The Rejected|BxB

By money_festing

33K 1.4K 240

Just when Mizuki thought he had found his one true mate, his entire world turned upside down. He went from t... More



248 13 37
By money_festing


Meeting my mate for the first time was a feeling I've never experienced before, the rush that I would like to live over and over again.

The first time I saw Mizuki was in the mirror, at that moment it was as if my life was whole again. The reason I continued to live on was here, and I was able to see him again. That was what rang through my head at that moment.

Though he looked exactly like my previous mate, he looked completely different at the same time. He had freckles scattered all over his face, a detail that I loved so much that I would wake hours before him to try and count just how much he really had.

His eyes were bigger and more captivating. He was slim when we first met, and now he was getting plumper, which I loved. I love waking up and watching him change in so many beautiful ways.

He tried to hide himself under my shirts, but that made me even weaker for him.

Unknowingly, I would watch him pull the shirt down to his thighs, then turn to the side to look at himself clearer in the mirror, trying to see if his little nonexistent bump was showing.

His hair was much longer now his bangs have grown out, and now he ties it all up in a cute little bun at the back.

Mizuki was truly fascinating, the way he refused to eat anything unless there was pineapple in or beside it. He often starts talking about one thing and completely goes off topic.

Maybe it was the fact that Eros had filled me in on what he and Cassius had before I even knew him or Mizuki. Now, I was more distracted by his presence.

I noticed the small changes, the way his scent changed to a much sweeter one of flowers, the way he looked absolutely annoyed whenever Keegan was standing anywhere close to Mylo and the way he was now more calmer and actually listened to me.

Was I in love? No, but I wasn't far from it.

I would like to be, though.

“What are you thinking about?” The small omega asked, raising his head to look at me.

The tip of his hair was white, which I didn't understand. The amulet was supposed to block his powers.

“Nothing.” I said, and he nodded, placing his head back on the pillow next to mine.

My eyes moved downwards as I looked at the multitude of freckles. I hope they have his freckles.

I decided not to be mad that he made us drink that flower because it was no good right now, and I wanted to spend time with him.

Eros told me he made a deal with the witch when his family died. Cassius suffered after that, trying to keep him in the right state of the mine, and his mother started to slowly drain him of his powers right after that, too.

Eros made a deal. To protect himself and his mate, he told the witch to link Cassius with a human as their wolf, making sure to remove all memories of him and his horrible mother, giving him a fresh start.

The witch paired Koa and Cassius together.

Eros, too, was sent to be paired with a human that human being me. The difference between them was that Eros remembered everything that happened while Cassius didn't even know he was Eros's mate for a long time.

In return, Eros promised to protect the witch, and he's been doing that ever since. He gave her a new identity, and ever since then, she's been on the run.

Now she was being hunted, and if she was smart, she would've come out and let us protect her the right way.

“No seriously, what are you thinking about?” Mizuki asked again, this time scooting closer to me.

“This, us, a lot of things.” I said truthfully.

“Well, until Elarian kidnaps me again, we have to make the best of it.” He said as his hand came up to brush a few strands back.

“She's doing it in a way that we don't know where she'll come from next.” I said, more to myself than to him.

“The first time, after we mated, and I woke up at that place. The second time, she drugged me, or was that the third I don't even know.” He said softly.

“She's not making direct contact with us. She's sending Kian, and since he can look like whoever he wants, it doesn't even help.”

“I don't wanna talk about them. Let's talk about us. Pups, huh?” He said, smiling at me, his big blue eyes staring into my soul.


“Are you excited?”

“Yes and No. I'm very much excited to meet them, and I hope they look exactly like you, but on the other hand, I didn't want them to be born in this situation.” I said, and he frowned.

“They'll be fine, I'll protect them with my life, and I know you'll do the same. Eros and Cassius, too.” He rubbed his thumb across my cheek, and I smiled.

“Until then, girl or boy?”

“It doesn't matter.” I told him, and he hummed.

“If you say so.”

“What did you love most about your pack?” I asked him, and he paused his eyes, going upwards while he thought.

“I don't know, maybe my best friend and my parents they were always there for me no matter what. I never had much of a pack if you asked me. It was more of a pack, but we were just spectators.” He explained.

“Would you go back?”

“No, if it was a good experience, then yeah, sure, but for now, no.” he said.

“I say once they are born and we get rid of Elarian, we leave all of this behind.” I said, and he blinked at me.

“Why would we leave? Didn't you make this as a safe place?”

“I did, but that was for Koa, I want somewhere different for us to be safe. All of us and this place is already tainted.”

“Okay.” He removed his hand from my face and lifted his pinky to me, which I looked at.

“Once everything is all calm and the pups are born, we'll leave this all behind and start new.” He said, and I smiled at him before linking my pinky with his.

Mizuki snickered and leaned his forehead against mine with his eyes closed.

“Where would we go?” He asked.

“I don't know, when we reach that bridge, we'll cross it.” I told him, and he nodded.

“You know what I find weird?”


“The fact that you guys don't use phones here. Do you even know what that is?”

“Of course I know what a phone is-”

“Then why haven't I seen any here?”

“We don't need them.” I said.

“You guys have cars, but not phones make it make sense.” He said, looking me dead in the eye.

“You're not supposed to have access to your powers yet still your hair is turning white make it make sense.” I replied, and he instantly touched his hair.

“Get away.” He said, turning away from me, curling into a ball. I laughed, wrapping my arms around him, and he wiggled away from my hold.

“Keegan said he heard that you have four different essences was the word he used.” I said, holding my omega close to me.

“What's the meaning of that? four babies?”


“I hope not.” I said, which seemed to upset him because he turned to look at me.


“Can you manage four?”

“I've managed a lot more than four .” He said in a sultry tone, batting his eyes at me.

I couldn't help but laugh at his attempt at being seductive.

“I think he meant something else.” I said, and he pretended to sigh in disappointment.

“Well if it's four, I can manage four.” He said

“I don't think it's four pups, I have a feeling it's something more.”

“Well when whatever happens, we'll see.” He said, untangling himself from the sheets and getting out of bed.

I laid on my back with my arms linked behind my head, watching him as he walked into the closet. A few minutes later, he emerged dressed in another one of my shirts and sweatpants that he had to fold at the ankles.

“What's wrong with your clothes?” I asked, and he looked down at what he was wearing.

“I like these more.”


“We should do something today.” He said, coming to stand by me, and I looked up at him.

“Like what?”

“Something. I don't know, no distractions though let's just spend some time together.” He said as he walked to the door.

“Then where are you going?”

“Food.” Was all he said as he left the room, the door shutting behind him.

I got out of bed, following him down the hallway the same time his friend bent the corner, and they both almost knocked into each other.

“Mylo, hey.”

“Zuk, I had something to tell you,” the omega said, and Mizuki hummed.

“A girl was looking for you. Black hair, yellowish eyes. She said her name was Azura.” Mylo said, waving his hands as he talked.

Mizuki's head whipped back to look at me in surprise, and then he turned back to his friend.

“Really? When was this?” He asked eagerness, filling his voice.

“Yesterday before I came here.” Mylo replied.

“Oh-” Mizuki said in disappointment. “-I guess she's gone now then.”

“No- She's here. I saw her when I walked in, and that's when I remembered I had a message to deliver.”

Mizuki perked up at that and thanked Mylo for telling him, then coming over to me and pulling me by the wrist.

“Are you that excited?” I asked him as he tugged me.

“Yes she's my best friend.”

“How did she get here then?” I asked, and that made him stop dead in his tracks.

“Right, the last I heard, she was with Kalex, my former mate.” He said with sadness edged in his voice.

“Let's go see why she's here then.” I said, placing both hands on his shoulders, and he looked up at me, and then I gently pushed him down the hallway.

When we walked into the room, a girl about as tall as my mate or a little bit taller stood with her hands wrapped around herself and two small bags by her feet.

Where was she going with bags?

She turned at the sound of us entering the room, and her eyes lit up immediately. “Zuki,”

Mizuki took hesitant steps towards the female omega, and she stepped over the bags and rushed over to him, pulling him in a hug.

“I missed you so much.” She said as she swayed them from side to side.

Mizuki was the first to pull away, and she stared at him for a minute before clearing her throat. Her eyes moved over to me and quickly moved away.

“It's been a long time.” She said, taking a step back with her hands still tangled with his.

I think Mizuki short circuited because he wasn't saying anything at all.


“How have you been? I bet everything is going well. You're a big name in this place.” She said, and he kept quiet. All he did was look at her.

“Are you okay?” She asked when she noticed he wasn't saying a word.

“I'm fine, uh, I'm good. H-how are you?” He asked, and she smiled brightly.

“I've been better. I just really missed you.” She said, and Mizuki nodded.

“Where is your mate?” He asked her, and she blinked rapidly.

“What are you talking about? You know I didn't have a mate.” She said her voice rose an instant tell that she was lying.

“Oh, yeah, I remember. So what are you doing here?” He asked, and she tilted her head.

“To see you? Is that not okay?”

“It is. I see you have bags, your staying?”

She looked down at the bags and nodded, “is that not okay?”

Mizuki shrugged, “Sure.”

She smiled at him, and he looked behind her at the two guards that stood at the door signalling for them to take her bags, and they did just that.

He walked back over to me, and I looked down at him.

“I'll take her to a room, maybe I'll talk with her, are you leaving?” he asked, and I looked back at the girl whose eyes met mine for a second.

“Yeah.” I said, and he nodded.

I didn't trust her one bit. It was weird how she just showed up on Oridian. How did she know he'd be here?


“So who is that?” Azura asked as soon as I showed her the room I was allowing her to stay in.


“That man, you know the one that came down with you.” she said I blinked.

“That's Zephyr.”

“Oh, the mate?”

“Right.” I dragged, and she nodded, placing one of her bags on the bed.

"So that's you type, you like them tall-"

“What are you doing here, Azura?” I asked, and she didn't look at me, She simply continued to unpack her bag.

“I wanted to see you, I missed you. You've been gone for almost a year and a half.” She said, and when she took out the last item, she turned to me and smiled.

“A lot happened after you left-”

“Like what?”

The fact that you were never my friend and took my place the moment I left. As soon as I was killed, that was when you showed your true colors.

Or was that a lie?

Are you really my friend, and everything Morana said was a lie.

I wanted to think that you are the same Azura that I grew up with, but I can't help but think you are not trustworthy.

“We should go out and talk some more.” She suggested, and I thought about it for a second and then nodded.

“I need to change, so I'll meet you downstairs?”

“Yeah.” I said and exited the room.

I walked slowly down the hall. The thought of her being here was bothering me.

Was she the one Mylo said came to the ball? If so, where had she been all this time?

It only took about ten minutes, and she was running down the staircase towards me.

She linked her arms with mine and practically dragged me to the door. Two guards attempted to follow us, but I shook my head, telling them no.

I wanted to trust her, so this was my way of showing that I hoped that she was worthy of my trust.

“We can go into town.” she said, and in no time, we were making our way into the woods. Well, not woods but still woods.

“So what happened in the pack?” I asked her along the way, and she stopped dead in her tracks.

“Kalex happened as always.” She said, looking at me.

“Oh, he's still with her then, I guess.” I said more to myself than her.


“Why lie Azura?” I asked, looking at her, and she looked at me with a pretencious face.

“Me?” She points at herself, “why would I lie?” She asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

“You left me, your parents, and your pack, I came all this way to find you, to bring you home with me, so why would I lie?” Her voice went higher and higher with every word.

I crossed my arms as my tongue darted out to wet my lips before I spoke again.

“Right, so you don't know that my parents were killed?”

“What?” She asked, looking at me as if I was crazy.

“You don't know that the same man that you are cuddling up to was the one that attempted to kill me?” I shouted, and she her eye twitched.

“I wasn't cuddling up with anyone, you know how much I dispised men like him and h-he-”

“Where did you get the necklace you gave me?” I asked her, and she paused.

“I told you I found it.”

Right, but it was with Koa at the time, and no one could have it expect Kian since he was the one to send Koa away all those years ago.

“You can drop the act.” I said, and she opened her mouth to say something but closed it, and she her eyes gleamed with false innocence, but I knew better than to let that fool me.

“Zuki what are you even talking about?” She asked, and my frown deepened.

“I came here to take you home.”

“I'm not going anywhere with you.” I said, and she glared at me.

“When did you become so stubborn.” She whispered. Her hand went behind her, and in no time, I saw that she was holding a syringe in her left hand.

Without a second thought, I stepped back, and she pounced.

I could either run and probably save my life, or I could stay and fight her.

What do you say, Cass, can we take her?

Well never know until we try.” He replied, and I stood my ground against Azura.

She launched after me with the syringe, and I doged her first attempt.

“You're standing up for yourself now? I guess I don't need this then” she said, tossing the syringe to the side, sametime, my eyes moved to where she threw it.

“You want to fight? Let's fight then.” She said and once again pounced at me but not before I saw her claws elongate.

When she was close enough, I dodged, gripping the back of her hair. I gripped the strands tightly, and she dug her claws in my hand, drawing blood.

I winced slightly.

It was funny how we were once best friends, and now we've come down to this.

She elbowed me, but I didn't let that stop me as I was back and holding her in a headlock.

She slashed my hand, and I was forced to lose my grip. She took the opportunity to move our fight to the ground, getting on top of me.

“You're pregnant, so I'm not allowed to kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't hurt you.” She seethed and wrapped her hand around my neck, her claws digging into the flesh.

Soon enough, I started to struggle against her.

When I was finally able to feel my arms again, I swung after her, putting all those practices where zephyr taught me how to throw a proper punch to use, and it landed perfectly.

I used the opportunity of weakness to switch our position, pinning her on the ground my teeth bared. As I got ready to claw away at her, she spoke.

“Mizuki, I've always been the stronger one of the two of us. You'll never win because you're weak and you will pay the price of ever trusting me.”

Her words ignited a fire within me. I growled, my grip tightening, my claws digging deeper into her skin. Azura's eyes widened, but she refused to yield. With a sudden twist, she sent me flying across the clearing. I landed hard on my back and pain shot through my body, my head spinning, but my rage remained so I got up.

I snarled, my claws swiping at Azura's face, but she was too quick, too cunning. She dodged and countered, her blows landing with precision. I stumbled back, my vision blurring, my strength waning.

As I fell, I saw Azura's eyes gleam with triumph. She reached for something on the ground, and I realized too late what it was - the syringe I had seen earlier, filled with a sedative.

Azura jammed the needle into my neck, and I felt a searing pain. I tried to struggle, but my body was already betraying me. My vision blurred, my thoughts grew foggy, and my limbs went limp.

"," I slurred, my voice barely audible.

Azura's face was the last thing I saw, her eyes gleaming with victory, her smile cold and calculated. I tried to speak to curse her, but my words were lost in the darkness that consumed me.

My body went slack.

Everything went black.


“Where are they?” I asked the guards by the exit, and they both looked at each other before they looked back at me.

“They went into town,” one of them said, and I nodded, passing them and going out.

I had a bad feeling and not just any bad feeling a feeling that this was it. What we've all been waiting on this is it.

That girl being here was no coincidence, and I know it they could probably be out in the woods right now, kidnapping him, taking him to Elarian.

I shifted, dashing through the woods in search of my mate.

No one was able to get to Oridian unless I was notified, or it was Elarian, Keegan, Rhea, or Kian. Only them can teleport to Oridian.

When I made it town, I focused on the scents, looking out for the sweetest one of them all but was unable to find it, and that made me panic a bit.

I couldn't lose him, too.

The girl.

She smelt of cranberries, I closed my eyes, searching through the multitude of scents, trying to find one that matched cranberries. When I found it, I practically ran, I did run towards it

I couldn't teleport since I didn't know exactly where she was, so running was the only option.

I ran as fast as I could towards the scent. Something was wrong. I could feel it and not like feel it, but I literally feel it. He was in pain, and I needed to find him right now.

The scent grew stronger as I rounded the corner, and I sighed when I saw the female omega.

She leaned against the exit of a shop door, and I took long strides up to her.

She saw me coming towards her and removed the drink from her mouth and was about to say something, but I gripped her blouse tightly, pulling her towards me harshly, and she gasped.

“Where is he?” I asked angrily as I could not smell my mate anywhere but on her.

His scent was only on her, and it pissed me off even more.

“Who?” She asked, feigning innocence, and I glared at her.

“Zuki? He's in the store.” She said, turning to look through the glass door, and I did the same but saw no one.

“I swear he's in there. I needed something for the room, so he took me here.”

“For your sake, you better hope that your lies come through.” I said, pushing her away from me, and she stumbled.

I walked to the door, gripping the handle with much force. I swear it bent in my hand and I opened the door.

Walking into the store, and still his scent wasn't even there. The door closed behind me, and I looked over my shoulder where the girl was, and she looked at me.

“I couldn't come in with the drink.” She shrugged.

“Which do you like?” A soft voice that made me sigh in relief echoed through the air of the store, and a few seconds later, my mate came around the corner holding two different color pillow

“Or do you want a different col-hey Zephyr.” He said when he noticed me, and I stared him for a moment, then rushed over to him, pulling him a bone crushing hug.

“Well, this is unexpected.” He said before wrapping his arms around my waist.

I nuzzled my nose into his neck, and still, he didn't smell of anything. As he hugged me, I lifted my head to see if the mating mark was still there and it was.

So why was he not smelling the way he did before he left home.

I eventually released him, and he looked up at me with a smile.

“How did you know I was here?” He asked.

“The guards told me, and I followed your scent.” I replied, and he hummed.

“I bet I do smell good.” He mumbled under his breath, and I nodded.

“Are you done here?” I asked.

“No, but almost .” He replied, and I nodded before walking over to one of the chairs and sat down.

I spent the next 30 or so minutes watching them gather things for the omegas room, and when they were all done, we made our back to the palace.

His missing scent was bothering me throughout the entire day and wouldn't stop.

Something happened, and he wasn't acting the way he did before.

But what?

✧ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✦✧✦ ▬▭▬ ▬▭▬ ✧

I hope the changes in pov didn't bother anyone. <3

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