Division Agent Arknights Story

Von Kayto2538

12.5K 363 105

Yes this is an Isekai fanfic. I love playing the division and I enjoy the Arknights game. Both share a simila... Mehr

The New World
Streets of Chernobog
Manhattan All Over Again
Duel of the Snipers
Draconic Fury
One Last Push
Rhodes Island
Fitting In
The Deal

Liasion Officer (Y/N)

708 31 8
Von Kayto2538

...I need you!

...We're taking this city back!

...Watch out!

...You know what we gotta do.

...Be seeing you...

*Beep Beep Beep*

I opened my eyes as I heard my alarm go off. I immediately turned it off as I noticed I was covered in sweat. It started a few days ago. I was having nightmares. Memories of New York. And they would not stop. This is the third or fourth night in a row. I got up and took an immediate shower. This was my routine now. Even though I was losing sleep I had to keep myself in shape or I would make a not so favorable impression with my new coworkers.

Le Flashback


Dr. Kal'tsit: Yes, We are heading over to make a deal with the leader of the city, Chief Executive Wei Yenwu. When we last made contact it was suggested that sending over one of our Operatives to act as a liaison with the Lungmen Guard Department, their defacto law enforcement force that the Execution uses to run the city. You will be reporting to Investigator Chen. She is the Superintendent of the LDG and the head of their Special Inspection Unit.

"I get the gist of it, but why me?"

Dr. Kal'tsit: From the reports of Chernobog and your time in your own world I can classify you as an "Expert in Urban Combat", not to mention your ability to cooperate with others makes you the perfect candidate, despite only being here for a few days. However, if you need time to rest still I completely understand and-

"No, I'm good for it. Is there anything else I need to know?"

Dr. Kal'tsit: Only that Chen is not known for her "sunny-disposition", she demands respect and expects results, and from what I've heard she is not to keen on working with outsiders. It will be an up hill battle...Also, things in Lungmen can be a bit...harsh with the LGD. You are expected to be Rhode Islands Representative, but-

"That doesn't mean "everything goes", I understand.

Dr. Kal'tsit: Looks like my faith in you is not misplaced. Good. You leave tomorrow.

Le Present

That was almost a week ago. I've been working with the LGD for the past few days. Everything was pretty routine so far. I was directly attached to Chen's team. It was her, Hoshiguma, and Swire. They were an...essentric bunch, but I liked that about them. They were the Larry, Moe, and Curly of Terra, but don't tell them I said that. I'm already in enough hot water with them as it is. After I got ready and grabbed my gear I went to join my team. I saw them in the cafeteria. When they saw me, well it was quite the reaction. Swire was grinning from ear to ear, Hoshiguma had a nervous smile on her face, and Chen...Well let's just say despite a slight blush on her face I could almost hear her blood pressure rising just from seeing me.

Chen: Glad. You. Could. Join. Us.

When she spoke she was clinching her jaw the entire sentence.


I just sat down and joined them. Swire passed me a cup of coffee, to which, I gave her a suspicious look.

Swire: Relax, I didn't do anything to it...this time hehehe.

I just looked at her with suspicion as I slowly drank the coffee.

Chen: Enough! We have to go over yesterday.

I gulped nervously as I already knew what this was about. She then looked right at me as if she was hoping I would drop dead on the spot.

Chen: After having...carefully...thought about it...I have decided...that I overreacted...a bit...

A bit? I wouldn't call what you tried to do to me "a bit"!

Chen: And I also decided...that what happened wasn't...entirely...your...fault...

Waitwaitwaitwait she's actually apologizing!?! I looked over a Hoshighuma who gave me a wink. I guess she calmed her down.

Chen: What I am trying to say is...I'm...s-s-sorry.

It looked like she really had to swallow her pride. Well since she's a dragon, and she wold be very prideful.

Swire: Wow, talk about sincere.

Chen looked at Swire with a bright red face that could explode any minute. Until Swire was kicked under the table by Hoshiguma causing her to lurch over on the table. Yep the Three Stooges of Terra ladies and gentlemen. I couldn't help, but laugh.

Chen: ANYWHO! With all of that out of the way, do you accept my apology?

"I do."

I said without hesitation.

Chen: I'm glad to hear it. Now we can actually get to business. Aside from the usuals we've noticed a significant amount refugees from Chernobog heading our way. Initial estimates suggest they'll be here by next week.

"Almost hard to believe anyone survived that disaster."

Hoshiguma: You were there to retrieve your Doctor right?

"I was...I'll never forget that day."

Chen: You are right though, it is hard to believe anyone survive.

Swire: What are ya getting at?

Chen: I had a meeting yesterday with Executive Wei that I was GOING to brief you on.

She glared at me to which I nervously laughed.

Chen: Reunion has been upgraded to a Terrorist Organization. With that there are numerous concerns that Reunion members will be mixed in the refugees, and attempt to infiltrate Lungmen.

"Spreading their revolution."

Chen: Exactly.

Swire: There's a decent number of infected living in the city slums.

Hoshiguma: If they're not already sympathizing with them then the infiltrators will recruit them to their cause.

Chen: That's why it's been decided to increase all patrols and operations within the slums. We have to keep a closer eye on the infected to ensure another Chernobog doesn't happen here.

"The infected are not treated kindly."

Swire: Even so we're not Ursus. We don't regularly abuse them, but they don't have the best living conditions.

Chen: We still have a job to do and we're expected to do it. Hoshiguma, you will take the Southside with Team 3 and maintain high-vigilence patrols.

Hoshiguma: Got it.

Chen: Swire, you will do the same on the main streets, we don't know if Reunion sympathizers will try anything to the general populace.

Swire: Good thing too, my favotire cafe is in the area.

Chen glared at her, but left it alone.

Chen: As for you. Liaison Officer (Y/N).

She looked right at me.

Chen: You're with me on the Northside.

"I'm with you today???"

Chen: I have to keep an eye on you so you don't cause another "Accident".

"Yes Madam Chen."

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Chen: Any questions? No? Good. Get your teams together and move out.

As we were leaving I overheard Hoshighuma and Swire taking to each other.

Swire: Hoshi, how much you wanna bet she's going to take him to an alley and-

Hoshiguma: Please stop before you set her off again.

Swire: You're no fun.

What was that all about? I looked at Chen and I thought I saw steams coming from her head.

Chen: I am going to punish her when we get back.

"This is going to be a long day."

Le Timeskip

Well, this was just about the most uneventful day on duty I have ever had. We were patrolling on the north side of the slums and nothing was really going on. Though I will say, every time the locals saw us they immediately took cover as if they were afraid of us. Swire said they weren't like Ursus when it came to how the infected were treated, but I imagine it still wasn't good. Everyone treats the infected badly so they will keep away and not spread Oripathy. It's a very cruel tactic that dehumanizes then infected. It's not their fault that this is happening. They don't deserve this. I wonder though. Is it possible for me to be infected? And how does that work?

Chen: Hoshi, check in.

Hoshiguma: *radio* All good on the south side. No incidents to report.

Chen: Copy. Swire, check in. 

Swire: Same here, though this cake at the cafe is to die for.

Chen: Focus on your job not some stupid cake!

Swire: STUPID!?! You're the stupid one who can't-

Chen just switched her radio off.

Chen: Annoying cat.

I couldn't help but laugh a little.

Chen: Something amusing?

"Sorry, I can't help but to see what a good team you have. You guys are good at your jobs, but also have great bonds."

Chen: Great bonds?

"Yeah, where I came from I never had a team. I always had to do stuff like this on my own. Couldn't rely on anyone else or even really trust anyone else but myself. I won't lie I'm jealous of it."

Chen looked at me without changing her expression, but she seemed to be thinking about what I said.

Chen: How did you do it?

"Honestly..it was because everything was so non-stop that I was able to keep at it without being concerned about that. It was day-in and day-out fighting to survive. I didn't even have time to think, let alone rationalize the fact I was doing it all on my own."

Chen's POV

Just being able to push his own isolation aside to keep fighting. I can't help but admire that. I was just about to say something until he suddenly pushed me into a near by alley. He was holding me closely this jerk just got me to lower my guard!

Chen: What the he-

He suddenly gave me a serious expression and held a finger to his lips. Then he looked out on the street. I followed his gaze and noticed four guys walking by. They looked like normal infected to me.

*whisper* "Did you see their arm bands?"

I peered out as they walked by and noticed they were wearing orange arm bands.

*whisper* "The last time I saw the symbols on those arm bands...was in Chernobog.

Chen: *whisper* Reunion is already in the city!?! I didn't think they were going to be here for a few more days at least.

"I doubt it's a whole squad of Reunion. Probably some zealous sympathizers who are stupidly making their presence known. What's your call?"

Chen: As much as I would like to deal with them here and now, we should follow the rats to their nest.

He nodded.

Chen: But first...you should probably let me go now.

He looked at me and noticed that he was still holding my by my shoulders. He suddenly got flustered and started apologizing. I guess he's not so bad. Seems young's but decently reliable.

Chen: Alright lets follow them.

Back to you

We tailed the Reunion goons to what appeared to be an abandoned building in the slums.

"Something doesn't feel right."

Chen: I agree. I bet there's more than a few surprises waiting for us in there. How would you tackle this?

She's asking me?

"When moments like this happened time was a major factor. I didn't have the luxury of trying to plan things out. I went it high, hard, and fast taking down every hostile that I came across."

More or less that's how it was in New York, but I doubt that's what an experienced leader like her would-

Chen: Let's go with that then.



Chen: I like that plan, plus we need to work towards our strengths right? Let go show these fools just who they're messing with. Let's spring the trap.

She started walking out towards the building gripping her sword ready to draw. I was stunned just staring at her as she walked away until I shook myself out of my stupor then chased after her. We both just walked into the building. I kept my guard up ready for anything. Though I only had my pistol, I had my knife and a variety of grenades ready. After we were in the center of an open room with a few bits of debris as cover, some rubble fell behind us blocking the only way back out. I looked at Chen and said-

"We're all in now."

She nodded then looked back to the center.

Chen: Then is the LDG, we have your entire hideout surrounded. I suggest you all come out now before we have to take you down.

At first there was nothing. Just an eerie silence that I found suspicious. Then the counter offer came.

???: Lambs to the slaughter. That is all you are. Your sacrifices shall pave the way for the rise of the infected in Lungmen. Reunion. will. RIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSEEEEEEE!

As soon as the typical villain monologue was finished we could hear the footsteps of numerous others coming to meet us. Chen drew her sword and I pulled my 9 mil. But something happened that caught me off guard I was expecting a horde of Reunion Grunts to suddenly appear. But it was not that at all. All that came out were a bunch of kids. Some gave looks that showed a hint of passion in what they were led to believe, but the others were scared. If they weren't threatened into doing this then they're definitely scared of what we will do to them.

???: These recruits will earn their place with your blood.

Did they really mean that? Or are they recording us waiting for us to slaughter these helpless children to further their cause?

"Is that what you all want?"

I directed my question to the dozen or so kids.

???: Of course it is! They are ready to give their lives for the cause!

"I wasn't talking to the cowardly whelp hiding in the shadows. They are the ones facing us, not you!"

I holstered my pistol and I directed Chen to do the same. She was hesitant but followed my lead and sheathed her sword.

"Is this what you kids want? To become murderers? Killers whose only purpose is two fight and die?"

child 1: W-what choice do we have?

child 2: We have nothing. We-we-

"You're infected."

They all looked like they just wanted to break down on the spot.

"Reunion promised you revenge right? For the way you have been treated? They way you have lived? You didn't chose to be infected. You didn't have a choice in the matter. Reunion promise revenge right, but did they offer you hope?

They all looked at me.

"Hope, a chance to live a better life? A chance to be free? All they gave was a promise of blood and death. What about life?

???: The only life for the infected is a life of revenge! Against all those who forced us to live this way!

"Then why not choose to live better? I am a Rhode Island Operator. We can take you in, give you a chance. You can live a better life. I'll stake my life on it."


"Why not find out for yourselves?"

Child1: D-do you mean it? Can we really choose?


"Yes you can."

I held out my hand to the one who asks me, she slowly walked towards me and took my hand in hers.

"You all have that choice. A choice many others did not have. A choice I...I did not have."

I could feel Chen's gaze on me as this happened. Was she judging me? or pitying me? As the first child came up I knelt down to her level.

"What's your name?"

Child1: C-clara.

(Just an idea, she would be in worn, raggedy clothes as a street infected)

"Clara you want the chance to live a better life right?"

She vigorously nodded her head.

"What about everyone else? What do you all choose?"

They all looked at each other until one-by-one they all cam to use. They all wanted a chance for a better life.


I urged all of the kids to get behind us as we backed to the ruined entrance.

ISAC: Scan initiated.

I was able to determine the location of the four. They were all on the upper floor, but it looked like they all were armed.

"Two with crossbows, and two with large clubs I think."

Chen: Their crossbows are probably loaded with explosive bolts.

I looked at the children who looked at me scared for their lives.

"Don't worry kids, we're getting you all out of here."

Two of the club guys dropped down while the crossbowmen loaded their bolts. Chen charged the two as I opened up with my pistol. One was stunned while the other moved to strike Chen, but he underestimated her. One thing I have learned about Chen when it comes to fighting, her style is as elegant as it is brutal. She sped past the large guy and with her Art crippled him with one strike to the legs. I deployed my turret to keep the other one pinned as I moved and engaged the crossbowmen, they were behind cover so a 9 mil wasn't going to do much, but I lobbed my incendiary grenades catching one on fire and forcing the other out of cover, with that I fire a full clip at him, though it seemed like it took him down. I looked to see Chen was containing the second guy easily with the help of my turret. The first guy tried to get up again, but I rushed him with my knife and made sure he stayed down. I turned to see the crossbowman get back up and aiming for Chen. I moved ant tackled her out of the way, but as I did I could feel a powerful scrape across my shoulder, I winced but quickly aimed my pistol only for it yo click empty. As he was reloading so was I. I loaded my mag, took aim, and fired a shot at his weakened armor doing through his throat, knocking him down a story onto his head. I released the breath I was holding.

"It's over."

Chen: Yes, but I would appreciate it if you got off of me.

I looked to see I was kneeing right on top of her. As quick as I could I got up and pulled her up to me. She looked my right in the eyes with a light dusting of pink across her cheeks.

Chen Thank you, (Y/N).

I could feel the sincerity in her voice. She really meant it.

Chen: Your bleeding!

She could see the blood dripping from the wound I got.

"I-It's just a scratch."

Chen: Like hell it is!

"I promise I'm fine. It's not the first time I-

Clara: A-are you hurt?

I looked down to see little Clara looking down at me like she was worried for me. I smiled and knelt down to her level again. and rubbed her head gently.

"It's just a little scratch. I'm fine."

She managed a small smile for me.

Chen: You really are something (Y/N).

"I do my best. Now let's get you kids ready for that better life I promised!"

Kids: YEAH!


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