but of course you know that.
It's my belief that Monokuma wants us to think the headmaster is the mastermind, but why would that aid him? Simple. We're a thorn in his side. He has me by the throat with Sayaka's death, so how does he control you?"
Maizono asked it rhetorically, but Kirigiri still quietly answered.

"...So he's manipulating us. I should have seen that coming."  Kirigiri looked uncomfortable.

"Hey.. I'm sorry. I know it's not a fun topic for you, I would have been happy to ignore it until you were ready to tell me but it seemed important."
Maizono admitted, looking away from her.

Kirigiri hummed, a pause falling into their conversation.
That was until she shook her head.
"No, I don't mind that you know. Did you remember anything else?"

Maizono gave a small smile, then nodded.
"Actually, yes. I think you'll find it interesting. Remember how I recalled my association with Syo? Well, she is why I came to hopes peak in the first place. However, the way she spoke to me in Fujisaki's trial has been bugging me."

Kirigiri had met his eyes, listening.
"In what way?"

Maizono leant his palms on the bench, leaning back to look at the ceiling.
"She made a joke in the trial at my disposal. Not one anyone would have got, at least not most people. It had to do with my secret. I'm sure Celestia picked up on it."

"Right, what's so strange about it?" Asked the lilac toned woman, adjusting her sitting position now to sit straight with her knees touching.

"It isn't something she should have known. The way she joked about it, it was so casual... Like I knew she knew. But if I don't remember... then I don't think she has amnesia."
Maizono was bouncing his leg now without noticing, prompting Kirigiri to flick the ankle next to her.

Maizono stuck his tongue out at her before continuing.
"It's far fetched. I mean, who knows what she had on me right? It just seemed too.... comfortable for her to say."

The PI sat up now, legs landing in front of him as he leant elbows on knees to catch his head by his hands.
"You know, for a secret I don't want anyone knowing, so far two people I don't trust enough do."

Kirigiri gave a small smile.
"Right, Celestia had said yesterday it was something you'd only tell someone you were romantically involved with, correct?"

Maizono hummed.
"It's not the only reason, but pretty much yeah. I would tell certain people besides that but its need-to-know information. Them knowing puts me in a certain amount of danger.. I mean, I'm kind of illegal."

Kirigiri raised a brow.

"As in my documents, my birth certificate and all that junk. It's... Sort of all forged. The real ones are destroyed. I mean, I still have truth on them. My actual age, birth date, the fact I'm a twin. But that's round about where the similarities end."
Maizono admitted, rubbing his face to try and calm the nerves of telling someone this. He wasn't going to explain the reason, but he was getting sort of close.

He could tell Kirigiri knew he was trusting her a lot here, her demeanour changed to one softer than usual. She didn't seem mad or weirded out, and she wasn't trying to over analyse it. It felt as though she was stopping herself from investigating it out of...


Maizono smiled at her.
"That's one of the reasons I'm not a detective. PI's can control the information publicly known, but unless you're the type of detective to come from a traditional family business - the public knows your whole identity."

Kirigiri froze then, looking at the boy with the strangest expression.
"...Could you.. Repeat that.."

Maizono nodded, not needing an explanation. He'd do any amount of no questions asked for her.
"Sure, I said that as a PI I get to control my information publicly known. I didn't become a detective because they can't, not unless they come from a traditional detective family. You know the type, right? The ones that started up when it was a more prideful path. Those guys hide in the cracks of the world, if you ever manage to meet one - you're either in danger, or have done something royally fucked."

There was a long pause as Kirigiri thought, her gaze was distant - deep into her head.

Maizono was silent, patiently waiting for her to drift back, and when she did...

"Thank you." Kirigiri suddenly said, meeting his eyes with a stony expression.

Maizono tilted his head, confused.
"What for?"

Kirigiri held a small, proud smile.
"Reminding me who I am."

This just confused him more, a state obvious to the girl in front of him.

"You will find out, but not yet. I have some thinking to do. Anyway, what time is it?" Kirigiri asked, looking to the boys wrist.

Maizono twisted it up, looking.
"Five to. Coffee time?"

Kirigiri just nodded, the pair standing up as they left the bathhouse. When they got to the dining hall doors, Monokuma was toddling across and whistling.

"Good morning chillens! How was your morning activities?" The bear asked with a cheeky chuckle as it started turning the key in the door with both paws.

"I'm not sure what you mean by that." Maizono stated, hands behind his back.

Monokuma turned to him, smile widening.
"Check your fly, Mr Private Investigator."

Maizono immediately looked down, cursing and red as he pulled it up and turning to Kirigiri.
"You could have told me!"

Kirigiri just smiled slightly, meeting his eyes. Clearly she kept her mouth shut so the bear wouldn't be suspicious of their conversation.

You sneaky little shit..

Monokuma had a weird face, not unlike the one he had the morning after their first sleep over.
"Now you kids practise safely! Although, I don't think that's an issue for you. Is it, Maizono?"

Maizono stared at him hard.
"Keep your mouth shut."

Monokuma laughed, starting to toddle away.
"Yeah, yeah! Teenagers. Like freakin' bunnies!"

Maizono was bright red.

"Oh, calm down Maizono. It's not like we actually did anything. It was just a cover."
Kirigiri reasoned, walking into the dining hall first. The PI silently followed her in, palms over his face in embarrassment.

"We could have been doing anything, why go with that cover up!?" Maizono was exasperated.

"Simple. You already had your fly down, and I knew your embarrassment of that would sell it."

"Trust me, it would have sold it even if it wasn't." Maizono muttered, sitting in his chair defeated - it was Kirigiri's turn for coffee.

The morning announcement started playing as they continued talking.

"Hm? Why's that?" Kirigiri asked, she was at the kitchen door, looking at the PI for a reply before she went in.

"What do you mean? I already have Celestia thinking we're up to something - I definitely don't need the bear jumping on the band wagon more than he already does."
Maizono didn't look at her, trying to slow his heart down.

"Hm. You should calm yourself, it's seeming like you're thinking about it too hard."
Kirigiri was purposefully trying to make him worse, and in return she saw Maizono lift a hand to flip her off.

Soon enough, everyone started filtering in. Maizono and Kirigiri were on their second cups by this point, patiently waiting for everyone to show up.

Togami and Fukawa/Syo never turned up, unsurprisingly, but soon enough Ogami, Asahina, Hagakure and Celestia were all here.

They were all giving weird looks to Celestia, which surprised neither Maizono nor the Gambler herself. She seemed unaffected, but Maizono was worried.

"I don't understand you sometimes." Kirigiri stated, voice low enough for only them to hear.

"Hm?" Was the reply, the PI meeting her eyes.

"Well, anyone else would give up on her. You seem adamant to give her the benefit of the doubt. Why?" Kirigiri was genuinely curious. She didn't trust without reason, so for Maizono to try so hard for someone so morally grey..

"Because I understand it. Doing what you have to in order to survive. She hides it well, but underneath it all is a girl who feels broken. I don't agree with her actions, but I can understand them to a certain degree."
Maizono replied, just as quiet.

Kirigiri hummed.
"You seem to have experience."

Maizono gave a smile.
"Could say that. I don't think she's the best person in the world, but she's a person. And that's enough for me."

Kirigiri hummed, looking to the side.
"Very well. I trust you."

Maizono raised a brow.

"Meaning, invite her to the table. I know you don't want her killed. So, give her a safety net."
Kirigiri explained, armed crossed as gloved fingers tapped her arm.

Maizono gave her a smile.
"You're amazing, you know?"

Kirigiri gave him a strange look, meeting his eyes.

He snorted.
"I'm serious. I think you're amazing."

The PI turned his head to the Gambler without waiting for a reply, giving a wave.
"Oi, Yumeko Jabami. Come sit."

Celestia locked eyes with him, the smallest hint of a smile.
"Darling, I'd beat her and you know it."

Maizono shook his head with a smile.
"Sure, you sitting with us or not?"

"Very well."
Celestia stood up, coming over and taking a seat at the back of the table.

"They're gonna be weird with you for a while, I can't say I blame them."
Maizono said, tapping the table with his fingers.

Celestia nodded.
"True, I wouldn't be fond of myself either. Curious as to why you are."

Maizono shrugged.
"Who knows, maybe it's a self destructive issue."

They could hear the others talking amongst themselves behind them, and as much and Maizono liked Asahina and Ogami - he tried to ignore their comments.

That's when Naegi walked in, spotting the three at the table with a curious look.
"Uh.. Morning everyone."

Naegi greeted everyone, awkward smile as he walked towards Kirigiri, Maizono and Celestia.

"You're not already investigating?" Asked the lucky student, a little confused.

Maizono shook his head.
"We agreed to wait for you."

Naegi looked surprised, as well as slightly guilty.
"You're.. Wanting to investigate with us?"

Kirigiri nodded.
"Of course, you can say no-"

"No, no!" Naegi was waving his hands in front of him.
"Thank you, really. I appreciate it."

Maizono gave him a smile.
"We're sorry for not trusting you, Eggi. Now go get your sugary milk soup so we can leave soon."

Celestia gave Maizono an amused look.
"Sugary milk soup? Between that and yesterday's 'I mUsT sEe ThE BodY wHiLe ItS fReSh', you're quite strange dear."

Maizono beamed.
"Good. Strange is what I was going for."

After a minute, Naegi came back and sat at the table with his bowl if sugar puffs.

"Hey, aren't they discontinued?" Maizono asked, brow raised.

Naegi nodded. "Yeah, but Monokuma has, like, a crate in the warehouse."

Asahina spoke up suddenly, drawing their table.
"I can't believe theres only six of us here.."

"Only a third of the number we started with...." Hagakure looked down.

Kirigiri hummed.
"Loneliness has become commonplace."

Maizono looked to his drink, the dark liquid inside still moving a little from his last sip as he thought about the dead.

"Thats true.." Ogami agreed, a look of sadness across her face.

Naegi was looking to Ogami with a weird expression, utterly lost in thought. The girl in question noticed this, giving him a concerned look from her table.
"Naegi, are you okay?"

"Ah-! N-No, I'm fine...!" He squeaked, eyes immediately diverting to his cereal as he picked up the spoon to try and seem nonchalant.

Maizono and Kirigiri shared a look.

Asahina perked up.
"Okay! In that case, let's eat until we pass out!"

"Whaddya mean 'in that case'?" Hagakure asked, confused.

"Well, cause look how scary everyone looks! It's gotta be because you're all fighting on empty stomachs, right?" She reasoned, but Maizono snorted.

"Yeah, that and y'all are terrified of my pet Gambler." Maizono was going to smile, but the girl in question had hit his stomach causing him to grab it in slight pain.

Celestia hummed out an innocent laugh.
"Y/n, darling, if anything you're my pet detective."

Maizono gave her a look, but it wasn't necessary as Kirigiri was currently glaring at her.

"Whatever! I'm sure if you all fill your belly, we'll all cheer up! So, let's eat!" Hina cheered, trying to bypass the weird issues floating in the air.

"But what if she's poisoned us!" Hagakure chimed.

Maizono raised his hand to get his attention as if in class, one arm still on his now unsettled stomach.
"She won't. You don't have to trust her, but I ask you to try and trust me."

Ogami hummed, looking to the PI with sceptical eyes.
"Yes, well, you must understand our trepidation."

Maizono nodded.
"Of course I do. It's only natural, she's proven she's a threat."

Maizono spun his chair with a screech as metal went across the floor, now facing the room rather than his table.
"Please understand that I want to leave this place with as many of you as possible. Anyone who has killed, was manipulated by this place. I don't hold them accountable."

Naegi nodded, agreeing with the PI.


"Even Kuwata...?" Asahina asked, voice quiet.

Maizono's face went dark for a moment as he looked to the floor, hands shaking until he grabbed his thighs and met her eyes.
"Yes. Even Kuwata."

The room was silent a moment, taking in that sentence.

Maizono just continued through it.
"I forgive him, even if I hate what he did. Sayaka would.
Actually, Sayaka would probably argue it was called for." He let out a weak laugh.

"They weren't bad people. This situation is bad. Like I said on our first day here, you never know how people will act under this kind of pressure. Not even ourselves."

Hina nodded, balling fists as she stood.
"You're right! We shouldn't waste energy being mad at our classmates, we should use our drive to get out - so we can be mad all we want later!"

Maizono smiled.
"Exactly. Anger is natural, but you get to choose how you deal with it. I'm angry, but I'm using it to try and figure this place out. And once I figure out who's behind this..."

Maizono trailed off, taking a breath.
"Well. I don't know. I'm not exactly strong, I guess I'll set Syo on them."

Asahina smiled brightly.
"For now, let's fry up some fish and doughnuts and eat til' we can't stand up!"

Hagakure looked disgusted, yelling over the room.
"That's like a Deep Impact style, meteor impact, extinction level event combination of foods..."

Maizono laughed.
"I dunno, battered cod and deep fried pineapple is gooooood as hell. Maybe it's similar."

Asahina pointed at him.
"See! Maizono gets it!"

"Still, the 'til we can't stand up' part is a problem. After we're done, we need to go explore." Kirigiri stated evenly to the room.

"That's right. Since the class trial is over, new areas should have opened up.." Ogami agreed.

"Plus, we still have Alter Ego. We don't have time give in to despair just yet." Kirigiri continued, her tone having a little more determination than the norm.

Maizono smiled at her.
"Despair? When I have you and Eggster? No way."

Celestia gave him a look.

"Please, one bad game of Uno with you and despair is my middle name." Maizono reasoned, red eyes closing as Celestia let out a laugh


"Shes right.. we have to plan ahead and think about the future!" Naegi agreed with Kirigiri, feeling pumped as he finished his cereal.

Hina was grinning from ear to ear now.
"Yeah, yeah! Think happy thoughts! Not deathy thoughts!"

"Like, when we're gonna get out of here, right?" Hagakure asked, finger going below his nose in thought.
"When this is all over... I think I wanna be reborn for serious. Er- I mean, reborn as someone serious.. "

"Hey, are you okay? That sounds like something someone who's about to die would say.." Asahina called, looking to him with concern.

"I'm totally okay! I'm not gonna die! Why? Cause' there aren't gonna be any more murders!" Hagakure cheered, a fist at his chest.

"Huh? What makes you so sure..?" Asahina asked, wanting to hope but thus far those words had been wrong..

"I predicted it last night! Since it revealed itself to me from the ether, there's no doubt about it!" Hagakure chimed.

Maizono grinned.
"Oh awesome dude!! I also had that feeling last night, did you see the insane shark lawyer telling me to follow my heart too?"

Hagakure gasped, pointing at him with surprise.
"Dude! Yeah! He was totally right too!"

Maizono snorted, not able to stop himself laughing.
"Yeah, no kidding bro."

"You totally have the gift man! We should be like a soothsayer/PI duo!" Hagakure yelled, excitedly.

Maizono nodded.
"Sure, but only if my pet hippogryff can join!"

"Uh- yeah!" Hagakure cheered.

Maizono paused, looking at him with a straight face now.
"Wait...... Are you joking too or-"

"Joking?" Hagakure asked, confused.

Maizono heard a genuine laugh from behind him, upon turning he saw Celestia trying to shut herself up.

"Seems Ive broke you." Maizono commented.

"Oh, darling, I'd let you do worse." Celestia called.

Maizono rolled his eyes.
"I swear to god all my friends are just an unofficial polycule."

Naegi chuckled.
"Of course we are, you're too cute not to be."

That surprised Maizono, turning to the luckster with a grin.
"Oh? That so?"

Celestia gave Naegi a smile.
"Now, now. You sure you can steal him away from Kirigiri so easily?"

Maizono's face very quickly heated up then, the fake flirting now turning hostile.

Kirigiri hummed.
"I dare you to try."

Maizono went wide eyed, which only made Naegi laugh harder.

"God, you are so easy to fluster dear."
Celestia pointed out, giving him a smirk.

"Shut up. I'm not good at attention."
Maizono squeaked, crossing his arms.

"Not good at attention, or still not expecting Kirigiri to joke with us?" Naegi asked.

"..Both?" Maizono asked, earning an almost laugh from Kirigiri.

Shaking his head, he turned back to Hagakure.
"How accurate are your predictions anyway?"

"I can usually hit twenty or thirty percent on a good day!" He proudly announced.

Asahina looked concerned.
"That seems... really low."

"Well, yeah! It's not like it's ESP or whatever. Of course I'm only gonna get it right sometimes! I told you, my fortune telling isn't like some occult thing!"
Hagakure seemed peeved.

"Fortune telling...  Isn't occult?" Asahina asked.

"Of course not! Clairvoyance is clairvoyance! Don't put it in the same category as cattle mutilation!" He yelled, upset.

"Cattle... what?" Asahina was confused.

Kirigiri decided to explain.
"He's referring to the urban legend where aliens abduct cows and dissect them as part of their research."

Hagakure looked to her, dumbfounded.
"No...! You're calling it an urban legend!? As a matter of fact, it's true... As a matter of fact, it's happened to me!"
He said it like it was some dramatic reveal in a sci-fi movie.

"I want whatever he's taking, I ain't no snitch - drop your link." Maizono stated, earning a chuckle from the gambler.

"That's not concerning." Kirigiri commented to the PI, before returning to Hagakure.

"It all happened one day when I went to go get a hamburger... it was a place I'd never been before. They claimed their patties were 100% all beef...
So I got a burger to go and headed home.
And before long.....
The sky was filled with a mysterious blinding light!" The soothsayer yelled dramatically, hopping onto the table to continue his retelling.

"Some crazy beam came out of nowhere and locked on to my hamburger! And as soon as the beam touched it, the burger started floating mid-air..!
And then...
Still floating there, the entire burger started coming apart!
One part just vanished, while the rest fell back into my hand...!
Do you realise what that means!?
It means, the burger wasn't 100% beef! It must've had some pork or something mixed in...
something like seventy percent pork, thirty percent beef would be my guess.
So I stormed back into the burger place and got up in the managers grill. And they totally admitted it!
It wasn't 100% beef! They totally mixed ground pork with it!
Now do you see!? That is cattle mutilation!"

Hagakure was out of breath from his story, almost reliving it.

"Nah, Hagakure, my guy. When we get out if here, I'm smoking with you cause daaamnnnn you sound fun when high." Maizono commented, staring at him in bewilderment.

"Like damn. Seventy percent pork and thirty percent beef!? If only you had that brain in trial!" Maizono was joking, but the man was genuinely amusing him.

Naegi looked to him.

"Aww, innocent eggi." Maizono chimed, ruffling his hair.

"Wait, so you've..?" Naegi asked.

Maizono snorted.
"I'm a bastard child with a neglectful father who had to pay for his own food from age six, take a wild guess."

Naegi was taken aback, Celestia was well amused though.
"Darling, why do you sound proud of that?"

Maizono grinned, meeting her gaze.
"Because I am. We had no one but ourselves, and we both ended up successful and pretty awesome. I mean, the 50% survivability rating sucks, but still!"

Naegi paled. "...was that a dead sister joke..?"

Maizono grinned goofily.
"To think, bestie tried eating me in the womb only to bail on me!"

The room was staring at him with wild eyes, all but Celestia who was stopping a laugh - and Kirigiri who was well used to this now.

Naegi was more concerned.
"Uhh.. Maizono, are you okay?"

The PI nodded.
"Of course. It's simple really, I identify as a guy - and Sayaka decided she identified with a knife block."

The strangest noise came from opposite Maizono, Kirigiri making eye contact with him as she tried not to laugh.

Maizono smirked.
"Ooooh, like dark humour do ya? Dually noted."

Naegi shook them off.

"Anyway. I hope your prediction turns out to be true.."
The luckster looked to Hagakure.

"Well, at the very least I won't murder anyone!" Hagakure chimed with a smile.

"Me either! I mean, I would never!" Asahina called back.

"Me either..." came Ogami.

"Nor I." Kirigiri asserted.

"Neither, and I'll keep little Miss Corpse Bride clean too." Maizono called with a grin.

Celestia chuckled, showing her hands innocently.
"Darling, I promised you. No more murder plots here."

"That goes for me too, of course! I would never kill any of my friends!" Naegi almost yelled, hope and determination flowing through him.

"You're like a rabid chihuahua high on hope." Maizono joked, smiling at the boy.

"To be honest, I wish Togami and Fukawa were here for this too." Ogami stated to the room, sighing.

"But... they're so hard to deal with. They only think about themselves." Asahina said, a little sad.

Hagakure sighed.
"Yeah, we're better off without 'em, I say.. "

Maizono shrugged.
"They're a handful, but don't write them off yet."

"Huh? I thought you didn't like Togami? And.. you seem to be iffy with Fukawa." Asahina called.

Maizono shook his head.
"Im Iffy with Syo. I don't really know Fukawa. But Togami? As much as he's the most irritating man alive bar my dad, he has a reason just like everyone else. You ever thought about what his family life is like?"

The room went silent, no one really having an answer.

"I'm just saying, he had to fight for everything he has despite his families wealth. You're not born that way, the human race make monsters of innocent children. Sometimes we grow too far gone, but I like to think everyone deserves the chance to redeem."
Maizono stated, and Naegi seemed to resonate.

"Yeah! I totally agree!"

"That said: there are certain things I refuse to forgive for." Maizono said bluntly, tone darkening. But just as soon as it came, it passed, and he smiled bright.
"Anyway! We should get a wiggle on, yes?"

Kirigiri nodded, standing up with Maizono.


Everyone was at the top of the stairs, staring into the hallway of the fourth floor. Maizono had his nose plastered to the map on his e-Handbook when he spotted something. He looked up to Kirigiri, who seemed to sense his gaze as she instantly returned it.

Maizono moved his head in a way to silently request her to come here. Kirigiri did, leaning over his shoulder to do so - Maizono was starting to go red at the proximity, but he tried his best to ignore it. The PI pointed to a specific room.

The headmasters office.

Kirigiri hummed, still by his shoulder. The should loud in his ear, making his chest pound.

Maizono, chill the fuck out dude-

"What's wrong, Maizono?" Kirigiri whispered by his ear, catching on to his internal panic but being confused by it.

That made it so so much worse, butterflies instantly breaking out in his stomach as he momentarily forgot how to breathe.

"U-Uhh... N-Nothing. I'm perfectly f-fine.."
The PI managed to squeak out, earning the smallest hum from the girl by him. She removed herself, and as she did Maizono had to stop himself from following her - instantly missing their proximity.

He internally scolded himself.

Celestia - who was currently listening to Naegi think up a game plan - had caught sight of it, smirking at Maizono who just shot her a hackey look.

"How's that sound?" Naegi called to the class, Maizono snapping out of it utterly confused.

"Sounds good, Makoto!" Asahina chimed, apparently on a first name basis with the luckster now.

Kirigiri nodded too.
"Yes, it definitely would get faster results."

Maizono was lost, but he couldn't exactly ask what was going on without being asked why he wasn't listening. He just watched as everyone split up, staying still while trying to deduce where to go.

"Maizono?" Kirigiri called, a few steps away.
"Are you coming or not?"

Ah, so I'm investigating with Kirigiri. Awesome.

"Yeah, sorry I zoned out a moment." He half lied, catching up to her.

Kirigiri hummed.

"No, you weren't listening." She stated matter of factly.
"Something on your mind?"

Kirigiri was leading them to the music room, opening the door and letting him in. Maizono took out his pocket journal and pencil, ready.

"No, nothing important anyway. Just... Cobwebs." Maizono stated, going to the left of the room to start his investigation. Kirigiri went to the right also, as if muscle memory.

They worked as they spoke, checking every wall, floor and chair of the large theatre like room. There was a stage at the front, a grand piano in the centre.

"Cobwebs..?" Kirigiri repeated, curious at what that meant.

"Yeah. You know. Those thoughts that make patterns in your head, catching certain feelings and getting you to feel emotion you don't necessarily need at that moment." Maizono sort of explained.

Kirigiri hummed.
"Ah. I sort of understand that."

Cobwebs. Like when I nearly kissed him..

"You do?" Maizono questioned, writing in his journal before going further down the aisles.

Kirigiri nodded, mirroring him without noticing.
"Yes. Irrelevant thoughts and feelings that I can't keep down."

Maizono nodded. "Exactly. I call em' cobwebs because they grow quite rapidly, and even though I enjoy the thoughts..."

"..they're distracting and get a lot of feelings caught in them." Kirigiri finished, the two briefly meeting gazes. They looked away pretty fast.

Maizono smiled to himself, checking the last row of seats before jumping onto the stage. He walked over to the piano, fingers brushing the dust off the keys gently.

"Do you know how to play?" Kirigiri asked, intrigued as she climbed onto stage herself to join him.

Maizono nodded.
"I'm not the best, but I used to a little. Sayaka would write music a lot, and sometimes I'd help her write it. I have this weird skill, I guess. She could hum something, and I'd be able to figure it out by ear."

Kirigiri smiled small, enjoying learning a little more about the PI.

"Show me?" Kirigiri asked suddenly, causing Maizono to flush a little in embarrassment.


"No, in May." Kirigiri sarcastically called back, but she had a content tone about her.

Maizono snorted, smile appearing on his face.
"Sure, but you'll have to hum something."

"You don't know anything?" She asked, curious.

Maizono furrowed his brows.
"I... I must do, surely, but I don't quite remember..."

Going behind the seat, staying stood, the PI brushed over the keys with both hands. He started idly stimming with two keys at a time, trying to think... then...

He remembered something.

He started slow at first, just using melody keys before he picked up the pace - adding his left hand for chords. He had no idea what he was playing, but it filled the room. It was a strange melody, the emotions behind them finding their way to him slowly...

...He couldn't place what it was about. The emotions in it seemed melancholy, but with a small amount of happiness in its core. It was a full song, as if it took days or maybe weeks to perfect. At first, he felt as though he had learnt it due to its complexity... but slowly he came to a surprising realisation as he recalled something.

He had wrote this.

He had wrote this, and he never got to play it for its intended listener... someone in his past, someone in his memory, someone who had just lost a great deal...

There was a certain amount of dramatic irony in this moment, he looked up over the piano to see lilac eyes staring with surprise. It was like a puzzle piece clicked in his brain, staring back at her while he continued to play it with muscle memory. He felt a shift in his mental, as feelings and pains filtered into him... but a part of him kept him playing, a part of him deep down that he had forgot was pushing him to continue, to finally show them...

...to finally show her.

He didn't understand it, he didn't remember enough to. Maizono moved his gaze back to the ebony and ivory keys of the old piano, his hands continuing to move as if on their own until it finally came to a stop.

The room fell silent, Maizono felt his heart pounding - but he didn't quite know why.

Kirigiri slowly walked towards him, eyes trained on him until he met them.

"That was beautiful. Do you know what it's called?" Kirigiri asked, and Maizono felt his brain register something. He... He couldn't believe his mind as he thought it.

"I...I don't think I should tell you." Maizono said quietly, eyes moving to a far wall.
"I'm confused as to why I called it that."

Kirigiri gasped, looking to him with slight disbelief.
"You wrote it..?"

Maizono nodded.
"I... I believe so. That brought back some memories.. some-" the PI looked down suddenly, gaze catching Kirigiri's gloves before he shut his eyes with a head shake.

"Why can't you tell me its name?" Kirigiri asked, her tone soft.

Maizono took a breath.
"Because it's confusing me, telling you will only confuse you more."

Kirigiri raised a brow.
"Confuse... me more?"

There was a pause, Maizono desperately trying to find the rhyme or reason. Kirigiri was patiently staring.

"Don't read too into it, as it may just be coincidence but.." Maizono started, grabbing his arm and turning to look away from her.

"If my memory is functioning right at the moment.... I think I called it... Kyoko in requiem"
Maizono muttered it, turning away from the girl who was getting even more confused by the second.

Maizono messed with his hair, clearing his throat.
"Considering the word Requiem, I assume it's a sad song anyway. You're not dead, so it has to be a coincidence.. right?"

Maizono was more trying to convince himself in the painful silence of the room.

Kirigiri was staring into the boy, picking up on all his mannerisms the past couple minutes.
"What did you remember..."

Maizono swung his leg to stim, still not looking at the girl.
"The person I wrote it about... She stopped speaking with me due to the loss of her best friend. I don't remember faces, just... emotions. I believe I wrote that about her... From what I recall, I hated seeing her in pain and-"

Kirigiri had moved directly in front of Maizono now, a gloved hand wrapping around his wrist to draw his gaze to her.

Maizono looked into lilac eyes, emotions around them showing almost in full - confusion and sadness breaking out as she stared at him.
"Do you... Do you remember the name of the friend who died...?"

Maizono could feel his heart breaking, looking into the broken pieces the girl hid so carefully away.
"I... I do but-"

"Tell me." Kirigiri demanded, her gaze unfaltering and preventing him from looking away.

"But... What if..."

"If it's true... then we're closer to knowing why we don't remember. So tell me." Kirigiri was trying to put logic first, but Maizono saw that her mask was cracking, emotions flowing through ever so slowly. Her grip on his wrist was shaky, her voice with a small desperation.

"....She was called Yui."

Kirigiri gasped then, hands dropping and shaking as if reliving something in them. Maizono didn't know what to do, he wanted so badly to comfort her - but he didn't want to make this worse. He had already caused a certain amount of pain, it seems.

Kirigiri let out a small sigh, forehead coming into contact with Maizono's shoulder and staying there a moment. That seemed to snap the PI out of his paralysis, an arm making its way around her shoulders to hold her.

"...I don't think that's a coincidence." Kirigiri stated, trying to be unemotive.

Maizono hummed, leaning his head onto hers. She was taller than him, so it looked a little funny, but he didn't care right now.
"I guess that solves one mystery though.... My memories were taken so that I wouldn't remind you of yours. I wonder... How long..."

Kirigiri didn't respond, instead a hand just grabbed Maizono's jumper to bring him closer. That made Maizono smile a little, wrapping his other arm around her now too, to properly hug her.

After a long pause, Kirigiri looked up and poked his forehead with a small smile.
"You wrote a song about missing me. That's embarrassing."

Maizono snorted, tiny chuckle entering their space.
"It was about hurting because you were hurting, actually."

"Yeah, because that really helps your case." Kirigiri joked.

The PI smiled at her, dropping his arms so she could stand up properly.
"Who said I wanted to make one? If you ask me, I'm not so surprised. I told you before.. You're familiar to me."

Kirigiri hummed, hands reaching Maizono's hair to sort it out as he'd messed it during their hug.
"Well, it seems at the very least we were friends at one point. Now to find out what happened when we came to Hope's Peak."

Maizono hummed, eyes not leaving lilac.

The moment was short lived, however, as the doors to the music room opened.

Kirigiri was quick to retrieve her hands and assume her unemotional front. Maizono just stayed put, still looking at her with wonder.

"Hey, guys!" Naegi called to them, drawing Maizono's gaze finally. The luckster jumped up on to the stage to talk to them.

"Hey, Eggi." Maizono called, the boy standing in front of them.

Kirigiri caught the boys eye-line before speaking.
"You know, you haven't told me what you think yet."

"What I think...?" Naegi questioned, a hand finding his hair in mild confusion.

"About the secret room in the boys bathroom." Kirigiri elaborated.

Maizono hummed.
"Oh yeah! I haven't seen it yet, never found a good time."

"...Ah!" Naegi said, as if something was wrong.

The partners in crime looked to him with silent question.

"W-Well.. um, I did find the secret room.. but...As soon as I started looking around, I was attacked." Naegi admitted, shuffling feet.

Kirigiri seemed surprised, her voice turning somewhat worried.
"Attacked? By who?"

"Well... they came from behind, and I didn't have any time to react. So I didn't see who it was.. and when I came to, the mountains of files and documents were all gone.."
Naegi was clearly disappointed in himself, expecting the others to feel the same.

There was a pause as the duo thought.

"I'm sorry. I know how important those were." Naegi seemed quiet.

"Don't be daft, we're more so glad you're okay." Maizono stated, Kirigiri nodding.

"It's okay, anyway. I already saw what I needed to in there." Kirigiri revealed, still in thought as she held her chin.

She then stood up straight, looking at Naegi.
"And I half expected the mastermind might come after you."

"What..?" Naegi asked, feeling a little like he should have been warned.

Maizono let out a small chuckle. This woman was everything.

"When I discovered the room, the mastermind must have seen me on the surveillance camera in the hallway. They must have seen me go into the boys bathroom, and not come out again.
Still, I wanted you to go and see it..
I wanted to see how the mastermind would react.
Essentially, I wanted to find out if the mastermind actually knew about that room. But to attack you, and steal everything in the room... that must mean there was some unknown clue in there that could reveal the mastermind's identity."
Kirigiri was speaking as she came to her conclusions, letting her thoughts flow out loud. Maizono was too busy listening to every word and the way it was said to notice Naegi get offended.

"Then... you knew I was gonna get attacked?" Naegi asked, rightly upset.

"You can handle that kind of thing though, right? After all, you're a boy." Kirigiri reasoned.

Maizono snorted.
"Excuse me? That is a tad sexist, Kirigiri."

The girl hummed.
"I suppose so."

"No, it definitely is. Like, if you sent Ogami for example - she would have fucked up the mastermind. It boils down to skill and personality, not whats in his pants." Maizono reasoned, Kirigiri waved him off with a hand.

"Either way, Naegi had a better shot than you. You're built like the gingerbread man." The girl stated, Maizono frowning before looking at himself and judging his stature.

"It's fine.. I understand. Then let me ask you something else. Do you know about the note that was left in there?" Naegi asked, clarifying soon after.
"The note that said 'you must not leave'.."

"We... shouldn't talk about that. Not here." Kirigiri glanced up to the surveillance camera, then back down to Naegi.
"...I'm looking into it. If I find anything, I'll let you know. Is that okay?"

Maizono smiled at her, her question rendered pointless as it was clear she was not budging on it.

Kirigiri then crossed her arms over, meeting Naegi's gaze.
"So, now it's your turn. Let's hear your secret."

"...Huh?" Naegi let out, a little surprised.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice? You're hiding something." Kirigiri plainly stated, a little smirk on her face as if to congratulate her deductive skills.
"...Am I wrong?"

"Th-Thats-!" Naegi stuttered, looking at her like she grew eight legs and started tap dancing.

"What's the matter?" Kirigiri asked, tone turning entirely cold. She had a habit of freezing the room whenever she felt too much. The irony in it wasn't lost on Maizono.
"If you're worried about the camera, why not write it down?"

"U-Uhm.. Well..." Naegi started, looking mentally constipated.

There was a pause.

Kirigiri turned to him once again, her eye contact deliberately unnerving.
"We're friends, so you should be able to trust me. Isn't that what you said before?"

Naegi looked like he was having an internal debate, as if he kept pressing the right buttons to speak but just couldn't get it out.

Then, he sighed.
"S-Sorry... I can't tell you. Not yet.."

Kirigiri paused, looking away from Naegi with slight aggravation in her eyes.
"So... That's your answer. But do you think thats fair? You were happy to hear what we've had to say, but now you're unwilling to share?"

Naegi looked guiltily at the two in front, namely Kirigiri - who he'd seen mad at Maizono. He didn't really want to be on the receiving end of that...
"I'm sorry. I really am.. "

There was a pause, then Kirigiri grabbed Maizono's sleeve as if to lead him.
"It's fine. Goodbye."

Kirigiri swiftly walked around Naegi, gently dragging Maizono with her - who climbed off stage, silently impressed at Kirigiri jumping off it in heels as she walked them out of the music room.

Maizono stayed silent, just letting her lead him. At some point, the hand on his sleeve became the hand in his - her walking pace faster than usual as if needing to leave now. Maizono recognised this walk, the same one she did out of the dining hall after Celestia used his first name for the very first time in front of her.

They winded down stairs, through hallways, down past classrooms until eventually they were back at the dorms - Kirigiri unlocking hers and bringing both inside.

Maizono was left to shut the door, the girl letting go of his hand to march over to her bed and sit. She had a tight grasp of her own wrist, squeezing the life out of it with an expression he hadn't yet seen. Anger.

Maizono opted to lock her door, just incase Naegi cane searching. He then slowly approached her bed, standing at the foot to give her space but show he was there. After a moment of silence..

"..I can't believe him. He had an entire speech last night about how we didn't trust him, about how we wouldn't share our findings with him. And then there he goes, doing that exact thing after the fact!
And it's not like we were keeping things to be mean! Just as a precaution! That.. Hypocrite."
Kirigiri was doing her best to stay composed, but her eyebrows were furrowed and lips had formed a harsh line as she bit down.

Maizono hummed, just letting her rant.

"Well? What do you think?" Kirigiri said, turning to meet Maizono's eyes. The usual lilac were bleeding into dark purple, brows crinkled in the middle as she tried not to submit to her anger entirely.

Maizono thought a moment, folding his arms behind his back.
"I agree it's hypocritical. Especially considering it's not exactly a secret that you don't just trust people.
He was fully aware you let yourself be more vulnerable to him, and it does appear he took that for granted."

"..But?" Kirigiri said, a little harsh.

Maizono gave a soft smile, not surprised she could read him so well.

"But," he started, taking a seat beside her - leaving room between them.
"I don't think it's for a malicious reason. He's too emotionally open for that to be the case. I'm sure he's upset he can't tell you, I'm thinking it's something either personal or about someone else. He said he couldn't tell us 'yet', implying he does plan to."
Maizono's words had merit, and Kirigiri knew it. She still felt angry.

Kirigiri took her jacket off in one swift motion, throwing it to her desk and leaning her elbows on her knees to catch her head.
"I know. Logically, I know.. but.."

Maizono hummed.
"Just because his actions have good intentions, doesn't mean that you're not allowed to be upset over them. If you need to be angry, be angry."

Kirigiri sighed harshly, fingers threading under her hair as her head hung.
"Why do I need to be angry? Why can't I just not feel anything?"

Maizono chuckled lightly, shaking his head.
"Because you're a human being, Kirigiri. You have emotions just like the rest of us. I imagine these emotions are hardest for you."

"...Yes. But why do you imagine that?"

Maizono smiled at her, even though she couldn't see it right now.
"Because you hide your emotions away all the time. They don't evaporate, you know, they just get bottled. Anger is one of those emotions that act like Mentos in the Cola of your mind."

"In the sense that it makes it bubble up and explode?" Kirigiri asked, her tone rather flat.

Maizono nodded. "Precisely."



"How are you so good at this? Talking about emotions like that?" Kirigiri asked, still not looking up.

Maizono shrugged. "I suppose I had to learn. My emotions are unruly, overwhelming, and honestly the bane of my existence. Until recently, I wished to get rid of them entirely. But, they do give me an uncanny ability to empathise."

Kirigiri snickered under her breath.
"Considering all that's happened recently, how come you suddenly want them?"

Maizono didn't reply at first, he just stared at her with a soft smile. After a pause, he opened his mouth to try and explain without explaining.

"I guess I like the cobwebs."

Kirigiri tilted her head, still in her hands, so she could make eye contact with him. The way he looked at her... She was certain no one had ever looked at her like that before. She felt entirely comfortable with him. Enough so that.. She was willingly angry in front of him. She didn't even think about it before hand, she just took him with her.

"Yeah. I suppose that's as good a reason as any." Kirigiri stated, sure they were both on about different kinds of cobwebs. They weren't.

"How about I go make us coffee? You can stay here, do whatever you have to, and when I come back you can decide whether you want to talk about this more - or have a distraction." Maizono offered, the smile on his face one he always reserved for only her.

Kirigiri hummed, nodding.
"I'd like that."

Maizono got up then, smiling at her.
"Good. I'll be back then."


When Maizono came back to Kirigiri's dorm, she was lying on her stomach over her bed, across the wrong way though - so she was facing the door with her legs dangling off the other side.

She had since discarded her boots and tie, clearly just trying to be comfier during her stress. She had her arms crossed on the bed, chin leaning on her arms and watching Maizono silently as he put the cups down on the round table. The PI carefully pulled the table closer to the bed, so that Kirigiri wouldn't need to get up for it.

"How are you, love?" Maizono called, small smile on his face.

A pause for thought.

"It makes my chest feel strange when you say that." Kirigiri suddenly said, rather bluntly.

Maizono froze, feeling guilty for it. He looked to her about to apologise when-

"No. I like it. I just thought you should know." The girl clarified, not moving to get up.

"O-Oh. So, should I say it more or just the same amount?" Maizono asked, kicking his shoes off and climbing onto the table, sitting cross legged in the middle of it by the cups.

Kirigiri shrugged.
"That's your prerogative."

Maizono hummed, taking his cup and having a sip.
"Anyway, would you like to answer?"

Kirigiri thought for a moment, slowly bringing herself up to sit with a leg folded under her. Her hands folded in her lap, shoulders relaxed as she shrugged.
"Still pretty mad."

Maizono just smiled at her for a moment.

"Thank you." The PI said, nursing his cup in his hands.

Kirigiri didn't respond, but it was clear she didn't know why he was thanking her.

"For trusting me, I mean. Enough to be this honest about your feelings."

The lilac toned woman just nodded, looking to the wall.

Maizono was tapping his cup in a rhythm, looking into space. There was a long stretch of silence between them, Kirigiri eventually taking her drink and nursing it also - their body language mirroring without either noticing it.

"Truth or dare?" Maizono suddenly spoke, grabbing the attention of the girl. She let out a breath, a small smile appearing.


Maizono hummed in thought.
"If you found the exit, what would be the first thing you do?"

Kirigiri didn't skip a beat.
"Inform you."

Maizono laughed, having to put his cup down in order to not spill it.

"Right, but what about after that Purps." He clarified.

"I don't know. I don't have anything out there, or if I do I don't remember." Kirigiri admitted, taking a drink of her coffee before staring into it.

Maizono hummed. "Guess you get to be stuck with me then. I have no one, too. May as well be lonely together."

Kirigiri let out a small laugh.
"Sounds like a plan. What's our first agenda?"

"Finding another mystery to kick ass at." Maizono didn't even think about his reply, and Kirigiri seemed to agree with it.

"Truth or dare, Maizono."

"Truth, why not?" The PI stopped tapping, letting one leg drop off the side of the table to swing instead.

"You said not too long ago if you ever got married you'd take their name. Other than your dad, is there another reason?" Kirigiri asked, it didn't take too long to think of. Must of been a detail to stick.

"Oh, well, I'd want to feel like I had a family. Maizono has a bad taste for me that way. It never was a family, not really anyway." Maizono explained.

Kirigiri tilted her head. "By family, do you mean kids?"

Maizono shrugged.
"I dunno. Never thought about it, I mean I never had any reason to consider it before. It could mean kids, but it may not. If I ended up with someone, I'd like to think we ourselves would be family. Though, I never thought I'd end up with someone. "

"How come?"

"Nuh uh, your turn. Truth or dare." Maizono cut off.

Kirigiri rolled her eyes.
"Truth again."

"What about you. Ever thought about that kind of future?" Maizono asked, tilting his head.

Kirigiri was silent a minute, thinking.
"Well, I am the only heir to my family. Would be a shame for the Kirigiri line to end here."

Maizono nodded, noting that down mentally.

"Huh, so I know two rich heirs. Definitely have a favourite one, that's for sure." The PI joked, taking a sip of his coffee.
"You don't have to tell me, but the heir of what legacy?"

Kirigiri smiled, meeting his eyes.
"You seem interested. Vying for a place, are you?"

Maizono flushed then, averting his gaze.
"You're mean."

"You didn't say no." Kirigiri joked, then opted to share.
"Remember what you said this morning? About traditional detective families?"

Maizono hummed, then after the ethernet explorer of his mind loaded, he gasped.
"Wait- shit- really!? Dude, that is so fuckin' cool!"

Kirigiri smiled, pride taking over her emotions as she started recalling her lost memories bit by bit.

"Wait, so does that mean I was right? About your Ultimate, I mean?" Maizono asked, eyes locked onto lilac showing his interest. Kirigiri found it sweet he was so intrigued by her.

"Yes, you were. Your comment reminded me." Kirigiri admitted.

Maizono was smiling.
"Duuudee! That's actually so cool. Now I really am considering signing up."

Kirigiri smiled, shaking her head.
"At least pretend to be interested for me soley."

Maizono smiled, a genuine and soft one this time.
"Kirigiri, of course you would be the reason. I am not vain, even if I pretend to be."

Kirigiri lifted a brow.
"Because that didn't sound like a confession of anything."

Maizono gave a cheeky smile, tilting his head.
"Hm, who knows? Maybe I'm just playing with you."

Internally, Maizono knew he should stop 'fake' flirting. He knew he meant every word, he knew every single day he felt more towards the girl in front of him. He knew sooner or later, he'd start not being able to keep denying it. He was starting to accept the fact that...

... It was no longer just a crush. He was starting to have real feelings. But it wasn't the place or the time.

Kirigiri leant over, flicking his forehead hard enough to make a noise. Maizono winced, grabbing his head.

"Serves you right. You shouldn't play with peoples feelings." Kirigiri stated, but there wasn't any real malice.

Maizono shook his head, giggling.
"I am not!"

Kirigiri hummed.
"Good. So, on the subject..."

"Hm?" Maizono looked up to her, confused.

"Anything you want to tell me about?"

Maizono looked confused, trying to think back.
"Uhh..... If there is, Its not a secret - I just don't remember."

Kirigiri snorted at that.
"You're scared I'll get mad at you too?"

Maizono grinned.
"I've been there, and it's not fun. I don't like upsetting you."

The detective shook her head, finishing her cup and placing it down.
"I heard you thought I was pretty."

Maizono flushed instantly, not even remembering when he'd said that.
"O-Oh. I see. Is that a problem?"

"Are you saying its true?"

Maizono deadpanned.
"Well I ain't fuckin' blind, so yeah."

Kirigiri was surprised by that, looking him in the eyes.
"Wait, you actually think so?"

Maizono hummed.
"Of course I do. I think you're a lot of things, but you'd develop a god complex if I went about telling you all the time."

It was a joke - but there was truth behind it. He couldn't lie to her, and he really did think so many things about her.... In fact, how pretty and amazing and intelligent and funny and kind she was.... Sometimes, it was all he thought of.

"Huh. I was aiming to fluster you right back, I guess it didn't work this time." Kirigiri bluntly said, tapping her leg.

"R-Right back!? I flustered you!?" Maizono sounded surprised by this.

Kirigiri nodded. "Yes, I just hide it a lot better."

"No kidding..." Maizono muttered, happy he managed something like that. Even if it was just friendly teasing to her.

"Anyway. Shouldn't we head back to the dining hall? The others may have found something." Kirigiri stated, getting up and putting her tie and jacket back on before going for her boots.

Maziono hummed, hoping onto the floor to sort his shoes.
"Yeah. Wanna investigate ourselves after?"

Kirigiri nodded.
"Of course."

Maizono stood up, pocketing his hands and turning to her.
"Still mad at him?"

Kirigiri paused, remembering what happened. She nodded.

"That's okay. I'll do the talking if it's necessary." Maizono promised, opening the door and holding it for her.

And off they went.

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