Beg For More


2.3K 25 1


Destroy Her
Franky's Party
Body Shop
Destroy Him
In the Gym
Meeting the Family
You Owe Me
Beg for Me
Saving You
Alone Together (part one)
Alone Together Part 2
School Daze
Family Affairs
Two Lost Souls
Knowing Me, Knowing You
Wrapped Around My Little Finger
Game Changer
Sweet Little Lies Part 1
Sweet Little Lies Part 2
All Bets Are Off
Prom Night
Whatever Will Be, Will Be
Letting Go


29 0 0


I was in Heaven.

She followed me to school that morning and I couldn't help but smile the entire way there.

She'd wave at me when we were stopped at red lights, try to keep up with me when I was naughtily speeding and flip that hair of hers when she thought I wasn't ogling her through my rearview.

She parked next to me in the back lot, melting into my arms as we talked to the guys and the girls they were now seeing. It was nice to gaze at the love developing between Greg and Melissa. He was over the moon for her.

I wanted to hold Sapphire forever, but responsibilities called and we had to part, but I bothered her all day with my text messages. I had her sitting on my lap at lunch and holding my hand during history class.

I walked her to work at the library, my arm linked with hers the entire way. She was late because I couldn't keep my hands off of her and her lips were just too sweet to turn down.

The "I love yous" continued until she slipped away from me.

I watched as she walked through the doors and waved to me as she disappeared into the back office.

I whistled on my way to work. Even Dad couldn't get on my fucking nerves, even though he tried. He was pissed off at Brenda, who'd gone to stay with her parents somewhere in Edison after he found out she'd been seeing other men. I tried to tell him, but Sapphire had taught me not to rub it in his face if I was right so I didn't.

I just did my job and thought about the future with my beautiful girl.

I thought maybe she'd come back to the townhouse that night, but she messaged me around 9 and said that Ruby wanted to take a drive to see their Mom for the weekend.

I was a little jealous they were taking my girl away again, but I understood. Every few hours, I'd get a little cute emoji message from her that made my heart skip a beat.

It was Friday night so I decided to hit up some parties with the boys. I got the usual questions regarding Sapphire and I was happy to tell the world that we were back together and it was real. Everyone could fuck off.

Jordan seemed distracted, but I think Rachel wasn't returning the same feelings he had for her and Matt was not interested in Erica. We'd forgiven Jordan for drunkenly telling Rachel about the bet. When you're whipped and drunk, bad shit happens.

The graduation/going away parties were still going strong and I was at Rob's this time. Erica was adamant on hanging around me and the guys.

"Where's Sapphire?" She asked me, leaning closer to my side.

"Out of town," I chugged my beer. I wasn't going to make conversation with this woman. She was trouble and something didn't sit right with me about her, especially how she was when my girl wasn't around.

"That's too bad. She's missing a good party," Erica ran her hand down my arm and I tensed, but not in the way Sapphire made me tense up with seductive anticipation. Erica made my skin crawl, "Stop, Erica."

"You're nothing without me, Baxter," Erica smirked, "I could give you so much more than she could ever imagine."

"I don't want anything from you. Move on! The only reason you still want me is because I broke up with you, " I glared at her, "What happened with Matt? "

Guess that struck a nerve because she narrowed her eyes at me and walked away.

I'd found out through the grapevine that Matt was indeed smitten with Erica, but not her lifestyle. Matt didn't come from Avery either and her high maintenance was too much for him so he moved on.

I texted Sapphire, but I didn't get a response until much later. I wasn't going to bother her with my problems and I certainly wasn't going to discuss Erica. I was going to be happy to graduate and be with my girl, starting our lives together. Fresh and new.

My ego was still inflated and I could thank Sapphire for that, too. I'd seen a lot of my old flames at this party and a few girls I'd just had fun with without strings attached, including the one who taught me a few tips and tricks that I'd now taught Sapphire.

Of course, having them stil ogle me was a vanity booster, but I was a one-woman man now and I intended to stay that way.

The text messages were sporadic from Spooks. One didn't make much sense, but I figured that one of her nieces or nephews had gotten hold of her phone.

I called it an early night and went home. I wanted to get up the next day and grab some essentials for the house and some bath stuff for Sapphire. I also wanted to tell Peter and Evelyn that she'd be back soon. I was shouting it to the rooftops that we were back together and I didn't give a damn how silly I looked.

She'd made me giddy as fuck.

I rolled out of bed Saturday and went shopping, grabbing all of her favorite foods and drinks. I bought all of the shampoos and soaps she used and I even decided that my black satin sheets were nice for my bachelor days, but I was going to get some red ones and spice it up a bit.

I wanted her to see the drawings I'd done for her when she was gone and go for walks wih her back down to the river. Summer was closing in and I couldn't wait to ride the open roads with her by my side, windows rolled down and the music turned up.

Not a damn thing stood in my way now.

I decided to have a party on Sunday at Dad's house. He was still in grief mode for Brenda and I actually felt bad for him, but he decided to go on a fishing trip to Edison. I knew exactly where he was going, though. Not to Brenda's. He was going to visit my Mom, the only woman in the world who could calm him down. Whatever was meant to be with that situation was yet to be seen.

I messaged Sapphire and asked her if she was going to be available to come to the party or would she be in late, but I didn't get a reply. The last text I got from her was Saturday afternoon and it was just another heart emoji.

Greg and the guys showed up, followed by Sapphire's friends, Star was there with a few of her friends. I noticed Jordan was sulking, and Rachel was nowhere to be seen. I'd invited a few other people who showed up with some booze and snacks, but I didn't want something too big. My parties were usually wild, but not this time.

Mel and Lourdes had told me they hadn't heard from Spooks and that didn't seem unusual. They admitted not bothering her while she was visiting her Mom. The evaluation had been a success and Linda would be coming home soon so we all wanted to be there for Sapphire, but on her terms.

I was having the time of my life doing cannon balls into the pool when all of a sudden I heard someone yell my name.

I emerged from the water, flicking my hair back, I looked around at everyone who was looking at a shaking Opal.

"Blaze, where's my sister?! Where's Sapphire?!" She was yelling.

I got out of the pool, bewildered, "What the fuck are you talking about?"

Star was behind her, followed by Lourdes and Melissa who looked just as concerned.

"What do you mean?!"I grabbed a towel, "She's with you!"

"No, she isn't! No one has seen her since Friday night," Opal sobbed, "She told me via text she'd be here, but Star said she hasn't been here and the girls haven't heard from her. She was supposed to pick up the kids from Paul's place this morning,-"

"You didn't go see your Mom this weekend?" My entire world was blurring over. Greg was behind me now and I felt his hand on my shoulder, propping me up.

"No, we're not going until next weekend!" Opal cried, "Has anyone seen her? Her phone is going to voicemail now!"

"I'm calling the police,"Melissa said, running into the house to grab her phone.

My girl was missing? This wasn't fucking happening.

"Could she be with someone?" Opal asked me, "Anyone? She wouldn't have run off like this!"

"Someone knows where she is,"Jesse piped up, "Why would she be sending these mixed messages to all of you?"

I saw him throwing a towel on, "I'm getting dressed. We'll go look for her."

I couldn't even fucking move. Greg pulled me into the house because everyone was getting dressed and making phone calls to Sapphire's phone and to anyone else she might know or be with.

I even had Greg call Kenny who was just as distraught as we were after he found out she was missing. Being close to Atlas, he said he was going to go out and look for her.

I dressed, but I was in such a daze that I didn't know what I was doing. Melissa said we'd have to go put in a missing person's report and that just wasn't going to fucking do.

Opal called Emerald and Ruby to do just that while she stayed with us. Star called my Mom and Dad. Mom said she'd go to the townhouse and wait to see if she showed up there. I even heard someone call Fox who was allowed phone access at the facility, but he had no idea what was going on.

I kept eyeballing Jordan who looked like he was going to puke. He wasn't moving as quickly as everyone else nor was he making any attempt to help.

"I know where she is,"he said in a soft voice, almost inaudible. He was looking through me.

I stepped into his space and grabbed his shoulders, shaking him, "What the fuck do you mean you know where she is?!"

"I'm so sorry, Blaze..."

"What are you sorry for, Jordan?!"

My eyes glazed with fear.

"It wasn't meant to come to this, I swear!" Jordan threw his hands up, making me step backwards.

Opal was standing beside me now, everyone crowded Jordan.

"It was Erica's idea, but I didn't know she'd take it this far, I promise!" Jordan's voice cracked as he backed up against the wall.

"What?"I was leaned up against him now, "Don't fuck with me, Jordan."

"I wanted Rachel and Erica said I'd have her. She said as long as I did what she wanted, Rachel would want me, but I never thought she'd hurt Sapphire all because she still wanted you. She said that she'd wanted Sapphire far away from you, but I didn't think she'd hurt her."

My rage took over and I grabbed Jordan around the neck, choking him, "You're telling me that my girl is in danger because you were thinking with your dick?!"

Jordan was bawling and turning purple. Rob pulled me off before I could kill the fucker.

"Erica's had me spying on you both for months," Jordan coughed, holding his throat, "I know everything about what you guys have been up to. She was going to use it all against you and Sapphire for her own benefits."

"She was going to blackmail me and my girl and you were in on it?!" I pushed him back against the wall, "You were my friend, Jordan! What the fuck?!"

"Everything. Everything from her doing jobs for Ruby to you doing stuff for Fox. She wanted me to film you together, but I couldn't. I just couldn't violate you like that."

I couldn't even think straight. The thought of someone videotaping my girl in an intimate setting sent me reeling, "Where is she?!"

"Erica and her father aren't what they seem. They're in league with Chet and Lucas and all those people in Atlas," Jordan told us, "I have shit on her, too. I destroyed all of the stuff I had on you and Sapphire because,-"

I pulled his hair back and got into his face, "Because you didn't get what you wanted out of Rachel, you piece of shit. You were my friend."

"I'm so sorry, Blaze,"Jordan closed his eyes as tears streamed down his cheeks, "Please..."

I punched him in the ribs and he yelled out, crumbling to the floor, sobbing.

"She's at the warehouse," he sobbed.

I looked at the guys, "Get him in the car."I pointed to Jordan who looked scared as shit, "Opal, call the cops back and try to get them to get in that warehouse! I've got to get something,"

I ran into my dad's room and grabbed one of his guns, making sure it was loaded and holstering in securely in my pants.

Greg looked to Melissa who embraced him, "Please be careful."

He gave her a quick kiss, "Don't you worry, baby. We're gonna be fine."

Greg, Jesse and Rob grabbed Jordan and dumped him in the backseat. Greg got in the front with me while Jesse and Rob held Jordan securely in the backseat.

"Why am I going with you?" Jordan cried.

"Because you fucking did this!"I yelled at him, "And when we're done, we'd better bring her out of there alive,Jordan, or so help me God I will put a fucking bullet through your head. You're going to the cops with all of the shit you have on the mayor and his fucking beloved daughter."

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