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By kaylavz_

70K 1.2K 86

ADELINE O'CONNOR has been devastated since the last time she fell in love. Fans, gossips and even in intervie... More

04 | RACE DAY!
10 | NEWS
14 | LUNCH


1.9K 59 3
By kaylavz_

15| L O N G  D A Y  B U T  N O T  A L O N E

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Adeline O'Connor

Who the hell is banging at my door?

I mean, I haven't given anyone my new address, not even Natalie yet. Oh no, what if he's a burglar? What if he saw me through the window dancing at full volume to Ariana Grande's new song bye. So embarrassing.

I consider whether or not to open the door, and I walk up to the door just as I hear the doorbell ring again.

I look through the peephole and the person in front of me is a certain boy with brown curls and ocean eyes.

"Did you lose something?" I question sarcastically once I open the door. We've seen each other a few hours ago, what is he doing here?

"Hello to you too" He responds just as sarcastically "I just got out of a meeting at the MTC and since your place is on my way, I came to see how you're doing" His hand travels to the back of his neck. I raise an eyebrow slightly. On a Sunday? I pretend it doesn't seem the strangest thing and let it pass.

I sigh, "Surrounded by boxes" I step away from the door and let him see the mess inside. At that, I guess he self-invites himself and steps through the door frame.

"Wow, but how much stuff do you have?" He is amazed once standing in the middle of my new living room, when I reach him, I give him a little playful bump on the shoulder and he lets out a laugh in reply.

"I've been here for 2 hours and it doesn't seem to end" I rub my eyes as I yawn walking to lean on the countertop.

"Have you set up the bed yet?" Lando asks out of the blue and I let out an audible gasp.

"Shit! I knew I forgot something!" I wearily bring my palms to my forehead.

"It's okay, you can crash at mine" Lando says without giving it much weight shrugging his shoulders.

"Your house?" I'm caught totally off guard.

"I mean, it's late. I have a spare room in my house. You can..." He hesitates for a moment before continuing "Sleep there if you want"

I look around me. It wouldn't hurt, I don't have the strength, physically or mentally, to set up the bed now. I could pack a couple of things and spend the night there.

"All right" I answer affirmatively, Lando widens his eyes, he definitely didn't expect my answer.

"Are you sure?" Lando asks to make sure, I nod my head.

"Yeah, why not?" I answer again to his question by separating myself from the countertop, Lando starts to smile slowly as he nods his head "I'll go get my stuff, I won't be long."

That said I go to my brand new bedroom where my suitcase rests on the floor. I bend down next to it and open it to get the basics: change of clothes, pyjamas, hygiene... As I stuff everything into a small gym bag I hear a noise at the bedroom door, Lando is leaning with his arms crossed on the door frame.

"Are you spying on me?" I question amusedly turning half of my body to look at him, still crouched down finishing getting things ready.

"Do you have much left?" he questions back in the same tone, I roll my eyes and turn to zip up the zip.

"Ready" I affirm getting up and walking through the door as I feel Lando's gaze on me.

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"You finally managed to get me to your place," I joke as I walk through the door, following Lando's footsteps.

To my surprise it is a house. We sat in the car and after a 40 minute drive and quite a few songs filling the atmosphere as the sun set, we arrived at a nice big house, in a quiet area, a bit out of town, near Woking.

"Sorry for the slight mess" He apologises pointlessly, I see it all very clean.

"Messy? You should have seen my flat in LA" I joke "So this is where the famous Lando Norris lives" I add so the conversation doesn't die.

"Twenty percent of the time, yes" We both laughed at his answer.

He guides me up a flight of stairs to the second floor, where he opens the door to a room.

"Well here's your room Miss O'Connor" he announces funnily holding the door knob and letting me see the room "The bathroom is that door over there" he lifts his other arm to point to the other door in the room " you have everything if you need it" he assures me and I nod "Well that's it" he concludes turning to me "make yourself at home" he flashes a smile.

I take the bag -which Lando kindly carried upstairs and handed to me- and go into my temporary room. A bright and cozy room. To my left, in the centre, a large bed with perfectly fitted white sheets. On the wall in front of me, under the window, a large dresser followed in the next corner by a wardrobe. A few plants, some books and a couple of decorative paintings.

I drop the handle of my bag once on the bed and take out of it what I need to take a shower.

The bathroom is just as new and organised as the room so I don't waste too much time admiring the details and go straight into the shower.

As the hot water runs over my skin, my mind wanders to how nice Lando is being to me. Since I arrived this morning he hasn't stopped being nice: first, he lets me sleep in his car because the damn jet lag decided to kick in mid-morning and let me sleep for hours. Second, he invites me to eat a burger from one of the most luxurious restaurants in London. And thirdly, he offers me his house for the night because in the midst of all the things on my mind I forgot to assemble my bed.

That makes me wonder, why is he being so nice to me? But what makes me wonder even more is how am I so comfortable around him if we've literally just met?

It's not that I was a shy girl when I was little, far from it, I was the typical girl that the more friends I had, the happier I was. Years later I discovered that that was bullshit. You don't need a lot of friends to be happy. After most of my friends turned their backs on me for finally getting out of a toxic relationship with my ex-boyfriend and taking his side, I started to choose my friends very carefully and who to confide certain things to.

Basically after my fame grew I started to close myself more and more, afraid that people would betray me like my so-called friends or Caleb did.

That's why I'm so weirded out by how open and joking I'm being with him. It's just, easy. How little we know each other but somehow or other I get to be the me I had stopped being years ago.

"Adeline!" I hear soft knocking on the door and Lando calling out to me. I turn off the water in the shower, letting him know I hear him "What would you like for dinner?"

I think for a few seconds. How can this guy be in everything?

"Whatever you want, I have no preference" I tell him the truth and hurry to finish my shower.

15 minutes later I step out of the bathroom and change, put on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt again and go downstairs to the kitchen where I can hear pots and pans and utensils.

"What smells so good?" I ask peeking into the open kitchen which catches a smiling Lando off guard and almost drops his phone from his hands, I try to hold back a giggle.

"Fuck, you scared the shit out of me" I hear Lando say quietly, holding a hand dramatically to his heart, which makes it hard for me to contain my laughter.

That said, I sit in the chair while Lando brings the pot he was cooking in. We serve ourselves the food and strike up a conversation.

Who knew I would spend practically all day with Lando Norris and not get tired at all.

"Can I ask you a question?" Lando says. We've been finished with dinner for a while but our conversation hasn't.

"Sure" I reply and I shrug my shoulders giving him permission to continue and resting my head on my hand.

"How did you recover from... Well... You know..." Lando begins, the words not quite coming out of his mouth.

"From my ex?" I complete the sentence. He nods, avoiding my gaze, and I wonder. Why does he want to know? People don't usually ask me, they know it was a sensitive time in my life and prefer to avoid the subject. Oh, I know. Maybe he's asking because he has the same thing going on, that he can't get over his ex? Somehow that thought makes me a bit sad.

"If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine..." He leaves the sentence up in the air leaving me to decide.

"No, no, it's fine" I assure him with a wave of my hand "My psychologist says it's good to start talking about it" I let out a nervous laugh before I begin, Lando's eyes fixed on me waiting for me to start, while mine fixed on my hands resting in my lap.

"Caleb...Uh...My ex-boyfriend, we met in high school" I begin uncertainly, interlocking my hands nervously "I was kind of a popular girl. I hung out with the popular girls, I was a good person, I helped whoever needed it.... I had a pretty normal life"

-One day I saw on the bulletin board at our school that a local band needed a singer. I had always been fascinated by music, ever since I was a little girl, so I tore off the paper and that same afternoon I went to the address and obviously that's where I met Caleb, he was the guitarist, I was about 17 and he was 20.

We started dating several months later and a year and a half later we left the band, Caleb told me I had potential and I couldn't spend it staying in Charlotte. I wrote my first single, and within 2 weeks it went viral, people started using it on social media and it went viral. Caleb, on the other hand, also started out solo and he got off to a great start as well.

"And the rest is history" I clap my hands "If you look it up on the internet I assure you that you will have hundreds of pages explaining it" I don't want to go into too much more detail, I feel I have already talked too much.

"I know" I hear him lean forward in his chair "But I want to know your version" he says with emphasis on your, and I look up to see him smiling at me in a way I can't describe. I catch my breath and let it out slowly.

Then I start and start talking, I have no limit. I tell him everything, I throw up everything that happened in our relationship: from the best moments to when he cheated on me, from our peaks in our relationship to when he assaulted me, not physically, but mentally. The pressure of fame, people hating you, people sending you death threats on a daily basis.

It's nice to be able to tell someone, I hadn't told anyone other than Natalie, Daniel or even Max.

And I don't know how, but we end up sitting on his couch next to each other. My head rests on his shoulder as I continue to talk, a tear or two falling down my cheeks remembering all the moments. He's silent, listening to me, and his hand strokes my hair.

I ask myself the same question again: What is it about this guy that makes it so easy to be just me, not the shy girl with trust issues who doesn't joke around? Never in a million years would I be telling my traumas to a guy we've met twice in our lives. It's weird, but it feels...good.

When I'm done babbling I don't have the strength for anything, I just want to go to sleep. I get up and run a hand over my cheeks to wipe away the tears, Lando, next to me, does the same and gets up.

Both of us in silence. I turn to Lando to let him know I'm going to sleep but I don't have time to react when both of his arms wrap around my shoulders pulling me to him.

I widen my eyes. I like, or should I say, I love hugs. For me it's one of the best ways to show the affection you have for a person, and because they are so special to me, I don't usually go around giving hugs to just anyone, obviously for fans and work things I have to put aside that craze of mine, but I'm not usually a person who likes physical contact with people I don't know.

That craze clearly started in my relationship with Caleb.

It takes me a couple of seconds to come back down to earth and react by wrapping my arms around his shoulders as well. When we come into contact, he pulls me closer to him.

And it takes even less time for my cheeks to become wet again with the few tears that were left on my body.

"Shh... It's over now." These are the only words Lando says as we embrace. My face buried in his neck and his chin on top of mine.

A couple of minutes pass and we part, Lando with a slight smile on his face that makes a strange, but not bad, feeling settle in me. I vocalise a thank you that comes out almost in a whisper and I snort through my nose.

We walk up to the upper floor in silence and before I enter the room, Lando speaks behind my back.

"Goodnight Della" He says sweetly, his smile still on his face which I imitate saying goodnight too.

What a coincidence that at that moment I don't feel the shivers that usually come with that nickname.

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liked by USER12, USER77 and 167,334 others

FAMOUSPEOPLE: Look who do we have here 👀‼️

Formula 1 driver, Lando Norris, and the it girl of the moment, Adeline O'Connor, spotted together in the streets of London!

As we know, Adeline recently moved to the capital of the United Kingdom, and this afternoon the two were spotted sharing some laughs.

view all 2.491 comments

USER73: omghsgjd landeline is becoming real 😩🩷

    ‎   ONLY ONE

USER32: Lando is so boyfriend coded 🥹
  ↳ USER79: carrying adeline's bags 😭👋

USER33: Looking for another man again?
  ↳ USER81: RIGHT!? she didn't get enough of
    ‎   what she did to Caleb? 😡

USER66: i'm sorry for my ignorance but they're dating? i'm really confused. 😫
  ↳ USER5: i don't think so... 🧐
  ↳ USER37: hi! these are the first photos of
    ‎   them together but if you go to several posts
    ‎   on adeline's account you can see several
    ‎   comments from lando!
‎ ↳ USER66: thanks!

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LOOOOOONG CHAPTER! I hope you liked and vote!

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