regretavator zombie apocalyps...


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the regretavator gang attempt to survive a zombie apocalypse. this story will contain love, violence, heartbr... Еще



390 2 108

It was the next day after the group attempted to talk with some ghosts. Poob and Lampert were sitting on the curb of the sidewalk while watching Infected hit some tricks on his skateboard.

It was eerily silent with only the noise of Infected's skateboard scrapping against the road. It felt odd to them to not hear the usual hustle and bustle of the city. Not even the birds were chirping. However, it was also strangely calming.

"Maybe this whole zombie apocalypse thing isn't so bad"

"I mean I don't hav 2 go to work and I get 2 hang out with my best fwiends!"

"I mean the zombies are probably the least of our problems"

"Its liek a really long sleepova!"

"A really long one..."

Lampert and Poobs chat would.get cut short by the sound of a piece of wood snapping.


Lampert would immediately look up and see Infected on the floor next to a broken board. He'd immediately rush over to him and help him up.

"What happened? Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

"1m f1n3 l4mpy...

But 1 c4nt s4y th3 s4m3 f0r my b04rd..."

He'd hold up his board to Lampert which was snapped clean in half.

"Th1s 0n3 w4s my f4v0r1t3 0n3 t00 ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ"

"Why don't u just steal anotha one?"

Lampert would look at Poob, startled. What he just said was incredibly out of character for this happy go lucky partygoer.


"I mean everything is free rn..."

"H3s g0t 4 p01nt l4mp3rt. Y0u w4nn4 c0m3 w1th m3 t0 f1nd 4 n3w 0n3?"

"Ugh, fine..."


Infected would immediately stand up and brush the dirt off his jeans.

"U c0m1n p00b?"

"No thank u I'm staying :3"


The two would then start to walk to the nearest hot topic in search for the perfect skateboard.

As they walked away Poob would get up and head back inside the house. They entered the living room in hopes of seeing Pest but he was nowhere to be found. They would frown before heading upstairs to Pest's room where Poob found him trying to get an old chainsaw to work.

Poob would sit on the bed next to Pest's workspace and look over at him.

"Whatcha doin?"


"Can I help? :3"


Poob would cross his arms and pout.

"Ur so rude..."

"I know what your trying to do and it's not working"

"Please Pest it's been so long since we did it!"

"It's been a week"


"I'm busy"

Poob would reach their hand out to Pest's, only for him to swat it away.

Poob would then start to fake cry in hopes of getting Pest's attention. Pest would let out a long sigh before setting down his tools and getting on top of Poob.

"Stop crying"

As Pest was about to remove Poob's hands from their face Poob would immediately grab his face and begin to passionately kiss it. Pest would immediately light up like a string of Christmas lights and begin to kiss back.

Things would begin to escalate as Poob began to slowly take off Pests shirt before wrapping their arms around him and bringing him even closer.

Pest would lift up Poobs hoodie and begin to remove her bra with one hand and he'd insert 2 fingers inside of Poob with the other.

Meanwhile, Infected and Lampert were passing through the local skate park still trying to find a skateboard since most of the places they checked were either already picked clean or collapsed.

"Are you sure there aren't any other stores near the house? We've already walked pretty far..."

"Trust m3 l4mpy 1 c4n f33l w3r3 cl0s3 t0 f1nd1ng th3 p3rf3ct sk4t3b04rd!"

"Well if you say so..."

As they passed by some more raided stores they'd find a hot topic in a part of town that didn't get a lot of traffic.

"Th3r3s g0tt4 b3 s0m3th1ng 1n th3r3!"

Lampert would gulp before heading inside the store.

Most of the contents inside were either destroyed or covered in rubble. There were still some anime energy drinks that were in pristine condition and some t shirts.

Infected would then suddenly gasp and Lampert would quickly run to him.

"What happened I-

Before he could finish he saw what Infected was gasping at. In the center of the store was a pile of rubble that looked about 6 feet high and a jack skellington Skateboard wedged into the center of the pile with a hole in the ceiling shining right down on it

"1ts b3ut1ful..."

Infected would immediately begin to climb up the pile but Lampert would quickly stop him.



"T-this seems too perfect, this could be a trap!"

"Wh0 w0uld 3v3n d0 th4t?"

"I don't know but this just seems too good to be true don't you think?"

"W3ll wh4ts th3 w0rst th4t c0uld h4pp3n?"

Infected would climb to the top and place his hand on the skateboard before looking back down at Lampert.

"S33? C0mpl3tl3y f1n3!"

But as Infected said this, a zombie would peek his head behind the skateboard and open its jaw.



Infected would turn his head around but it was already too late. The zombie would bite down hard on his index finger and he'd let out a scream before tumbling down the pile along with the skateboard and the zombie.

Lampert would take this opportunity and grab Infecteds bat before slamming it down on the zombie before dropping it and running over to infected.

Lampert would grab his hand and see a bite on his finger before Infected would pull away.

"1-1ts just 4 scr4tch! 1-1m f1n3!"




Lampert would grab the skateboard and Infected before sprinting out the shop and towards the house.

Meanwhile back in Poob and Pest's room, both of them were now fully nude and in bed. Pest would continue to finger Poob until finally stopping and licking his fingers clean.

"Why'd you... Huff... Stop?~"

"I don't want you getting full before the main course even starts do we?~"

"Ur so weeeiird...~"

Pest would reach over and start to feel the top of his bedside table only to find nothing.

"Fuck I don't have protection..."

"Nuuu we can't stap now~"

"Are you sure you wanna keep going?"

"Dont worry, I twust u pest"

Poob would give him a kiss on the lips making him smile.

"Alright but you can't hold me accountable if things go south"


"Also, try not to make too much noise. The last thing we want is a horde at our doorstep"

"I'll try~"

Pest would smile before slowly sliding it into Poob.

Poob would bite down on the pillow as he slowly slid it in. It felt like hours before it Pest finally got it all the way in and began to throb it inside of Poob, making them whimper.

Pest would then begin to slowly thrust inside of them with Poob continuing to try and not moan. Poob would eventually crack and moan, making Pest pull his hair and whisper in his ear.

"What did I say?~"

"N-no moaning..."

"Moan one more time and I might have to punish you, understand?"

"Y-yes m-master...~"

Meanwhile, as Split and Pilby were washing the cabbages and other vegetables from their garden the sounds of Poob and Pest's activities would begin to spill into the downstairs.

Everyone would immediately look up at the ceiling as the sounds only got faster and louder. Split would immediately cover Pilby's ears and glare at DrRetro.

"W-what's going on? :0("

"I told you letting them share a room was a bad idea!"

"Mrow, meeeow meow... Meow" (don't worry this will probably be a one time thing... I hope)

Suddenly, Lampert would burst into the house while clutching Infected's arm.


DrRetro would drop all of her things and rush over to them.

"Meow meeow, meoow?!" (I'm here, what happened?!"


"1TS JUST 4 SCR4TCH!!!" Infected would shriek.

DrRetro would examine his hand and gasp. Shed immediately take Infected and drag him upstairs while he continued to say that he was fine.

Everyone would notice the commotion and follow them before DrRetro would lock herself in her office with Infected and Lampert.

Shed immediately tape him to a nearby hospital bed she had and pull out her bonesaw, making Infected scream.

"Wait are you gonna.."

"Mrow, meow meooww" (lampert, I'm gonna have to ask you to look away)

"D0C PL34S3!!! Y0U D0NT H4V3 T0 D0 TH1S!!!"


"Meow meow mrow meeow meoow!" (this is for his own good Lampert!)

Before Lampert could respond DrRetro would raise her bonesaw over her head before slamming it down onto Infected's arm and cutting it clean in half.

As soon as the blood hits Lampert's face Infected would let out a blood curling scream before beginning to thrash around in agony.

As soon as Pest heard the Scream his body would immediately tense up. He immediately pulled out but it was too late. Poob would immediately orgasm and moan before looking back at Pest.

"Did u... Huff... just...~"

"I didn't swear!"

"Okay... I twust... You...~"

Poob would immediately lay their head down in exhaustion and Pest would immediately wrap his arms around Poob as they stuffed their face in his chest while panting softly.

Meanwhile Lampert was still in shock and felt like time was frozen. Infected had also passed out from the pain and was now motionless.

"Meow, mrow meoow mrow" (lampert, hand me that bottle of disinfectant)



Lampert would do as he was told and hand her the bottle. Shed disinfect Infected's giant wound and quickly bandage it up before he could lose any more blood.

DrRetro would turn back to Lampert and sigh as she took off her gloves.

"Mrow meow meow" (he should wake up in a few minutes)

As Lampert was about to respond he would notice some movement behind her and watch in horror as Infected's severed arm would begin to convulse before turning in DrRetros direction.

"Meeeow? Mrow mroow?" (You okay Lampert? Is there something on my face?)

Lampert would point at the table and as DrRetro turned around the arm would pounce at her, knocking her to the ground and wrapping its hand around her neck.

DrRetro would begin to scream as the arm began to dig its nails into her throat.


Thinking quickly, Lampert would pry the hand off of DrRetro before throwing it against the wall, causing it to curl its fingers up like a dead spider. He'd then begin to stomp on the Hand until it was an unrecognizable red blob.

DrRetro would get back up from the floor while gasping for air and check on Infected while Lampert ran out of the room and into the nearest bathroom to vomit from the actions that had just unfolded.

As DrRetro cleaned up what remained of the arm she'd step out of the room see the whole group waiting outside.

"Can we come in?"

"Mrow, meowww meow" (Sure, just don't touch anything)

Everyone would funnel into the room and see Infected was still passed out on the bed. He would eventually flutter his eyes open and look at everyone.

"W-wh4t h4pp3n3d? W-WH3R3S MY 4RM?!"

"Meoow, mrow meoow!" (hey hey, calm down!)

"Why 4m 1 t4p3d up?"

"Meeow meoow meow mrooow meooow" (because you may have caught the virus but we don't know yet so that's why your taped up)

"W-w3ll wh4t 1f 1 d0 h4v3 1t?"

"Mrow meowww meow" (only time will tell Infected)

Poob and Pest would then leave their room and head to DrRetro's office.

"Haii guys!!! What did we miss???"

"Infected lost an ARM!"


"Uhmm wut do u mean??? We were just cuddlin..."

"Meoow mrow? Meeow meowww" (can you guys bicker somewhere else? I have to make sure this guy doesn't escape)

Everyone would eventually go back downstairs while Pest and Poob continued to deny what they were doing upstairs.

As DrRetro shut the door she would look back at Infected and he'd shudder.

"1f 1 d0 turn 1nt0 4 z0mb13... W1ll u guys k1ll m3?"

"Meoow, mrow meow..." (Well, if push comes to shove...)

Infected would gulp.


"Meeoww meeow, mrow" (we'll talk about this tomorrow, get some rest)

"0-0k4y... (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)"

Infected would close his eyes and quickly fall asleep despite his condition. DrRetro would pull out her journal and begin to document his condition.


DATE: 9/14/2025

Subject appears to have no physical changes other than the absence of his arm due to the amputation. His skin tone seems a lot paler but the blood loss could be the explanation. If he does turn out to have caught the virus I don't know if Lampert would take the news well. If that's the cause I should probably begin to research a cure if things get bad. For now all we can do is hope and pray that i amputated his arm in time. I'll keep his condition documented here since this information could be valuable in creating a cure.


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