ETERNAL GAMBLE (Sukunaxreader)

By SSniffy

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1.2K 40 13
By SSniffy


The cry reverberated powerfully through the expanse of the training room, marking the climax of a heated exchange. In that charged moment, a wooden katana, wielded with exceptional skill by a man adorned with striking pink hair, found its mark against the ribs of his less fortunate adversary.

The impact was immediate and unforgiving; the man's body recoiled, a sharp exhale escaping his lips as he grappled with the sudden onslaught of pain. Lowering his own weapon, he staggered back, each breath a labored attempt to reclaim the air that seemed ripped from his lungs by the force of the blow.

Yet, the pink-haired man, eyes gleaming with an unreadable glint, was far from done. With a swift motion, he advanced, his foot connecting squarely with his opponent's chest. The force was such that it sent the man hurtling backward, crashing into the wooden wall with a violence that sent wooden shards scattering. Collapsing to the ground, a trickle of blood betrayed the collision's impact, while bruises blossomed on exposed skin, showing the encounter's intensity.

The spectators, who until then had been engrossed in the spectacle, rushed to the fallen fighter's side. Their movements were a blend of concern and urgency, lifting him gently, their eyes casting accusatory glances towards the victor, who seemed momentarily ensnared in a reflective trance.

"What the hell, Sukuna!? You could have killed him!"

"I... I didn't mean to—it was an accident..."

"Accident or not, you always let it go too far!"

"Exactly, Sukuna! You turn into someone—or something—entirely different in the heat of battle!"

"Like a monster!"

"Wouldn't be surprised if you were the MAJIN..."

The murmured accusations and the weight of their collective disappointment lingered in the air long after they had departed, leaving Sukuna in isolation. His gaze, fixed upon the now marred wall, reflected a storm of emotions. With fists clenched and head bowed, he exited the room, a scowl etched deeply upon his face.


Elsewhere, the serene whispers of the forest and the melodic calls of its birdy inhabitants offered a stark contrast to the earlier tumult. Here, nestled among the branches of a towering tree, a woman lay in repose. Her (h/c) hair danced lightly with the breeze, her kimono draped in such a way as to reveal a hint of (s/c) skin. From her vantage point, she observed the village below through half-lidded (e/c) eyes, a sigh of discontent escaping her lips.

"Is something the matter, Mistress?"

At the query, she opened one eye, directing her gaze towards the individual at the tree's base. The person, face framed by short white hair with a striking streak of red, wore a blank expression.

With a languid motion, the woman shifted to lie on her side, her gaze now obscured by a curtain of hair.

"The world has grown so monotonous, Uraume... Humans, once so vibrant and unpredictable, have settled into a dreary sameness. It's unbearably dull."

Uraume, tilting their head slightly, surveyed the village, their expression shifting as their nose crinkled at the sight of people living their normal lives.

"If I may ask, Mistress... Why do you hold such fascination for these humans?"

Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she considered the question.

"Aren't you, too, human, Uraume?"

The response was immediate and solemn. "Your blessing transformed me, Mistress. I am no longer merely human but wholly devoted to serving you. I am a loyal slave to your will."

The woman's smile widened, revealing sharp canines that glinted in the sunlight.

"An eloquent answer, Uraume!~ But to satisfy your's their potential that intrigues me. Humans possess capabilities that elude even my understanding. Do you know why? They evolve, continuously, unpredictably whereas my evolution has stopped. That potential for change, for evolution, it stirs something within me....makes the heat inside me bubble to the surface!~"

A frown momentarily displaced her smile. "Yet, it seems they've hit an impasse. Their essence has become as uniform as cotton—diverse in appearance, perhaps, but fundamentally identical."

Uraume struggled to follow the logic but acknowledged the sentiment.

Just then, a sudden commotion—a CRASH—cut their conversation short. Uraume instinctively adopted a defensive stance, while the woman simply raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

Peering around the tree, they spotted an enraged pink-haired man venting his fury on the surrounding trees, his fists igniting with flames that encapsulated his hands.

"Who do they think they are?! Comparing me to the MAJIN?! Monster?! I'll show them a monster! Their weakness is not my fault! They tremble at the mere sight of a curse! Cowards!"

His tirade spent, he collapsed against a tree with huffs, gazing skyward, oblivious to the intense (e/c) eyes watching him with a mix of interest and excitement.

"Mistress?" Uraume whispered, sensing a shift in her demeanor.

"Him. He's perfect...exactly what I've been searching for."

He stood and looked at his handy work, grimacing before quickly leaving the area. With a renewed sense of purpose, she approached the aftermath of his outburst, fingertips running along the marked wood, tracing the charred pattern, her laughter echoing through the clearing.

"Finally... A human truly set apart from the rest."

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