A Different Kind Of Life

By DreamzOfGold

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What happens if Logan became a doctor instead of stepping into his predestined life at HPG? I am a huge Gilmo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121

Chapter 107

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By DreamzOfGold

"Hey Logan, you know about the board meeting at 3pm, right?" Rory asked, as she walked in the door to his office to see him typing away at his computer.

"Yep, I've got everything ready to go. I'm just finishing up some notes from last week's department meetings. I've been going back over some of the paperwork from each department, so I can remind myself what has been going on while we've been out."

"You are planning to go to the office for the meeting today, aren't you?"

"Actually, I'm not. Richard is there with Doyle, and they've said that everything is running very smoothly. I can attend the meeting remotely."

"You don't want to be there in person?"

"Not particularly. Why, what's going on?"

"I was thinking of going into the office for the meeting. I need a break from this house."

"We just got back from a 3 day trip, last night. How are you sick of being home already?"

"Because I've spent the last several months stuck here. I need to go back sometime, so I figure I might as well start to reemerge myself."

"You still have another 5 weeks of maternity leave."

"I know. But I'm bored."

"What about Ayribella?"

"We did a pretty good job of sheltering her this weekend, and it's been over three weeks. We have to publish her birth announcement sometime. We might as well do it now, than wait for the paparazzi and tabloids to do it for us."

"That's not what I meant. I agree, we do need to publish that. However, what I meant was if you go back to work, what is your plan for Ayribella? We haven't made any arrangements for her, and you are breastfeeding."

"I don't need to make any arrangements. She's coming with me."

"Wait, you want to take Ayribella to work with you?"

"Is that a problem?"

"It's an office, Rory."

"I know that. And it's MY office. MY company. And Ayribella is MY daughter. She is a tiny baby, she takes up almost no room, and she hardly ever cries. I'm working from home while taking care of her, so why can't I do the same thing at the office? We have the carrier, so I can literally wear her around the office, just like I do here at home. And if I get sick of doing that, we can take the pack n play with us, and I can put her down in there to sleep. We can also take her swing with us, and I can put her in there too. There really isn't any reason why I can't do exactly what I am already doing from home, from the office."

"And what are we supposed to do when she's sleeping? Tell everyone in the building not to talk, so they don't wake her up?"

"Hell no! Babies need to be around a lot of noise, so they can learn to sleep through it. It makes them better sleepers. It's much too quiet in this house, and if we don't start exposing Ayribella to a louder environment now, then she is going to get accustomed to only sleeping when it's silent, and she will wake up to every tiny noise she hears. Is that really what you want? Do you want a baby that can't sleep through a rain storm?"

"Trust me, I know all of that. I'm just asking what you think is going to happen."

"Babies sleep. Ayribella sleeps best when she's held. She's tiny, and not at all mobile, meaning that she can't go anywhere, or do anything on her own. She sleeps around 18 hours a day. She will sleep just fine in the carrier at the office, just like she does in the carrier, here at home. And if she cries, I'll close my door and feed her. It's easy."

"And if she won't stop crying?"

"Then I'll come home. But honestly, we haven't had a problem with that yet. If it happens, there is nothing that we can do to prevent it, so we'll deal with it then. But for now, I need to get out of this house."

"How much do you plan on working? Are you planning to go back to full-time?"

"Not at the moment. I'll just go in when I feel like it, or if there is a meeting that I need to attend. I'll still do most of my work from home, but I'll probably at least spend a few hours a week in the office."

"What if I stayed home with Ayribella while you go in?"

"You don't have the boobs to feed her, and Ayribella has never had a bottle. You are the one who hasn't even wanted me to try to pump for her yet, so how exactly do you think that one is supposed to work? How are you going to feed our daughter when she's hungry, and I'm at the office without her?"

"You could start pumping, if you wanted to."

"I'm taking her to the office with me. Why are you so against this?"

"I'm not. I'm on your side. I just know how certain board and extended family members are going to react. I am trying to come up with alternatives for you, to save you from the drama that is going to be thrown at you, as soon as they find out that you brought a baby into a work place."

"Do you think that I care what any of them have to say?"

"I know that you don't."

"Exactly! And you know that I have no problem saying that to any of their faces too. If they want to make snide comments about me being a working mother, then they can either resign, or I'll terminate their contracts. It's my office, and my company. I own every single one of those peons."

"You don't think that the board will try to oust you for having a baby in the office?"

"Please, they would need an 80% vote to even try. Considering that 5 of the 20 board members are you, me, Hugo, my grandpa, and Honor, I don't see them hitting 80%. The closest they could get would be 75. So unless one of the five of us decided to flip, and side with the aging Huntzberger morons, I am completely untouchable! After the last Huntzberger that I ousted, I now have the board stacked in my favor. Without an 80% vote against me, I get to do whatever I want. Your uncles have absolutely no choice, but to play ball. Those idiots are the ones that put the 80% vote in company bylaws, rather than a majority vote. Even if they managed to get all of the other 15 board members to vote against me, they still need to flip one of my people, and good luck with that!"

"Look at you being a tyrant!" Logan chuckled.

"Hey, if I can oust one more board member soon, I'll have a full third of the board on my side. But if I can get rid of five old men, I'll have a full half of the board."

"What would you even do with that?"

"I would immediately take a vote to change the company bylaws to a majority rules system, to make everything more fair. This 80% thing is crap, although I can see why your Dad liked it."

"I think the board was only able to vote against him once."

"I don't remember the details, but it was some fight over pay. You knowhow cheap my Dad is."

"So someone wanted a raise, Mitchum said no, and the board gave the guy a raise anyway."

"Pretty much."

"See, I haven't had a problem with any of that at all."

"Because you have yet to change any department heads, or added any new managerial positions."

"I am also saving us a ton of money by taking a smaller salary than Mitchum did, selling off wasteful properties that are costing us money every month, and I've made us a ton of extra money just in advertising alone, but if you throw in subscriptions, I'm up over 40% from where Mitchum was. Profits are up, and expenses are down. The board has zero reason to say a single word to me about spending. I could almost give every employee a raise, and not have it cost us anything. Anyone in your family, who has a single complaint about anything that I do, can go look at the books, and see exactly where HPG stood, the day of Mitchum's heart attack, and then look at where we are today, and they can shut the hell up! Your family has ZERO reason to even talk to me right now."

"Look at you being a little tyrant." Logan chuckled.

"I'm not even kidding. You've seen the numbers, right? You've seen where we were when your Dad left, compared to where we are now."

"You've raised profits more in the last 6 months, than my Dad did in the last 2 years."

"Exactly! So any of your moronic relatives who want to say a single word to me about bringing our baby to the office, can shove their ridiculous opinions where the sun doesn't shine!"

"You're really hot when you're worked up, you know that?"

"I don't know about that, but I dare any of your family members to open their big mouths."

"You know just as well as I do, that they will."

"And I will shove the numbers right in their faces, and tell them exactly where I think they can shove their opinions."

"Is it bad that I want to watch the smackdown?"

"You want to watch me rip into your uncles?"

"It's really hot when you do."

"You have issues." Rory told him, as she turned to leave the room.

"Hey, where are you going?" Logan asked, standing from his chair, and moving quickly around his desk, grabbing Rory's arms, to stop her from leaving.

"Where do you think I'm going? I need to go get ready to go to the office, before Ayribella wakes up."

"You have to get ready right now?"

"Uh, yeah! Your daughter is asleep. I only have a set amount of time to do things, before I have to sit down and feed her again." Rory replied, trying to move out of his grasp, as Logan tightened his arm around her, and placed a kiss to the side of her head.

"You seriously have to go right now?"

"What is with you? You're working, and I need to go get ready."

"I can take a break for you."

"Logan, really? How does my ranting about your moronic opinionated uncles turn you on?"

"I don't know, but you are beautiful, and I love you."

"You're crazy! I'm going to go take a shower, and get ready. Keep an ear out for your daughter for me."

"Wait a second, are you serious? What happened to us showering together?"

"Your daughter happened."

"But you said that she's asleep."

"And she is. For now. Which means that I need to go get ready before she wakes up again, so I don't have any time to waste fooling around with you."

"Boo!!! That's no fun!"

"Yeah, well, too bad. You're the one that got me pregnant, so it's your own fault." Rory smirked, as she finally pushed him away. "Keep an ear out for your daughter."

"No fun!"

"You'll survive."

"Yeah yeah yeah." Logan sulked, following her out of his office, and toward the stairs.

"You need to go finish working before we have to go. You've got about two hours, and you have to take care of Ayribella while I get ready."

"It's fine, I can be done. I've already gone over everything that I needed to for the meeting."

"Will you go make me some lunch then, while I shower?"

"Sure. I'll go figure something out."

"Thanks Babe!" Rory smiled as she headed up the stairs.

"Love you!" Logan called after her.

"Love you more!"


Huntzberger Publishing Group

"Mrs. Huntzberger! It is so good to see you again! How are you?" one of the security guys asked as Rory followed Logan into the office building, pushing a stroller with Ayribella asleep in it."

"I am doing very well, thank you Robert. How are you doing?"

"I am doing good as well. I didn't know that you had your baby already."

"You aren't the only one." Logan told him. "We haven't made any announcements. Maybe in the next few days."

"Well congratulations to both of you."

"Thank you." Rory responded, as they headed down the hall toward the elevator near the reception desk. "Logan, do we need to check in at reception? Let them know that we're here?"

"Probably not, we aren't scheduled to be here."

"Shouldn't we go check in and find out what is going on around here? We've been gone for a while."

"Your Grandpa is upstairs. Both him and Doyle update me all day long."

"You don't want to check in with everyone?"

"I don't feel like I need to, but we can go check in. I know that you like to say hi to everybody."

"Is it bad that I actually care about what goes on in this building? I know that your Dad didn't. Everyone was completely terrified of him. I'm just not like that. I like to know what is going on, and where I am needed."

"Alright, well you go check in with reception, and I'll go check in with Doctor Greenley in the clinic. I'll take Ayribella with me, just so you don't have to worry about her, and having everyone hounding you for a peek."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I've got it. She's asleep. Meet me in the clinic, when you're done."

"Ok. Thanks Babe." Rory smiled, as Logan leaned in to give her a quick kiss, then stepped behind the stroller, and headed toward the clinic in the corner of the first floor.

"Hi Mrs. Huntzberger. Welcome back." someone waved as they passed Rory on her way through the lobby. Rory waved, and continued on her way.

"Can I help you?" a woman at reception asked, as she finished typing away at her computer.

"Gloria, you look busy." Rory said, causing the woman's head to snap up.

"Mrs. Huntzberger! Wow! What a surprise! It is so good to see you! I had no idea that you would be here today. I thought you were out on maternity leave?" Gloria responded.

"I am. I just thought that I would come in for today's board meeting. How are you? How is everything going here in the office?"

"Things are going well. We've been really busy lately. The phone never stops ringing."

"Busy is good, but how are you really? Is everything going alright? Do you have enough help to get everything done, that you need to?"

"Usually, for the most part, I do. Barbara is on vacation this week, so we are a little short, and we've been getting a lot of calls, asking for comments about why you've been out. People want to know when your baby is due. They know that you are due this summer, but the tabloids are starting to go crazy trying to get information."

"Seriously? Why do they even care?"

"People have become completely obsessed with you."

"Really? That is so crazy! I'm just a normal person. I don't see what there is to be obsessed with." Rory chuckled.

"I got a call for you yesterday, from someone at O Magazine, asking if you would be willing to do an interview."

"Wow! Really?"

"I transferred the woman to your assistant. He should have all of the information for you."

"That is completely crazy. I will definitely think about doing it, but wow! People are really interested in talking to me? I'm so boring! I'm just the same small town girl that I've always been. I come to work, do my thing, then go home and sit around reading. I really don't have a super elaborate life. I feel like doing a big fancy interview would just be boring."

"I doubt that. You are always such a nice person to talk to. You actually care about what goes on around here, unlike the last person to run this place. You walk in here with a smile on your face, and you make sure to say hi to everyone you see. You know everyone by name, and you make a point to check in with your staff, and see how everyone is doing, and if there is anything that you can do to help us. No one in this building has ever cared before. We've been so used to coming to work, keeping our heads down, and hiding from Mr. Huntzberger, that no one ever dared to smile, or get to know anyone. Most people were either fired pretty quickly, or quit after the first few days because they were so intimidated. There aren't many people in lower level positions that have been with the company for even a year, because this place has been so scary."

"I totally get it. I worked for Mr. Huntzberger back in college. He is definitely tough to work for. I didn't last very long as an intern, so I know exactly what you are talking about."

"You worked for Mr. Huntzberger before coming here?"

"I did. I was an intern, at the Stamford Eagle Gazette, right after Mr. Huntzberger bought it. I was there for a couple of weeks, and I absolutely loved it. Mr. Huntzberger was definitely tough to work for. A lot of people are afraid of him. I just haven't ever been one of them."

"Really?! You aren't intimidated by him?"

"Not at all. I mean, I might have been had I been raised differently, and had I not met my husband back in college. Maybe if I had met Mr.Huntzberger prior to meeting Logan, I would have been a little bit intimidated, but he's always just been Logan's father to me."

"Wow! So you never wanted to cower and hide when he was around?"

"Oh, I definitely did for a while, but I had to put on a brave face, and I found a way to co-exist with him. Things got easier after that."

"You are so different than Mr. Huntzberger."

"Well thank you! I make it a point to be the complete opposite of who my father in-law is. I actually like knowing all of my employees. I want you guys to feel comfortable coming to me when you have a problem. I want you to enjoy working here, and I want you to take pride in your job. Life is too short to be stuck with a job that you hate, and a boss that you are terrified of."

"Everything completely changed when you took over."

"You aren't the first person to tell me that."

"Since you are back now, does that mean that Mr. Gilmore will be leaving?"

"I am not actually officially back yet. I may start transitioning back, but I will probably work from home a lot. I don't know how much Mr. Gilmore will be here, but I don't think that he will ever truly leave. I enjoy working with him way too much to let him walk away."

Huntzberger Clinic

Same Time

"Doctor Huntzberger! What a surprise!" Veronica smiled as Logan walked through the clinic door, pushing a stroller. "Is there a baby in that stroller?"

"There is. She's asleep." Logan replied, a huge smile on his face.

"Look at you being the proud Daddy. I never would have pegged you for being a family man, when I first met you."

"Trust me, you aren't the only one. My life's goal was to be a pirate."

"Well you've got to grow up sometime, right?"

"That is what I keep getting told. How is everything going here?"

"Everything is going great! It's nice and mellow."

"How is Doctor Greenley doing?"

"He is wonderful! He's enjoying getting his continued education hours in while covering for you. I've been helping him with the research paper he is working on about mental health problems in the workforce."

"That's great! That is such an important subject that needs more attention. HPG is the perfect place to do lots of observation."

"It really is. The culture here is completely different than anything that I've ever seen."

"It didn't used to be like that. Things were really different before Rory took over."

"That's what we've heard. The employees here brag about working for you and Rory, and how much nicer it is than when your Dad was here."

"It's a night and day difference." Logan told her.

"That is exactly what we've been hearing."

"Rory actually worked for my Dad for a short while, back in college. She can tell you exactly how different things are here, compared to when she was an intern."

"Doctor Huntzberger! How is fatherhood treating you?" Doctor Greenley asked, as he stepped out of Logan's office, to see his younger friend talking to nurse Veronica.

"It's amazing!" Logan answered. "Completely different than anything that I've ever experienced, but absolutely the best thing ever! I've never been so happy about being sleep deprived."

"I remember those days. They go by pretty quick. Before you know it, your little girl will be going off to school, then graduating from college. One day you will wake up and wonder where the time went, and how in the world she grew up so quickly."

"I can't even imagine that right now. But then again, it's still hard to believe that I met Rory almost 13 years ago."

"How is Rory doing?" Veronica asked.

"She is doing alright. She needed to get out of the house today, and decided that she wanted to come in for a board meeting."

"Weren't you guys out of town all weekend?" Dr. Greenley asked. "I would think that she would be glad to be back home."

"Right?! We got back last night, and I expected Rory to be excited to be back home, in her own bed, and to sleep in and enjoy a nice mellow week, before her sister officially moves in, and starts work at the hospital. But instead, she was up early this morning, and has been going over work stuff while taking care of Ayribella."

"Do you think it's a side effect of her postpartum depression, or do you think that she is actually feeling better, and starting to get back to her old self?"

"I want to say that she could be feeling better, but something just doesn't feel right. She's not even 4 weeks postpartum, and she's already wanting to jump back into working full-time."

"Some women do that."

"I know, and Rory definitely has that potential, but something is just off. She at least is dead set on keeping Ayribella with her, but I'm more or less feel like more of a spectator right now. I can tell that something is off, but I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is, and I am kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop."

"It sounds like it could definitely be her postpartum. Rory could be feeling so emotionally out of control that she is desperately grasping at straws, trying to control everything around her, and get her life back to as close to normal as she possibly can, all while feeling like everything is completely blowing up in her face."

"See, that is exactly what I am afraid of."

"Have you thought about maybe finding someone for her to talk to? The hospital has a really good counselor who specializes in Postpartum Depression."

"I'm honestly not even sure if Rory would be willing to do that. She's been struggling to accept all of the changes lately, and I feel like if I push anything on her, she may snap. I'm just trying to be supportive and accommodating, by taking on as much of her stress as I can."

"And how are you doing with that?"

"I'm alright. It's really not anything new for me. I've been helping to eliminate Rory's stress since the day I met her. I know her better than anyone, so I'm just trying to anticipate all of her needs."

"You are an amazing husband Logan, but what about you. How are YOU doing?" Doctor Greenley asked.

"I'm alright. It's a little stressful, but I'm doing ok. All those years of medical school, and working in the ER have me prepared for this."

"It has to be hard to watch your wife struggle to figure out who is."

"It is, but at the same time, at least I understand it, and understand why it is happening. It would be a lot harder had I not studied all about this stuff in school. I'm just going through all of the de-escalation techniques that I've learned, and trying to be as helpful and supportive of Rory as I possibly can. I make sure to let her know what an incredible job she is doing, and how beautiful she is, and how much I love her. I'm just trying to be who she needs me to be, in order for her to get through this."

"You know that you can come to me, if you need help, right?"

"Yeah, of course. You are my first call, if anything happens."

"I'm serious Logan. Even if you need someone to vent to at 3am, when things start to feel overwhelming. I want you to call me."

"I promise to call you." Logan agreed.

"How is Rory doing with her Iron levels and tachycardia?"

"She seems to be ok. It's been a couple weeks since we've checked her iron, but she is eating really well, and I've got her on a supplement. I know that I should be more diligent about checking, but I've been trying to be less invasive and overbearing since Ayribella was born."

"Where is she right now? You two go everywhere together. Is she here?"

"She is checking in with reception. I told her to meet me here when she is done."

"Would you mind if I gave her a quick check up when she comes in? I fully trust your word that she is doing better, but with everything going on, and how difficult her pregnancy was, I just want to keep an extra close watch on her. You guys are practically family to me. I would do the same for my own daughter. I completely understand you not wanting to be so overbearing, but maybe it'll be easier for her to accept if it's not coming from you."

"No, I would actually really appreciate that. I think it's a great idea. We've been working with Doctor Peterson, for both Rory and Ayribella, and of course, Paris, but honestly, I would love to have you on Rory's team."

"You know that I will do everything I can to help you guys. You and I have always made a really good team. I know what Rory has been through. You guys have dealt with a lot in a very short amount of time. I worry about you. How is Ayribella doing?"

"Ayribella is perfect! Doctor Peterson said that he doesn't have any concerns about her. She sleeps for a couple of hours at a time, and is starting to be awake for longer periods."

"Is she smiling yet?"

"She is. And it's my favorite thing. She looks exactly like Rory." Logan told him as he opened up the cover on the stroller, so Veronica and Doctor Greenley could see Ayribella.

"She is gorgeous!" Veronica gushed. "She has definitely grown since the last time I saw her."

"Is she eating well?" Doctor Greenley asked.

"She seems to be. Rory says that she feels like a cow."

"I know that one well." Veronica smiled as Rory walked through the door.

"Hey Guys." Rory said as the trio looked up at her.

"Rory, you look incredible! How in the world did you just have a baby a few weeks ago?"

"Well thank you, Veronica. Did Logan put you up to saying that? Because we all know that he's a liar."

"Logan hasn't said a single word. You look amazing. It took me two years to lose the baby weight after my son was born, but don't look like you were ever even pregnant."

"That's what I've been trying to tell her." Logan agreed.

"God, I wish! I still can't get into most of my pants, unless they're elastic. Dresses are looser and hide the fat better." Rory told them.

"Rory, you look great!" Doctor Greenley spoke up. "If it's ok with you, I was telling Logan that I wanted to give you a quick check up, to check on your iron level and tachycardia. I just want to keep an eye on you, and make sure that you are recovering properly after everything that you've been through."

"Sure. I've got a few minutes."

"I told them that I am trying to be less overbearing and invasive now that Ayribella is here and healthy." Logan explained.

"And I would prefer for you stay that way. It isn't your job to be my doctor."

"Goodl uck with that one." Doctor Greenley chuckled. "My wife has been saying that to me for years. Let's get you into a room. If it's alright with the two of you, I want to do a blood test, and a quick EKG, just to see where we stand right now."

"Do I need to get undressed?"

"No,I don't think that is necessary. I'll let your husband place the leeds, unless you would like for Veronica to do it."

"Either one is fine." Rory agreed as she followed Doctor Greenley to an exam room, and took a seat on the table.

"I'll make this quick and painless as possible for you. I know that you've got other things to do today. I just consider you guys family, and want to keep an extra set of eyes on you while you recover."

"Thank you, we appreciate it. Are we doing a full blood draw, or just a finger prick?"

"Which one would you prefer? If you want a full draw, I can send it to the lab to check all of your counts, and find out if there is anything that we should be keeping an eye on. But if you would rather only get a finger prick to check your iron level, I am perfectly fine with that too."

"You might as well just do he full draw. It will give Logan less stuff to worry about."

"Very well then. Are you still bleeding post birth, or has that subsided now?"

"It stopped a few days ago."

"Have you spoken to Doctor Gellar about possibly using any kind of birth control? I'm sure you know how easy it is to get pregnant again right after giving birth."

"I have my 6 week visit scheduled and I already told her I would prefer to just get the Depo shot. It's less invasive and makes it so I don't have to worry about anything. All I have to do is show up to get a shot every few months when Paris texts me."

"Have you used Depo before?"

"I haven't. I took the pill before, but I figured with everything going on, not having to worry about taking a pill every night when I am completely exhausted is a good idea."

"I completely understand. With Depo-Provera, you most likely won't get a period, so you will need to pay closer attention to your body, just in case you fall into the approximately 3% of patients who do end up pregnant while using that medication. It is 97-99% effective at preventing pregnancy, but just like with everything else, there is always that tiny chance. If you do choose to expand your family later on, it could take up to 18 months for Depo to wear off before you can become pregnant again. It's something for both you and Logan to think about. I personally think that waiting at least 18 months between pregnancies is a good idea, as it gives you the best chance to fully recover post birth. The sooner you get pregnant after having a baby, the riskier it is for you. But I am sure that you already know that as well.

"I do know that. Having babies back to back is not only completely crazy, but also a very bad idea. I've read all about it. I've been doing research on different forms of birth control, and I am liking Depo the best."

"Alright then. I'm glad that you are making informed opinions."

"I research everything. I'm sure Logan has told you what a nerd I am. I like to know all the facts before I make decisions, or jump into anything."

"That is very smart of you."

"How are you doing in general? I know you've dealt with some postpartum depression and anxiety."

"I'm alright at the moment. Some days are better than others. We've had a lot of help with Ayribella, but I've been feeling smothered lately, so I sent everyone home. My Grandparents have an apartment attached to our house, so they are close by, and my Grandpa has been helping out as interim CEO while I've been out, but they've been giving us more space as well. Logan's sister lives across the street, and my sister is moving in with us later this week, and starts her job with the hospital lab next Monday. We have plenty of help, it just gets overwhelming having so many people around. I love our family, and I love that they want to help, but I need to be able to breathe."

"Isn't Logan's sister due to have her baby pretty soon?"

"In the next two weeks."

"And with her living across the street from you guys, I imagine you will be surrounded by family all over again."

"Most likely. I may have to take a vacation somewhere far, far away, just to get away from everyone. How old does Ayribella need to be before she can fly?"

"Technically, she is fine to fly right now. Most airlines ask for the baby to be close to one month old, but they can fly whenever you feel comfortable with it. Obviously, babies don't need to be surrounded by a lot of germs right after birth, while their immune system is first developing, so the longer you hold off on traveling, the better it is for them. But as I recall, you guys tend to travel on a private plane, so if you need to get away from everything, then you should do it. Logan has plenty of medical training, and will be able to take care of both you and Ayribella should anything come up that needs to be addressed. I just wouldn't recommend taking off to a third world country, for obvious reasons. But somewhere with reputable medical care is perfectly fine."

"Damn! That rules out a deserted island in the Congo." Rory joked.

"So it's fine if we decide to take off to the Virgin Islands for a couple weeks then?" Logan asked.

"Only if you bring me back a thank you gift for covering while you're off having fun." Doctor Greenley answered.


"We just got back from spending the weekend Boston yesterday. I don't know if I am ready for another trip yet." Rory spoke up.

"What did you do out there?" Veronica asked.

"My sister graduated from MIT, and my Dad, lives out there with my other sister and Grandmother. We spent Friday with my family, went to April's graduation on Saturday morning, then had her party after that, then yesterday we did a big family brunch before heading home."

"It was a nice trip, but it was busy and we were surrounded by family. And it was the first time that the rest of Rory's family got to meet Ayribella, so things were a little crazy." Logan told him.

"I'm surprised that you guys aren't hiding out at home, with your doors locked, avoiding the world." Veronica spoke up. "That kind of stuff takes a lot out of me, and makes me want to hide out for like a month."

"It was exhausting, but I'm kind of sick of being home all the time. I was on bed rest for so long, that I just need to get out of the house for a while." Rory told her.

"Maybe we could take a trip out to Martha's Vineyard for a while. We could spend a week or two at the beach, just the three of us." Logan suggested.

"Let's see how the rest of today goes, and we can talk about it later."

"Alright Rory, let's get you taken care of. I'm going to listen to your heart, and your breathing, and then I'll step out and let Logan attach the leeds for the EKG and draw some blood for me. Veronica, if you wouldn't mind letting the Currier know that we'll need a pickup taken to the lab, that would be great." Doctor Greenley started as he moved to Rory's side with his stethoscope.

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